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New Dusk Conclave Flora and Fauna Page

This page details the Flora and Fauna currently within the Territory of the New Dusk Conclave.


The Territory of the New Dusk Conclave sports a vast variety of unique and diverse species of animals and an equally diverse flora. These species of flora and fauna thrive on of the three worlds within the territory. Thanks to advances in both science and botany, these plants and some animals are often brought over to the other parts within the New Dusk Conclave, either to be eaten or raised for some other purpose.

This article lists the Flora and the Fauna of the New Dusk Conclave from Sirris VI in the Sanctum System, to Amit Base in the Vale system, Daichi in the Nephis system, and finally Station Omacron in the Draco Eridanus System.

Listed below are the Fauna that inhabits the worlds of the New Dusk Conclave

Sirris VI

Many jungles of Sirris VI have also adopted a unique ecology where many plants and some animals benefit from bio-luminescence.

Other Types

Omnivores are creatures that eat both plants and animals, this comes from the room word Omni, which means all.



“The Caerbannog is a consummate pack hunter with the looks that mix features of a Wolf and a Rabbit.”

Tiny Creatures

Much like any world, Sirris VI hosts a variety of small, even microscopic creatures. Somewhat unique to the planet is the degree to which these microscopic creatures thrive in, and revolve their lifecycles around, rainy weather. They use the rainwater to breed and travel to new hosts, though they rarely cause harm.


The predatory megafauna of Sirris VI are known to attack and kill sentient beings when they aren’t careful. Travelers to the world are recommended to stay within the planet's civilized territories unless accompanied by trained and well-equipped guides.

Below are a few specific predators from Sirris VI.


The Original Man-eaters were an aggressive and persistent family of predators, who hunted their way to the top due to pseudo-humans thriving on Sirris VI for quite some time. These creatures sustained themselves on almost nothing but the flesh of intelligent animals and had the brain and brawn to boast it; fortunately, though, most of these man-eating species have been extinct for a long time due to the heavy decline of the pseudo-human population.

Some ancient cousins remain, but they aren't nearly as violent and usually hunt other animals. Although this doesn't mean they won't attempt to hunt a pseudo-human, they will not do so if it isn't in their best interest.

Pack Roaches

Pack Roaches are insect pack-hunting predators that cause problems in the Sirrian food chain. Despite their own voracious appetites, their high nutritional content means that they find themselves as food in the NDC settler diet.

Fortunately for the roaches, not everyone likes to eat them. 1)

Mountain Beast

The Mountain Beast is a mountain-dwelling creature that’s larger than many of the boulders it roams around.

Large enough to pose a legitimate threat to Frames like the Onyx, it has a scorpion shape to its body.


The Iguana-Cat is a reptilian looking creature with a body like a panther. It has sharp claws and teeth which it uses to act like a predator. It feasts on certain creatures that have the proclivity for reproduction, making it a useful part of a well-balanced (albeit highly lethal) ecosystem.

It has learned to be afraid of NDC Explorers and Gunja hunters.


This creature is a giant Ursidae creature that spends its time looking for food, mainly a local honey analog, and other meat-related creatures such as the Mountain Beast or Man Eater.

A few of the Colossalfangs are smart and patient enough that they hunt Species D-761-434.


Prey are the creatures that are attacked by predators, and a majority are herbivores. Some notable Prey are listed below.


Species B-36-734, known as “Chucklewings,” are remarkable avian creatures native to the vibrant ecosystem of Planet Prazoa. These feathered beings, with their captivating plumage and distinct behavior, play a crucial role in the intricate balance of their habitat.

Chucklewings are ground-dwelling birds, often found foraging amidst the foliage and underbrush of Prazoa's diverse landscape. With a keen eye and swift movements, they scour the terrain for their preferred delicacy: insects. Their diet primarily consists of a variety of small arthropods, from beetles to caterpillars, providing a vital pest control service within their ecosystem.

Measuring an average of 120 cm from beak to tail, Chucklewings possess a majestic stature, slightly surpassing the size of the esteemed Canadian Goose. Their wingspan, adorned with feathers ranging from vibrant hues of blue to earthy tones of brown, allows for graceful flight when necessary, although they predominantly navigate the ground with agility and purpose.

Chucklewing flocks are a spectacle to behold, as they traverse the Prazoan landscape in synchronized harmony. These flocks, comprised of numerous individuals, create a lively atmosphere wherever they roam. Their collective energy is not only a sight to behold but also serves a practical purpose, as they cooperate to locate and secure food sources efficiently.

One of the endearing traits of Chucklewings is their familial nature. A typical Chucklewing flock is sizable enough to sustain an entire family unit, providing nourishment and protection for their young. Nestled within the verdant undergrowth, Chucklewing nests house delicate clutches of eggs, typically containing four specimens. These eggs, carefully tended to by devoted parents, are the future generation of Chucklewings, ensuring the perpetuation of their species within the rich tapestry of Prazoa's ecosystem.

