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Rikugun University

Established in YE 46, the Rikugun University is a military education university designed to provide military education for the Star Army Rikugun.

Parent Command Star Army Training Administration
University President Shimura Grace
University Provost Dr. Erika Dotson
Location Rikugun Base Ukmirt, Ukmirt A-3, Yamatai Star Empire


In YE 45 with the formation of the 46th Legion Command Group and the eariler exploits of Legion 777, Rikugun Chief of Staff Mizumitsu Benji quickly realized the Star Army Rikugun needs for professional military education to spread the lessons learned was going to quickly overburden traditional schools such as the Kyoto War College focused more on fleet operations. Using the Kyoto War College as a model to start with, the Rikugun University aims to create a uniquely Rikugun institution creating professional officers to serve the Star Army of Yamatai. First classes opened in the 2nd month of YE 46.

Admission Requirements

The Rikugun University is open to members of the Star Army Rikugun, other members of the Star Army of Yamatai selected for cross-training with the Rikugun, and select civilian employees of the Yamatai Star Empire Imperial government. Each school and course has their own specific requirements beyond what is required for the university.

Schools of the Rikugun University

Rikugun University, as a comprehensive military education institution, comprises several specialized schools, each tailored to distinct aspects of military training and education. These schools collectively represent the university's commitment to developing well-rounded, strategically-minded, and tactically proficient officers for the Star Army Rikugun and the Star Army of Yamatai as a whole. The curriculum of each school is carefully designed to cater to different stages of an officer's career and specialized areas of military operations, ensuring that graduates are equipped to meet the diverse challenges of modern and future warfare.

Teaching Methods

With an increasing number of Digital Mind augmentation non-Digital Brain species available and the Rikugun wishing to speed its adoption, the Rikugun University uses a hybrid approach to education. Data is downloaded into the minds of students and then a series of classroom lectures, discussions, and hand-on activities to allow the knowledge to be “digested” and integrated into the student's mindset. The use of the digital education allows for the courses to be condensed within months as opposed to years with traditional classroom methods.

Though many of the classes still remain lectures due to the nature of command and leadership.

Rikugun Undergraduate Program

While not officially an academy for the Star Army Rikugun, the Rikugun Undergraduate Program (RUP or “You R Up”) of the Rikugun University is set up to be a key source of new Shoi. In addition to gaining a Bachelor of Science (or Arts) in a relevant major, Shoi Kohosei within RUP are taught what it means to be a member of the “Order of the Rikugun” mentally and physically.

Rikugun Undergraduate Program Requirements

To attend the Rikugun Undergraduate Program, individuals must have the following:

  • Be a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire
  • Be the equivalent of 21 years of age for your species

Rikugun War College

The Rikugun War College serves as the driving force of professional military education of officers in the Star Army Rikugun. Its purpose is to cultivate military leaders capable of navigating the complex strategic landscapes of modern and future warfare. The college offers advanced courses and programs that build upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in earlier stages of military education.

A significant aspect of the Rikugun War College is its emphasis on scholarly research and strategic analysis. Senior officers are required to conduct extensive research and produce a thesis on contemporary issues in military strategy, operational art, or leadership. This scholarly work encourages critical thinking, innovation, and contributes to the broader military strategic discourse.

Core Principles of the Rikugun War College are:

  • Strategic Leadership Development: To develop adept leaders who can make strategic decisions, provide visionary leadership, and adapt to rapidly changing warfare environments.
  • Advanced Operational Planning: To enhance skills in crafting comprehensive operational plans that integrate multiple military domains and consider global strategic contexts.
  • Interstellar Warfare Studies: To specialize in the complexities of warfare spanning different planets and star systems, focusing on logistical, tactical, and strategic challenges in such environments.
  • Policy and Diplomacy: To understand the interplay between military strategy and foreign policy, including diplomatic negotiations and coalition-building in a multi-species galaxy.

