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Phoenix Service Group

This organization may not be adopted.
Established YE 37
Theme Music Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Peace Walker Theme
Staff Size 250-300
Nomeclature PSG, iPSG


The Phoenix Support Group is a group created by and working parallel to the ISC Phoenix to provide additional support, resources, research and development, manpower and income to the ISC Phoenix on missions.


After experiencing a boom in money following a mission's completion, some investments paying off, and the merch doing well in YE 37, John Morris of the ISC Phoenix approached the founder, point man, and long-time friend Luca Pavone with the possibility of expanding the function and scope of the ISC Phoenix's assets, resources, and competitiveness; not including the merch, of course.

John cited the following as reasons to expand and widen the Phoenix team's scope of operations:

  • The ISC Phoenix's formal team of staff and personnel who get involved in the missions, which ranges between 20 to 15 individuals at any given time, can only get so much done by themselves on missions and in their downtime. Even with their skills, they still need some additional staff for the jobs they do, or a safe place to automate their processes.
  • John begun to distrust the machinations of Aiesu Kalopsia and the Lazarus Consortium, citing that becoming totally reliant to them could lead to problems in the future if Aiesu and/or the Consortium ever turned on them.
  • The ability to have additional resources at the team's beck and call without having to rely exclusively on client granted resources.
  • Provide additional employment opportunities to members of the public using outreach programs and donating a portion of the profits to charity.
  • Provide services beyond the scope of the ISC Phoenix's regular operations to an extended base of clients big and small. (Luca seemed to have some egress with this, but warmed up to the idea of sending medical or technical support teams to colonies or war zones for humanitarian goals.)
  • More space to 'put stuff'. (John noted that this seemed to speak to Luca the most, who spent at least half an hour giddily figuring out where stuff could go)

Luca gave John the OK to proceed with giving this a go after some thought, but he asked where he'd put all of his proposals. The office space for the people responsible for handling the brand and merchandise in Dawn Station was quite full already and the space available was there pro-bono thanks to Luca's relationship with Aerin Tatst. Luca didn't want to stretch his favour any more than he needed to.

John found that the solution was right in front of him, and he offered to purchase The Rigs off the coast of Sargasso from the land owners as a start. He purchased them as long as the ISC Phoenix did all of the construction themselves, and once set up offered training to Sargasso's Police Department. The four Proprietors of Commercial Lane did welcome the extra money flowing into the town, and the prospect of more jobs flowing in. Development began as soon as the funds were transferred and the paperwork was cleared up.

For the organisational component of this new group, John did extensive research (using files and intel siezed by Luca and the gang) to see what other mercenary companies did wrong. Despite how close-handed to the Phoenix the group he had in mind would be, they would still be classed as a paramilitary unit and/or private army, barring them entry from Yamatai. His first test case was paragon.

Ex-members of the Reds-Blacks coalition group were a frequent enemy for the Phoenix either as hired muscle or lone agents. The systemic financial corruption from the Blacks-faction component of the group while Paragon was stretched thin showed John to pick his clients and revenue stream carefully. Fortunately, with Luca and company, the revenue stream was a safe bet.

John decided to start the group fairly small, aiming in the middle-bracket of skills, and to recruit locally with limited advertising thanks to the Captain's reputation doing a lot of the selling. The interview processes were rigorous, and highly personal. In addition, Echelon ran background checks on everyone to weed out spies, plants, and moles. Bigger personalities and egos were deferred to the ISC Phoenix proper for interviews, but didn't get far in those interviews.

John's initial intake ended up with fifty people, ready for action, ready to be accommodated, and paid for their services.


John chose The Rigs off the coast of Sargasso to set up his facility specifically because while the superstructure was there, it could be built upon and expanded. In addition, it was close enough to the town of Sargasso, and within the ISC Phoenix's main sphere of influence and operations.

In short the place is defensible by the ISC Phoenix, so close to Sargasso.

Current Facilities

Platform Count 6

Each platform is three decks high1) from its base, with a top deck for walking on, and further facilities inside. Dedicated facilities will have some of their equipment housed up top. Each platform measures 200 by 200 metres of deck space and 36 metres deep, not counting any of the structures on the top deck. Some decks may have larger measurements of 400 to 500 metres in a rectangular shape, or overall for storage.

