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SOFT 408

SOFT 408 is a Special Operations Fire Team based on the YSS Eucharis. Acting as the ship's primary power armor combat team, it is trained to independently achieve tactical success on the battlefield and facilitate the completion of mission objectives for any non-infantry specialists assigned to assist.

When included as part of a wider selection of personnel forming an away team, SOFT 408 is subordinate to that away team's leader. They are nonetheless expected to utilize their expertise and act semi-autonomously should a combat situation arise.

It was created in early YE 39 from the Eucharis' standing uchuugun complement and is still undergoing formation.

Operations Team


The operations team works in the field to complete the objective.

Role Rank Name Notes
Team Leader Nitô Heisho Tsuguka Toyoe
Combat Engineer Nitô Hei Freyja Yuuki
Heavy Weapons N/A N/A
Reconnaissance Nitô Hei junko_hasegawa Acts as a skirmishing scout and CQC specialist
Medic Santô Hei Tan Ann Pan

Support Team

The support team organizes missions and provides support for the operations team. Because SOFT 408 is still forming and remains under-strength, members of the support team often accompany the operations team during sorties.

Role Rank Name Notes
Commander Chusa Nicholas Saiga Temporarily assigned from SAINT to found and train the unit
Supply Nitô Heisho Victory Ace shuttle pilot. NPC
InfoWar Nitô Hei Oshiro Masumi Science specialist. Provides electronic warfare support

Attached Specialists

These individuals don't fall into the standard SOFT structure but often work closely with SOFT 408 in its capacity as the Eucharis' armor team.

Role Rank Name Notes
Operative Ittô Heisho Candon Howard Suites The Eucharis' resident Star Army Intelligence Operative


SOFT 408 currently keeps most of their gear aboard the Eucharis and at he ship's hangar in Central Uesureya.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2017/05/18 16:58 by raz.

stararmy/starships/eucharis/soft_408.1668875769.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:32 (external edit)