The Rikugun War College also frequently hosts workshops, seminars, and collaborative events with leading military strategists, foreign defense experts, and interstellar policy makers of the Yamatai Star Empire and allies. These engagements provide valuable insights into global defense strategies, inter-species diplomacy, and emerging threats, ensuring that the curriculum remains at the forefront of military education.

Courses and Programs

The Rikugun War College currently offers the following:

Rikugun Command and Staff College

The Command and Staff College at Rikugun University is a dynamic institution, pivotal in shaping the strategic leaders and decision-makers of the Star Army Rikugun. Its curriculum, spanning a focused 3-month period, is meticulously crafted to hone the skills of mid-career officers, primarily at the Shosa and Chusa ranks, in the intricacies of command, leadership, and how to function as staff officers. The college's mission is not just to impart knowledge but to forge leaders capable of adapting and excelling in a rapidly evolving military landscape.

At the heart of the Command and Staff College's philosophy is the belief in developing well-rounded military leaders who are adept in both the art and science of warfare. The college emphasizes a deep understanding of the complexities of modern military operations, including joint and combined warfare. It promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling officers to make sound strategic decisions under pressure. Ethical leadership and a strong moral compass are also central tenets, ensuring that graduates lead with integrity and honor. The college recognizes the importance of continuous learning and encourages a culture of intellectual curiosity and scholarly pursuit among its students.

Like other schools of the Rikugun University, the Command and Staff College has an emphasis on collaborative learning and professional growth. The college fosters an environment of peer learning, where officers engage in constructive dialogues, share experiences, and provide feedback to one another. Regular guest lectures and seminars by veteran military leaders and strategists offer valuable insights and perspectives on leadership and operational planning. Networking opportunities with fellow officers and defense professionals are facilitated, aiding in the development of a robust professional network that extends beyond the tenure at the college.

Courses and Programs

The Rikugun Command and Staff College current officers the following:

School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare

The School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare (SARWAR) at Rikugun University stands as an institution dedicated to the advanced study and practice of expeditionary warfare. Its comprehensive 11-month Operations Planning program culminates in a Masters of Science in Operational Planning and a Strategic Planner qualification, reflecting its commitment to producing adept leaders in the art of modern warfare.

At its core, the School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare is founded on several guiding principles. Firstly, it emphasizes an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted nature of modern expeditionary operations, recognizing the increasing complexity of global military engagements. The curriculum is designed to foster strategic thinking, encouraging students to think critically about large-scale operational challenges and innovative solutions. A strong focus is placed on joint operations, acknowledging the importance of inter-service cooperation in contemporary military strategies. Additionally, the program prioritizes adaptability and cultural competence, preparing officers to effectively lead in diverse and dynamically changing environments.

The subsequent 7-month phase is dedicated to independent research and thesis writing. During this period, students are expected to conduct comprehensive research on a topic of strategic significance in expeditionary warfare. This process includes field research, data collection, and extensive analysis, guided by faculty advisors and subject matter experts. The culmination of this research is a 100-page thesis, contributing new insights to the field of expeditionary warfare and demonstrating the student's mastery of strategic planning and operational execution.

A distinctive feature of the school is its emphasis on collaborative learning and professional networking. Students regularly engage in peer review sessions, group projects, and collaborative workshops, fostering a culture of mutual learning and knowledge exchange. The school also facilitates networking opportunities with military professionals, policy makers, and international defense experts, enriching the educational experience and broadening the students' professional horizons.

Courses and Programs

The School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare currently offers the following:


The following are details specific to the Rikugun University.


The Rikugun University campus, co-located with the Rikugun Base Ukmirt on the largest island of the Noksaekdo archipelago, harmoniously blends into the scenic beauty of its surroundings at the base of the Vaalsersan low mountain range. The campus is enveloped by the lush, verdant expanse of temperate evergreen forests offering a serene and inspiring setting for learning and training. This environment not only provides a picturesque backdrop but also serves as a practical training ground for various military exercises.