In essence, Chucklewings epitomizes the harmony and interconnectedness of life on Planet Prazoa. Through their foraging endeavors, communal dynamics, and nurturing instincts, they contribute to the vitality and balance of their environment, embodying the essence of their vibrant world.

Species C-423-124

Species C-423-124 is one of dozens of small burrowing creatures that make the underground of Sirris VI home. These creatures regularly find their way into the caves of the Gunja people. This means that they are often in the diets of sentient beings, as well as the Caerbannog. An average community contains roughly one thousand individuals.

Species D-761-434

The creatures labeled as Species D-761-434 by the NDC are giant creatures, one of the world’s megafauna. Its height enables the creature to reach branches of leaves near the very top of the tallest of Sirris VI’s trees. It has a slightly rounder body with huge feet capable of flattening humans.

They are docile creature that ignore bugs and people trying to crawl over its body. When threatened, however, one should be careful of its tail which acts as a kind of whip. The creature seems to prefer dead, diseased, or dying branches with dead leaves that are about to fall. It makes its home deep in the woods, so its appearance is rare.

Its tough hide is so resilient that it can ignore most small arms fire entirely. Its few predators wait for the weak or dead to leave the herd before attacking.


The Ironskin are herding creatures with the height of full adults estimated to be between 6 and 8 meters (20 and 26 ft) long and to have weighed between 4.8 and 8 metric tons (5.3 and 8.8 short tons). While its young are 3.5 m 2) long. It was quadrupedal and had a broad, robust body, with a wide, low skull, with four pairs of horns, both pointing backward from the back of the head, and The front part of the jaws was covered in a beak, with rows of small, leaf-shaped teeth farther behind it.

The Ironskin gets its name from its hide which was hard and durable as iron. This was due to the bones fusing into the filaments of the hide, strengthening the hide. Unlike most creatures, this evolutionary trait came because something contaminated the lakes that the creatures drink from with dissolving iron, which merged with the water and later changed the creature.


The Quetzal-Hedgehog, a fantastical marvel of evolutionary adaptation, is a wondrous creature that graces the skies of its native habitat with its unique presence. Residing in the lush canopies of dense forests, the Quetzal-Hedgehog is a sight to behold, boasting a mesmerizing combination of avian grace and porcupine-like defenses.

What sets the Quetzal-Hedgehog apart from its aerial counterparts is its remarkable exterior, adorned with a dense array of spines reminiscent of its terrestrial namesake, the hedgehog. These spines, varying in length and thickness, serve as a formidable defense mechanism against would-be predators. Any creature foolish enough to attempt an attack on the Quetzal-Hedgehog would quickly find itself met with a prickly reception, dissuading further pursuit with painful consequences.

Despite its intimidating appearance, the Quetzal-Hedgehog is a gentle herbivore at heart, sustaining itself primarily on a diet of insects and plants found within the verdant canopy of its habitat. With a keen eye and agile maneuverability, it skillfully navigates through the dense foliage in search of its preferred fare, utilizing its sharp beak to pluck insects from the air or delicately extract nourishment from the foliage.

In flight, the Quetzal-Hedgehog is a graceful marvel, its agile wings propelling it effortlessly through the forest canopy. Its flight pattern, characterized by elegant swoops and intricate aerial acrobatics, is a testament to its mastery of the skies. Despite the potential hindrance posed by its spiky exterior, the Quetzal-Hedgehog has adapted to maneuver with remarkable precision, effortlessly weaving through the intricate maze of branches and foliage that make up its aerial playground.

The Quetzal-Hedgehog's presence within its ecosystem is not only a spectacle to behold but also plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of its habitat. By controlling insect populations and dispersing seeds as it feeds on plant matter, it contributes to the health and vitality of the forest ecosystem, ensuring the perpetuation of its lush canopy home for generations to come.

In essence, the Quetzal-Hedgehog stands as a testament to the boundless creativity of nature, blending elements of avian grace with terrestrial fortitude to create a truly remarkable creature. With its spiky exterior serving as both a deterrent against predators and a symbol of its unique identity, the Quetzal-Hedgehog embodies the awe-inspiring diversity and resilience of life within the natural world.

Hell Beetle

The Hell Beetles have a length of two feet and a height of three feet. They are thought to be a cousin species of Pack Roaches, but the Beetle's thinner shape and two extra legs, in addition to its darker coloring, are confusing scientists.

When consumed, the Hell Beetle secretes a poison that causes an extremely painful stomach ache which evolved to add a migraine headache. Some medical scans have noted damage to the consumer's digestive system. The taste is unpalatable to many species within the New Dusk Conclave.

