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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
251Himitsu Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireTaiie
252Hotaru Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sector
253Jiyuu Fleet Depotmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IV
254Legacy Bastion (Katsuko no Iori)military facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireGensou System
255Kyoto War Collegemilitary facility, schoolYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)
256Leo Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireAsura System
257Libra Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sector
258Nataria Fleet Depotmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireNataria
259Elysian Naval Arsenalmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireEX-1 Keren
260Sakura Fleet Depotmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireScrapyard System
261sakura_top_view.jpgYSS Sakura Museummilitary facility, museumYamatai Star EmpireKyoto
262Scorpio Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireKetsurui Nebula
263Taurus Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireTsuyosa
264Fate Bastionmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireShugosha I
265UX-13 Training Center (Fort Ready II)military facilityYamatai Star EmpireUX-13 Training Center (Fort Ready II)
266Virginia Fleet Depotmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireVirginia
267Virgo Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sector
268Star Army Museummilitary facility, museumYamatai Star EmpireNataria
269izanagi_001.jpgYSS Battle Of Natariamilitary facility, starshipYamatai Star Empirelow
270Luna BiancamoonYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
271Midori No UmimoonYamatai Star Empiresafe
272SamurrmoonYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
273UsuikukimoonYamatai Star EmpireUshobrakflug Systemsafe
275Neue Jaspis IIfmoonAbwehran Star EmpireNeue Jaspissafe
276Neue Jaspis IIgmoonAbwehran Star EmpireNeue Jaspissafe
277Neue Jaspis IIhmoonAbwehran Star EmpireNeue Jaspissafe
278Neue Jaspis IIimoonAbwehran Star EmpireNeue Jaspissafe
279The Black MoonmoonIndependentHalnamoderate
280Trios BmoonParacruxmoderate
281Relay MoonmoonIndependentKagami Galaxylow
282Hanako Military MuseummuseumYamatai Star EmpireKetsurui no Iorisafe
283Akuro NebulanebulaYamatai Star Empirehigh
284ayames_nebula_1.jpegAyame's NebulanebulaDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaKikyo Sectormoderate
285ayumi_nebula_1.jpegAyumi NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireMotoyoshi Colonial Sectormoderate
286Chen NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
287Chisou NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
288Great Southern NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorlow
289Katsuko's NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
290ketsurui_nebula_1.jpegKetsurui NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
291Kohana CloudnebulaKikyo Sectorsafe
292Kosuka NebulanebulaKikyo Sectorsafe
293Midori NebulanebulaKikyo Sectorlow
294Nocturne GatenebulaKikyo Sectorlow
295Pacifica NebulanebulaKikyo Sectorsafe
296Ran NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
297Saiki Nebulanebulasafe
298Siama Rya (Soul of the Divine)nebulaKikyo Sectorsafe
299Tsuya NebulanebulaKikyo Sectorlow
300urgmlafwashik_nebula_1.jpegUrgmlafwashik NebulanebulaDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaKikyo Sectorsafe

places.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes