New Dusk Conclave
Active NDC Plots
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Below is all the needed information for making a NDC character. If you didn't arrive here from the main Creating a Character Guide, you should check it out first. It has links to character sheet templates that you'll need to use to make your character.
Welcome to the New Dusk Conclave, the land of new beginnings and the road less traveled.
This page will provide all the relevant information for creating a character for this faction, so let's get started on your new beginning.
While you're welcome to make a character for Open RP, much of SARP's roleplay is done in 'plots'. These are long-form play-by-post roleplays that are led by one or more GMs. They have varying post cadences, but are typically one post every one or two weeks.
You can see plots for the NDC and other factions on the site here:
Or you can look at our sidebar (to the left) to see a list of our Active Plots.
Formed in late YE 40 when a fleet of refugees settled Sirris VI in the Sanctum, the New Dusk Conclave is rather young. Aboard that fleet were scientists, soldiers, their families, and any refugees that hitched a ride along the way. The trip was neither pleasant or safe. Even upon arrival in their new home system, the fleet suffered attacks.
Since then, Obsidian City, the established capital of the young nation has become a home to a thriving diverse culture, the study of science, and the harmonious mingling of races from across the Kikyo Sector. The frontier spirit and will to survive is carved into all citizens of the NDC, whether they came from the original fleets, are refugees from other systems, immigrants seeking new opportunities, or Synthetics born into the faction as fully-fledged adults.
The growing Synthetic population, instilled with purpose and a common upbringing, have begun to cause significant changes within the faction. This is most evident in three areas:
The recent assassination of Jack Pine, one of the faction's founders, has caused a significant amount of social turmoil. Neera Pine has taken the reigns in his place, but she is new and untested. Cadres have begun to vie for more control over the faction. No one knows what the future has in store for the NDC, but it is an exciting time of shifting allegiances and new opportunities for all.
Learn more about Cadres:
Learn more about our culture:
The New Dusk Conclave is home to a diverse collection of sentients, ranging from the purely organic to the purely digital. The NDC views all sentients as having equal value and worthy of equal rights.
You can see a list of species that call the NDC home here:
Once you know what plot you're interested in and what type of character you want to make, it's a good time to start thinking about what your character will be doing.
If you want to make a character independent of the military, then you can freely choose your Skills based on what best suits your character.
If you want to make a character within the military, review our Occupations page:
Some occupations may have skills listed, so give those a look. If not, choose what seems right!
In either case, it's a good idea to talk to the GM of the plot you're interested in before fully settling on a character concept. We can often find ways to make things work, but not all characters are a good fit for every plot. For example - if you want to play a Chef, a GM might suggest that you avoid a plot centered around fighter pilots.
The majority of the NDC's population is made of refugees or 'manufactured citizens', such as human clones or Operators.
This section is more 'suggestion' than 'guide' - who your character is rests in your hands.
Naturals (non-clone, non-AI citizens) have been alive longer than the New Dusk Conclave has existed. They tend to be refugees or immigrants.
Some possible backgrounds are:
Most Synthetics are created by the NDC with a specific purpose in mind. As a general rule, Synthetics are designed to feel an interest and obligation in fulfilling that purpose - but not to the extent that it subverts their free will.
Some possible backgrounds are:
Now that you've got all the major notes of your character figured out, it's your turn to fill in the gaps. What's your character's personality? Likes and dislikes? What are their motivations?
You can take a look at our Starting Equipment for an idea of what your character should be carrying around with them.
When you're done, it's time to save your work and submit your character!