Tundra Stork

The Tundra Stork is an odd creature that makes its home in the glacial regions of Sirris VI. It hunts by breaking the ice with its powerful beak and capturing the fish below. The feathers covering its body are all white which allows it to camouflage it from the predators that want to hunt it. Its habitat has forced it to evolve an insulating layer of fat and air trapped in its feathers to protect its organs from the cold.


Stampeder, as its name is translated from Gunja, is a large muscular and bulky creature. It is hunted by both the New Dusk Conclave and the Gunja because it has been described as containing a S-ranked ingredient meat. NDC scientists have cloned the meat with some mild success.

Aquatic Creatures

Much like on land, the sea creatures of Sirris VI are notably larger than normal. Despite their large size, they still travel in schools, pods, and swarms to feed and protect themselves.

Some trout species find themselves as food and fished by both Gunja and NDC.


Syrena, a magnificent member of a species reminiscent of whale proportions, holds a mystique all its own within the depths of the ocean. Towering like leviathans, they command respect with their sheer size and majestic presence. However, their biology defies easy classification, distinguishing them from the conventional cetaceans that roam the seas. Despite their similarities in appearance, Syrena possess unique physiological traits and behaviors that set them apart as an enigmatic species awaiting scientific categorization.

Within the realms of the New Dusk Conclave and the Gunja, discussions abound regarding the taxonomy and nomenclature of these awe-inspiring creatures. Yet, the lack of a formal scientific name only adds to their allure, leaving them shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Scholars and marine biologists eagerly await the opportunity to study and unravel the secrets of Syrena's biology, hoping to shed light on their evolutionary history and ecological role within the marine ecosystem.

One remarkable aspect of Syrena is their gentle disposition towards other inhabitants of the ocean, including members of the New Dusk Conclave. Despite their immense size and potential to inspire fear, Syrena exhibit a remarkable docility, refraining from aggression even in the face of perceived threats. They have been observed to coexist harmoniously with other marine life, their peaceful nature serving as a testament to their benevolent character.

In instances of distress or danger, Syrena have been known to display acts of altruism towards members of the New Dusk Conclave. Should a Conclave member find themselves in peril, struggling against the unforgiving currents or facing the threat of drowning, Syrena have been observed to come to their aid without hesitation. Through acts of cooperation and assistance, these majestic creatures forge bonds of mutual respect and understanding with the denizens of the deep, transcending the boundaries between species.

Thus, Syrena stand as guardians of the ocean, embodying a spirit of compassion and cooperation that transcends the limitations of language and taxonomy. As they glide gracefully through the azure depths, their presence serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life within the vast expanse of the sea. And while their scientific classification remains elusive, the legacy of Syrena endures as a symbol of harmony and unity in the ever-changing tapestry of the marine world.

Sirrian Sharks

Sirrian Sharks, titans of the deep, command respect and instill awe with their formidable presence. These massive creatures, equipped with rows of razor-sharp teeth and unmatched predatory prowess, reign supreme as apex predators of the oceanic realm. Towering in size and possessing a ferocious appetite, they strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned denizens of the sea.

One of the most striking features of Sirrian Sharks is their remarkable vision, finely tuned to detect and track creatures of similar size to themselves. With eyes capable of piercing through the murky depths, they possess an acute awareness of their surroundings, honed through millennia of evolutionary adaptation. However, their visual acuity comes with a limitation; creatures smaller than themselves often go unnoticed unless they disturb the water's surface with a significant disturbance, such as a sizable splash.

This selective vision has profound implications for the ecosystem in which Sirrian Sharks dwell. While they pose a formidable threat to creatures of comparable size, smaller organisms may evade their notice, finding refuge in the shadows of the underwater world. This dynamic creates a delicate balance of power, with smaller species relying on stealth and agility to survive in the presence of these oceanic behemoths.

Despite their imposing stature, Sirrian Sharks are not merely ruthless predators; they are also renowned for their incredible speed and agility in the water. Their sleek, streamlined bodies are perfectly adapted for swift propulsion through the ocean currents, enabling them to pursue prey with remarkable efficiency. This exceptional athleticism has not gone unnoticed by the inhabitants of the New Dusk Conclave, who have devised a ranking system for swimming sports known as “Sirrian Sharks.”

In these thrilling competitions, participants test their mettle against the speed and agility of these formidable creatures, navigating treacherous courses and racing against the clock in a display of aquatic prowess. The adrenaline-fueled contests captivate spectators and athletes alike, showcasing the awe-inspiring capabilities of both Duskerians and Sirrian Sharks in the vast expanse of the ocean.

Yet, amidst the excitement of competitive sport, the ever-present threat of these fearsome predators serves as a reminder of the untamed nature of the ocean. Respect for the power and majesty of Sirrian Sharks is paramount, as they embody the primal forces that shape the marine ecosystem. And as they glide effortlessly through the azure depths, their presence commands reverence and admiration, a testament to the enduring mysteries and wonders of the world beneath the waves.


