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Ke-S3-M4000 Plumeria Bay Pod

The Ke-S3-M4000 is the default Modular Pod designed by kage_yaichiro in YE 40 to be attached to the starboard side of the the Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunship. It is designed to store items, store and launch Power Armor-clad Star Army Infantry, launch fighters and shuttles, or deploy most ground vehicles. It is sometimes known as the “Bolt-on Bay”.

This container is made of a Zesuaium frame with 0.5 meters of Xiulurium-coated Yamataium armor. As such, it has the same protective and stealth properties as the ship it is meant to be attached to. It has six hatches in a retractable front plate for access in or out for various sizes of objects. This is including for Power Armor-clad Star Army Infantry to enter and exit via Deck 5 of the Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunship. It has internal Scalable Graviton Beam Projectors to help with loading and unloading, as well as an extendable ramp for deployment ground-side. It has padded walls, white and red lighting, and tie-down points as well as power hookups. It has no shielding or weapons of its own aside from some anti-decompression force fields, and taps into the ship's life support.


The Bay Pod is a container which can be used in the following roles or some combination thereof if space permits:

The Pod can serve as extra storage space or launch assorted equipment as defined above with enough space to rotate all but the largest vehicles within the Pod freely after return. It is the default equipment for the Plumeria Gunship, but can be exchanged for other Modular Pods.

OOC Notes

toshiro created this article on 2018/02/15 22:55. It was approved by wes on 2018/03/09 22:14 in this thread.

stararmy/equipment/ke-s3-m4000_plumeria_bay_pod.1611285113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:14 (external edit)