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M6-2A "Daisy II" Planetary Power Armor

The Ke-M6-2A “Daisy II” is a LAMIA (Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor) unit designed by Ketsurui Zaibatsu and Origin Armor Works and manufactured in YE 34.

About the M6-2A Daisy

Being more durable and robust, the Daisy II was designed specifically for heavy planetary combat, whether it be ground or aerial. It can hold its ground much more capably than other designs in the Star Army's inventory, and is also easier to repair and maintain over longer periods of time, allowing it to be a true 'ground pounder'.

History and Background

The original M6 Daisy, a staple to Yamatai's infantry forces for years, proved to be a capable but limited force when it came to terrestrial operations. It lacked the capability to go on extended missions inside hostile territory, as it was originally designed as a compromise of the M2 Mindy and an evolution of the M5 Harpy. It showed its mettle best when used in small squads for missions not meant to last beyond a day's worth of fighting.

The NMX War turned toward ground encounters after the The Battle of Yamatai, as forces had to route out entrenched Mishhuvurthyar forces in what could be long, lengthy ground campaigns. In a rare joint project, Ketsurui Zaibatsu joined with two others; Origin Armor Works, creator of the prolific Impulse Armor, and Miharu Light Industries, a company full of combat veterans and users of the original Daisy, to help improve the Power Armor for these encounters. The project was also backed with the blessing of the fifth_standard_fleet's new Taisho, Johnathan Whitmoor.

Several design points from the first Daisy were considered important. Its durability proved to be a decisive factor in a high percentage of recorded encounters against enemy units, while its adequate filling of multiple roles on the battlefield allowed it to be flexible enough for many tactical and strategic purposes. The Daisy's flexibility with weapons, its ability to use many different types as the situation required, helped to contribute to this flexibility. What's more, the Daisy I was relatively cheap to produce in comparison to the more expensive, aether-powered Mindy 2. Finally, there was the Daisy's more costly, but highly effective arm shield which further extended the lifespan and effectiveness of troops on the field.

Origin, using data culled from hundreds of thousands of engagements between Daisy armors and the enemy as well as feedback from veterans fresh from the front lines, identified several places to improve the Daisy. It was found that the original's operating time was too short, as it ran off of a capacitor system. What's more, the hemosynth core required the disposal of clothing, which both delayed pilots getting into their suit, as well as causing discomfort in some.

Another flaw found with the original Daisy was the lack of an effective, on-board melee weapon that could compliment the shield. Besides this, the gravimetric propulsion system built into the legs, though effective, proved to be power hungry and mechanically complex to build, contributing a good amount to the unit's cost. Finally, it shared with the Mindy 2 the inability to make quick, easy repairs or use what components were on hand.

These issues hampered the effectiveness of the Daisy, but Ketsurui Zaibatsu and Origin Industries agreed on several solutions to remedy these problems. First, a fusion based, cartridge fueled power system would supplement and recharge the capacitor system, allowing the suit to have additional endurance on the field. The typical hemosynthetic insert was to be made into a composite insert, composed of hemosynth lined with a dry synthetic material through which it could seep if the pilot became injured, providing medical support.

To take advantage of the reactor that was now built in, Heavy Fusion Thrusters were integrated into the suit, rather than staying in a separate pack as with the original Daisy. A basic collapsing metal club was deemed to be acceptable for standard issue, as it was cheap and easy to make - at the same time, provisions for other, superior options were made as well. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it was decided that the successor unit would be highly receptive of modifications from its basic form. This would allow it to be quickly and easily repaired in the field and remain operational.

These developments lead to the latest iteration of the M6 line, the M6-2A 'Daisy II' Planetary Power Armor.

Statistical Information

  • Crew: 1
  • Maximum Capacity: 1
  • Height (Suit): 167 (5'6“) to 213 cm (7')
  • Height (Pilot): 153 cm (5') to 200 cm (6'6“)
  • Width: 100 cm, 33 in
  • Mass: 150 kg, 310 lbs
  • Air Speed (Fusion Thrusters): 2,000 km/h, Mach 1.6 @ Sea Level
  • Zero Atmosphere (Fusion Thrusters): 8,575 km/h
  • Inertial Redirection System (Air, Zero Atmosphere): 70 km/h (~43 mph)
  • Operating Time: 4 Days, Combat
  • Lifespan: 4 Years Per Refit

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: 8 SP (Armor scale)
  • Energy Cloak: 8 SP (Armor scale)
  • Handheld Shield: 4 SP (Armor scale)

April Jackson James Alken Simo Anzu

Weapons Systems

Pulse Energy Weapon (2)

The Daisy II is armed with the venerable Pulse Energy Weapon, a pulsed particle weapon that acts as close quarters SMG's. With one mounted on each forearm, making for a total of two PEWs, the Daisy II can adequately defend itself even without a handheld weapon.

