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Ether Base

Ether Base was a small Star Army of Yamatai outpost on Ether. It was mainly there to keep the Yamatai Star Empire's claim on the planet. It was small, remote, and situated in frozen tundra, making it one of the least-desired duty stations in the Star Army.


In YE 34, the YSS Eucharis placed a base on the planet Ether.

In YE 42, the based was attacked by Kuvexian raiders and all personnel there were killed1).


Stationed at the base were:

  • Jôtô Heisho Tokuhichi Erika, combat infantry.“ A businesslike light gray NH-33 Eihei with almond-shaped golden eyes and crew cut black hair. Dressed in a cold weather outfit. (Eucharis rescued her from Sbuhfaba).
  • Itto Hei Arnbjorg Hanai, a marble-skinned NH-33 Eihei infantry soldier with smoldering bright green eyes and French braided platinum blond hair. She was wearing a worn Type 35 Duty Uniform with cornflower blue panels, a pleated skirt and boots, and carrying a Type 33 NSP holstered on her belt with a Type 32 Trauma Kit over one shoulder. (She was sent here in fall YE 35 for her involvement in an incident during a protest at the Star Army Recruiting Center in Kyoto).



OOC Notes

Written by Wes.

stararmy/bases/ether_base.1611064050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:07 (external edit)