Architecturally, the campus reflects a fusion of traditional and modern design elements, mirroring the blend of Yamataian traditions with contemporary warfare tactics and technologies. The buildings are strategically placed to optimize natural light. State-of-the-art facilities include advanced simulation centers, lecture halls equipped with the latest digital teaching tools, extensive libraries, and research labs.

Outdoor training areas are an integral part of the campus, featuring obstacle courses, tactical training fields, and live-fire ranges, all designed to provide realistic training environments. The campus also boasts various athletic facilities, including a gymnasium, swimming pool, and sports fields, promoting physical fitness and team-building among the students.

The university’s location, experiencing all four seasons with no dry period, offers a unique advantage for training. It allows for a diverse range of exercises and drills, from winter survival training in the snow-covered mountain ranges to summer amphibious operations along the archipelago's coastline. This variety in climate and terrain ensures that officers are well-prepared for a wide array of operational environments.

Notable Buildings

Here are the following notable buildings on campus:

  • Mizumitsu Leadership Hall: Named in honor of Mizumitsu Benji, this building serves as the administrative heart of the university. It houses the offices of the university's top administrators, faculty rooms, and several large conference rooms equipped for high-level strategic meetings and seminars. The hall is a symbol of leadership excellence and the epicenter of the university's administrative operations.
  • Takeda Strategy and Tactics Center: This state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to the study and simulation of military strategy and tactics. Equipped with advanced virtual reality systems and computerized war gaming technology, it allows students to engage in a variety of tactical simulations and strategic planning exercises. The center also includes classrooms and lecture halls for theoretical instruction in military strategy.
  • Yamamoto Lecture Complex: A modern complex with multiple lecture halls and classrooms, the Yamamoto Lecture Complex is designed to accommodate large groups of students for general instruction and special presentations. Each hall is equipped with advanced digital learning and volumetric technology, facilitating interactive learning experiences.
  • Saito Library and Research Center: The Saito Library and Research Center is a repository of military literature, historical documents, and research publications. It offers students and faculty access to a vast array of resources, including digital databases and specialized collections. The center also provides quiet study areas.
  • Kurosawa Field Training Area: Situated in the expansive outdoors of the campus, the Kurosawa Field Training Area is designed for practical military exercises. It features obstacle courses, tactical training grounds, and areas designated for field maneuvers and drills.
  • Nagumo Physical Fitness Complex: This comprehensive fitness center includes a gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, and various courts for sports like basketball and volleyball.
  • Tanaka Residence Halls: The Tanaka Residence Halls is one of the living accommodations on campus for students. These halls are designed to foster a sense of community and discipline, with shared living spaces, dining halls, and study areas.
  • Fujimoto Innovation Lab: The Fujimoto Innovation Lab is dedicated to research and development in military technology. It houses laboratories where students and faculty can work on projects related to defense technology, cybersecurity, and other emerging fields in military science.
  • Hosokawa Cultural Center: The Hosokawa Cultural Center is a multipurpose facility for cultural events, language training, and intercultural learning. It hosts a variety of programs and activities to promote cultural understanding and communication skills.
  • Onoda Amphitheater: An open-air venue, the Onoda Amphitheater is used for large gatherings, ceremonies, and outdoor lectures. It serves as a communal space for university events, fostering a sense of tradition and belonging among the campus community.


Via the Rikugun Base Ukmirt terminal, Rikugun University is connected to the greater Yamtai Star Empire via PAINT. Access to the rest of the planet is done via a ferry terminal located at the only city on the island (City of Breda), located an hour awy from the campus and Rikugun Base. Transportation to the city is done via train, automobile, or bus.


The student body at Rikugun University is a diverse and dynamic group, embodying a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and specialties within the Star Army of Yamatai. This diversity is not only in terms of species and cultural backgrounds but also in military expertise and career aspirations, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives and insights.