  • Location: Wrist/Forearm
  • Primary Purpose: Light Anti-Armor, Personal Defense
  • Secondary Purpose: Heavy Anti-Personnel
  • Damage: ADR 2 (Each)
  • Range: 500 Meters Effective, 750 Max
  • Rate of Fire: 700 RPM, 12 RPS

Impactor (1)

One Ke-M6-W3404 Impactor is issued to each Daisy II, and serves as a valuable cudgel used to beat down enemies at close range. The collapsing baton is both strong, and heavy, and proves surprisingly effective in its simple, brutal role.

  • Location: Right Forearm, Underside
  • Purpose: Close Quarters Combat/Melee
  • Range: User's Reach with Weapon

Hardened Studding

Added to the Daisy II's armored plates for both practical and aesthetic purposes, the series of hardened studs located on the shoulder plates, gloves and knees allow the pilot to make better use of the Power Armor's high speed, maneuverability and strength.

  • Location: Shoulders, Knuckles, Kneepads
  • Primary Purpose: Unarmed Combat
  • Secondary Purpose: Intimidation/Asthetics

General Issue Combat Loadout

The Daisy 2 can use a multitude of weapons, both handheld and hardpoint mounted. It can choose from any of the items on the list of the original Daisy Accessories as well as Daisy II Accessories. The Daisy 2, however, usually carries the following loadout:

Systems Descriptions

Default Systems Listings

  • Ke-M6-E3401 Armor Integrated Electronics System
  • Ke-M6-E3403 Conformal Psionic Signal Control Device
  • Ke-M6-F3401 Durandium-ADNR Composite Frame
  • Ke-M6-F3402 Semi-Hemosynthetic Insert/liner
  • Ke-M6-F2903 Outer Armor with Active Camouflage System (Yama-Dura alloy plates)
  • Ke-M6-R3402 Inertia Redirection System
  • Ke-M6-R3401 Heavy Fusion Thrusters

External Systems

Outer Armor

By default, the Daisy II uses hardened Yama-Dura plating, which is in essence Durandium Alloy laced with Yamataium just as its predecessor did. Due to its composition, the armor plates have minor regenerative properties that allow it to self repair minor damage such as abrasions caused by incoming projectile bounces or dents. Unlike its predecessor however, the Daisy II is highly modular, and can swap out plates for heavier or lighter armor, depending on the mission profile. (8 SP)

  • Stealth Plating Type I: Composed of Durandium Alloy plates with a Xiulurium coating, the Daisy II can be rendered undetectable to the vast majority of sensor systems, including standard visuals provided a marginal amount of energy is supplied to the stealth material. The Stealth Plating is generally issued to personnel being sent on missions in which stealth is required, such as forward reconnaissance. Due to the differing materials in construction used to make mass production feasible, the Stealth Plating compromises some of the Daisy II's trademark durability. (6 SP)
  • Stealth Plating Type II: Much like the Mark I, the Mark II incorporates Xiulurium in its outer coating. However, the primary difference is that Yama-Dura plating is used instead of the cheaper Durandium Alloy. This allows the Daisy II to retain its trademark durability and ruggedness, as well as minor regenerative properties at the cost of drastically heightened manufacturing and production expense. (8 SP)
  • Heavy Assault Plating Type I: Given to ace pilots and other elite troops, the Assault Plating is almost entirely composed of the advanced material known as Yamataium, granting it several unique properties. Besides being outright tougher and more sturdy than standard plates, the material also boasts superior regenerative capabilities, allowing it to self-repair or heal more extensive damage than standard Yama-Dura could. This includes damage such as bullet craters and minor energy weapon inflicted ablation or melting. This of course, comes in exchange for higher production and manufacturing costs in addition to increased mass. (10 SP)
Modular Hardpoints

The Daisy II has inbuilt hardpoints, which allow for various different equipment to be attached to the armor. This enables a high degree of adaptability, allowing it to equip gear to suit many different mission profiles.