Each platform is connected by a bridge wide enough to drive two jeeps across, and the struts that support each platform are hollow for purposes ranging to liquid storage space, quiet rooms, sensitive item storage, generators, and maintenance access. Some platforms have shuttle dropoff and pickup areas on top of them, acting much like helipads, as well as larger pads.

Facilities Present

  • Platform Alpha 'α' - The central command platform. Currently a catch-all platform for personnel to move through.
    • Main Staff Quarters - Spartan quarters, suitable for soldiers. Each room within this area is outfitted with two bunk beds, a pair of desks and chairs, and personal storage lockers. In addition, there are shower compartments, a head, a lounge, and an automated galley to compliment the mess hall.
    • Command and Communications Centre - The central nucleus of the PSG. An open-planned office equipped with movable desks and power supply hanging from the ceiling with good views onto the Sargasso Bay, this area is tasked with managing staff records and their pay. In addition, they also keep an eye on the finances and a waiting room is present.
    • Basic Medical Facilities - In lieu of a dedicated platform for medical treatment and research, these basic medical facilities are for treating injury, sickness, or offering counselling to staff.
    • Quiet Room - Accessible by climbing down one of the legs that supports the platform, the Quiet Room is just that - a quiet room with very controlled conditions, fifteen metres below sea level. Though, there is living space with conditions suitable for Rebeka Renata - commissioned specifically by John as a reconciliation for their first meeting.
  • Platform Beta 'β' - Dedicated to on-field support and vehicle handling.
    • Storage Deck - Occupying the top of this platform and some of the underside for more sensitive equipment, this storage warehouse contains automated retrieval and delivery of items to the hangar below. John took the modelling from Lorath cargo bays.
    • Support Control Centre - The nerve-centre for taking incoming calls, organising the logistics, and keeping a track of the base's inventory and deliveries. Items can be ordered through here and delivered either to the ISC Phoenix or to Clients.
    • Support Vehicle Hangar and Garage - A small hangar with room for two light spaceships for air supply drops, retrieval, and extraction.
      • 2 x Ge-F6-1A - Light Freighters, painted grey, bearing the inverted pentagon of the PSG. Fine tuned by R&D for quick atmospheric entry and cargo dropoff/retrieval.
      • 8 x General Purpose Off-road Vehicles, painted grey, bearing the inverted pentagon of the PSG. Jeep configuration, intended for fast transport around The Rigs. At least two per deck.
      • 4 x General Purpose Off-road Vehicles, painted grey, bearing the inverted pentagon of the PSG. Jeep configuration, intended for battlefield transportation. Two have an ammo box painted on the side, two have a medical symbol.
      • 4 x General Purpose Off-road Vehicles, painted grey, bearing the inverted pentagon of the PSG. Truck configuration for larger transportation and ground-level supply lines. Two of them can fit inside the back of a Ge-F6-1A - Light Freighter with all associated supplies and cargo.
    • Aerospace Control Tower - An aerospace control tower for monitoring air traffic and coordinating craft movement. It also coordinates with the Sargasso spaceport to ensure there's no interference, freely sharing craft movement data.
    • Underwater Tunnel - An underwater transport railway is built here, which leads to Platform Gamma, in order to transport goods too heavy to lift or transport across the bridges. Some of the tunnel serves as storage for goods.
  • Platform Gamma 'γ' - This platform is dedicated to research and development.
    • Research and Test Laboratories - Stocked with computers with access to data services and bookshelves with books on multiple engineering, and construction disciplines; this place serves as a place to comfortably research, design, review, and suggest changes to R&D projects.
    • Development Facilities - This area includes all the tools and items necessary to prototype, develop, iterate and slowly mass produce given items, as well as maintain existing items. It looks like an enormous workshop full of busy people, and includes a small manufacturing line.
