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NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile”

The NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit - “Hostile” is the SMDIoN's primary powered armor and serves to equip the vast majority of its combat troops. Developed in YE 31 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions, the Hostile is a balanced armorsuit with a wide variety of weapons matched with robust protective capabilities and above average mobility. The Hostile has been upgraded numerous times, first in YE 37 with the Hostile Upgrade Package, and then in YE 41 with the Hostile "Mauler" Upgrade Package

About the Armor

The Hostile is essentially Nepleslian Arms and Munitions’ effort to standardize powered armors for ease of use by Nepleslian marines, as well as effectiveness in combat situations. The Hostile sports a number of new state-of-the-art technologies, some of them large steps up from the standard ELEMENT models that came before them. The Hostile was, more or less, first designed in the aftermath of the Kennewes Offensive when Nepleslian Arms and Munitions began to think of their enemies outside of the Nepleslian Reds, and came to the conclusion that the Hostile would, ideally, replace older ELEMENT models in front-line combat.

Combining the high mobility Push/Pull system of the AIR with the effectiveness of the WATER’s system capacity and armor plating design, this general combat armor is meant to be used by marines who want to specialize in general infantry combat, while its brother, The Aggressor, is made to deal with larger enemies or groups of slow-moving foes.

The YE 41 upgrade of the Hostile is an all around improvement to the armorsuit's capabilites: somewhere beneath a full rebuild, but more than a simple update. The upgrade replaces the vast majority of the Hostile's electronics with newer kit; completely upgrades the propulsion systems; and incorporates numerous tweaks and modifications to reduce the burden of the Hostile on Nepleslian logistics infrastructure.

The main attributes of the Hostile are, essentially, its versatility, speed and powerful single-target weaponry, while utilizing the tried and true elements of Nepleslian technology.

Statistics & Performance


The helmet of the armor is a cylinder-shaped object with a slightly domed head. The front of the faceplate has a ‘skull-like’ appearance in shape (don’t go overboard with it, though), with an enormous transparent deep purple eye in the upper front and center. The eye protrudes out from the helmet slightly, like a lens. The bottom of the portion of the helmet ends a small mass of black nanomuscles around the neck, but these are covered by a half-moon plated collar that runs around the front of the face of the helmet. The collar’s height stops a few inches below the red Monoeye on the faceplate.

The black nanomuscles around the neck lead on into a sleek chestplate with slightly softening angles. The upper chest is substantially more armored than the lower chest. The upper chestplate reaches towards the shoulders, cutting off an inch or so before the actual shoulder, revealing another small amount of black nanomuscles. The shoulders themselves are large and box-like, while still retaining a softer angular curve. The right arm is plated with more angular armor which grew thicker at broader areas, while subsiding and stopping at the joints leaving more black nanomuscles exposed. The left arm is visibly different in appearance, two large sections of thick plated shields covering the upper arm and lower arm. The plates are squarish, and the center of each convexes outward slightly. In-between the shoulders and the neck of the armor are two hefty-looking shoulder-mounted laser cannons, followed by two tube-like projections for the P/P system.

The backpack and rear areas of the armor are covered with most of the Hostiles systems. The backpack itself is rather large, with two large thrusters integrated into the back of the pack itself; the backpack integrates a large clamp system on the right and left side, with one side used to store an observation probe while the other is used to store an additional weapon. Below the backpack are two large cylinder-like objects, integrated into the armor along the spinal area. These are the compact fusion generators.

The waist and legs are covered by two separate skirt-like flaps of thigh-protecting armor which reaches to the knees (they don’t cover the inner thighs-they only should reach about halfway around the kneecap, width-wise). The legs themselves are plated with the Nerimium-Leptonium composite, only breaking before and after the knee joint. The lower legs have new thrusters integrated into them, moved from the calves down. There are two thrusters on each lower leg, one on the back and another on the outer side. A third, larger thruster is incorporated into the armor's bootheel.

The armor is painted a dull mixture of greys, by default.


After the first two years of testing the new ELEMENT powered armor models, Nepleslian Arms and Munitions came to the conclusion that, although having several models excel at specified areas was perfect for diverse combat scenarios, the fact that each armor was “pigeon holed” into a particular role meant that some soldiers would eventually run into situations where they could not fight their enemies properly. With the defeat of the Reds on the Kennewes Offensive, Nepleslian Arms and Munitions realized that they required stronger standards in terms of power and versatility to face a new threat that is growing ever-closer: the Mishhuvurthyar.

As a result, Terratech designed the newest general combat powered armor with elements taken from two of the successful ELEMENT models, the NAM Terratech General PA – “WATER” Version 2 and the AIR, and melded their unique attributes into a single armor, affectionately named the “Hostile”.

