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Ke-Z3 Series Ransā Anti-Capital/Super-Capital Torpedo

Designed by Shoi koyama in YE 42, the Ransā 1) is slated for use by the Star Army of Yamatai and produced by Ketsurui Fleet Yards in very limited batches for deployment and testing during the ongoing, devastating war against the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia.

About the Ke-Z3 Series Ransā Anti-Capital/Super-Capital Torpedo

With the Yamatai Star Empire's ongoing war of survival in the year YE 42, and the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia's renewed assault upon an ailing galactic superpower, the Ransā was designed, and built to be a daunting answer to the need for true deployable and flexible anti-super capital weaponry as Kuvexian Dreadnoughts have begun taking the field. While the mighty Izanagi-Class Dreadnought is capable of standing toe-to-toe with the imposing enemy super-capitals, they are far and few between. This necessitated a counter to turn the tide in Yamatai's favor when these mighty behemoths clash against one another, or a pack of smaller, Sharie-class Battleship's gang up upon the Kuvexian's ships of the line.

Utterly new, untested, and bleeding-edge, the Z3 eschews the usage of Anti-Matter, Aether or even Fusion warheads for something truly devastating on a large scale. The Ransā mounts a highly-miniaturized, yet powerful Hyperfold Generator inside of an armored torpedo casing along with the necessary components and capacitors to charge the generator itself. Launched in much the same manner as the vaunted Ke-Z1 Series Anti-Starship Torpedoes, the Z3's sole purpose is to bring the hammer down upon battleships and up.

Once launched, the Ransā tracks engage, and detonates against its target's shields, or hull. In either case, once contact is made, a short-lived hyperfold 'bubble' is opened against the offending vessel. The effect can prove to be rather deadly when properly applied. When detonated against enemy shields, the Z3 causes a space-time 'ripple' effect across Combined Field System style shields and other energy-based shielding technology resulting in damage against their protective fields.

The effect is similar in comparison to the older Subspace Detonator warheads in the purpose that of an anti-shield effect, only on a grander, more effective scale as Anti-FTL technology continues on the rise.

The bubble itself, when against shields also radiates sickening amounts of exotic hyperspatial radiation and particles which could be hazardous to friends or foe alike in the immediate vicinity providing a larger area of effect making a sort of dead, or no-fly zone roughly double the initial detonation's size 2). Given time, it begins to deteriorate the metallic hulls or armor of power armor suits, ships, and stationary targets. It is therefore advised to avoid lingering within this cloud unless any given craft's shields are up. Though this aftereffect is finite, the high-intensity radiation begins to gradually dissipate and within several minutes is completely gone.

Should the enemy shields fail, the Ransā acts in much the same manner, except the fold bubble, instead of a radiating, space-time ripple instead 'eats' a large chunk of the ship's armored hull before snapping closed making it effective against even Kuvexian-made Zesuaium and Yamataium comparable materials. Against lesser meta-materials, and shields the damage is done can be rather vicious as the protective value decreases exponentially. As a result of the loss of the ship's CFS' intrinsic protections against foreign distortion 3) effects, the armor plating of the enemy ship has little to no protection beyond the sheer thickness of the hull and the ship's pilot's ability to dodge or lessen the damage to that section of their ship.

While usable within the gravity-well of a solar system, however, the effect can be more unstable, inflicting more damage, or less leading it to random chance right down to the amount of toxic, corrosive and deadly exotic hyperspatial radiation emitted. Also of note is there is no telling where these chunks of missing vessels end up. They may end up hundreds, if not thousands of lightyears away, or only within a few hundred kilometers in distance from the affected ship.

Nomenclature Information

  • Designer: Shoi koyama
  • Manufacturer: Ketsurui Fleet Yards
  • Name: Ransā Anti-Capital/Super-Capital Torpedo
  • Nomenclature: Ke-Z3
  • Type: Energetic Hyperfold Warhead
  • Role: Anti-Capital to Anti-Super-Capital Torpedo
  • Length: 2.25m 4)
  • Width: 0.50m 5)
  • Weight: .5 tons


Wedge-shaped bow that gradually tapers off into a more tear-drop shape as it nears the Continuum Distortion Drive emitter.

Discharge Information

  • Hyperfold Emission: Blue-White flash
  • Effective Range: 3.7 AU
  • FTL Launch Speed: 4c 6)
  • STL Speed .75c
  • Main Blast Radius: 430m
  • Radiation Field Radius: 860m
Ransā Quickchart
Type Purpose
Anti-Shield T-15
Anti-Hull T-15

Weapon Mechanisms

Optional Attachments

OOC Notes

Approved by Syaoran on 8/17/2020


Lancer in Yamataigo
Similar to hyperfold
Gradually drops to standard STL after a few seconds

stararmy/weapons/ammunition/ke_z3_series_anti-capital_torpedoes.1610037247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:36 (external edit)