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Priscilla is a player character played by Immortal Cyan.

Species: Human (Zhenren Upgrade)
Gender: Woman
Date of Birth: YE 40
Organization: NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion" (Former)
Occupation: Sniper (Former)
Rank: Trooper 3rd Class (Former)
Current Placement: the_golden_band

Physical Description

  • Height: 4'6“
  • Mass: 95 Lbs.
  • Measurements: 30E-23-43

Priscilla possesses a colorful and attention-grabbing visage, bearing strikingly vast hips, a waspish waist, and gracefully sized breasts. Her legs very long, being roughly ⅔ of her full height. Her face is ovular in profile, well-balanced, and dainty in aspect. A set of lusciously plump lips add to the femininity and softness of her creamy-toned features, along with subtly pronounced cheekbones and a dainty nose. The irises of her eyes are heterochromatic. Her left eye has a bright magenta hue, while her right one possesses a bright cyan shade.

Priscilla wears her hair in a voluminous and wavy style which typically falls past the small of her back. The coloring of her hair is deep cyan at the roots, then it gradually shifts to light magenta towards the lower tips.


In short, Priscilla possesses a cautious, agreeable, and emotionally sensitive personality profile. She is very self-disciplined for a woman of her age, although she has a tendency to act in a reactive and excitable manner, especially when confronted with unfamiliar situations. Her excessive self-discipline manifests itself in her tendency to maintain her equipment religiously, train her body to the point of injury, and unconscious fasts which are typically followed by voracious eating sessions when she realizes the extent of her hunger. As a quirk of her agreeable and reactive nature, she is quick to fall head-over-heels in love with people, and she often uses sex as an outlet for her emotions and the more spontaneous aspects of her personality.

Because of her indecisive and cautious tendencies, it took Priscilla almost four years to choose a name beyond her serial number.


S6-SS-000021 was created in YE 40 in the Pine-Oaklen BioSynthetic Foundation Laboratory, as an individually unique and genetically optimized human biosynthetic intended for service within the Section Six Armed Forces. Soon after her creation, 000021 shipped out to a short period basic training, where her ingrained combat and military skills were refined and put into practice. She distinguished herself as an excellent markswoman, and she developed a preference for utilizing powerful and slow-firing sniper rifles over smaller types of guns.

When she graduated from basic training, 000021 was immediately assigned to her first duty station. During a training session, she sparred against Nyx Pine and was later on noted to be a particularly strong opponent. Later on, she met Ceilia Dee-Cerulius (Ryzka) during the YE 40 Sanctuary Day celebration.

While she fulfilled the duties of her service to a satisfactory standard, 000021's career in the Duskerian Legion was largely unremarkable and she struggled to advance her position. As such, when her contract was complete, 000021 decided not to reenlist. However, in order to avoid the ignoble fate of a Vagabond, 000021 left the New Dusk Conclave and applied for the Golden Band, to work under the enigmatic Ty Sibo. With these decisions, 000021 finally chose a name beyond her serial number, at which point she began to go by Priscilla.

Upon being hired by the Golden Band, Priscilla decided to commit to mercenary work for the foreseeable future. As such, she invested her previous earnings into weapons, armor, and augmentations in order to improve her capabilities. Knowing that she is walking an untreaded path in leaving her home, Priscilla sought to invest in herself so as to ensure her survival and hopefully, success in an unfamiliar field.

Skills Learned

Priscilla has the following notable skills:

  • Fighting: Priscilla is an expert markswoman, especially when shooting slow-firing rifles and pistols. She is a competent martial artist, and can subdue most baseline human opponents by utilizing her lower body strength and physical poise in her fighting style. Her skills in power armor operation are mediocre at best, but she is competent enough to operate it without being a liability.
  • Survival and Military: Priscilla possesses basic skills in hunting, camouflage, finding water, and shelter construction in the wilderness.
  • Mathematics: Priscilla is familiar with basic algebra and trigonometry.
  • Vehicles: Priscilla can drive most small cars and trucks, and a few military-grade transport vehicles as well.
  • Communication: Priscilla is fluent in Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語).

Confirmed Kills and Combat Record

Priscilla has accrued a small, but respectable combat record, detailed and enumerated below:

Confirmed Kills
Total 35
The Golden Band: Into the Unknown 20 Biomechanical Spiders, 15 Doll Soldiers

Social Connections

Inventory & Finance

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
240,000 DS 240,000 DS Earnings from Service in Duskerian Legion
172,000 DS 68,000 DS Zhenren Human Upgrade Package
161,600 DS 10,400 DS RHI Type 43 “Paradin” Infantry Kit
141,500 DS 20,100 DS Origin Blade Works One-Handed Sword
35,375 KS Currency Exchange
37,375 KS 2,000 KS Golden Band Sign-On Bonus
37,175 KS 200 KS RHI-G10-1A Type 43 Stealth Poncho
37,100 KS 75 KS RHI-G7-1A Type 43 Drop Leg Attachment
34,570 KS 2,530 KS BW-MWS2 “Harbinger” Heavy Sniper Rifle, Attachments, and Ammunition
34,120 KS 450 KS “Judge” Variable Revolver, MOASS, and Ammunition

Dream Kiss Katana

Purchased via Origin Blade Works.

  • Type: One-handed Sword - Katana
  • Dimensions: 30 inches Long
  • Blade Material: Nerimium
  • Appearance Description: The Dream Kiss features a slightly curved blade, with a hilt that allows Priscilla to wield the weapon with either one or two hands. A cyan tsuba inlaid with decorative engravings serves to protect the wielder's hands, while the hilt itself is rimmed with swirling cyan and white patterns. The weapon is balanced for throwing.
  • Battery: High Density Battery
  • Enhancement 1: Monomolecular Edge
  • Enhancement 2: Nano Reconstruction System
  • Enhancement 3: Power Field Projection System
  • Enhancement 4: Gravitic Drive
  • Enhancement 5: Mind Linking System
  • Purpose: Tier 4
  • Total Cost: 5025 KS


OOC Information

This article was created on 2018/12/31 21:25 using the namespace template.

In the case Immortal Cyan becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES
Character Data
Character NamePriscilla
Character OwnerImmortal Cyan
Character StatusActive Player Character
NDC Character Database
NDC Career StatusDischarged
NDC BranchLegion
NDC RankE2 Trooper 3rd Class
NDC Job CodeWS Sniper

characters/ndc/priscilla.1703148855.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:54 by