  • Dorsal Hardpoint: Located in the middle of the back. Fits over the thrusters and reactor.
  • Shoulder Hardpoints (2): Located just above the shoulder blades. Typically mounts secondary weapons on armatures.
  • Forearm Hardpoints (2): Located on the forearms. By default holds one Pulse Energy Weapon each.
  • Lower Leg Hardpoints (2): On the outer sides of the lower legs. Usually mounts extra capacitors or mini-missiles.
Active Camouflage System

Integrated into the baseline armor, the standard Active Camouflage System conceals the Daisy II with a combination of Volumetric Projectors and a simplified Nano-layer. Using compact volumetric systems, optical camouflage can be achieved by projecting images of what is on one side of the Daisy II towards the other, rendering the power armor effectively invisible. In addition to this function, the volumetrics of the Active Camouflage System can double as hologram projectors, used to display any variety of things from live visual message feeds to maps or charts.

For dealing with thermal emissions, the Daisy II's ACS relies on a simplified nano-layer derived from the more advanced Thermoptic Camouflage systems used in older models. Instead of dealing with both the visible light spectrum and thermal spectrum of energy, this nano-layer is focused solely on blending in the Daisy II into the thermal background around it. This cuts the cost of the material in half and further simplifies production.

The default Active Camouflage System is discarded when Stealth Plating is used, but an even further simplified volumetric system is retained for utility usages.

Reinforced Assault Helmet

Composed of Yama-Dura alloy impregnated with an internal ADNR filament lattice, the helmet for the Daisy II is significantly more rigid and resistant to crushing attacks while maintaining similar production cost and weight. The helmet of the Daisy II serves to provide a Heads Up Display, communications and interface with the Power Armor besides just protection.

The helmet itself has a dual visor system - the outer visor is composed of non-transparent Yama-Dura Alloy which is also contains an ADNR micro-fillament lattice which gives it rigidity. This visor provides maximum protection for the user, and while it is on, the internal projectors provide a visual display calibrated to prevent eye fatigue. When damaged, the outer visor may be slid back to reveal a second full face visor composed of Transparent Durandium and activate a more rudimentary HUD.

Control Systems

The Daisy II is operated through two methods - helmet based brain wave monitoring through the helmet or the SPINE Interface system. When using the helmet, the system must have a brief time orientating and configuring itself to each individual pilot and is primarily used for pilots who do not have the SPINE Interface or have theirs damaged. The initial period of acclimation to a new user can be quickly circumvented by uploading personal neural interface information into a new Daisy II as needed. The latter mentioned system, the SPINE, is plug and play, requiring no setup.

Energy Barrier Projector

Built into both the right and left shoulder plates, these two defensive barrier projector units, though inferior individually to the original Energy Cloak Shield Projector of the Daisy I, offer equivalent protection, but with an increase in redundancy and more even coverage. With the projectors facing the back and front, these produce a protective electro-gravitic field that fits closely to the Daisy II's figure in a conformal fashion.

The projectors provide protection from both kinetic projectiles and energy-based weapons, causing incoming rounds to curve and energy beams to bend away while weakening their strength. Though not as powerful as the Mindy Series' combined_field_system, it is more efficient considering its limited power supply - the barrier generated requires 15 seconds to progressively recharge up to full power. As an added bonus, it is not lethal to normal, unshielded organisms like the CFS system. ( SP 8 )

As an added option, the standard EBP can be replaced with a Daisy I style system with all protective units located in one shoulder to make room for accessories such as drones in the other, now free shoulder location. Despite this modularity however, two Daisy I shield projectors cannot be used in tandem, as they will interfere with one another and generate an unstable field that provides no protection.

Heavy Fusion Thrusters

Providing the brunt of the force behind the Daisy II's flight capabilities, the Heavy Fusion Thrusters function by magnetically expelling highly compressed plasma. The hot plasma thrust is vectored out of two short, stubby and robust folding verniers near the shoulder blades and two 'fixed' verniers closer to the lumbar region. When not in use, the top two thrusters fold away, maintaining the Daisy II's smooth profile - the lower two units are sleek and well integrated into the suit despite still being able to vector thrust efficiently.

Forearm Mounted Shield

Though an optional attachment that fits onto the forearm in addition to the forearm weapon, this 3-foot tall shield is perhaps the Daisy series' trademark feature, and serves to provide additional protection. Composed out of a hollow Zesuaium structure, with the defensive face being thicker, the forearm Shield is surprisingly durable considering its relatively light weight.