Young Officers and Cadets

These are typically students enrolled in the Rikugun Undergraduate Program or Expeditionary Warfare Course, these are individuals just starting or are early in their military careers. They bring a sense of enthusiasm and a hunger for learning to the campus. Their training focuses on foundational military knowledge, leadership skills, and the basics of tactical and strategic thinking. Student organizations largely consist of the these types of students.

Mid-Career Officers

Predominantly found in specialized courses like the Command and Staff College, these officers are in the midst of their military careers, often holding ranks of Shosa or Chusa. They come to the university to refine their skills, gain advanced operational knowledge, and prepare for higher leadership roles. Because of the nature of their courses, they do not generally participate with student bodies or ever really seen by cadets.

Senior Officers and Strategists

These experienced professionals are typically part of the School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare or the Rikugun War College. With years of service and often holding high-ranking positions, they engage in advanced strategic studies, often focusing on high-level operational planning, policy formulation, and interstellar strategy. Because of the nature of their courses, they do not generally participate with student bodies or ever really seen by cadets.

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and Enlisted Personnel

Selected NCOs and enlisted personnel attend specific courses tailored to their career development, such as the Expeditionary Command Course. Their participation underscores the university's commitment to developing talent across all ranks and roles within the Star Army.

Civilian Academics and Researchers

Although primarily a military institution, Rikugun University occasionally hosts civilian academics and researchers, especially in advanced research programs and innovation labs. They collaborate on defense research projects, technological advancements, and academic studies related to military science.

Exchange and Visiting Students

Rikugun University participates in exchange programs with other military academies and institutions, both terrestrial and interstellar. These visiting students enrich the campus with their diverse experiences and academic traditions, fostering an environment of global military camaraderie and shared learning.

RP Opportunities

Rikugun University offers a wealth of roleplaying (RP) opportunities, providing a vibrant backdrop for diverse narratives within the Star Army of Yamatai setting. The university's unique blend of academic rigor and military training creates an ideal environment for dynamic and engaging storytelling.

  • Cadet Life and Training: Players can explore the daily life of cadets in the Rikugun Undergraduate Program, including rigorous training routines, academic challenges, and the development of friendships and rivalries. Storylines can revolve around overcoming personal obstacles, excelling in demanding exercises, or navigating the complexities of military school life.
  • Advanced Officer Training Scenarios: RP scenarios for mid-career and senior officers attending specialized programs like the Command and Staff College or the School of Advanced Expeditionary Warfare offer a deeper dive into strategic planning, crisis management, and leadership dilemmas. Players can engage in war games, tactical exercises, and strategic discussions, providing a rich ground for character development and storytelling.
  • Military Research and Innovation: For characters inclined towards science and technology, the Fujimoto Innovation Lab and other research facilities provide a setting for RP focused on military research projects, technological breakthroughs, and ethical dilemmas associated with warfare technology.
  • Extracurricular Activities and Competitions: Beyond academics and training, the university's sports teams, cultural clubs, and recreational activities offer a lighter side of RP. Storylines can include inter-academy competitions, sports tournaments, cultural festivals, and other campus events.
  • Espionage and Intrigue: The university, with its wealth of strategic knowledge and military secrets, could be a hotbed for espionage-related RP. Characters might become involved in uncovering espionage activities, protecting sensitive information, or even participating in covert operations.
  • Faculty and Staff Roles: RP isn't limited to students. Characters can be part of the faculty or staff, dealing with the challenges of teaching and guiding the next generation of military leaders, conducting research, or maintaining the day-to-day operations of the university.
  • Exchange Programs and Off-Campus Adventures: Exchange programs with other military academies, institutions, and allies could lead to off-campus adventures, diplomatic missions, or cross-training exercises, providing a change of scenery and new collaborative experiences.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2024/02/04 23:59.

Approval Thread:

Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeTraining School
DescriptionStar Army Rikugun oriented training facility.
OrganizationStar Army Training Administration
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 46
Place Categoriesschool
Risk Levelsafe

stararmy/bases/rikugun_university.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 22:29 by