    • Underwater Tunnel - An underwater transport railway is built here, which leads to Platform Beta and Platform Epsilon, in order to transport goods too heavy to lift or transport across the bridges. Some of the tunnel serves as storage for goods.
  • Platform Delta 'δ' - This platform is dedicated to housing the Intelligence and Scouting Service. It boasts a large-range sensor dome on it.
    • Library, Storage, and Archives - A large library full of publicly available books on a wide variety of topics. For items, documents or files of a sensitive nature, they are safely kept in a secured room. Particularly sensitive files are separate from the Rigs' normal information network, accessible under lock and key, and Echelon's blessing; Good luck spoofing that - her blessings are behind seven hundred proxies!
    • Secret Room - Accessible by climbing down one of the legs that supports this platform, this room is at least fifteen metres below sea level to block EM signals. It's where the most top secret of files are kept, and only the Phoenix Team are allowed in, no exceptions. In addition, this sort of room seems to please Rebeka Renata thanks to how 'quiet' it is, in her words.
    • Analysis Room - An extensive room for reading incoming data and signals spotted by the team, and processing what the scouts on field discover into deliverable information.
    • Disguises and Trickery Department - This area offers scouting personnel tips, tricks, and resources to learn how to blend in with one's surroundings and provide good, clear, usable recon data. Also offers language training services.
  • Platform Epsilon 'ε' - This rectangle-shaped platform has ample storage space for raw materials and the machinery required to process it, as well as storing the end product in cargo decks.
    • Materials Processing - The platform's bulk is taken up by this large materials processing factory, including basic minerals, semi-precious metals, and precious metals. Liquid resources such as water, oil, and bacteria-derived biofuels2) are processed here too, providing all platforms with the raw physical materials and energy they need.
    • Materials Storage - It all needs to go somewhere. A third of the space on this platform, not including the hollowed out legs for liquid storage, are devoted to the storage of. Containers of raw and processed materials are dotted around, clearly labelled and with instructions for use. Security is tight around here too, given the prevalence of thieves and the underwater tunnel access.
    • Prefabrication Area - Prefabricated structures are built here, ready to be air-dropped into the battlefield. If necessary, the materials are gathered into a large package and lifted up in cargo containers with the necessary tools on board rather than delivering the preassembled object.
    • Underwater Tunnel - An underwater transport railway is built here, which leads to Platform Gamma, in order to transport goods too heavy to lift or transport across the bridges. Some of the tunnel serves as storage for goods.
  • Platform Zeta 'ζ' - This Platform, built for the Medical and Safety service has a white and red motif adorning the top deck, for emergency personnel of all sorts to use the facilities here if needed.
    • Hospital Ward - A hospital area large enough to safely treat a small company, or three platoons worth of personnel3). Much of the medicine, where possible, is automated with the Kakutama Heavy Industries Treatment and Examination Bed available for each room. Rooms may be sealed off in the advent of infectious disease, and a local network handles the movement and shifts for doctors and nurses.
    • Medical Research Laboratories - Knowledge relating to medical research and chemicals are pooled together in a manner similar to the Intelligence and Scouting Service. Unwittingly, many patients in the platform make small contributions to medical science, presenting new ways to get injured, which can be studied from and replicated. Research into alien or unknown artefacts tends to pool here too.
    • Quarantine Area - A sealed-off storage area in one of the platform's legs for chemically or medically sensitive items. This also includes being able to safely house alien artefacts or other strange gear. The quarantine area is also host to an extensive decontamination process for absolute sterilisation, even allowing personnel to take command of cheap robots to handle sensitive the items4) if need be.