It is impervious to kinetic projectiles (though the kinetic energy may break the attachment point over time) and can only be primarily harmed by plasma, anti-matter or aether. When not in conventional use, the forearm shield may be physically demounted and relocated to a point on the left shoulder, which also features the same exact system as the wrist mount. (SP 4)

The Daisy's zesuaium shield rests over the housing of the pulse energy weapon on the forearm. Since those are made to fire independently even while the Daisy is wielding a handheld rifle, they can rotate like small turrets. That turret-like pivot allows the shield's 3' length to be parallel or perpendicular to the forearm.

Note that the rotating is still done by a small turreted base; you likely won't get spinning with a great deal of motor strength. Characters have used the zesuaium shield as an impromptu club, but the 'spinning' itself likely can't be a weaponized process.

Tactical Drones

In addition to its traditional protective role, the Elliptoid Shield also serves as storage area for additional ammunition for weapons such as the LASR. Drones for the Daisy II are also stored here due to the shoulder spaces being used for a more robust and reliable shielding system. Due to the relocation of the drone bays, the Daisy II has an expanded Drone capability over its predecessor. It is capable of carrying three (3) of the original Elliptical Tactical Drones, or can be used to carry the compatible Blister Drones, of which five (5) can be had.

  • Tactical Drones: measuring about five inches long and two wide, the units are self-powered, and are capable of several functions. They provide both extra visual sensor capabilities and point-defense capabilities with a small pulse laser with a range of about 50 meters (PDR 2). The drones carry enough power for about four days of continuous use before needing to redock in their launching box to charge. Takes three hours to charge.
  • Blister Drones: See: Blister Drones

Conformal PSC Device

To protect against unconventional means of attack, a Conformal PSC Device: is integrated into the Daisy II. These nullify telepathic and psionic activity on the power armor and its user while selectively allowing certain channels to function. Its protective capabilities include the nullification of 'magical' types of unconventional attack as well as direct assaults on the mind.

Magazine Holders

The thighs on the Daisy II remain the traditional place at which ammunition for various weapons is stowed. Like its predecessor, munitions stowage is based on internal ammunition racks which pop out from under armor plate. Unlike its predecessor however, it can be customized for holding munitions of various types. In general, four magazines for the LASR are stowed inside the right thigh, with two magazines for the often accompanying SLAG on the left.

This storage compartment is 350mm deep x 200mm long x 30mm wide 1)

Internal Systems

Composite Frame

Unlike its predecessor, which used a titanium alloy frame, the Daisy II sports one composed of Durandium Alloy with ADNR (Aggregated Diamond Nanorods) supporting filaments encased within, providing additional rigidity and strength. Whereas the Durandium is more flexible, the ADNR is more rigid, the two complementing each other to provide a stronger basis on which the power armor is built upon.

By encasing one with the other, their weaknesses are compensated for, as the Durandium provides a toughness while the ADNR provides rigidity. In addition, the Durandium alloy prevents the ADNR from spalling due to the brittle nature that it has. To ease production and repairs, the frame is composed of interlocking components fused together rather than being a one-piece casting as its predecessor was.

Motor Servos

The Daisy II uses servo motors in conjunction with hemosynthetic material. These small, compact units serve to power the suit's movements and enhance the pilot's strength while working in tandem with the suit's hemosynth. The servo motors themselves are quick and easy to repair, requiring a minimum amount of tools and work to remove and replace with a new, functional unit.

Multi-Layer Interior Lining

The Daisy II's interior is lined by a soft, synthetic material meant to replicate a blend of polyester and wool but without the static. It can absorb sweat and keep the pilot comfortable if the pilot is naked, or hold a cool temperature for those wearing a uniform. Behind the lining is the standard hemosynthetic insert found in all Yamataian armors. The insert can “suck” at the liner to absorb sweat and other detritus, provide the necessary temperature regulation inside the armor or bleed through to give medical assistance to a wounded pilot.

Life Support

The Daisy II's Life support system has been simplified from the original Daisy I's life support, making it more affordable and robust - it still retains the same filtration capabilities and oxygen supply, but several features were removed. It lacks the water supply, catheter organ, and massaging capabilities found in its predecessor. The Former two were left off in the name of simplicity, the latter due to the more comfortable nature of the synthetic insert over a hemosynthetic insert.

Hyper-Capacitor System

As its primary source of power during operations, the Daisy II contains a hyper-capacitor system. These serve to provide power to all systems such as life support, weapons and shields. They are capable of supporting the suit for approximately a week out of combat, but constant and heavy usage consistent with combat will reduce the time of operation exponentially. The operational time is typically cut down to a day, a handful of hours, or even less, depending on conditions. These capacitors are located in each thigh, the upper arms, and on each side of the torso, making for a total of six capacitors.