The Hostile quickly became the workhorse of the NSMC and was widely hailed as the most versatile and most powerful power armor by its users. It quickly became the image of the Nepleslian Marines, eclipsing the previous E-series. During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, the Hostile was at the forefront of the action. Its versatility, heavier armor, and modern systems made it a match for the best NMX armors.

Against the smaller, lighter, and more feminine Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor and Ke-M2-2D "Mindy II" Power Armor armors captured by the NMX, the Marines felt that they had proved the Hostile's superiority to those “inferior” armor systems. A few veterans knew that the overwhelming superiority enjoyed by the Nepleslian Marines was due to the better quality of Marine training compared to whatever counted as NMX power armor training. True Star Army armor pilots would never have been as amateurish as the NMX Nekos. Nonetheless, valuable lessons were learnt all around as to the capabilities of the Daisy and Mindy, allowing for more accurate simulation data.

Hostiles took part in every major Nepleslian military action during the war and were considered the standard infantry armor. Over the course of the conflict, new hand held weapons were created and old ones modified for the Hostile and Aggressor, adding to the versatility and lethality of the Hostile. On Rok'Veru, during the Offensive, the durability of the armor allowed many in the ill-fated first wave to survive the initial ambushes and regroup to strike back at the NMX. On SC-4, 3rd Marines found that the number of weapons usable by the Hostile allowed them to threaten the NMX ground forces with a bewildering array of different munition types to the point where NMX prisoners were simply confused by what exactly had struck them.

From the end of the war in YE 35 to YE 36, NAM engineers took as much combat data and feedback from the Marines to better improve the Hostile for the next conflict. The result at the end of the year was the Hostile Upgrade Package which improved the armor's systems while retaining all of the best parts of the armor. By introducing newer, more powerful systems, the belief was that the Marines would be better able to threaten any enemy with a wider array of tools. The upgrade package also increased the survival chances of a wounded Marine, particularly in toxic or airless environments. These changes were implemented in YE 37.

The Hostile was upgraded again in YE 41, this time in preparation for war with the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia. This new upgrade package, the Hostile "Mauler" Upgrade Package, had three primary goals: bring the Hostile's internal systems and electronics up to the same standard as all other Nepleslian Armorsuits; adapt the Hostile for use by Lorath and Freespacers; and reduce the burden on logistics and supply by the armorsuit.

List of Models

The Hostile has been produced in several subtypes to fit the various species of Nepleslia

Model Number Production Dates Notes
Na-M8-02b1 YE 41-present Original Model, intended for pure humanoid body types
Ke-M8-02b2 YE 41-present Winged Variant, for Lorath and Elysians


  • The Hostile is relatively fast and agile for its size.
  • The armorsuit has a varied weapons loadout.
  • Complimenting it's arms and mobility, the Hostile is well armored for an armorsuit.


  • The Hostile lacks heavy long ranged or indirect firepower that does not negatively impact the armor's mobility or flexibility
  • Though the Hostile has been improved in its close quarters battle and space combat capability, it still lacks in these areas compared lighter or dedicated models.


  • Ground Movement
    • Running Speed: 40 Kilometers per hour give or take, depending on the ability of the user.
    • Hovering Speed: 130 Kilometers per hour 1)
  • Flight (With Dual Hyperspace-Tap Drives active)
    • Maximum atmospheric speed (for earth-like worlds): 2716 kph (1688 mph), Mach 2.2 at sea level
    • Maximum space speed : .365c (Maximum Acceleration of 12 G)
  • Flight (Low Altitude Gravimetric Drives)
    • Max STL in atmosphere: 120 kph (74 mph)
    • Max STL in space: .365c (instantaneous acceleration)

Armor Size

The Hostile is a bulky, heavy armor suit that completely encases the user's body without fitting to their form. While still capable of entering human habitation and performing hand dexterity tasks, it is not small enough to sit in seats intended for unarmored humans.

The sizes listed here are generally for a Hostile worn by a Nepleslian male of average height of 1.8 meters 2). A Hostile worn by such a person would stand around 2.1 meters tall; it would have a width of 106cm from shoulder to shoulder and a length of 70cm from front to back. The Hostile can be adjusted to fit pilots of multiple heights, with the maximum theoretical height of a pilot topping out at roughly 8 feet 3) tall and the minimum height bottoming out at 4'5“ 4). The Hostile adds 25cm 5) to a pilot's height when worn.

The Hostile is on average about 2.1 meters tall. The armor is likewise wide and bulky, averaging out at about 106cm 6) at the shoulders. The armor is, front to back, 92cm 7)long.

The Hostile is a heavy duty Armorsuit, and as such weighs 2.1 Tons.

