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"Nu'Fei"-Class Small Craft Shipyard

The Nu'Fei-Class shipyard has been designed to service the growing small-craft compliment of the LSDF as a permanent station for a portion of the fleet, and as a resupply point for UOC and LSDF small-craft assets.

About the Ship

The Nu'Fei is designed to be used as a permanent dock for a large number of small craft, and as a maintenance yard for small craft assets. The Nu'Fei is actually based off of the Wh'ki's design, and in some cases are actually converted Wh'ki.

Key Features

The key feature of the Nu'Fei is its small craft housing capability. Due to converting the Wh'ki's large construction bay into a hive-like interior, the Nu'Fei is capable of housing a large number of small craft while also providing maintenance and resupply for these vessels.

Mission Specialization

The Nu'Fei is specialized to housing a complement of small craft, and providing repairs and resupply to small craft.


:!: Note: Updated Art Pending, Using Wh'ki art to indicate exterior structure :!:

History and Background

With the growing cost of fleet upkeep, the Lorath Matriarchy concluded that a means of housing their small craft in a ready-state was required. To facilitate this need, the Lorath Matriarchy looked to their abundance of shipyards, concluding that they would serve to the task at hand if converted. With the order from the Matriarchy, a design was made which would convert a number of existing Wh'ki into Nu'Fei, and also provide blueprints for future Nu'Fei to be built.

Statistics and Performance


:!: All listed statistics unless otherwise noted are statistics of each individual Nu'Fei node

Class: LM-SY-XL-02 Type: Extra-Large Capacity Small-Craft Shipyard Designers: Lorath Matriarchy Manufacturer: Lorath Matriarchy Production: 10 Fielded by: Lorath Matriarchy.



  • 3 Construction Managers
  • 24 Manual Construction Engineers
  • 6 Security Personnel
  • 2000 Permanently Assigned Pilots
  • 1 Non-SI ARIA

Maximum Capacity (Per Node): Each Nu'Fei node can support 5,000 people indefinitely so long as power is available. 50,000 can be sustained for up to three months without exterior support.


:!: All listed statistics unless otherwise noted are statistics of each individual Nu'Fei node

Length: 6000 Meters Width: 5500 Meters Height: 5500 Meters Decks: 800 Maintenance Shafts, 5 Meters each. 25 Operational Decks, 5 Meters each, 75 interior-maintenance decks.

Propulsion and Range

Hyperspace Fold Drive: .5 LY/min Subspace Distortion Drive: 750c Gravitic Drive: .15c Range: Indefinite, so long as power is available. Lifespan: Indefinite, so long as power is available, and ARIA units maintain sanity. Refit Cycle: Constantly building upon itself.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Primary Operations Deck (Deck 1)

The primary operations deck includes a 'bridge-like' command area where operations for the construction node are coordinated by the staff of the node.

Decks 2 - 24

Remaining operational and livable decks of each Nu'Fei node are individually configured as to the specifications of the crew assigned, and the needs of the compliment of vehicles which have been assigned to the Nu'Fei.

Compartment Information

The following compartment descriptions are descriptions of compartments commonly found in each Nu'Fei node, however, not all Nu'Fei may have all listed compartments, and may not have each compartment located in the same location in each node.

Required compartments will be marked with a (R) beside each title, each section will also have an indication of a (number) of rooms which are most frequently or required to be made.

Armory (R) (One)

Each Nu'Fei has an armory which must have enough space for a group of six soldiers to store their equipment, each 'Nu'Fei' armory includes the following as per regulation.

Armory Compliment

Primary Operations Deck (R) (One)

The Primary Operations Deck is a deck dedicated to the operational management of the Nu'Fei shipyard node. A standard Operations Deck often has a configuration much like a starship bridge, however, Operations Deck configurations can be reconfigured depending on the needs and wants of the assigned crew. Despite the capability to be reconfigured, a standard series of components is required in each Operations Deck layout.

Each Operations deck requires:

  • One central view screen measuring at least five meters wide and five meters tall.
  • Two carbon-composite view ports which face the construction bay of the Nu'Fei
  • Three tactile interface consoles, configured for computer access, construction control, and a sensor and communications interface.
  • Two Neural-Link compatible work-stations.
  • One weapons locker, Standard complement; 6 LSDF “Ek'yra” Railgun Service Rifle.
  • 3 Exits/Entrances
  • 3 Maintenance Passage Access Points
  • 12 'Wind' Power suits in storage.