Common Facilities

The Rigs are powered by a combination of sun-facing solar panel arrays feeding high-capacity batteries for basic and 'civilian' operations around the Rigs, and a low-yield antimatter generator is located in a leg strut for each platform's involved operations if necessary.

The following facilities are present on each platform:

  • Staff Quarters - Smaller quarters, suitable for soldiers. Each room within this portion of the platform is outfitted with a bunkbed, a desk and chair, and personal storage lockers.
  • Office Space - Office space for more data/information handling and personnel management functions, as well as research space. Notably, a riot shield and weapon is included with each cubicle.
  • Head and Showers - When you need to go, you need to go. Also includes shower blocks and bathing areas.
  • Galley and Messhall - Sustained with Victory Vats, the galley and mess hall keeps the crew fed and socialised. Common food orders include:
    • Ralt Congee - A thick and hearty rice-flour porridge mixed with sweet potato and winter spices. Luca's personal favourite, he ate it growing up and attributes it to his strength and good looks.
    • Nepleslia Burger - A beef patty sandwiched between two sugary buns. Cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and sauce. Served with fries and a little greasy in the paper, this is a staple of the Nepleslian diet.
    • Lorath Flatbread - A dense flatbread taking cues from cross-caste cookery incorporating a seedy mixture. Drizzled with honey and nuts and rolled for breakfast, or sprinkled with seeds and oil for lunch and wrapped up for dinner.
    • Pho Noodle - The sliced beef, chicken, or mushroom cutlets in this soup are cooked in the boiling hot, spiced broth and noodles. Flavoured with vegetables, exotic basil, coriander, bean sprouts, lemon, and thick chilli sauce.
    • Spaghetti - A brown spaghetti made using very raw, wholesome dough. Cooked to crisp, al-dente perfection and served with tomato sauce and meatballs. Garnished with parsley, and always fried up the next day as leftovers.
  • Lounge - A general sitting area for staff to unwind, and guests to relax in. May include a library or other entertainment items and devices.
  • Ocean Crane - For lifting things out of the ocean and moving large objects around, two cranes are present on either end of the platform. Larger platforms such as Alpha and Beta may have more than two cranes.
  • Maintenance Space - Maintenance crawlspace is present through out each Platform. They are highly monitored for intruders.

Construction Plans

The current plants for expansion are as follows once appropriate resources and money are available.

  • Platform Beta 'β' Expansion - Make the Beta Platform bigger in order to house more vehicles, and offer more warehouse space to future support.
  • Platform Epsilon 'ε' - Create refinery and processing platform for RES. Build in oblong shape.
  • Platform Zeta 'ζ' - Create medical platform for MSS.


Security around the Rigs relies on the following objects operating throughout the facility:

  • Cameras - The simplest and most obvious solution. If one goes out for some reason, personnel will be dispatched to investigate - it is suspicious activity after all.
  • Anti-Gravity Sensors - For sensing people using anti-gravity, such as that found in Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja. Installed on the underside of each rig and wrapped around each supporting strut, and around the walls facing the ocean.
  • Air Pressure Sensors - In access hatches from the outside to the interior under the main deck. These sense if somebody is moving through a section and to catch invisible intruders. They could mask their visuals and heat, but they will not fool making the air move around or opening a hatch and the system not spotting anyone doing so.
  • Heat and Motion Sensors - Another tool against the invisible fool. Heat sensors will detect the movement, presence, or absence of heat.
  • Security Doors - The invisible man's worst enemy is a door that needs to be opened. Doors into sensitive areas and into the understructure of the rigs are monitored heavily and require ID card and biometric authentication.
  • Weapons Emplacements - Weapons such as mounted machine guns (Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel), AAA cannon (Tier 8 or Tier 9, Medium Anti-Mecha or Heavy Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which)) and AAA miniguns (Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which)) are present on the top decks of each platform. Their functions are either automated via security, or can be manually overridden by personnel.

Branch Offices

As a secondary plan, John considered the development of PSG Branch Offices around the Kikyo Sector, to form a firm point of contact for prospective clients. Office staff here are expected to be as competent at defending themselves and their office as their comrades working on The Rigs.

Due to current lack of resources at initial investment, there are no branch offices present and operating at the moment. Plans for workflows, staff roles, and inter-office/to-base communications are being drawn up.


As a business, the Phoenix Service Group has partners, clients, market competition, and enemies.


The following organisations are friendly towards the Phoenix Service Group, and openly cooperate with each other for resources.


The following organisations are clients and affiliates of the Service Group.

In Competition

The following organisations present competition for the Phoenix Service Group, offering similar services to the group, and thus placing them in market competition.

  • Galactic Armament Organization (Sizeable market share in Yamataian colonies)
  • Various Nepleslian private security companies
  • Various Yamataian private security companies

The following organisations are actively seeking to destroy the Phoenix Service Group. Similarly, PSG is happy to fight back and show them what for.

