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Kisaki - Habitat Module

The Habitat Modules are the primary module of the Kisaki Starbase. This article provides details on the common aspects of these modules. Links are provided to subsections that detail some basic configurations. One of the most prominent external features of the module are the two antenna arrays, which also serve as mounts for anti-collision lighting.

In the event of an emergency the Habitat Modules can detach from the Kisaki Starbase and move off under their own power. This allows them to serve as giant lifeboats.

Statistical Data


Organizations Using Module: Scientific Studies Service (SSS), Star Army of Yamatai Class: Habitat Nomenclature: Ke-H4-M3101 Type: Kisaki-Module

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 100 Passengers: Varies depending on module

Inside the Habitat Module

There are thirty decks in the module. The following are common across all modules.

Deck Sections
One Avionics, Upper CFS emitters
Two Armory, Bridge, Crew quarters (50), Escape pods (20), Wardroom
Three Armory, Computer room, Transit station,
Four Computer room, Transit station, Lounge, Laundry room (2)
Five Fabrication Area, Storage
Fifteen Transit stations(6)
Sixteen Transit stations(6)
Twenty-six Arboretum / Park
Twenty-seven Arboretum / Park
Twenty-eight Engineering, Lower CFS emitters
Twenty- nine Engineering, CDD Engines
Thirty Engineering, CDD Engines

Module Configurations

Typically modules that are predominantly for personnel are painted white, while research and manufacturing are green.

Inside the Habitat Module

Arboretum / Park

The Arboretum covers two entire decks, twenty-six and twenty-seven, in the Habitat Module and serves three purposes:

  • Provides an pleasant area for personnel to relax among growing things.
  • Augments the module's life support system by naturally scrubbing the air
  • Provides fresh produce to supplement the stations food supply


This is the armory for this module. It is located on decks two and three. For SSS installations it contains (SSS) - Standard Armory Inventory. Military installations would have a different inventory.


These are the secondary avionics for the Kisaki-class Starbase They are located on deck one. They are used when the primary sensors are being serviced or when the Module is traveling under it own power. They contain the following sensors from the Compact Integrated Electronics System (CIES) system:


The Habitat Module features a Basic Small Starship Bridge. It is only manned when the Kisaki Starbase is in flight, or when the Module is deployed as a life boat. It is located on deck two.

Computer Room

The Habitat Module features a Standard Computer Room. It is located on decks three and four.

Crew Quarters

There are quarters for one-hundred personnel. The Kisaki Starbase maintenance crew stay in Standard Crew Quarters in the module. In this section are crew baths, toilets, and communal showers for use by these personnel. They are located on deck two.


This module of the Kisaki Starbase has a Standard Star Army Engineering Bay section it supplies power and life support for the module. It also contains the Continuum Distortion Drive and combined_field_system for the entire station. It is located at the base of the module on decks twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty.

Laundry Room

The Habitat module has two Standard Laundry Rooms located on deck four.


The Habitat module has a standard crew lounge located on deck four. There are two four person communal toilets next to it on deck four.

Passage Ways

The Habitat Module uses Standard Passageways through out. Access between levels is primarily done by stairways or ramps, although there are open maintenance passages with ladders that run the height of the module.

Transit Station

The Habitat Module has seven Transit Stations that allows rapid travel to other sections of the Kisaki Starbase. It is located on decks three and four, personnel enter on deck four. There are six located on decks fifteen and sixteen with a circular track that runs around the module.


The Habitat Module has a Standard Wardroom, maintenance crew personnel normally dine here at the start of their shift but they can eat at other facilities on the starbase. It is provided here as a convenience. It is located on deck two.

Module Systems


The key substance that makes up the 1.25-meter-thick hull of the ship is Yamataium. The frame of the ship is Durandium Alloy. All windows on the Habitat Module are made of Transparent Durandium.

Combined Field System

The Habitat Module has an excellent combined_field_system that can protect against damage in either kinetic or energy form.

Computer and Sensors

The Habitat Module uses the Compact Integrated Electronics System (CIES) package and is also equipped with a Psionic Signal Controller. In YE 34 all Habitat Modules were updated with access to SYNC for civilian communications.

Elevator systems

The Habitat Module with its large civilian population that needs to move across thirty decks needed an alternative to zero-gravity passageways. Engineers with the SSS and KFY came up with a design for elevators that would work without counter weights. Located at twelve points around the module are elevator stations each with three cars.


The elevators are mounted in tubes that contain geared tracks. The cars themselves have mechanisms that attach to the tracks and lift or lower the car. Each car has a capacitor system to supply the car with light, and ventilation. The capacitors recharge when the cars are at a stop.

Emergency Systems

The Habitat Module has the full compliment of standard_starship_emergency_systems.

Escape Pods

In YE 36 the twenty ke-s3-x2900 were replaced with Ge-X3300 - Type 33 Escape Pod for use by the crew of the module.

Life Support

The Habitat Module uses standard_life_support_systems.

Power Systems

The Habitat Module main power source is a high-output Aether generator. Emergency power is provided by fusion reactors in engineering.


Continuum Distortion Drive

The Habitat Module features a Continuum Distortion Drive of Ketsurui Fleet Yards design.

Maneuvering Thruster

The Habitat Module has Ketsurui Fleet Yards Maneuvering Thruster clusters for station keeping.


The Habitat Modules features a combined_field_system of Ketsurui Fleet Yards design.

stararmy/starships/kisaki/habitat_modules.1561145972.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:33 (external edit)