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Iron Company

The Iron Company is a Mercenary Company that was founded in BYE 90 in the Valhalla Universe. They first arrived in the SARPiverse in YE 42 and reincorporated in YE 43.

History and Background

The Iron Company is a Mercenary Company that started out in the Valhalla Universe in BYE 90 under the direction Albert Steiner. The company was devoted to pushing back the darkness, fighting hordes of aggressive creatures across various worlds in assistance to local factions.

According to the Company's loosely kept history records, they were associated with a group called Gaben's Hunters. They struck out for what was the frontier at the time seeking their fortune. At what point they went from a simple band of mercenaries hunting whatever ugly critters decided that your face would make a tasty snack to the bright, shiny knightly order was unclear, but for almost eighty years they operated under the new name “The Iron Company”, taking various contracts escorting trade vessels, continuing their old profession of hunting taking the carcasses as payment, and stamping out whatever pirates they happened upon with great gusto mixed in with a little manufacturing on the side. This gave them a reputation for being one of the groups of go-to guys for killing whatever space bugs you happened across, or when you need to tell those pesky pirates with a very firm, resounding voice “Hippity Hoppity, hands off my property!” and had the big guns to back it up as well as being handy if you needed something fixed. The Company, even in its current, sad lonely state was always fond of weapons that were powerful, heavy, hard-hitting, volatile, or some combination thereof.

In BYE 10,the Company of old suffered a Schism-after a stint of bad luck with several jobs going south, a low influx of recruits, and supplies starting to run low morale began to suffer. The rumblings of the soldiers saw many of the more senior members pleading with the Grandmaster of the time to take some of the more lucrative jobs-however this would compromise many of the principles that they stood for as it would see them entangled in the greater politics of the regions. After several escalating arguments, it eventually came to blows as the company split apart and began fighting among themselves. The fighting eventually left Albert Steiner himself the only survivor, having managed to get a starship operational in an attempt to try and rescue his remaining loyal brethren.

The Iron Company realized their FTL drives had the capability to jump between universes in YE 40 and began experimenting with their uses thereafter. In YE 42, during the Kuvexian Advance Albert Steiner was rescued from what was the result of one of those experiments inside of the Kikyo Sector by the Star Army of Yamatai. Simultaneously, the Iron Company was engaged in assisting the the Norian people in the Avaen Universe during their Craethel War. Albert Steiner spent some time in Kyoto before he returned to the Avaen Universe to combat hordes of entities from the Asune Dimension.

The Iron Company however returned to the SARPiverse in YE 44 in a continued search for fortunes. They've continued their tradition of pushing back hordes of dark ugly creatures as they have started skirmishes with remnant Mishhuvurthyar populations. They were also invited as an Independent party to join the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet by Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko.1)

Iron Company

Iron Company
“We stand strong where others fall.”
Founded BYE 90
Owner Albert Steiner
CEO Albert Steiner
Faction Independent
Associations Associations with Yamatai Star Empire, New Dusk Conclave, Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, Tsenlan
Product Symbol IC


In YE 45, Tacho designed and implemented the new Steiner Era Uniforms. They became the standard in the Iron Company from that point forward.

The old Iron Company Standard Uniform and equipment colors are Dark blue and gray, though maybe recolored according to mission parameters, though individuals known as sentinels had dark green and gray, and usually, a personalized coat of arms, while officers usually had a gold or silver trim to their armor and uniforms. The closest thing to a leader they have at this time is one Albert Steiner, though at the moment a lack of sufficient capital is hampering his attempts at rebuilding and recruiting members, even with nanofabrication technology.


The following are important locations for the Iron Company.


The Headquarters for the Iron Company is located in Skaditown on Njord Prime in the Njord System.


The Facilities for the Iron Company have not yet been decided.


Current Products

Things produced by the Iron Company.

Work In Progress


Standard Systems Project

Discontinued Products

No products have been discontinued.

OOC Notes

Commissar Farzi created this article. Andrew assisted on 2022/10/28.

  • Original was Approved by Andrew on 02/25/2021.6)
  • The update don't introduce any new technology therefore does not need to go to NTSE.
OOC ManagerCommissar Farzi
OOC ThreadOOC Thread
Last Checked2023/09/25

corp/iron_company.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/31 16:08 by commissar_farzi