The Coacula, an enigmatic and formidable species, represents a fascinating intersection of biology and predatory behavior in the depths of Sirris 4'sPrazoa’s vast oceans. Evolving from the same lineage as the renowned Sirrisian octopus and squid species, the Coacula stands out as a specialized predator perfectly adapted to its ecological niche.

Born from eons of evolution to be the natural predator of the fearsome Shark, the Coacula embodies stealth, cunning, and adaptability. With its tentacled form reminiscent of its cephalopod relatives, the Coacula possesses a remarkable intelligence and agility, traits that have enabled it to thrive in the perilous underwater realm of Sirris VI.

Unlike solitary hunters, the Coacula displays a preference for cooperative hunting strategies, often forming groups to take down larger and more dangerous prey such as Sharks. This pack mentality not only enhances the Coacula's chances of success but also underscores its social dynamics and complex behaviors.

Intriguingly, the Coacula has been observed forming alliances with biomechanical species known as the Sakana. This unexpected partnership between organic and artificial life forms hints at the Coacula's adaptability and willingness to explore novel avenues for survival. Whether this alliance is driven by mutual benefit or some deeper ecological imperative remains a subject of ongoing scientific inquiry.

Despite its reputation as a predator of apex predators, the Coacula maintains a diverse diet that includes smaller fish and kelp. However, when opportunities arise, it will not hesitate to target Sharks and other dangerous sea life, fulfilling its role as an essential regulator of marine ecosystems.

However, the Coacula's existence is not without its challenges. Illegal fishing activities pose a threat to its survival, as indiscriminate harvesting of marine resources disrupts the delicate balance of Sirris VI's underwater ecosystems. In response, the Coacula has been known to target illegal fishers as a potential food source, serving as both a guardian of the seas and a reminder of the consequences of ecological exploitation.

In conclusion, the Coacula stands as a testament to the intricate interplay between predator and prey in the depths of Sirris VI's oceans. With its formidable abilities, complex social structures, and enigmatic alliances, this tentacled predator continues to fascinate and intrigue researchers, offering valuable insights into the mysteries of life beneath the waves.


The third planet from the sun in the Nephis is the planet Daichi. Daichi is host to a variety of animal species. As the New Dusk Conclave are newly arrived at the system, they have yet to fully explore the world and are still discovering new species.


The Animals listed in the Other section are those creatures who the New Dusk Conclave have yet to categorize as either Prey or Predator.

Nephisian Phoenix

Named after the myth about a Bird of Fire and flames, the Nephisian Phoenix is a large bird, about the size of an eagle, with roughly the same size of wings. Its beak is longer like a crane’s. The plumage has an ash color, with some partly red, partly golden at the back. The bird has a crest of feathers on its head with eyes that are blue like sapphires. Its legs are covered in yellow-gold scales with rose-colored talons. The feathers have bioluminescence to them, causing them to glow in dim light or night with no light outside. It has a long tail like a peacock, with feathers similar to the rest of it.

It primarily eats bugs, such as fireflies, and birds smaller than it. It has been known to eat the berries that sometimes grow on bushes.

Species 11-38: Screechers

The species nicknamed “Screechers” are a monkey-looking species of animals that inhabit the southern corners of Daichi in the Nephis system. They eat berries and small rodents.

When threatened, they make a deafening screeching sound to try to scare off their attackers.


There are a lot of predators that live on Daichi, going about their lives killing their prey and eating them. The NDC newcomers would be watched. Some predators are brave enough to attack, but the NDC do not need to fear due to their weapons.

Bearded Dragon-Koala

The Bearded Dragon-Koala is a small woodland creature that spends its time in trees, eating leaves until it spots a creature in its territory. It then screeches, which calls others of its kind, and all of them swarm it and eats the creature. 3)

Its body shape is that of a typical lizard, with claws and a tail included. It is covered in fur, rather than scales, and it has glowing reptilian sorts of eyes.

Tree Crocodile

The Tree Crocodile is a larger 4) reptilian creature of the marshlands. It has a longer jaw than most and is very nimble for a creature of its size. It makes its nest in the trees of the marshlands, away from predators and bacteria that live in the water who would be interested in eating its young. It is big enough to drop an unaware offworlder if they aren’t too careful.

It has a powerful jaw and strong arms able to rip limbs off.

It feasts on certain fish, birds, and rat-like amphibians.


The Starling is a creature that wasn’t changed by evolution, but rather the NMX. They changed the creature into something monstrous and predatory that hunts the docile and hostile creatures alike.

Some predators fear it, but there are few brave enough to attack. The only one it fears is the New Dusk Conclave because it remembers those from outer space changed it.

It looks almost canine like with some feline traits, but its fur is all black. 5)


Daichi in the Nephis system is host to a variety of animal species. Since the New Dusk Conclave are newly arrived at the system, they haven’t fully explored their world. They have, however, seen species that could be described as prey running around.

