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YSS Battle Of Ayenee Capital City Hangars And Small Craft Inventory

General Information

The massive bays of the Becurn Star Fortress (Formerly YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City) allow it to carry around 84 Squadrons of fighters and around 420 larger shuttle craft. The Carrier Air Group is divided into four operational wings: Operations Wing, Escort Wing, Logistics Wing, and Reserve Wing.

Carrier Air Group

Operations Wing

The Operations Wing(Ops Wing) handles the most varied set of missions. From reconnaissance to combat to exploration, the Operations Wing is the Carrier Air Group’s sword.

Escort Wing

If the Operations Wing is the sword, then the Escort Wing is the shield. Comprising the bulk of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City’s fighter complement, the Escort Wing’s primary purpose is the safety of the flagship. Their duties primarily focus on escort and interdiction.

Logistics Wing

The true backbone of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City’s day to day operations, the Logistics Wing operates hundred of transport craft of varying sizes capable of everything from heavy airlift to luxury VIP transportation, if something needs to move too or from the Ayenee, they’re the first on call.

Reserve Wing

The Reserve Wing is an integral part of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City’s mission. The Reserve Wing’s purpose goes far beyond replenishing the other Wings in the face of attrition. During high tempo operations pilots and aerospace craft from the Reserve Wing can be rotated in for pilots and craft from other wings to give overtaxed crews and aerospace frames a break and prevent fatigue. Most of the time the Reserve Wing is responsible for running training exercises, often acting as the OpFor (Opposition Force) during exercises.

Full Craft inventory

Operations Wing
Squadron Type QTY Readiness Status
Super Kawarime Squadron 20 20/20 Ready
Ginga Bomber Squadron 5 5/5 Ready
Raccoon Transport Squadron 2 2/2 Ready
Fukuro Light Transport Squadron 4 4/4 Ready
Tanuki Transport Squadron 3 3/3 Ready
Fukuro Recon Squadron 1 1/1 Ready
Fukuro Science Craft Exploration Squadron 1 1/1 Ready
Escort Wing
Squadron Type QTY Readiness Status
Super Kawarime Squadron 20 20/20 Ready
Hayabusa II Squadron 25 25/25 Ready
Logistics Wing
Squadron Type QTY Readiness Status
Tenba Heavy Airlift Squadron 1 1/1 Ready
Raccoon Transport Squadron 10 10/10 Ready
Fukuro VIP Transport Squadron 1 1/1 Ready
Tanuki Transport Squadron 4 4/4 Ready
Fukuro Light Transport Squadron 4 4/4 Ready
Reserve Wing
Squadron Type QTY Readiness Status
Super Kawarime Squadron 7 7/7 Ready
Hayabusa II Squadron 7 7/7 Ready
Raccoon Transport Squadron 3 3/3 Ready
Fukuro Light Transport Squadron 2 2/2 Ready

Important Squadrons

Important Squadrons
Operations Wing
Squadron Name Number Status: Ready Number Status: Standby Number Status: Maintenance Number Status: Destroyed Notes
Super Kawarime Squadron 17th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron "Pathfinder Squadron" 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft
Ginga Bomber Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft
Raccoon Transport Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft
Fukuro Light Transport Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft
Fukuro Med Evac Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft MedEvac Configuration
Tanuki Transport Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft
Fukuro Recon Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft Reconnaissance configuration
Fukuro Science Craft Exploration Squadron (Name TBD) 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft Science and Exploration Configuration
Logistics Wing
Squadron Name Number Status: Ready Number Status: Standby Number Status: Maintenance Number Status: Destroyed Notes
51st VIP Transport Squadron "Windjammer Squadron" 12 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft VIP Transport Configuration
Tenba Heavy Airlift Squadron (Name TBD) 4 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft 0 Craft Modular interior


The hangars and bays are split ventral and dorsal, starboard and port. Generally, ventral hangars house crafts and armor who are heavily involved in ship's operations. Dorsal hangars are home to crafts and armor who's purpose is protecting the Ayenee.

Small Craft Hangars

Starboard (Ventral)-Small Craft Hangar 1

Starboard (Dorsal)-Small Craft Hangar 2

Port (Ventral)-Small Craft Hangar 3

Port (Dorsal)-Small Craft Hangar 4

  • Because of the lower amount of through traffic, Small Craft Hangar 4 functions as the primary guest hangar.