Management Quarters (Three)

A 'Management Quarters' compartment is a section designated for shipyard management to live in. Standard management quarters include a standard Lorath bed (A pit-like depression into the deck), a large desk, and a full bath. Additional components can be added as per the needs of the management assigned to the quarters.

Crew Quarters (R) (Sixteen)

Each node must be able to house the work force and security force assigned to it, this requires sixteen rooms to be created for the task. Each room's standard components include a bed, toilet, small desk, communications and computer access terminal, and a closet.

Some nodes may have additional crew quarters due to housing additional crew which will be transfered to the constructed ship, or additional staff to manage shipyard functions.

Pilot Crew Accommodations (R)

At times, the Nu'Fei must function as a garrison as well due to it's compliment of armors, shuttles, and fighters requiring pilots. An area of the Nu'Fei has been converted into a large bunking area which consists of three-level bunk beds, community amenities, and very little space. Its spartan to say the least.

General Crew Toilets, Baths, and Showers (R) (Two areas with accommodations for 50)

The General Crew bath area is a large room which has a group bath area, shower stalls, and toilet stalls. The decor is rather plain in a standard configuration, however, crews can decorate the bath area and configure it as needed.


The toilets in the general crew bath area in a standard configuration are 'waste extraction' type units which utilize a tube which is inserted into an orifice which is utilized to remove the waste from the user.

However, other toilet varieties are available depending on crew preferences.


The baths of the general crew area are simulated stone tubs which have an average depth of one and a half meters. These baths are equipped with their own gravity generators to provide gravity to the water in the bath in the event of a power outage.

To conserve space, the bath area is built large enough to accommodate the full general staff of the shipyard, and not just one gender or the other, which would require a separate bath.


Each bath area also includes sixteen shower stalls, these stalls are built free-standing in the middle of the bath area and are built as two rows of eight shower stalls. Water for the showering process is provided by four separate nozzles which are designed to optimize water coverage to the user. The floor of each shower includes a suction device which forces water down into the drainage system in the event of gravity failure.

Management Toilets, Baths, and Showers (Capacity for three to six)


Waste management facilities in the management baths consist of stall-enclosed toilets which are designed in the Lorath tradition which essentially is a toilet which a user perches them self upon. Each toilet includes its own gravity generator unit in the event of overall gravity failure. Each toilet also includes a suction system which is designed to pull liquid waste into the drainage system.


The bath in the management section is often constructed from a high quality porcelain material. All management baths include heating elements which keep the porcelain warm, and serve to keep the bath warm as well. Management baths also include dispenser units for luxury soaps and aroma therapy. However, the management bath still remains designed to be utilized by multiple individuals instead of individual baths.


One of the few things which does not change much from the management to the regular general baths are the showers. The showers in the management section are designed just like those in the general section, however, they include heated seats which allow for the individual showering to be seated while bathing.

Galley (R)

The galley of the Nu'Fei is designed to be self-sustaining for an indefinite amount of time so long as power is supplied, thus, the galley of the shipyard is not designed like conventional kitchens due to some needed features. Despite the unconventional design, the kitchen sink remains included.

Organic Tissue Culture Chamber (4)

The “Organic Tissue Culture Chamber” is a climate controlled containment unit which also includes cloning and culture growth technology, allowing for one organic tissue sample to serve as a catalyst to produce a nearly never ending supply of organic material intended for consumption.

Small Organic Tissue Culture Unit

The smaller organic tissue culture unit is utilized for producing various organic compounds in small quantities, such as spices, sugars, and other such materials.

Emfratec Stove

The galley includes a 'Hot One' variant of the Emfratec Stove.

Refrigeration Unit

The galley includes a walk-in refrigeration and freezing unit where food can be stored for later usage. The walk-in unit also includes an emergency door-release on the inside.

The Cool-One

Located adjacent to the refrigeration unit is a frozen-desert manufacturing machine which produces delicious treats such as frozen yogurt, ice cream, whipped toppings, and other frozen delicacies.