Some of these are hunted by the NDC for food and some clothing.

Flame-Dotted Monkey

The Flame Dotted Monkey is a creature that appeared to be a biological cousin to the Screecher in terms of how it appeared. While it shares much of its look with the Screecher, all along its body there are orange, sometimes yellow dots. The older the creature, the more the dots take on a flame-like shape.

These creatures tend to eat insects, in addition to fruit hanging from trees. While they are prey to certain predators, their meat isn’t nutritious to the NDC settlers. As such, they are left alone, even as they enter their territory.


The Koodoo, delightful woodland denizens of Sirris, or Daichi, are a charming blend of familiar rodent-like features and unique quirks that set them apart from their counterparts on other worlds. Resembling a cross between mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs, these diminutive creatures bring a touch of whimsy to the forest floor as they scurry about in search of sustenance and shelter.

With soft fur ranging in hues from earthy browns to muted grays, the Koodoo possess a winsome appearance that belies their mischievous nature. Their small, rounded bodies are adorned with twitching whiskers and bright, beady eyes that gleam with curiosity as they explore their woodland habitat in search of fallen leaves, grass, and mushroom plants to nibble on.

While their diet primarily consists of vegetation, including the tender shoots of fallen leaves and the succulent stems of mushroom plants, Koodoo have also been known to indulge in the occasional treat of fallen curlie canes—a rare delicacy that adds a touch of variety to their otherwise herbivorous diet.

However, despite their endearing qualities, Koodoo have earned themselves a reputation as a nuisance among the settlers of the New Dusk Conclave (NDC), primarily due to their penchant for gnawing on wiring. Drawn to the tantalizing scent of electrical components, these curious creatures often find themselves tempted to nibble on the cables and cords that snake through the settlements of the NDC, much to the chagrin of the inhabitants.

The Koodoo's habit of biting wiring has led to frustration and inconvenience for the settlers, as damaged electrical systems can disrupt vital infrastructure and compromise the safety of the community. As a result, efforts have been made to deter these mischievous rodents from indulging their destructive tendencies, with mixed success.

Despite their troublesome behavior, the Koodoo remain an integral part of the ecosystem of Sirris or Daichi, playing a vital role in the natural processes of seed dispersal and nutrient recycling as they scurry about the forest floor. Their presence serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between human settlement and the wild inhabitants of the planet, highlighting the ongoing challenges of coexistence in this vibrant and dynamic world.

In essence, the Koodoo embody the charm and complexity of life, blending endearing qualities with occasional mischief to create a unique and memorable presence within the rich tapestry of species that call the planet home. With their adorable appearance and mischievous tendencies, they add a touch of whimsy to the forests, enriching the lives of all who encounter them, even as they occasionally frustrate the settlers of the New Dusk Conclave.


The Vicuna is a fur-covered creature that’s low in the rankings of the food chain as created by the NDC Anthropologists. This creature was named the Vicuna after an animal on a far off world in the Kikyo Sector. While the meat is tasty to be consumed, the Vicuna is killed for its fur, to create warm coats, warm blankets, and other items. Due to taste which some chefs have described as being only C-ranked, and the fur. The NDC has captured and cloned these animals and bred them on their farms.

Aquatic Creatures

The NDC’s new settlers saw an abundance of fish species during their early explorations of Daichi. Some of these species could be described as whales, sharks, and other tentacle creatures. It was clear that while most were naturally evolved, some were introduced from other planets. One such creature is listed below.

Electrophorus Aquatus

These aquatic creatures are a part of a group called gymnotiformes which are capable of producing electric fields for navigation, communication, and, in attack and defense. As a result of its production of electric fields, it is capable of generating a shock of up to 860 volts and up to 1 ampere of current. 6)


The Shrimp-Pandas are small, about the size of shrimp7), but with a bit of thickness to their bodies that add to the meat. When not captured by the NDC, or eaten by Tree Crocodiles, it spends its time eating seaweed and algae.

They lay deci-millions of eggs that would have surely overpopulated the species if not for its predators and the NDC’s fishing efforts.


This species of fish greatly resembles certain carp species that are common in Yamatai Prime and Nepleslia. The Nephisian type of the species gets its name for how it tries to dive bomb anything new in the environment, like swimming animals and NDC explorers. It’s a fast swimmer, but if it can be captured, its meat is delicious.

Amphibian Rat

The Amphibian Rat is a species that greatly resembles Rats, and could quite easily mistake them for the rodent pests were it not for the fact that the species here has webbed fingers, a dorsal fin, and other fins including on its tail.

The Department of Medical Services advise NDC explorers and fishers not to consume the meat, as the “Rat” carries diseases and illnesses which contaminate the rat’s meat, in addition to a poison that it secretes from its teeth.

Saffron-Dotted Barracuda

This is a barracuda species that the world’s evolutionary path has randomly caused it to exhibit orange-ish dots all along its body.

