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Ke-M2-W3701 Aether Saber

About the Ke-M2-W3701 Aether Saber

The Ke-M2-3701 Aether Saber is a combination hull-cutting tool and anti-armor weapon developed in YE 37 by Ketsurui Fleet Yards. Inspired by the Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Saber-Rifle, the Aether Saber projects a stream of Aether up to 3 meters from a roughly blade shaped projector. Due to being able to cut into a starship's armor, it is a vital tool in boarding operations.


Created in YE 37, it was derived from the Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Saber-Rifle's saber so that the cutting could be done separately. It has been used to open airlocks and cut into hull plate to assist boarding operations.

Nomenclature Information

  • Year Created: YE 37
  • Manufacturer: Ketsurui Fleet Yards
  • Name: Aether Saber
  • Nomenclature: Ke-M2-W3701
  • Type: Sword
  • Role: Anti-Heavy Powered Armor, Hull Cutting
  • Length: 27cm hilt, blade between 3 and 1/3rd meters long.
  • Weight: 1 kg (2.2 lb)
  • Production: Mass Production


The Aether Saber is essentially a cut down Aether Blade-Saber rifle, modified to fit into a handle and projector that can fit into the hand of an armor. The hilt is a fairly utilitarian handle with a guarded switch to prevent accidental activation or deactivation. The bottom of the unit has a rectangular socket for a BR-28 battery cell, and a cord that allows the unit to connect to the forearm projectors of the Mindy 2. While most of the weapon's casing is rubber coated Durandium Alloy, the blade projector contains a Zesuaium edge that allows the Aether Saber to be used to block and parry other Aether Sabers. The Saber can be controlled by the Armor connected to it.

Discharge Information

  • Retort: A deep thrumming sound while active.
  • Beam Appearance: narrow, bright pink beam of constantly seething energy.
  • Effective Range: Close-Combat

Ammunition (Or 'Energy Source' if applicable)

Power Cell

The bottom 1/3rd of the device is the power receptacle. The receptacle has plugins to plug into the Ke-M2-2D "Mindy II" Power Armor forearm projectors for power, as well as a slot for a BR-28 Series Battery Magazine. Using the BR-28 the Aether Saber can operate for 10 minutes of cumulative use.


  • Ke-M2-W3701 Aether Saber: 3000 KS

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2015/10/04 01:52 by Kirkatan. It was updated and submitted by Soban on 2022/10/17.

Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 37
Last ReviewYE 44
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: power armor
Product NameKe-M2-W3701 Aether Saber
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 37
Price (KS)3 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 6
Mass (kg)1 kg

stararmy/weapons/ke-m2-w3701_aether_saber.1700312227.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:50 (external edit)