Storage Area

The galley also includes a storage area intended for crate storage, this area is a 10 meter by 10 meter pantry area.

Butcher Block

Placed in the middle of the galley is a solid wooden block with a steel top placed upon it. The butcher block is placed in a central location in the galley to provide a view of the meat cutting process.

Mess Area (R)

The dining area for the crew of the Nu'Fei is located directly adjacent to the galley, providing the diners a view of the food preparation process, a Lorath tradition in food preparation. Each mess area consists of stainless steel chairs, tables, utensils, and dish wear. Chairs are padded for diner comfort.

The floor of the mess area includes weak electromagnetic field generators which are in place to prevent the chairs, dish wear, and other items in the galley from being flung about in the event of gravity failure or some sort of collision.

Cargo Storage (R) (1)

At least one hundred meters in width, one hundred meters in length, and one hundred meters in hight are dedicated in each Nu'Fei to be utilized for cargo storage. Each cargo storage area includes independent gravity field generation.

Crew Recreation

An optional component to a Nu'Fei shipyard's interior includes a recreation area. Most recreation areas include weight lifting equipment, a sparring area, sound-proofed meditation rooms, and a volumetric projector system to provide visual stimuli.

Engineering & System Monitoring Area (R)

The engineering and system monitoring area is required to have access to the maintenance shafts adjoining the section, monitoring equipment to monitor all systems aboard the Nu'Fei node, and a cache of tools and equipment suitable for fixing all systems aboard the Nu'Fei. Despite these requirements, the engineering section layout can vary greatly depending on the crew.

Maintenance Shafts (R)

Maintenance shafts in the Nu'Fei are 5 meter by 2 meter corridors which run throughout the shipyard's interior and provide access to all key portions of the shipyard, and allow access to key working components behind various systems.

Medical Care Center (6) (R)

Every Nu'Fei includes six medical scare centers which include a neural data storage system, cybernetic component maintenance and installation tools, and a fully stocked cabinet version of a Lorath First Aid Kit.

Medical care center load outs may vary between Nu'Fei nodes depending on the medical needs of the individuals assigned to each node.

Passageways (R)

Throughout the habitable sections of the Nu'Fei, passageways which are 4×5 meters provide the means to move about the shipyard's interior. Passageways can optionally be gravity controlled.

Small Craft Conveyors

Placed throughout the Nu'Fei are a series of shafts which service a number of conveyor systems which consist of platforms, lifts, and carrying frames. These conveyor systems are used to move power armor, mecha, shuttles, and fighters to and from the small craft housing bay.

Large Craft Maintenance and Construction Bays (R) (2)

The Nu'Fei is capable of providing repair and resupply to larger ships if needed, this is accomplished by the use of two maintenance and construction bays which can be accessed through a pair of docking bays which are separate from the primary small craft housing bay. Each large craft maintenance bay is 100 Meters in height, 150 Meters in width, and 400 Meters in length. Each large craft bay includes its own nanoconstruction systems and manipulator arms.

These bays are located on the exterior of the Nu'Fei on the left and right sides adjacent to the node docking extension.


Often located adjacent to the engineering section or primary operations deck, the wardroom serves as a meeting location for the staff of the Nu'Fei to discuss operations for the Nu'Fei node, or to conduct other meetings. Most Nu'Fei wardrooms include a rather large table, a volumetric projector, and Nu'Fei node monitoring equipment to allow for real-time supervision of production.

Small Craft Housing Bay (R)

The central feature of the Nu'Fei is it's small craft housing bay. Converted from the original Wh'ki configuration's construction bay, the small craft housing bay is designed much like an insect hive. Chambers are dedicated to individual small craft. Each chamber includes its own manipulator arms and nano-construction systems allowing for small craft to be restocked and repaired while in holding.

An automated lift system is able to convey work crews and pilots to each chamber, ships are moved from to and from their individual chamber through the use of a vehicle lift system which moves individual ships to the central launch chamber.

There are 75 'decks' of small craft housing, each deck consisting of 100 rows, each row consisting of 100 small craft maintenance alcoves.

Docking Extensions (R)

Located on the top, bottom, starboard, and port sides of the Nu'Fei, these extensions allow multiple Nu'Fei to be networked together, or for a Nu'Fei to be docked with a Wh'ki.