They are mostly docile to Synthetics 8), instead following them around hoping that they can eat the leftovers of what they eat, having mistaken them to be large prey. This does end up costing them and they often become food for the surface dwellers.

Draco Eridanus Fauna

Imported/Cloned animals

Additional to the ones found on the worlds are the animals that were brought along from other worlds, or were cloned by the New Dusk Conclave. Some imported animals are:


These animals were cloned as well as bred,

  • Cow
  • Duck
  • Deer
  • Chicken
  • Other livestock

Nearly a hundred percent of these can be found on the Farms of the New Dusk Conclave. Many can be found on the farms of Station Omacron.


Listed below are the Flora that thrives on the worlds of the New Dusk Conclave

Sirris VI

Most plant life on Sirris VI is orange rather than green. Many jungles of Sirris VI have also adopted a unique ecology where many plants and some animals benefit from bioluminescence. Plants are shades of orange and brown with occasional tints of yellow and red. It is life rich and has several diverse biomes with complex ecosystems, including jungles, woodlands, tundras, mountain ranges, two polar ice caps, tropical isles, and deep oceans.


Some plants unique to Sirris Vi are:

  • A subterranean plant that literally lifts the earth up from above it.
  • A small succulent stepable thrives in jungles and many other biomes. From a distance, it almost looks like fallen autumn leaves and some would consider this plant to be Sirris VI's own grass.
  • There is a local wheat already on the planet that the Gunja have used to make food.


The Howler, a remarkable thistle-like plant native to the unique ecosystem of Sirris VI, is a testament to the extraordinary adaptability of life in the face of daunting challenges. Towering giants roam the landscape, shaping the very fabric of their environment, and amidst this grandeur, the Howler stands out as a botanical wonder.

In an environment where size matters, the Howler defies expectation by reaching dimensions akin to a baseball or even a towering sunflower, dwarfing its more conventional botanical counterparts. Its impressive stature serves as both a defense mechanism and a means of ensuring its survival in a world dominated by colossal creatures.

But the Howler's remarkable features don't end with its size. It possesses a rare mobility, allowing it to navigate its surroundings with a slow, deliberate grace. This mobility is not only a means of seeking out optimal conditions for growth but also serves as a means of defense against herbivores and other threats.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Howler is its hemophagic nature. Like a botanical vampire, it sustains itself by feeding on the blood of unsuspecting creatures that come into contact with its barbed tendrils. However, this feeding isn't just a matter of survival; it also serves a crucial ecological role. The Howler's secretions contain a potent anesthetic, numbing the pain of its victims and allowing it to feed without causing undue harm. This anesthetic property has not gone unnoticed by the settlers of Sirris VI, who have discovered its potential as a powerful natural remedy.

In addition to its anesthetic properties, the Howler's secretions also possess antibiotic properties, making them invaluable in the fight against infection and disease. This dual functionality has led to the widespread use of the plant by the settlers of the New Dusk Conclave, who have incorporated it into their culinary practices. Stews infused with extracts from the Howler are not only delicious but also provide a much-needed boost to the immune system, helping to keep settlers healthy in the face of the many challenges of life on Sirris VI.

Thus, the Howler stands as a symbol of resilience and adaptability in a world of giants, its unique features serving as a source of sustenance, medicine, and wonder for those who call Sirris VI home.9)

Tree Species

Within Sirris VI are various biomes, each with its own set of trees that dot the landscapes and give the smaller animals their home, and in the case of a certain herbivore, its food. A lot of these trees are familiar to the inhabitants of the New Dusk Conclave but each is also unique to the planet.


Below are a few of the plants within the New Dusk Conclave’s Sirris VI territories.


Wheat is a staple grain that thrives abundantly on Sirris VI, playing a crucial role in the agricultural and culinary landscape of the planet. This versatile crop is primarily concentrated around the fertile regions near the Gunja caves and the expansive farmlands of the New Dusk Conclave. The proximity of wheat fields to the Gunja caves is particularly significant. The caves, known for their rich mineral deposits, contribute to the fertility of the surrounding soil, creating ideal conditions for wheat cultivation. The mineral-rich soil, combined with the temperate climate of the region, allows for the growth of high-yield, robust wheat varieties.

Similarly, the New Dusk Conclave's farmlands are renowned for their advanced agricultural techniques. Utilizing innovative irrigation systems and sustainable farming practices, the farmers of the Conclave have optimized wheat production, ensuring a steady supply of this essential grain. The Conclave’s commitment to agricultural excellence has turned these farmlands into a breadbasket for the region.

Wheat is a member of the grass family and is widely cultivated for its seeds, which are harvested as cereal grains. These grains are a vital component of diets worldwide, serving as the base for numerous food products. On Sirris VI, wheat is processed into flour, which is then used to produce a variety of foods such as bread, pasta, pastries, and cereals. The versatility of wheat makes it indispensable in both everyday meals and festive dishes.