Height 2.1 meters 8)
Width 106cm 9) at shoulders
Length 152.4cm 10) front to back, Backpack unit takes up 92cm 11)
Mass 2.1 Tons

Damage Capacity Stats

For Damage Rating (Version 3):

  • Tier 6: Heavy Anti-Armor

Getting In and Out

The Powered Armor can be accessed by climbing into the armor when the front end is opened and exposed. A password is then recognized by the Armor and then the top opens up with the head and shoulder’s tipping over to open a widening cavity for the pilot to jump in. The suit then closes itself and adjusts its structure to the pilot’s physique and clamps the straps on.

Controlling the Armor

The Hostile is operated by a single humanoid pilot who can fit in the armorsuit. In operation, the pilot guides the armorsuit through the use of a neural probe system supported by physical controls for movement while data is fed to the pilot by way of a helmet mounted display visor.

Non-invasive Neural Probe

The Hostile is controlled using a non invasive neural probe built into the inner layer of the armor. All movements used by the armor are detected using short range nerve activity detectors which scan the pilot's brain patterns, which are combined with force amplification and negative haptic feedback to move the armor. In short, the pilot doesn't think about moving in the armor, he just wills himself to move and the armor moves; if he wants to fly the armor will fly, and so on.

Display Visor HUD-03a

The Hostile's visor is held in the helmet, directly in front of the pilot's field of vision. The visor itself consists of a high-definition display supplemented by short range volumetric imaging software, with the HUD displaying battlefield data typical to all other NAM armors.

The battlefield data displayed includes, but is not limited to: readouts of the pilot's life signs; indicators for squad members in close proximity; status reports of the armor's own status; communications; and ammo.



The Hostile "Mauler" Upgrade Package on changes the mounted and default weapons of the Hostile in two ways: adding a new combat knife, and adding in an option for a close combat weapon.

Integrated Weapons:

  • 1x PPG Push Pull Plating, worn over the length of the entire left arm.
    • Purpose: Kinetic Attack
    • Secondary Purpose: Extra Protection
    • Damage: Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel
    • Range: Melee
    • Rate of Fire: 2 second charge, 4 second cooldown
    • Payload: Unlimited
  • 1x Pulse Laser Array built into the shoulder armor.
    • Purpose: Knocking out incoming enemy warheads
    • Secondary Purpose: Killing unarmored targets
    • Damage: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel
    • Range: 1000m in Atmosphere, 3000m in space.
    • Rate of Fire: Constant
    • Payload: Unlimited

Standard Handheld Weapons:

  • 1 Light Submachine Pistolstored on waist
    • Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
    • Damage: Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel
    • Range: 2,000m in atmosphere, theoretically unlimited in space
    • Muzzle Velocity: 3,000 m/s
    • Rate of Fire: 600 rounds per minute
    • Payload: 200 Round Magazine, 3 extra magazines in waist ammo holsters.
  • 1 NAM HEAT-01a Knife stored on hip
    • Purpose: Personal Defense
    • Secondary Purpose: Utility
    • Damage: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel versus unarmored personnel; Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor versus armored targets
    • Reach: 40cm
  • 1 HEAT Weapon stored upside down on back.
    • Purpose: Close Quarters Battle
    • Secondary Purpose: Intimidation
    • Damage: Caries depending on the specific weapon chosen, ranging from Tier 4 to Tier 7
    • Reach: 150cm

(2) NAM Rapid Launcher Missile System: The Hostile integrates a pair of Rapid Launcher Systems, one on each calf. Each Launcher has four cells, for a total of 8. Each cell can carry 6 Darts, or 9 TRACERS, or 4 ARROWS, or 3 BOLTS.

  • Number of Cells per Launcher: 4
  • Missile Launch Rate: All cells can be fired simultaneously, or at any rate chosen by the operator.
  • Missile Load per Cell:
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shields, Anti-Sensors
      • Secondary Purpose: Disabling small-grade electronics
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel; Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor to armor-class shields
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 12)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Location: Torso
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 13)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 14)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Missile Beacon
      • Secondary: Countermeasure, Distraction
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel
      • Signal Range: 10 Kilometers LOS, varies depending on atmospheric conditions and electromagnetic interference.
      • Range: 10km
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 15)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.

Primary Weapons

The Hostile can use almost any Nepleslian Armorsuit Weapon, including but not limited to:

The Hostile is capable of carrying, if not using, two weapons at the same time in most situations. While the currently used weapon is held in the hand, the secondary weapon is attached to a backpack clamp that keeps it secure and out of the way of the operator.

Additional ammo is carried on waist slots for smaller weapons, or in the backpack clamp for larger weapons.


While the initial use of Nerimium on the EARTH1 ELEMENT powered armor model gave it unprecedented amounts of physical endurance, it also made the armor exponentially heavy, to the point where piloting it without antigravity in atmospheric conditions was nigh impossible. The Hostile continues the tradition of using a mixture of materials for the armor, improving the armor package by incorporating Leptonium.