Munitions Storage

Nu'Fei nodes which are meant to be producing star ships are often equipped with a munitions storage area which is fortified with additional structural supports, thicker deck plates and bulkheads, and EM and gravitic shielded. The munitions storage area is intended to be utilized to store ordinance which is to be moved to a craft under maintenance.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Overall Damage Rating: SP 50

Structol Construction Layer

Serving as the backbone for the bulk of the Nu'Fei's construction, the hull of the Nu'Fei is primarily comprised of Type-A Structol.

Structural Mesh Layer

Layered on top of the Structol layer, the structural mesh layer is placed on top of the Structol layer. The structural mesh layer provides a bulk of the Nu'Fei's durability.

Carbon Composite Layer

The carbon composite layer is a layer nestled beneath the outer Structol layer and the interior of the shipyard, the carbon composite layer provides a foundation for the Nu'Fei's structure. The interior of the Nu'Fei's constructor bay also is comprised of carbon composite material.

Interior Structural Composition


Within the interior of the Nu'Fei, a combination of Class-A and Class-B Structol is utilized to provide the shipyard with internal structural stabilization, and support for utilities such as electrical systems, water, data transfer, and simple conduits which are utilized to house systems which can not be created by Structol.

Carbon Composites

Carbon composite material, such as carbon-ring, and stonethread-laminate are utilized to fortify the internal structural integrity of the Nu'Fei. Carbon composite textures and hardness vary depending on the application, however, the majority of carbon composites visible and accessible to shipyard crew are designed to mimic the sound and feel of metallic plates.

Computers and Electronics

The Nu'Fei utilizes Lorath Computing Technology including the ARIA system in both SI and Non-SI application, and neural data storage and interface equipment.

ARIA Storage

SI ARIA units are kept in engineering, the operations deck, and adjacent to the construction bay. Each unit is kept physically separate from the others for safety concerns.

Potentially dangerous to crew systems are often operated utilizing a back up cluster of Non-SI ARIA units.


The Nu'Fei utilizes Lorath Communications Systems


The Nu'Fei utilizes both uncommon and common Lorath Sensor Packages.

Emergency Systems

Cryonic Stasis Systems

Much like previous Lorath designs, the Nu'Fei includes a node-wide cryonic stasis system which is designed to put the occupants of the Nu'Fei into a preserved stasis in the event of an emergency. This system utilizes a complex refrigeration system, and air-administered drugs to induce a coma-like state, and preserve tissues.

Ferryman-Shuttle Escape Pods

Located adjacent to the crew quarters, engineering, and command deck are launch bays for Ferryman-Shuttles which are outfitted to be utilized as escape pods in the event of emergency.

Emergency Beacon

In the event of a catastrophic systems failure, four separate and self-contained emergency beacons would be triggered. Each beacon is equipped with subspace, hyperspace, and traditional radio communications systems.

Isolation System

Each section of the Nu'Fei is capable of being completely isolated from other sections. This system accomplishes its task by utilizing high-density carbon fiber blast shutters in unison with forcefield generator systems. Each section of the Nu'Fei has its own emergency oxygen recycling and water recycling system which provides life support for up to one week.

Emergency Rations

Each section of the Nu'Fei which is intended for long-term crew usage includes a cache of one week's worth of preserved rations for three. Also included in the ration cache is a nutrient injection system and three weeks of nutrient supplements.

Emergency 'Wind' suit caches

Located in the crew quarters, management quarters, operations deck, armory, munitions storage, and engineering section are caches of six 'Wind' power suits.

Automated Turrets

Required to be located on the command deck, engineering deck, and constructor bay, these turrets are connected to a Non-SI ARIA equipped with advanced target designation programming and friendly instruction recognition. Each location required to have turret systems have at least six turrets configured in an exit-covering crossfire. All turrets are electromagnetic rail turrets, equipped with four ammunition variants which are selectable by the Non-SI or Nu'Fei management.

  • 25mm Non-Lethal Gel Containment Slug, adhesive and flame retardant
  • 25mm Standard Slug
  • 25mm Standard Explosive Slug
  • 25mm Gel-to-Gas Nanomachine Distribution Slug

Hull Breach Sealing System and fire suppression

Each passageway, maintenance corridor, and crewed area is equipped with a combination fire suppression and hull breach sealing system which consists of a gel-releasing sprinkler system which releases a flame smothering gel which is also capable of patching hull breaches temporally until the Structol hull layer can form over the breach. The sealing gel also includes Structol friendly nutrients.