Other Holdings and Deeds

There are no other holdings or deeds owned by the Phoenix Service Group at the moment.

Services Offered

The following services are offered to the ISC Phoenix and to clients.

Combat and Training

PatronLuca Pavone
Current StatusE

While not offering direct combat services to clients unless they are making participations in missions alongside the ISC Phoenix, the Combat and Training Service works to train police forces, militias, and do security detail for clients. As dictated by Luca in the pitch from John, this team acts in a purely defensive and constructive configuration on regular deployment.

However, if push comes to shove and the Rigs, Sargasso or any assets belonging to the Phoenix come under attack, you'll bet your ass the PSG will come in fighting alongside Luca and shit will be wrecked.

  • Provide Defence - Around Sargasso or The Rigs, the Combat and Training Service will defend these areas, fighting alongside Phoenix members and Sargasso's civilians. It was brokered as part of the agreement for staying in Sargasso.
  • Provide Training - The Combat and Training Service will teach people how to defend themselves. They are forbidden from supplying arms and weaponry though - John has advised that doing so usually leads to blowback which can be traced back to them.
  • Merc Duty - The Combat and Training Service will bring in a tidy profit doing low-risk grunt work for various clients. They can also be dispatched into hotter areas to deal with more risky, and more lucrative work.

Support and Vehicles

PatronJohn Morris
Current StatusD

The Support and Vehicles Service is responsible for maintaining and looking after vehicles, dropping equipment on the field, and for accounting for all of it. If it needs to be there, it will. They also keep an eye on finance and accounting, and on the field, they can provide clients with a thorough audit.

  • Garage - The Support Service will look after vehicles acquired by the ISC Phoenix or their clients. They offer maintenance, repair, and modifications.
  • Logistics and Management - The Support Service runs a mean logistics and accounting game, able to account for equipment, create supply chains, and keep detailed records for the Phoenix and clients.
  • Air Drop Supplies/Personnel - The Support Service can air drop supplies or personnel via parachute. The parachute destroys itself once the package is safely delivered.

Resources and Expansion

PatronMelissa Jones
Current StatusE

Responsible for resource acquisition and processing in minerals, biological, and fuel matter, the Resources and Expansion Service is responsible for building new platforms. On deployment, they can construct buildings for clients, including temporary shelters, accommodations or checkpoints.

  • Materials Processing - Materials including Wood, Steel and alloys, Durandium Alloy (Transparent or Opaque), Concrete, Glass, Diesel Fuel, and Plastic can be produced here. In addition, potentially useful metals and resources can be analysed on the field, and get delivered to the platform or tagged for gathering at a later date.
  • Basic Forward Base Construction - For long-term involvements, the Resources and Expansion personnel are able to air-drop the materials and components necessary to creating basic fortifications and infrastructure in a given area. This needs to be planned in advance by at least a week in order to gather the materials and tools necessary to make this so easy. 'Quick-build' constructions are currently being researched and evaluated.

Research and Development

PatronAllison Kelly
Current StatusD

The Research and Development Service is where innovation comes from with weapons, armour, gadgetry, and other equipment for the team. It usually finds itself working alongside other units and taking what they've got, turning their data and information into tools and equipment, as well as improving what's already there with an agile development cycle that emphasises iteration and rapid prototyping.

  • Research and Development Assistance - The R&D team is capable of research and development into customised gear made specifically for the Phoenix and PSG's needs. At the moment, they are capable of taking the development load off of various gadgeteers aboard the ISC Phoenix, such as Seiren Isbala.
  • Item Production - The R&D team can now reliably produce new equipment, such as the Spotter Rifle, Snapshot PDW, and IH-NoN Device.
  • Technology Identification - Working alongside the Intel Service, the R&D Service can identify technology and equipment discovered on the field by the Phoenix.

Intelligence and Scouting

Current StatusD

Tasked with looking ahead and providing the right information to win, the Intelligence and Scouting Service aims to ensure that data is gained, disseminated, verified, and turned into useful information for clients and the Phoenix alike.

