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Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol

The Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol is an extremely powerful anti-armor weapon system intended exclusively for usage by power armor. The weapon was drawn up, developed, and field-tested in early YE 40 by Ketsurui Fleet Yards as a handheld weapon platform for the Mindy power armor. Mass production and distribution via Star Army Logistics is planned to begin during the first month of YE 41, or even earlier if arrangements allow for it.

About the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol

Constructed on a platform that is similar to that of the Ke-M2/12-W3903 Coherent Aether Rifle, the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol has many features in common with its larger cousin. It utilizes a continuous cooling system which is very similar to that of the Ke-M2/12-W903 and an identical power source, Aether. The weapon also shares the same level of reliability and simplification as the Ke-M2/12-W903.

The Ke-M2-W4001 is capable of fulfilling a general purpose role. It performs well in short, medium, and long range engagements, and as such, it can be utilized as a makeshift sniping weapon1) if called for. The pistol's low rate of fire also makes it well suited to combat in ship-based environments; at extremely close-quarters ranges, however, weapons that possess higher rates of fire may outperform it via volume of fire and suppression.

Nomenclature Information

The following section contains general information about the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol, such as its designer, its nomenclature, its intended role, and its dimensions.


The frame of the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol utilizes the same color scheme as the Mindy power armor. Cadet blue acts as the primary color, while silver and white both serve as secondary colors. Like the Mindy armor, the frame of the weapon has sleek and efficient lines, while also retaining an extremely imposing visual weight which affirms the pistol's extreme potency. The trigger guard has sleek and polished lines as well, but it is considerably thicker and more pronounced than that of most other pistols. At the front of the weapon, the weapon-mounted camera is visible as a small circle-like shape composed of transparent Zesuaium which sits a centimeter above the exit of the barrel.


Price: 3000 KS (not sold anywhere)

Discharge Information

The following section contains information about the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol's firing characteristics, including but not limited to: rate of fire, degree of recoil, and effective range.

  • Muzzle Flash: The barrel of the weapon emits a distinct flash of white light when discharged. The size of the light emitted covers nearly half the size of the armor firing the weapon.
  • Retort: The pistol produces an extremely loud, snapping bang when discharged.
  • Projectile/Beam Appearance: The aetheric bolt fired out of the weapon is white in color. The diameter of the bolt is nearly three times as wide as the barrel of the pistol itself.
  • Effective Range Up to 294,000 miles 4)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 671,000,000 MPH 5)
  • Theoretical Rate of Fire:6) 120 RPM
  • Practical Rate of Fire:7) 24 RPM
  • Recoil: The recoil of the Ke-M2-W4001 weapon system is highly unmanageable and extremely dangerous to the operator if firing is attempted outside of power armor. When firing the pistol within power armor, the operator will experience a sudden upward kick, but the recoil as a whole is easily manageable, especially given the slow-firing nature of the weapon.

Energy Source and Capacity

The following section contains information about the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol's energy source and capacity.

  • Energy Type: Aether
  • Purpose: Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor
  • Capacity and Cooling Cycle: As long as the pistol retains function and remains attached to the host Mindy power armor, the capacity is effectively unlimited, however, the active thermal management system of the weapon can only endure one shot before it reaches the designated heat maximum, which requires the weapon to execute a 2-second cooling cycle before it is ready to be fired again.

Weapon Mechanisms

The following section contains information about the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol's internal and external operating mechanisms.

  • Firing Mechanism: The Ke-M2-W4001 weapon system fires condensed energy from the aether in the form of a coherent bolt consisting of an amalgamation of energy types.
  • Loading: The Ke-M2-W4001 weapon system draws power from the aether generator of the host Mindy power armor.
  • Mode Selection: The safety can be toggled via AIES.
  • Firing Modes: The Ke-M2-W4001 weapon system fires exclusively in semi-automatic.
  • Safety Mechanism: The safety can be toggled via AIES and the manual switch on the side of the weapon.

Weapon Sight

The pistol's standard sighting system is a weapon-mounted camera unit similar to the system on the Ke-M4-W4000 Power Armor Automatic Rifle. It features built-in scope capabilities, which include variable zoom up to 100x magnification, night vision, and thermal imaging. Due to PA link systems, view of the weapon's angle of attack when used is fed directly to the user's HUD. This, however, is an approximation of the area of impact with no outside forces affecting the weapon. Such a system allows the user to fire around corners with little risk of exposing themselves in the process.

Hard Points

Like the Ke-M4-W4000 Power Armor Automatic Rifle, the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol utilizes the YIRS (Yamatai Integrated Rail System) which allows for the easy installation of attachments. The weapon-mounted camera sighting system can also be completely replaced - with the assistance of a Star Army Armorer - with a scope or weapon sight to accommodate a more traditional style of aiming.

Cooling System

The Ke-M2-W4001 weapon system utilizes a continuous cooling system that is powered by the aether generator of the attached Mindy power armor. Thermal output is managed after the firing sequence through a ventilation system. When the weapon overheats after a single shot, the cooling system initiates a heat discharge protocol which lasts for a duration of two seconds, during which the pistol cannot be discharged.

Attachments and Components

The attachments and components which can be installed on or within the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol are listed below.

  • Ke-M2-W4001 Horizontal Canted Fore Grip
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Vertical Fore Grip
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Flash Suppressor
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Sound Suppressor
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Rail-Mounted Laser Sight
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Holographic Sight
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Holographic Red Dot Sight
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Variable Zoom Multi-Spectrum AIES-Linking 20x Scope
  • Ke-M2-W4001 Heat and Trauma Resistant Power Armor Grade Sling

OOC Notes

Immortal Cyan created this article on 2018/12/01 17:25; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/12/08 06:42.

Art by Banzz.

Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 40
Last ReviewYE 40
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: power armor
Product NameKe-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 40
Price (KS)3 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 6
For reference on the style and feel of the Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol, look at the Executioner Pistol from Mass Effect 3, which served as the primary creative inspiration for this weapon.
40.64 centimeters
4.99 kilograms
473,177 kilometers
Speed of Light, 1,080,000,000 KPH
Maximum Rate of Fire in a theoretical scenario in which the weapon did not require cooling or heat management.
Maximum Rate of Fire in a practical scenario which factors in cooling times and heat management

stararmy/weapons/ke-m2-w4001_heavy_aether_pistol.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:03 (external edit)