First-Aid Availability

Each crew served area has an “Emergency Response Kit” variant of the Lorath First Aid Kit.

Neural Data Storage System and Ejection System

Through the use of Lorath neural link and interface technology, crew members of the Nu'Fei are able to back up their neural-data 'live', meaning that they are able to keep their saved neural data up-to-date with their conscious data.

In the event of a catastrophic event, the neural gel containment unit which is utilized for neural data storage can be ejected from the Nu'Fei. The containment unit is comprised of solid durandium and structural mesh. The unit also includes a Lorath subspace distortion drive system, hyperspace fold system, and gravitic drive and shielding.

Life Support Systems

The Nu'Fei is equipped with temperature control, air pressure regulation, air recycling, water recycling, organic matter recomposition and recovery, and stasis condition activation device. Each deck has their own environmental systems package, allowing for each deck to remain isolated from the other decks of the shipyard.

An additional feature of the environmental system is a system which allows the introduction of chemical compounds, medicines, and micro/nano machines into the air supply of the vessel, allowing for rapid response to the spread of disease through the ship, or other situations where an airborne solution would serve best.

Power Supply

Lorath Power Systems included in the Nu'Fei include;

Low Demand Power Sources

Low demand power sources provide power for systems such as life-support, lighting, computer interfaces, and communications.

  • Solar Collectors
  • Bacterial Power Packs
  • Magnetic Cycle Motor Generators

High Demand Power Sources

High demand power sources deliver power for systems such as nanoconstruction machines, propulsion, plasma collection grid, and shields.

  • Antimatter Generator
  • Energy/Matter Converter Reactor System
  • Plasma Generator
  • Fusion Reactor

External and Remote Power Systems

External and remote power systems provide power to small-craft, construction equipment, and even other ships which can receive energy-transmissions from the Nu'Fei.

  • Umbilical System
  • Microwave System
  • Arc-Beam System
  • Wide-Field Support System


The Nu'Fei utilizes Lorath Propulsion Systems, including;

  • Subspace distortion drive system
  • Gravitic propulsion

The Nu'Fei also includes a hyperspace fold system.

Small Craft Housing Bay

The central feature of the Nu'Fei is it's small craft housing bay. Converted from the original Wh'ki configuration's construction bay, the small craft housing bay is designed much like an insect hive. Chambers are dedicated to individual small craft. Each chamber includes its own manipulator arms and nano-construction systems allowing for small craft to be restocked and repaired while in holding.

An automated lift system is able to convey work crews and pilots to each chamber, ships are moved from to and from their individual chamber through the use of a vehicle lift system which moves individual ships to the central launch chamber.

Central Launch Chamber

Placed through the center of the Nu'Fei, this long cylindrical 'hole' through the middle of the shipyard is used as a receiving and launching bay. Small craft such as power armor, fighters, and shuttles can enter into this area and be conveyed into the small craft housing bay area, or can have it's ammunition restocked through the use of the manipulator arm systems included in the chamber. Minor repairs can also be handled on-the-fly such as minor hull breaches, dents, scratches, and missing mecha limbs.


The nanoconsruction feature is utilized to fabricate delicate ship systems, metallic structures, and even complex chemical compounds.

Robotic Arms

A legacy of the Antaeus' Universal Constructor, and a hold-over from conventional industrial practice, a series of robotic arms are utilized in the construction bay, these robotic arms are housed in the bulkheads of the Nu'Fei's interior and are protected behind sealing hatches. Behind these hatches are access corridors which provide engineering crews with access to the robotic arms to outfit them with equipment or tools.

Each robotic arm is also equipped with special electronic and psionic signal projectors which are capable of interacting with and instructing Structol material.

Paa-Zem Bays

Located in the interior portion of the Nu'Fei are four Paa-Zem Advanced Construction Pod service bays. Each service bay contains four Paa-Zem units with equipment. Paa-Zem bays can be accessed through the Nu'Fei's passageway system.