The first later of the armor is made of Durandium Alloy, due to its light weight and hardness, fixed atop the frame's Boron-Ceramic internal frame which provide stability and durability. On top of the Meridium are layers of Nerimium and Leptonium alloys are fixed over the unit.

The Hostile has also gained a new anti-radiation layer through the Mauler upgrade, with a polymer based lightweight anti-radiation layer now featuring on the armorsuit in place of the previous lead lining.

Self Repair Functionality

The Hostile includes robust self repair capabilities in the form of the Nano Constructor System. The NCS system is capable of making field repairs to the armor and its systems, but this is only a stop gap to improve and extend operational time. It is not a replacement for actual repairs. The main function of the NCS within the armorsuit is to repair internal systems and maintain their operational efficiency in the wear and tear of combat and day to day use. This reduces the logistics imprint of the armorsuit, thereby extending its time in the field.

Life Support

The Hostile uses the same life support system utilized on the other M-Series Armorsuits. This consists of an inner layer where the pilot is surrounded by gel-filled cushions; with atmosphere pumped into the interior of the armor from backpack storage. The armor features all the plumbing necessary to handle the pilot's waste, along with an auto-injector, joint lock system to protect from impacts and falls, an auto-tourniquet system to prevent blood loss, and heating pads placed strategically to keep the pilot warm.

If the armor is badly damaged and the pilot can not escape in time, the armor's Medical Emergency Cryofreezer automatically beheads the pilot and freezes their head, jettisoning it backwards in a neat case to preserve the pilot's brain and genetic materials to be placed in a cloned body if their cerebral chip is malfunctioning.


The Hostile has a Compact Gravimetric Drive that allows it to float, hover, walk up walls, and defy gravity with general ease. Generally, except in cases of stealth operations, the Gravimetric Drive is kept online at all times to protect against scalar weaponry.

The meat of the Hostile's propulsion and speed comes in the form of its Dual Hyperspace-Tap Drive system, integrated into it's backpack and lower legs. The DHTD combines improved fuel economy and reliability over the older nuclear fusion engines, while also improving the Mauler's speed and maneuverability. Functioning as an air breathing engine in atmosphere, when in space the DHTD functions as a high power plasma drive.

The DHTD uses ionized hydrogen as a propellant in space. This ionized hydrogen is stored in the unit's lower back, feeding to the Hostile's thrusters. The main thruster array of the Hostile is a pair of larger thrusters in the backpack on movable gimbles; secondary thrusters are integrated into the legs below the knee: one large thruster in the heel of each boot, a smaller one underneath a movable armor plate on the outwards facing side, and another medium sized one along the back.

Another supplemental propulsion technology is the Push/Pull System, a combination of tractor and repulsion field emitters. They work by pulling the armor towards objects or pushing it away from them; there is one emitter on the Hostile, in the unit's left arm.

Computing, Sensors, Electronic Warfare, & Communications

The Hostile uses the ACE Combat Executive as its primary computer system to assist the pilot in controlling the armor. The Computer handles the more complicated functions of the armor, leaving the pilot to simply fight.

For sensors, the Hostile combines the Monoeye Suite located in its head with an OmniEye Suite complimenting it in numerous locations across the body. The Monoeye acts as a broad range sensor system, capable of focusing on a single target for targeting purposes; the OmniEye adds in all around passive and active sensors.

The sensors includes:

  • Passive Monoeye LIDAR
  • Active Monoeye Subspace emitters and receivers
  • Passive Electromagnetic detectors
  • Passive & Active Gravimetric sensors
  • Active OmniEye Radar and LIDAR
  • Passive Aetheric detectors
  • A passive Threat Acquisition Detector, which detects when the user has been targeted by an active sensor system

The Hostile also incorporates the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite ECM suite, which combines active and passive sensor jamming with a robust cyberwarfare package.

Communications are handled by the armorsuit's AI using the Chatterbox communications array, and transmitted using a hardened antenna and the Monoeye's subspace emitters.

The Hostile is capable of communicating using

  • Encrypted long and short wave radio
  • Direction Laser Communication
  • Audio/Visual Subspace Communications.

The combined range of the communications suite is roughly 1,000,000 km.

The Hostile also carries with it an observation probe, intended to observe the armorsuit and its surroundings. These small recon drones are released before battle and monitors the vicinity around the pilot who released them. Fully automated and has a pair of Ion Arrays, as well as a small antigravity generator for hovering. Has a single Monoeye on its head and is cheap to manufacture. When un-deployed it looks like the Hostile is carrying a violin case.

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/17 01:28.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

80 mph
6 feet, 1 inches
2.8 meters
1.3 meters
0.8 feet
7) , 11)
7 feet
12) , 13) , 14) , 15)
constant boosting makes the round lose fuel quickly

wip_2023_or_older/faction/nepleslia/equipment/hostile.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:06 by wes