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Annelise Strixdottir

Classified as: Active Player Character

Dossier coded By: Cute Fuzz.

Annelise Strixdottir
Species & Gender: Female Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A, formerly NH-29
Organization: Yamatai Star Empire
Occupation: Star Army Soldier
Rank: Reinstated at Shoi Kohosei
Current Placement: To Be Added -Post Assessment-

[Physical Description]

Base description provided prior to activation, detailed on YE29, 2月, 24日:

  • Height of 5’4”
  • Weight of 119 lbs.
  • Athletic Muscular figure, tomboyish frame. Matured poise and features.
  • Fair skin - caucasian mimic.
  • Single length platinum blonde hair to the bottom of the shoulder.
  • Crystalline blue eyes. Low sitting eyelids, stern default expression.
  • Black eyebrows and eyelashes to embolden washed out features.
  • Furred ears, rosy pink interior and platinum white exterior.
  • Four digits per hand (opposable thumbs included) with reinforced fingernails.
  • Standard five digits per foot with reinforced toenails.
  • Tail exempt.

Base description provided upon re-activation, detailed on YE44, 7月, 2日:

  • Height of 5’9”
  • Weight of 137 lbs.
  • Athletic Muscular figure, tomboyish frame. Matured poise and features.
  • Yellow skin - metallic gold mimic.
  • Single length jet-black hair to the top of the shoulders, forward angle.
  • Deep green eyes. Low sitting eyelids, stern default expression.
  • Black eyelashes and pencil-thin eyebrows.
  • Furless ears, same color as skin internally and externally.
  • Five digits per hand (opposable thumbs included) with reinforced fingernails.
  • Standard five digits per foot with reinforced toenails.
  • Tail exempt.


Initial Observations:

[LOG 1:] Annelise Strixdottir shows exemplary eye for detail. She is acutely aware of her surroundings, like all Nekovalkyrja, but watches with high-strung anticipation. Strixdottir’s blank expression is not wandering, distracted, or absent. Rather, the blank expression is extremely vigilant, even unnerving some scientists interacting with the Nekovalkyrja. Unclear whether distrust or anxiety is present; will monitor closely.

[LOG 2:] Strixdottir has begun conversing regularly with personnel within PNUgen Corp. Sentences are short and concise, and Strixdottir does not buffer her sentences with arbitrary filler. Because of this she remains silent, calculating, until she is ready to respond. LOG 1 observations compound with this behavior to create a very bold, unwavering demeanor. This demeanor seems to leave her conversations in uncomfortable limbo. Continuing to work with Strixdottir on improving social relations; will monitor closely.

[LOG 3:] Strixdottir’s demeanor has softened significantly since increasing focus on interactive therapies. Strixdottir continues to hold a trained poise and exude boldness, but it has relaxed through participation in social settings and training. Anxiety is more likely affecting her public appearances versus distrust, more to come. Strixdottir’s use of facial expressions and eye contact have also increased dramatically. Will continue to monitor. END TRANSMISSION

Notable Observations made by Trained Professionals:

[SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Malcolm Stricks] - Strixdottir approached me for council six months into her studies at Kyoto War College. Extremely disturbed, likely coming down from mental shock. Strixdottir informed me of a lesson recently begun in her Victim Studies class. Subject involved deceased Star Army Ranger tortured for information before a brutal and humiliating execution; an example of worst case scenario. Photographs and eyewitness statements left visceral impact on Strixdottir. Strixdottir admitted to not understanding the level of seriousness involved in war and politics. I attempted to be an unbiased voice of reason to assist her, unsure if I was successful. After four hours of conversation, she thanked me for my time and left. The next time I saw her, she did not have the same relaxed poise my team worked so hard to train into her. I fear she reverted to protect herself.

[SUBMITTED BY: Jôtô Heisho Yiitora Kento] As a Nitô Hei, it felt strange to make observations about a higher ranking soldier. Especially when inquired about her performance by my father, Taii Yiitora Taro. He wanted to know how the newer members of the YSS Kamakiri were synergizing with the established crew. I admitted that of all the new recruits I spoke with, we conversed the least. He expressed concerns about that, considering how he’d heard the same things from other crew members. She does good work, above and beyond, and no one’s complaining about her efficiency or her know-how. She simply doesn’t take the time to talk to people unless it’s work-related. Maybe one day I’ll get to know her better.


Initial Activation: YE29, 6月, 21日 at PNUgen Corporation

Model Construction: NH-29

Serial Code: N/A

Leading Scientist: Dr. Malcolm Stricks

NH-29 Specifications: see [Physical Description]

Developed Behavior: see [Personality]

Last Recorded Backup: YE33, 8月, 12日

Previous Backups:

  • YE30, 6月, 26日

NH-29 Reconstructed Timeline of Events:

  • Completed basic training required of all Nekovalkyrja, graduating YE30, 6月, 26日.
  • Attended and graduated from Kyoto War College in YE33, 8月, 12日. Earned Shoi Kohosei rank.
  • Drafted with the last waves of soldiers during the First Mishhuvurthyar War.
  • Assigned to YSS Kamakiri under Chusa Rama Sparks and participated in Yamatai's Conflict With The Lorath.
  • Witnessed the International Relations Conference of YE 30 as hired detail.
  • YSS Kamakiri commissioned to assist in the Freespacer Massacre and Related Battles. YSS Kamakiri worked closely with Field Marshal Jordan Sanders and his Superior’s Battalion for the duration of their assignment. Annelise Strixdottir promoted to Shoi after YSS Kamakiri returned home.
  • Chose to personally witness the establishment of Nepleslian Treaty of YE 32. Reunited with ID-Sol General Jordan Sanders and his family.
  • YSS Kamakiri drafted to fight in the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. Chusa Rama Sparks suffered fatality, re-activation, and underwent rehabilitation. Taii Yiitora Taro promoted to Shosa when former Shosa did not meet leadership needs and was demoted. Strixdottir anonymously reported Yiitora Taro for nepotistic behavior when Ittô Heisho Yiitora Kento was promoted to Jôtô Heisho soon afterward.
  • Temporarily reassigned to Kyoto, Yamatai during YSE-IAC Cold War. Provided exemplary support to Ground Forces and assisted in maintaining public peace. Chusa Rama Sparks requested Strixdottir’s promotion to Chui. Request denied on [REDACTED].
  • YSS Kamakiri drafted to assist in the Kuvexian War, and saw considerable service during Kuvexian Advance of YE 42. Chusa Rama Sparks promoted to Taisa and reassigned. YSS Kamakiri came under the management of Chusa Avaniko Josu, aided by Shosa Yiitora Taro. Several crew members were reassigned, some from Chusa Avaniko’s old ship and some retained from the YSS Kamakiri. Annelise Strixdottir promoted to Chui out of necessity and experience garnered in service. YSS Kamakiri reunited with Major Jordan Sanders’ battalion and worked together frequently throughout the war.
  • The first casualties of the Kuvexian war included Jôtô Heisho Yiitora Kento, who at the time was engaged to Chui Annelise Strixdottir. Vera Annesdottir is believed to have been conceived around this time as a coping mechanism.
  • During the Battle Of Glimmergold, Major Jordan Sanders’ battalion suffered extensive losses and was completely dissolved by the end of the Kuvexian War. Major Jordan Sanders perished during the battle when baiting enemy ships with his remaining battalion. His body was not recovered. Chusa Avaniko’s poor leadership and lack of cooperation with Shosa Yiitora Taro resulted in YSS Kamakiri’s crew being disbanded and the ship decommissioned.
  • During the Kodian Civil War, Chui Strixdottir was reassigned to Central Fleet Depot with daughter clone Vera Annesdottir, who began work as a Star Army Unit Supply Specialist.
  • While there, Chui Strixdottir was drafted when news came concerning the Arrival of the Norians. Shosa Yiitora Taro personally requested her temporary commission aboard the YSS Grimoire. YSS Grimoire was charged with extraction missions during this period, and it was during one of these missions that Chui Annelise Strixdottir suffered fatality and could not return to the YSS Grimoire. This is the last recorded event Strixdottir actively participated in. She was officially considered terminated YE44, 7月, 19日.

Recent Activation: YE44, 7月, 26日 at PNUgen Corporation

Model Construction: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A

Serial Code: NSN 33-43-557142-153374-1

Leading Scientist: Dr. Tsushima Asa

NH-33A Specifications: see [Physical Description]

Developed Behavior: see [Personality]

Last Recorded Backup: YE45, 1月, 26日

Previous Backups:

  • YE33, 8月, 12日
  • YE30, 6月, 26日

NH-33A Timeline -PRESENT-:

  • Completed basic training required of all Nekovalkyrja, graduating YE45, 1月, 26日. Granted honorary rank of Shoi Kohosei out of relentless service to the Star Army.
  • Currently undergoing rehabilitation and extensive therapies for fatality and re-activation. Operating on 10+ year old knowledge of Yamatai and other known factions. Has no knowledge of previous accomplishments or participations.
  • Reunited with Vera Annesdottir at Fort Victory Reserve Center.

[Registered Skills]

[Social Connections]

Familial Relations:

Close Relations:

  • Dr. Malcolm Stricks (Yamataian - Scientist)
  • Shosa Yiitora Taro (Minkan - YSS Grimoire)
  • Yiitora Kento (Minkan - Deceased)
  • Jordan Sanders (ID-Sol - Deceased)
  • Myra Sanders (Nepleslian - Civilian)
  • Emmett Sanders (Nepleslian - Civilian)

[Inventory & Finance]

Current Balance: 3000 KS


[OOC Information]

This page was created by Cute Fuzz on 04, 05 2023 at 07:20 using the Character Template Form.

In case Cute Fuzz#4626 becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? No
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Yes
Character Data
Character NameAnnelise Strixdottir
Character OwnerCute Fuzz
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Current LocationFort Victory Reserve Center
Current Plot(s)YSS Kōun Plot
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShoi Kohosei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Soldier
SAOY AssignmentYSS Kōun Plot
SAOY Entry YearYE 29
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month1

characters/yamatai/annelise_strixdottir.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/11 16:54 by wes