Dusk Veggies

Dusk Veggies are a unique and nutritious vegetable indigenous to the island where the New Dusk Conclave established its first settlement. These vegetables were initially discovered by early settlers, who were exploring the island's diverse flora and fauna. The island's rich soil and favorable climate created the perfect environment for Dusk Veggies to thrive.

Upon realizing the vegetable's high nutritional value, the settlers began to cultivate Dusk Veggies in dedicated farms. These farms, strategically placed in fertile regions of the island, ensured a steady and sustainable supply of this valuable crop. The cultivation methods were refined over time, incorporating both traditional techniques and innovative agricultural practices to maximize yield and quality.

Dusk Veggies are celebrated for their versatility in culinary applications. In their raw form, they are a popular ingredient in salads, adding a unique crunch and a burst of flavor. The vegetables can be combined with various greens, nuts, and dressings to create a refreshing and nutritious dish. Their slightly sweet and earthy taste complements a wide range of other ingredients, making them a staple in the local cuisine.

In addition to salads, Dusk Veggies are often used in soups. When added to a broth, they release their distinctive flavor, enriching the soup and providing additional nutrients. This makes them an excellent choice for hearty, nourishing meals, especially during the colder months when warm, comforting foods are in high demand.

Another common use of Dusk Veggies is as a spice. The vegetables can be dried and ground into a fine powder, which can then be used to season various dishes. This spice has a unique flavor profile, combining elements of sweetness and earthiness with a hint of umami. It is used to enhance the taste of meats, stews, and even baked goods, showcasing its versatility.

Other Vegetables

The Caerbannog prefer meat of burrowing creatures, but they regard certain root vegetables as a treat.


The local fruits have a sweet taste to them and are edible. Below are a few of the fruit-bearing plants within the New Dusk Conclave territory.


Puraliberry is a delectable fruit that thrives on the lush planet Sirris 4. This low-growing fruit is typically found on small, hardy bushes located near streams and ponds, where the soil remains moist and fertile. The unique environment of Sirris 4, with its temperate climate and abundant water sources, provides the perfect conditions for Puraliberry bushes to flourish.

The fruit itself is small and round, resembling a grape in size and shape, but distinguished by its bumpy surface and striking orange-red color. This vivid hue makes Puraliberry bushes a recognizable sight along the banks of water bodies, where they form dense thickets. The bushes are resilient and can withstand the varied weather conditions of Sirris 4, ensuring a consistent yield of fruit each season.

Puraliberries are a favorite food source for various inhabitants of Sirris 4. Among the local wildlife, the Caerbannog. The indigenous Gunja hunters, known for their deep understanding of Sirris 4’s ecosystem, also consume Puraliberries. These sentient beings have integrated the fruit into their diet not only for its nutritional benefits but also for its pleasant taste. The Gunja hunters often gather Puraliberries during their foraging expeditions, enjoying them fresh or incorporating them into traditional recipes.

When settlers from the New Dusk Conclave arrived on Sirris 4, they quickly recognized the potential of Puraliberries. These off-worlders, adept at adapting to new environments, began cultivating Puraliberries in their gardens and farms. The settlers applied advanced agricultural techniques to optimize the growth and yield of the fruit, ensuring a steady supply for their communities.

Puraliberries are versatile and can be enjoyed in various forms. Eaten fresh, they offer a burst of juicy sweetness, making them a popular snack among all who encounter them. Additionally, when the berries are crushed, they produce a rich, flavorful juice known as Puraliberry Juice. This juice is cherished for its refreshing taste and vibrant color, and it can be consumed on its own or used as an ingredient in beverages and culinary dishes.

The cultivation and use of Puraliberries have become an integral part of life on Sirris 4, bridging the dietary practices of the native Gunja hunters and the new settlers from the New Dusk Conclave. The fruit's adaptability and delightful flavor have cemented its status as a beloved staple, enriching the cultural and culinary landscape of the planet.

Anvil Fruit

The Anvil fruit bears a striking resemblance to a miniature pumpkin, with a ribbed exterior and a rich, orange hue. Its surface is smooth and firm, with a tough outer skin that protects the succulent, sweet flesh inside. The fruit's small size makes it easy to handle, and it is often harvested by hand. What truly sets the Anvil fruit apart is its highly specific growth conditions. The Anvil landing site, a remote and isolated area, provides the perfect environment for this rare plant. The soil in this region is rich in minerals and nutrients, which contribute to the fruit's robust growth. However, the most critical factor in the Anvil fruit's development is the light it absorbs.