Echelon knows that enemies of the Phoenix would try and use the company as a vector for sabotage by both government and private entities, so extensive background checks are made and the inner workings of the ISC Phoenix are kept highly obfuscated - even from the Intel Team unless mission necessary.

In addition, if there's something the Phoenix spots on field that can't be identified immediately, they can send a video, picture, audio or direct stream to the Intel Service and get input. A team of subject matter experts may be contracted for a given mission for topics ranging from agriculture, botany, biology, culture, language, army lore, mercenary units, the cutting edge of science, weaponry, and beyond.

  • Call for ID - The ISC Phoenix can use the Intel Service to identify something they have spotted on field.
  • Provide Basic Recon - This includes simple maps with a rough idea of what each structure is for, and basic recon culled from publicly available data on the targets.
  • Area Scouting - Ahead of time, the Intel Service can get a closer look at a given area, planting scouts to monitor the to identify points of interest, potential weaknesses, and a rough estimate of troop numbers.

Medical and Safety Service

PatronJimothi Trakk
Current StatusE

This platform is responsible for treating injury, disease, administering counselling, and studying medicine. Culled from personnel ranging from street surgeons and battlefield medics, up to fully qualified doctors and xenobiologists, the platform hosts a diverse array of personnel capable of remedying the ills of the ISC Phoenix and the Service Group. In addition, scientific endeavours and research is prevalent, with laboratories.

Out on the field, every medic and doctor you see with the Service Group is still perfectly capable of taking down belligerents who won't respect the laws of war and decide to fire on medical personnel. The law's been violated too many times by too many small minded enemies to let paperwork stop them. They appreciate being able to do their work without being shot at, but some people just don't get it. Fortunately, bullets seem to tell them.

  • Basic Long-Term Medical Care - The medical platform boasts the facilities necessary to basic long-term care. It can be provided for patients including soldiers or clients. This includes basic/replace Cybernetics grafts for species able to mount cybernetics and cosmetic/elective surgery.
  • Medical Evacuation - A team of medical personnel can be dispatched into a warzone to safely extract the wounded. The success of this procedure will depend on a number of factors in play, including how well staffed and funded the Medical Platform is.

Services Progression

This serves as a rating for how well staffed, stocked, and effective each facility is. They are upgraded by completing missions and investing capital into them.

Current Capital 0 (Total 11)
TeamE1D2D1C3C2C1B4B3B2B1A5A4A3A2A1SNext Unlockable
CommandOO Branch Offices
CombatO Air Drop Soldiers
ExpansionO Rapid Construction
SupportOO Call Airstrike
R&DOO Mass Production
IntelOO Security Counteraction
MedicalO Medical Research

Staff Selection

The varied and diverse staff of the PSG, all from different backgrounds and walks of life, are selected with a rigorous training regimen, as created by Luca Pavone, able to accommodate the needs of both unenhanced people such as Nepleslians, Geshrin, and Yamataians; to exotics like Lorath New Tur'lista and Lmanel, Freespacers, or Abwehrans; all the way to being able to train supersoldier-type races, such as Nekovalkyrja models, ID-SOL (purebred or hybrid), and Lorath Fyunnen.

With many personnel usually being ex-soldiers or affected by war, all are expected to be able to fight in some capacity, even personnel not expected to see direct action must be capable of defending themselves. The training and selection regimen is made to get the people who will work well in continuously changing scenarios, able to adapt as the situation unfolds.

  • Basic Physical Examination
    • 500 Metre Dash
    • Uninterrupted 80 or 200 Push Ups
    • Uninterrupted 100 or 300 Sit-Ups
    • 300 Metre Open-Water Swimming in Sargasso Bay
    • Wilderness March, with 30 or 70 Kilograms of Equipment, and 64 kilometres to cover in 18 hours
  • Psychological Evaluation
    • Mental recovery, concentration, endurance, self-control, and tough interior for overcoming duties
    • Marksmanship trials (Pistol, SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher)
    • Emergency Management, and Crisis Decision making skills
  • Intelligence Examination
    • Linguistic skills
    • Non-domestic geography
    • Current world situation
    • Use of cutting-edge technology
    • First aid and medical skills outdoors
    • Explosives detonation
    • Concealed communication and basic cryptography
    • Non-Domestic weaponry operation
    • Background check

Advanced Learning

Those who have passed the basic training are considered PSG members, and will be able to undertake speciality courses to supplement their learning. Courses are usually taught by ISC Phoenix members, and by each unit's respective patron. Most of the written knowledge and lesson structures in these courses are compiled by Echelon, grabbing freely available information and aggregating it into easy-to-read courses with further reading citations peppered throughout. The practical components are what makes the course shine.