Structol Growth Section

A sizable portion of the ceiling and floor of the interior bay are dedicated to Structol colonies which are enclosed within atmosphere containment forcefields and a back-up transparent carbon fiber dome. When needed, the dome and forcefield can be retracted to allow for the interior robotic arms to have access to the Structol material to utilize it as a foundation for a starship or other structure's construction.

Atmosphere and Gravity Regulation

The Nu'Fei's small craft bays can be pressurized and de-pressurized, allowing for work crews to operate within each alcove, or remove work-disruptive oxygen. The space-doors of the small craft bay include magnetic-rail driven carbon-material shutters, and high strength EM field projectors.

The interior of the construction area also includes a gravity field manipulation generator which allows for the item being constructed to be suspended in mid air, this system also provides protection against scalar attacks.

Energy to Matter Raw Material Fabrication

The construction bay also includes its own dedicated energy-to-matter converter system which utilizes the Nu'Fei's reactor output to produce raw materials to be utilized by construction crews. Due to the Lorath's lack of familiarity with the system, they were unable to produce a system which can deliver Zesuaium, however, the fabricator is able to produce Yamataium, and other high-strength armor materials.

Shield & Defense Systems

The Nu'Fei includes shipyard grade Lorath Shield System Technology.

Systems Included:

  • Gravity Shielding
  • Plasma Shielding
  • Electromagnetic Shielding
  • Combined Shield System

QnS' Legacy

The Nu'Fei incorporates technology derived from Qel'noran Shipyards designs.

Radiation Nullification Field

This system deals with radiation and other harmful forces, keeping them out of the shipyard and allowing the crew to work safely in even the most harmful of natural space environments. This field is projected in a bubble around the ship and can be used to screen other craft as well.

Plasma Systems

Psionics Scrambler

The Nu'Fei includes a Psionics Scrambler Device

Docking Airlocks

Thirty separate docking airlocks are incorporated on the interior of the Nu'Fei large-craft bay and exterior of the Nu'Fei. All docking airlocks are standardized and compatible with Lorath, Nepleslian, and Yamataian ships.

Galley Technology

Energy to Matter Device - Galley Edition

The galley includes an energy to matter converter designed to create organic compounds to be utilized in the organic tissue culture chamber. The energy to matter device also produces water for crew consumption.

Organic Tissue Culture Chamber

The “Organic Tissue Culture Chamber” is a climate controlled containment unit which also includes cloning and culture growth technology, allowing for one organic tissue sample to serve as a catalyst to produce a nearly never ending supply of organic material intended for consumption.

  • Meat: Through the use of a tissue sample from healthy genetic stock gathered from cattle, the meat culture chamber produces a two meter by two meter lump of meat every day.
  • Fruit: By utilizing multiple culture systems and feeding the product into a blending chamber, the fruit culture chamber produces a multi-fruit paste by the bucket full. Excess fluids from the process are drained to a containment unit which contains the fruit juices for later consumption.
  • Vegetable: Much like the fruit culture method, the vegetable system produces a green sludge-like paste which incorporates various vegetables into one combined product. Much like the fruit variant, excess juices are stored in a container for crew consumption.
  • Dairy: By utilizing the culture system, a steady production of dairy product can be produced and fed into a double-chambered culture unit. In one chamber, the dairy product goes through a treatment and catalyst induction process which produces a blended cheese product. The other chamber yields a sweetened yet creamy milk product.
  • Grain: The grain production culture chamber also includes a milling system which produces a fine powder-like grain product which can be utilized to produce bread, cereals, imitation rice, pasta, and flour.

Small Organic Tissue Culture Unit

The smaller organic tissue culture unit is utilized for producing various organic compounds in small quantities, such as spices, sugars, and other such materials.

Emfratec Stove

The galley includes a 'Hot One' variant of the Emfratec Stove.

Refrigeration Unit

The galley includes a walk-in refrigeration and freezing unit where food can be stored for later usage. The walk-in unit also includes an emergency door-release on the inside.

Weapons Systems

Vehicle Complement

Each Nu'Fei can hold up to 750,000 Small Craft in its alcove system.

Permanent Compliment

Shuttles & Fighters


Added to Lorath Matriarchy and UMC Nu'Fei shipyards

faction/lorath/starship/nufei_shipyard.1572701161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:44 (external edit)