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Star Army Navigator

Starship navigator is an officer-level military occupational specialty in the Star Army of Yamatai. A navigator for a starship is responsible for the overall navigation of the starship and for setting the ship's course. The starship navigator is a member of the bridge crew, often serving under the direct command of the starship captain. The MOS code for Star Army navigators is 09A.

The difference between a pilot and a navigator is the navigator can expertly navigate the ship as well as flying it, and the difference between a starship operator and a starship navigator is the navigator can navigate the ship, even without help from a starship navigational computer. There are typically more pilots and generalist starship operators than navigators assigned to any ship. Small starships typically only have one navigator assigned to them, while larger vessels may have a small navigation department operating around the clock.

Ships without navigators can typically get by using previously-prepared navigation plans from a fleet-level navigator or by using computer navigation tools, but having an actual navigator is preferred. Because of the amount of specialized training they require, a Star Army navigator is sometimes hard to come by when building a ship crew.


The Star Army of Yamatai has used starship navigators since its formation in YE 22. In YE 43, the Star Army revamped its navigation program to account for changes such as Accelerated Officer Program and the elimination of warrant officer ranks. By that year, only officers could become starship navigators.


To become a qualified Star Army starship navigator, the soldier must have a college degree in a relevant major such as astrophysics as well as graduating from officer school or a Star Army Academy, become flight-certified at starship piloting school, and then pass a comprehensive navigation training program. Many starship navigators are former Starship Operators who have enhanced navigational training.

This is a common occupation for artificial intelligence entities working in the Star Army, such as starship computer AIs.


The minimum rank for this occupation is Shoi and the maximum rank is Chusa.


When you write for a navigator character, keep in mind that the only space travel is considered routine in the Star Army universe is because people like this are working to make sure that it's possible without dying. Space is, in fact, still extremely hazardous and ending up in the wrong place, at the wrong speed, or going the wrong direction can get everyone killed. So only characters who really know their stuff can get this job.


Star Army navigators are intensely good at extremely complex mathematics, gravitational equations, and orbital mechanics. They are familiar with thousands of stars in their operational area(s). They have advanced knowledge of the operation of starship propulsion systems such as aether engines, continuum distortion fields, and faster-than-light technologies such as hyperspace fold drives. The also area familiar with space phenomenon like wormholes and other hazards to avoid. They can operate starship sensor systems. They are licensed and experienced starship and aerospace shuttle-craft pilots.

Player Expectations

Players should be familiar with the Kikyo Sector map and its grid system, and with destinations the ship can navigate to. They should be able to compare the FTL speed on the ship's wiki article and the distance on the map and provide ballpark travel time estimates in character.

Some stuff to know:

  • Each star has an area around it, usually including its planets, where FTL drives don't work. Thus, ships usually arrive in the edge of a system and go into the system at sub-c speeds.
  • Starship navigators are sometimes inaccurately referred to as starship pilots or helmsman.

List of Characters

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/08/12 18:59. Approval/Discussion Thread.

Art by Ymir Adopts with uniform added by Wes; Paid adoptable purchased by Wes.

stararmy/occupations/navigator.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/07 20:17 by wes