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Type 45 NRM Particle Beam Rifle

Based on recovered NMX "Impaler" Particle Beam Rifle (and the Atromos Particle Beam Rifle indirectly) from numerous battlefieds in the sector, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing's (NRM) Particle Beam Rifle is designed to deal with heavily armed criminal elements and armored individuals. The weapon was introduced in the beginning of YE 45.


About the Type 45 NRM Particle Beam Rifle

Desiring a man-portable but hard hitting weapon that can deal with heavily armored opponents in mass, NRM in YE 36 gathered Impaler Particle Beam Rifles from salvagers to equip a new legion of revolutionaries to free Nepleslia. With the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia relying heavily on Power Armor, Red leadership at the time believed that their inferior technology was the sole reason for their defeat in YE 29.

But due to the various states of disrepair the salvaged samples were in (chiefly acquired from NMX wreckage), NRM decided it would be more effective to simply design a new weapon through reverse-engineering of technology as part of Project 1123. But due to becoming hyperfocused on re-arming without notice from the Yamataians and little focus on developing an economy, Project 1123 was shelved in YE 38.

In YE 44 with the founding of the Fujiko Development Corporation, Project 1123 received a new lease on life. Wishing for a weapon to deal with better equipped Kuvexian mercenaries and rouge Reds (in the eyes of Fujiko), the specifications for the future Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle fitted perfectly. With the assistance of former NMX Nekos familiar with the old Impaler Rifle, prototype Type 45 Particle Beam Rifles were first used on Osman in late YE 45.

Nomenclature Information



The Type 45 defies conventional expectations of what a particle beam rifle should look like. Its design is heavily influenced by contemporary infantry firearms, giving it an appearance more akin to an assault rifle. This aesthetic choice serves a dual purpose: it makes the weapon more intuitive for those familiar with traditional firearms, and it allows for easier integration into existing military and paramilitary arsenals.

The weapon is separated into three parts: the forward barrel assembly, the upper receiver, and lower receiver.

Barrel Assembly

The barrel assembly is a marvel of engineering, housing the liner accelerator and cooling systems that make the weapon's devastating particle beams possible. The liner accelerator is a complex arrangement of magnetic and electrostatic fields that propel the helium particles to their high velocities. The cooling systems are equally advanced, utilizing carbon nanotube infused nanocomposite heat sinks and phase-change nanomaterials to manage the intense heat generated during operation. Thermoelectric nanomaterials are present to convert some of the waste heat into electricity used to supplement the power provided by the helium pack.

Upper Receiver

The upper receiver is the nerve center of the Type 45, containing high-capacity Navitium capacitors and the rails for targeting systems. These capacitors store the immense energy required to ionize and accelerate the helium particles. The targeting systems are modular, allowing for the attachment of various scopes and sights to suit the user's needs.

Lower Receiver

The lower receiver is the heart of the weapon, containing the plasma chamber, the magazine well for the ammo pack, and the internal computer system that controls the weapon's various functions. The plasma chamber is where the helium is ionized before being sent to the liner accelerator. The internal computer system ensures the smooth operation of all subsystems, from the ionization of helium to the focusing of the particle beam.

Discharge Information

  • Muzzle Flash: Small particle bloom from particles not focused by the weapon's magnetic and electrostatic lenses
  • Retort: Popping
  • Projectile/Beam Appearance: Purple particle beam
  • Effective Range: see below
  • Rate of Fire: 1 bolt per 3 second.
  • Recoil: Moderate

Energy Source

The Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle employs a highly specialized ammunition system that sets it apart from conventional firearms. At the core of this system is the Helium Pack, a dual-function box magazine that serves as both a power source and a reservoir for the helium gas used in the weapon's particle beam. This innovative design allows the Type 45 to maintain a compact form factor while still delivering the high-energy output required for its devastating attacks.

Helium Pack

The Helium Pack is a combination of a high-capacity power pack and a compression tank for helium gas. The power pack is responsible for energizing the weapon's various systems, including the liner accelerator and cooling mechanisms. It is designed to provide a consistent energy output, ensuring that each shot is as powerful as the last. The compression tank, on the other hand, holds the helium gas in a highly compressed state, ready to be ionized and accelerated to form the weapon's particle beam.

Ammunition Specifications

  • Ammunition: Helium Pack
  • Purpose: see below
  • Round Capacity: 20 bolts per helium pack
Round Type Velocity Effective Range Maximum Range Damage Rating V3
Bolt Anti-Personnel 3,500 m/s 800 meters 3,000 meters Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel

Multi-Faceted Damage Profile

The Type 45's particle beam is not a singular form of damage; it is a symphony of destruction that plays out in milliseconds upon hitting the target. The initial impact is a combination of thermal and kinetic energy, capable of inflicting damage even to power armor. But the most insidious aspect is the radiation released as the helium particles decay from the impact. Emitting x-ray radiation, it can penetrate armor and wreak havoc on biological tissues and sensitive electronics alike.

Weapon Mechanisms

  • Firing Mechanism: Helium is transferred into a plasma chamber where it's ionized into helium ions and free electrons. These ions are then accelerated in a synchrotron to their desired speed, after which they are redirected into a neutralizing chamber where they recombine with the stripped electrons, reforming neutral helium atoms. This neutral beam then gets an additional speed boost in a linear accelerator, and is subsequently focused by a magnetic lens. An electrostatic lens system protects the weapon's user and electronics from the high-energy beam. More helium is then drawn into the plasma chamber.
  • Loading: Helium and power is drawn from the detachable ammo pack. Power goes into the capacitors, while the helium goes into the plasma chamber where it is energized into ions.
  • Mode Selector: Ambidextrous fire selectors are located on both sides of the weapon to the rear of the trigger guard
  • Firing Modes: The weapon is semi-automatic.
  • Weapon Sight: Attachable weapon sights are mounted to the top of the particle beam rifle. It also has pop up back up iron sights.
  • Attachment Hard Points: Rail system located on the top of the upper receiver and the rear bottom/top of the barrel assembly.


The Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle is used by Fujiko Development Corporation and sold on the open-market. It ships with two barrel assemblies and a multi-tool to remove and perform maintenance/cleaning of the various components within.

  • Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle: 2,000KS/4,000DA

Replaceable Parts and Components

  • Plasma Chamber: 300KS/600DA
  • Capacitors: 200KS/400DA
  • Synchrotron: 200KS/400DA
  • Neutralizing Chamber: 150KS/300DA
  • Subcomputer: 100KS/200DA

Optional Attachments

Operating along side the Sakura Type 43 โ€œBushiโ€ Compact Carbine, a number of optional attachments are shared with the Type 45.

  • Holographic Sight: 70KS/140DA
  • Polychromatic laser pointer: 50KS/100DA
  • Flashlight: 25KS/50DA
  • Folding vertical foregrip: 35KS/70DA
  • Single-point Stone Thread sling: 25KS/70DA

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/04/29 10:17.

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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: rifles
Product NameType 45 NRM Particle Beam Rifle
ManufacturerNepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)2โ€ฏ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 3
Mass (kg)5 kg
Generated and edited by Demibear with
Commissioned by demibear from

items/weapons/rifles/type_45_particle_beam_rifle.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/06/28 21:16 by demibear