  • Combat and Training Service
    • Battlefield survival (16 weeks)
    • Cartography and land navigation (on foot, bicycles, motorcycles, jeeps, cars, trucks)
    • Asymmetric warfare principles
    • Tactical retreat
    • Diving, kayaks and amphibious attack
    • Skydiving/Gravity Control gliding and landing (11 daytime skydiving drops, 15 in full armament, 2 at night, 2 in tactical groups)
    • Battlefield communication
    • Martial Arts
  • Support and Vehicles Service
    • Advanced shuttle piloting and spaceship command techniques
    • Communications network operation and administration (16 weeks)
    • Logistics and storage
    • Cargo drone operation
    • Cargo pickup and dropoff
  • Resources and Expansion Service
    • Blast furnace operation
    • Advanced metallurgy, ore purification and foundry operation
    • Asteroid mining drone operation
    • Safely transporting resources
    • Fuel purification and enrichment
    • Waste disposal
  • Research and Development Service
    • 3D modelling and CAD
    • Rapid prototyping/development discipline
    • Advanced armoury and maintenance
    • High-technology thinking
    • Hardware/Software reverse engineering
    • Hardware/Software programming
  • Intelligence and Scouting Service
    • Galactic border penetration
    • Planetary state border penetration
    • Language and national customs courses (6 weeks each)
    • Sneaking techniques
    • Cross-examination of information
  • Medical and Safety Service
    • Battlefield medicine correspondence course (12 weeks)
    • Field medical training and combat medic courses
    • Cybernetics and organ cloning
    • Hemosynth handling
    • Xenobiology
    • Safety supervision
    • Event planning

Notable Staff Members

The following interesting people are on board with, or affiliated with the PSG.

  • Wulfe Stones - Combat Service
  • William Biers - Combat Service, Enforcer, Nepleslian Man, 30s, Ex-NSMC. Black hair and stubble, blue eyes, stern face. Weary.
  • Andrea Carver - Support Service, Aerospace Craft Repair, Nepleslian Woman, 20s, Ex-Nepleslian Star Navy. Auburn hair, brown eyes, round face. Butch.
  • Jonsu 'Jonesy' Masahiro - Intel Service, Information Dissemination, Yamataian Man, 20s, Former Detective. Bald, green eyes, average face. Skinny.
  • Sol'meia 'Earthquake' Brukan Fyunnen - R&D Service, Gunsmith, Lorath Fyunnen Woman, 70s (appears 30s), Ex-LSDF. White hair, gold eyes, strong face. Heavy.
  • Muban 'Examiner' Gough New Tur'lista - Medical Service, Field Medic and Medivac, Lorath New Tur'lista Woman, 80s (appears 40s), Ex-LSDF and Private Security. White hair, round face, cerise eyes, sharp face. Determined.

Types of PSG Personnel at a glance can be found here.

Staff Demographics

Currently, the staff's main demographics are as follows:

Age5) Race
Under 18 10% Yamataian/Minkan 18%
18 - 24 32% Nekovalkyrja 6%
25 - 34 34% Nepleslian/Geshrin 40%
35 - 44 14% ID-SOL 6%
45 - 54 8% Lorath, Fyunnen 6%
55 - 64 2% Lorath, Lmanel 10%
65 - 74 0% Lorath, New Tur'lista 6%
Over 75 0% Freespacer/AI 4%
Not Stated 0% Other 2%
Not Applicable 0% Unknown 0%
Right Handed 54%
Left Handed 28%
Ambidextrous 16%
Multiple Limbs 2%
Prior Combat Experience (Tick all that apply)
Star Army of Yamatai 41 Private Security 16
Nepleslian Star Navy 27 Police Force 14
Nepleslian Space Marine Corps 53 Mercenary/Bounty Hunter 11
Lorath Self Defense Force 22 Criminal/Pirate/Terrorist 5
Other Military 19 Self Taught/Innate 9
Special Forces Group 12 Hard Knocks/Survivor 17
Corporate PMC 12 No Combat Experience 13

Common Uniform and Armament

William BiersFor staff out on field, or on guard duty. Service Group members are most often seen wearing and utilising the following equipment - unless they're not supposed to be seen.

