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Starships are an integral part of the Star Army setting.

List of Starships

This table lists starships found in the Star Army setting. Note that some ships might not appear if their wiki pages do not have structured data entered on them.

#PrefixShip's NameRegistry NumberShip's ClassShip StatusPage
51YSSTeisenjouNF-X2-910Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy CruiseractiveYSS Teisenjou
52YSSTenguAJ-TF22-501Nuwa Class Multipurpose FrigateactiveYSS Tengu
53The Synth-Class Corvette Night StarThe Synth-Class Corvette Night StaractiveThe Synth-Class Corvette Night Star
54YSSTokyoNF-X1-4201Izanagi-Class Dreadnoughtin repairYSS Tokyo
55YSSValiantNG-S2-02Sakura-class Light GunshipdestroyedYSS Valiant
56YSSWakabaNB-X1-4227Sharie-class Battleshipin repairYSS Wakaba
57YSSWickedGD-232Yui-class Scoutin storageYSS Wicked
58YSSWyvernNG-X1-517Fuji-class Expeditionary GunshipactiveYSS Wyvern
59YSSYamakuzureNF-S4-0011Yamato-Class FlagshipactiveYSS Yamakuzure
60YSSYSS Battle Of Ayenee Capital CityNF-X5-16Izanagi-Class DreadnoughtactiveYSS Battle Of Ayenee Capital City
61YSSYuiYD-30Yui-class Scoutin storageYSS Yui
62YSSYukikaNS-X5-12Nozomi-class ScoutYSS Yukika
63YSSYukika IINS-X5-1212Nozomi II-class ScoutactiveYSS Yukika II

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/08/13 21:14.

๐Ÿšง This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

wip_2023_or_older/starships.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:00 by wes