Large Craft Hangars

Starboard (Ventral)-Large Craft Hangar 1

Starboard (Dorsal)-Large Craft Hangar 2

Port (Ventral)-Large Craft Hangar 3

Port (Dorsal)-Large Craft Hangar 4

Power Armor Bay

Power Armor storage is located near the hangars. Power armored soldiers can either launch directly from the bays or board transports in the Logistics or Operations hangars. Not every suit is on standby and immediately ready to go into combat. Many suites belong to other personnel, however there is a Legion's strength Uchuugun (Space Infantry) formation ready to be deployed for the ship's defense or to support away missions.

Dorsal Bay

300,000 suits are stored in this bay1)

Ventral Bay

Ventral Docking Cradle

  • Includes flight control for ship's factory overseen by Kage Yaichiro

Hangar Crew standard duty shift and Organization

    • (1) Command team
      • Admin
      • Senior Enlisted Advisor
      • Senior Air Traffic Controller
      • Safety officer
      • Logistics Officer
      • Aerospace Liaison
    • (4) Small craft Hangars each run by a Tower Officer (roughly ~800 personnel total) 3)4)
      • (4) Readiness teams Each lead by a Deck boss
        • (8-9) Maintenance teams lead by an NCO (12 people per team)
        • (1) Equipment and Ordinance Team lead by an NCO (6-8 people per team)
      • (1) QA/Launch and Recovery Team lead by a Deck Boss
        • (2) QA teams lead by an NCO (~20 per team)
        • (2) Launch and Recovery Teams lead by an NCO (~20 per team)
      • (1) Incident Response Team lead by a Deck Boss5)6)
        • A mix of 50-75 EMS, Medics, Armorers, MPs, and Logistics personnel broken into 5-7 teams lead by NCOs.
      • (1) Command team
        • Admin
          • Tracks maintenance and readiness
        • Aerospace Liaison
        • Logistics
        • ATC
          • 3 controllers
  • (4) Large Craft Hangars each run by a Tower Officer7)
  • (1) Ventral Docking Bay overseen by a Tower Officer8)
  • (2) Power Armor Bays each run by a Tower Officer9)


Command/Tower Team

  • Tower Officer oversees flight operations for a hangar.
  • Air Traffic Control specialists in aerospace craft deconfliction and coordination.
  • Admin handling administrative duties such as maintaining personnel records and vehicle maintenance logs.
  • Aerospace Liason liaising between deck and aerospace crews.
  • Logistics Officer oversees logistics needs for the hangar and its crew.

Deck Teams

  • Deck Officer "Deck Boss" officers who oversee deck teams.
  • Maintainers the backbone of the deck crew, they repair and inspect craft to insure they are mission worthy.
  • Armorers handle ordinance and ensure that craft and armor are armed and equipped for the mission.
  • Launch Technicians Perform the final quality check on crafts before missions and handle launch and recovery procedures.
  • Unit Supply Specialists overseeing the storage, handling, and cataloging of munitions and mission critical equipment.
  • Firefighters tasked with inspecting damage control systems and standing by to respond to an emergency additionally they must be ready to perform HAZMAT duties and and act as a point of contact and coordinatino with other EMS incident responders.
  • Deck Medics ready to respond in the case of an injury.
  • General MPs on shift to patrol or potentially secure the hanger.

Hangar Equipment

OOC Notes

The Important Squadrons were created so that players can flesh out the lore of and put names and faces to at least some of the BACC's massive roster. This way favorite NPCs can be created or just recognizable names can be used and reused.

This page was originally created on 2022/11/07 06:51 by Locked 0ut.

1) , 2)
only special loadouts will be listed
Currently closer to 560 because of war time casualties. Most teams see their strength scaled down by a member or two or to their lowest listed strength
each Tower Officer oversees the following
Can also EMS officer
Also referred to as the Security Team
7) , 8) , 9)
similar crew arrangements to the Small Craft Hangars

stararmy/starships/yss_battle_of_ayenee_capital_city/hangars_and_small_craft_inventory.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/24 10:44 by