  • Duty Jumpsuit, made of cotton/polyester ripstop textiles, with rubberised hard points on the shoulders, elbows, and knees. Worn over a Styrling Everyday Armour without the ballistic plates and underclothes.
    • Comes in Russet, Tan, Charcoal, Olive Drab, or patterns based upon Star Army Camouflage and more. Shoulders are deep purple, while the interior of suit and rubberised hard points are black.
    • Usually worn with the sleeves rolled up in warm weather.
    • Left Shoulder has PSG Patch logo on it.
    • Right Shoulder has Rank patch, and Service Patch below it.
    • Pockets on the left and right breasts, and waist.

Note: Units expected to see hostile enemy action may forego the Jumpsuit and Everyday Armour for a Styrling Muur Armor with a helmet.

  • Combined Carry Rig Vest and Belt worn over jumpsuit, including:
    • Sidearm Holster on either hip
    • Configurable magazine/grenade setup on chest
    • Space for radio and communications
    • Bracket for water canteen
    • Sheath for multitool6)
    • Belt Pouch for binoculars
    • Belt Straps for entrenching tool with pick
    • Butt Pack for additional equipment
    • Movable knife sheath
  • Helmets from a Styrling Muur.
  • Hats. (Optional)
    • Baseball Cap
    • Slouch Hat
    • Bandanna
  • Ruggedised backpack for additional equipment, 20 litre capacity. (Optional)
  • Dual-mic throat microphone, single-ear, or double-ear headset. Communication is important. (Echelon has lots of these to suit your needs. She got them in a raffle)
  • Black/Olive Drab Boots.
  • Hooded Camouflage Poncho.
  • Linen scarf, comes in Orange, Purple or Brass. (Optional)

PSG members are usually seen with the following weapons, noted to be an eclectic mix:

Speciality weapons may be requisitioned, or weapons owing to the person's preference may be present too, so long as they are solely responsible for maintaining them and keeping them loaded.

Items Produced

The following items, documents, weapons, and equipment have been produced by the members of the PSG.

OOC Notes

This is in place to streamline some of the preparation in missions. Plus, it seems like a logical growth to the ISC Phoenix as its operations become bigger in scale.

  • The main gimmick and schtick of this Private Mercenary Company is while they have the brand power and money behind them to get what they need, they lack the manpower. Their skills are serviceable otherwise. In addition, they are more on the 'defensive' side of things when they operate in a mercenary capacity if they're not fighting alongside or supporting the ISC Phoenix.
  • The nomenclature for the Phoenix Service Group (PSG) is similar to the designation for the German sniper rifle based off of the Heckler & Koch G3, the PSG1.
  • Yes, this is blatantly based off of the Mother Base installations from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, respectively staffed by military units MSF, and Diamond Dogs. (imitation is flattery, isn't it?)
  • The training regimen is based off of the FOXHOUND unit's training regimen, as described here in the Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake instruction manual.
3 storeys each, roughly 12 metres
Using a heavily miniaturised version of Sargasso's Bacteria Cultivation Arrays
That is, between 45 to 90 personnel
or people
For Lorath, their age is divided by 2 due to their long life. Nekovalkyrja and some Yamataians are considered Under 18 chronologically, despite looking in their 20s or 30s.
needlenose and regular pliers, soft and hard wire cutters, wire stripper, durandium knife with one edge serrated, and one edge straight; saw, hammer, awl, can opener, bottle opener, 1/4' hex bit driver, bit driver, 1/4' box wrench, carabiner, 3/16' box wrench, whistle, ferrocerium rod, synthetic diamond knife sharpener

plots/isc_phoenix/phoenix_service_group.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:01 by