The Anvil landing site is bathed in the light of a nearby bright star. This stellar light is exceptionally intense and contains a unique spectrum that the Anvil plant has adapted to over generations. The fruit absorbs this light, which infuses it with a radiant, orange glow. This process is akin to photosynthesis but with an added twist—an inherent luminescence that sets the Anvil fruit apart from other flora.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Anvil fruit is its ability to retain and emit light. Even after the sun sets, the fruit continues to glow, casting a warm, orange light. This phenomenon is due to the light-absorbing pigments in the fruit's skin, which store the star's energy and release it gradually. This glow not only makes the Anvil fruit a captivating sight but also serves practical purposes, such as providing illumination in the dark. The glow of the Anvil fruit is further enhanced by the reflective surfaces of nearby spacecraft. The polished metal hulls of ships docked at the Anvil landing site reflect the fruit's luminescence, creating an enchanting ambiance. This interplay of natural and artificial light creates a surreal environment that is both beautiful and functional, as the reflected glow can help illuminate pathways and work areas.

Other Fruit

Sirris Vi had other assortments of fruit that littered the world with orange and sometimes red plants. There are berries to be found, some close to the New Dusk Conclave settlement of Obsidian City others as far as the Gunja caves. There were other kinds of fruit, not just those two, including an apple-like fruit.


Daichi is the third planet from the sun in the Nephis. The world has an abundance of aquatic animals that could be caught for food or kept as pets. As one member of New Dusk Conclave explorers discovered, there weren’t any Pack Roaches.


  • Grass covers Daichi where possible.
  • Flowers
  • Plants that are herb-based
  • New Medicinal Plants

Tree Species of Daichi

Within Daichi are various biomes, each with their own set of trees that dot the landscapes and give the smaller animals a home and herbivores their food.

While many of the trees are similar to those found on Sirris VI, they are nonetheless unique to the planet and have their own unique properties.

Curling Canes

The Curling Canes are a fascinating species of knee-length bioluminescent plants found predominantly in the vicinity of the Arcadian settlement. Their unique appearance and intriguing properties make them a subject of great interest among botanists and locals alike. Unlike typical flowers, Curling Canes exhibit a distinctive spiraled form, with their stems and tendrils twisting and curling in various intricate patterns. This peculiar structure, coupled with their smooth, flower-like texture, sets them apart from more conventional flora.

One of the most captivating features of the Curling Canes is their bioluminescence. As dusk falls, these plants emit a gentle, ethereal glow that illuminates their surroundings in a palette of soft brown or bronze hues. This natural luminescence not only adds to the plants' allure but also provides a practical benefit by lighting up paths and areas around Arcadia during nighttime.

Interestingly, while the Curling Canes themselves are not edible, they play host to various edible growths. These growths, which attach themselves to the canes, come in the form of small, vibrant fungi or fruits that are both nutritious and delicious. These attached edibles are highly sought after by the inhabitants of Arcadia, who harvest them for their daily meals and medicinal properties.

The coloration of the Curling Canes varies depending on their proximity to New Dusk Conclave activity. The canes growing closest to the Settlement of Arcadia Arcadia exhibit a striking black hue, a stark contrast to their more naturally colored counterparts. This black coloration is believed to result from the higher concentration of minerals and possibly pollutants in the soil due to the settlement's activities. Despite this, the bioluminescence of the black Curling Canes remains unaffected, continuing to cast a mystical glow in the dark.


Vegetables grow in abundance on Nephis system’s Daichi and can be consumed after being cleaned. Because the world had been abandoned by Yamatai’s surveyors previously, the vegetables weren’t logged until later.


Like vegetables, fruit grows in abundance on Nephis System’s Daichi. They are safe for consumption after being appropriately cleaned and prepared.

Some notable fruits are included below, but the world is vast and still unexplored.

Candy Curlies

Candy Curlies are attached to the Candy Cane plants and can be removed and eaten. Like the name says they taste sweet like candy. As the New Dusk Conclave cultivates these plants in their farms, the Curlies are used as a treat. They are acorn-shaped but a few inches bigger than strawberries.

Draco Eridanus Flora

Newly Created

One plant that the New Dusk Conclave had created was

Imported/Cultivated Flora

  • Wheat

A number of these vegetables and fruit can be found on the farms of Station Omacron. All of them are found in the NDC Farms on Sirris VI

OOC Notes

  • Charaa created this article on 2020/08/01 21:15.
  • The article was approved by Andrew in this thread.
  • Art by Charaa using copilot.
1) , 9)
idea made by Madi Harper
11 ft. 6 in
It hasn’t learned not to mess with the New Dusk Conclave yet
6.17 meters / 20 feet 3 in
Much like the Nekovalkyrja it doesn’t need a mate to reproduce. As a result, there’s a huge number of them in the world.
Fun fact, thanks to advanced technology in the SARP universe, artificial versions of the creature’s electricity-generating cells could be developed as a power source for medical implants and other microscopic devices. This was actually speculated by scientists in the real world. I wrote this based on Electric Eels
The real-world ones
Robots, mostly

faction/ndc/ndc_flora_fauna.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 16:12 by