Fusion Reactor

Acting primarily as both the power source and a propellant generator for flight, the BURST generates plasma for the suit's Heavy Fusion Thrusters to use. When not generating plasma for active flight, it recharges the Hyper Capacitor System onboard the Daisy II or directly powers shields or weapons systems. This action prolongs operational time of the power armor, enabling it to operate under combat load for roughly half a week. In addition, the Daisy II may hook itself up to power alternate systems and simply act as a generator.


Though the Daisy II continues to use the same self-destruct system as the original Daisy I, it now has a second method of destruction; a microfusion detonation.

Low Yield Capacitor Overload

As with its predecessor, the Capacitor Overload destroys the armor with all of its vital and proprietary hardware and software utilizing the integrated hyper-capacitors. Both organic and electrical components are either burned out or incinerated as the capacitors bleed out power before releasing it all at once in a burst, scattering the ashen remains and plates with a moderately powerful blast equivalent to a few of its calf-mounted offensive mini-missiles.

Damage is optimal within 2.5 meters of the armor, with the power of the blast sharply falling off past that distance. Time to self destruct can vary depending on the energy remaining within the capacitors, but is typically 30 seconds or less, with the system initiating destruction more quickly when fully charged.(ADR 3, 2.5 Meter Radius)

High Yield Microfusion Overload

A new addition, the Microfusion Overload creates a small thermonuclear explosion, making the traditional Capacitor Overload look tame in comparison. This is done by shunting large quantities of tritium-deuterium fuel into the reactor all at once, creating a fusion reaction that overload's the system's containment field.

The Yield of this thermonuclear detonation is variable however, depending on how much fuel is suddenly shunted into the fusion chamber as well as how the following milliseconds long duration the containment is allowed to last. By setting the containment to maximum and maximizing the amount of tritium-deuterium fuel is in the chamber, the fuel is compressed and fused even further, resulting in an even more violent reaction.

Time to detonation is much longer than the Capacitor Overload method, being up to 180 seconds (3 Minutes) in length for maximum yield. Typically, the furthest the maximum damage radius extends is 100 meters with large amounts of thermal and concussive blastwaves when initiated in atmosphere - in zero atmosphere environments, the blast-zone is strictly just that. Due to the absence of Uranium or Plutonium, residual radiation or fallout is nominal. (ADR 5, 100 Meter Radius)

Electronics and Misc. Systems

Integrated Electronics Suite

Though primarily equipped with the AIES, the Daisy II is also capable of taking on alternate systems such as the Destiny 'Pawn' Suite for ease of logistics.

Armor Integrated Electronics System

The default and therefore most common electronics package, the AIES, is a complete suite of communications systems and sensors. The AIES' numerous subsystems range from radar to laser to tachyon based. However, the latter is not available on default models; tachyon communications and tracking systems are an optional add-on that come in the form of elongated 'ears' to be placed on the helmet. In addition, due to the Daisy II's lack of a CFS system, as its predecessor did, a conventional subspace transceiver is used instead of a CFS bubble.

Destiny AI PAWN Suite (Optional)

One of the many subsets of the 'Destiny' AI System, the PAWN is an optional package of numerous sensor and communication equipment that the Daisy II may accept in place of the AIES due to its more modular construction. Due to not having high production numbers as a primary concern however, this civilian sector electronics suite offers a broader spectrum of sensor types, as well as increased sensor ranges, at the cost of greater expense, making widespread fielding of the suite across all units impractical - it is best used by officers which need the more strategic view that the system offers.

Inertia Redirection System

Providing the majority of the finesse of flight, the Daisy II holds a more powerful version of the inertia redirection system found on the original Daisy I; this system serves multiple purposes aboard the Daisy II. Besides providing a means of propulsion and fine control to supplement and augment the Heavy Fusion Thrusters by redirecting inertia (as the name suggests), it also supplement's and augments the Barrier System. Though the Barrier System is quite robust, it provides limited scalar protection - the IRS does just that however, and provides increased functionality in various conditions.

OOC Notes

  • Original artwork by RyujinDX
  • Daisy animated sprite artwork by bilgecrank
based on the requirements for the Armor Service Pistol, Type 29, which was designed to fit this compartment

stararmy/equipment/ke-m6-2a_daisy_power_armor.1558272019.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:13 (external edit)