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Operation Matchmaker


The Star Army of Yamatai has some of the most advanced technology in the known galaxy; yet with all of that said, we still have not found a way to truly control destiny. That perhaps is the challenge with this operation; you cannot force someone to love someone else, and have the fruitful results so all you can do is facilitate feelings already there.


The Sky Marshall of Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia visited the United Outer Colonies in early YE 30; during his time on Hotaru Star Fortress he was observed by both PANTHEON and eye witnesses to be enjoying interaction with the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet's Chujo Mitsuya Ember.

Bringing these observations to the Empress Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, the now Star Army Intelligence Director, Motoyoshi Misato proposed using this possible connection as a way to improve communication between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia and Yamatai Star Empire. After some thought on the matter, the Empresss and the Director, decided to proceed with a plan that only explored this avenue if it was a genuine relationship and not something they forced which would only lead to more bad relations between the two nations.

Director Motoyoshi Misato was then given authorization to try and facilitate these two possible love birds during the International Relations Conference of YE 30 while her ship, the YSS Yuurei was at Pisces Station anyway to take on crew.

The Plan

A restaurant called 'The Velvet Room' has been an operational front for Star Army Intelligence on Pisces Station trying to keep an eye on the black market trade that passes through the station while the government's eyes willingly look the other way.

Motoyoshi Misato decided the restaurant would make a great front for their operation and arranged to take the place over for a night. Her crew : Creighton Marks, Camellia Sarri, and Motoyoshi Sayuri, would take on roles posing as employees of the restaurant and help lure the operational subjects together for a romantic meal. A free meal ticket would be delivered to both Sky Marshall Davis and Chujo Mitsuya, the restaurant save for the table for two has already been completely reserved.

Roles of the Operatives

Motoyoshi Misato

Head Chef, and owner of The Velvet Room.

Creighton Marks


Camellia Sarri


Motoyoshi Sayuri



  • Free meal ticket to Sky Marshall Davis – Completed
  • Free meal ticket to Chujo Mitsuya Ember – Pending
  • Get the two to sit together – Pending
  • Assist without manipulation in the culturing of a relationship between the two – Pending


  • Operation in Progress

stararmy/saint/operations/matchmaker.1662813988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:29 (external edit)