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Flora of Jiyuu III

The flora on Jiyuu III as of YE 43. This article contains those that are considered notable or important and represent only a portion of the flora on the planet.

History and Background

Jiyuu III was first mapped, explored, and colonized by the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet in YE 29. From planet-fall the discovery and catalog of local plant life and fungi began. It was continued through YE 30 to YE 33 with scientists from the United Outer Colonies, and then again from YE 34 forwards by the Yamatai Star Empire. In YE 42, the Yugumo Corporation had their scientists start a biological survey to check on the recovery process of damage done to the biosphere of the planet during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, during which more local flora was studied and cataloged.1)

Flora Classifications

Flora on Jiyuu III is divided into three categories:

  • Native Flora - The indigenous flora of the planet.
  • Agricultural and Horticultural Flora - Flora that is domesticated and grown by the local population.
  • Weed Flora - Undesired and controlled flora such as invasive species.

Native Flora

The indigenous Flora of the planet.

Trees and Shrubs

Jiyuuian Maple

Jiyuuian Maple is a tree very similar to the Yamataian Maple, its leaves have a distinctive bronze color and a thick wax cuticle that helps it resist the tropical climate of the planet. Jiyuuian Maples tend to grow in the fringes of the planet's forest and only reach a maximum height of twelve feet.

Motoyoshi Silk Tree

Motoyoshi Silk Tree - A variety of tree similar to the Common Silk Tree, it produces bright purple flowers that close up during non-daylight hours. It is similar to another variety of Silk Tree that grew on Taiie IV in which Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano got her nickname in reference by Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro.

Tokyo Coconut Palm

The Tokyo Coconut Palm is a variety of palm tree that grows almost everywhere in the coastal and island regions of the planet. It has large fan-like leaves and produces a coconut fruit that is edible, the inner flesh is a shade of pink and is sometimes called the “Sakura Coconut” in reference to the similar color of its flesh to the sakura blossom.


Jiyuuian Beach Reed

A tall grass that grows inshore regions and coastal wetland areas and even sand dunes. It prefers soils that get exposed to saline water and can grow up to 6 meters in height. It has a greenish-brown stalk with a pronounced cone-like flower structure at the top. Jiyuuian reeds are known for their resilience often weathering hurricanes and high winds during the stormy late summer months.

Matsue Grass

A tall grass which is native to the central regions of continents on Jiyuu III. It is a deep-rooted, drought-resistant grass with ribosomal root systems that can reach almost twelve feet beneath the surface of the soil. It has a vibrant green color when it matures and can grow almost 4 meters high. It generally seeds in the late fall.

Toft Bamboo

A variety of native bamboo that grows nearly everywhere in the tropical climate of the planet. It is a fast-growing species that is ideal for the creation of primitive structures. Their flower structures are a brilliant blue color and are generally in full bloom during mid-summer. The natural growth and desire for this wood-like grass have led to sustainable harvesting in some regions.

Flowering Plants

The flowering planet species of Jiyuu III.

Blue Doomflower

A variety of lilly native to the jungle regions of Jiyuu III. It is a blue and white bell-shaped flower with broad black streaks through it. It is known for its extremely poisonous endotoxin that if consumed can cause paralysis and death in most humans. Low levels of this toxin are also being researched for their medical applications, in that with the correct bioengineering can control immune responses in humans.

Jiyuuian Beach Rose

A variety of rose that grows in coastal areas on Jiyuu III. It is known for its vibrant pink and gold blossom that blooms during the spring and summer seasons. The stems of these plants are covered in razor-sharp thorns that are covered in a sticky sap that tends to get stuck in the skin. The sap has a symbiotic parasite that is known to cause flu-like symptoms to most humans if consumed.

Tokyo Kiku

A variety of chrysanthemum that is native to the region around Tokyo. Its dark violet flower is used as a symbol for the Motoyoshi Clan.2)


Fungus found on Jiyuu III.

Cannon Pop Mushroom

A mushroom that grows pretty much anywhere but the poles of the planet. It is a white mushroom with a spherical cap that has tiny blue spots on it. It is used in culinary applications and is known for its umami flavor. It is available in most seasons except for late spring when its spherical cap bursts to release spores into the air for reproduction. It prefers damp soil, rotting trees, and grows in the shade.

Crimson Ecstacy Dancer

A mushroom found in the jungle regions of the planet. This crimson-capped mushroom has white and blue spots on its umbrella-shaped cap and has a white stalk that can grow up to 6cm in length. It is extremely poisonous to most humans; its toxin causes feelings of extreme euphoria, paralysis, and generally death within a few hours of consumption. There is no known antidote to this mushroom's toxin.

Agricultural and Horticultural Flora

Flora that has been grown by the population for agricultural and horticultural purposes. Generally grown in regions like the Tsu Agricultural Zone.


Agricultural Grains.

Jiyuuian Rice

Jiyuuian Rice, a hybrid variety of rice that is a genetic combination of a local species of rice and Yamataian short-grain rice. It is a massive cash crop on Jiyuu III, and is the most commonly used rice variety in culinary applications.

Matsue Wheat

A variety of wheat unique to the central regions of the planet. It is extremely fast-growing and is preferred by farmers on the planet due to it averaging three harvests per year. It is an indigenous grass plant. It is known for its golden color and when ground into flour has a very nutty flavor.

Fruits and Vegetables

Notable Fruit and Vegetable crops.

Haru Peach

The Haru3) variety of peach is the result of cross-breeding between the common Yamataian peach and a sour wild peach variety that was found on Jiyuu III. Available much earlier in the year than other varieties, it has a reputation for its tangy flavor profile attributed to the genetics of the sour variety. It gained quick popularity and is now cultivated in orchards in the Iga District.

Keomi Grapes

Keomi4) Grapes are variety of grapes native to the planet, cultivation of this variety only began in YE 44 after Ainu Orchards owned by the Motoyoshi Clan made wine with foraged Keomi Grapes and brought it onto a tasting menu for Takeda House's Tokyo locations. Following the brief run's success vineyards across the planet have begun planning, cutting, and cultivating the fruit. They are a pale purple in color with a dusty bloom coating their skin. They have a very unique flavor with hints of grapefruit and raspberries.

Sapporo Wasabi

A variety of Wasabi native to the planet is now cultivated. It is known for its bright pink-colored ribosomal root that when ground makes a blush-colored paste used in culinary applications. Its flavor is extremely powerful and is known for its higher-than-normal spicy quality and citrus notes in its flavor profile.

Other Crops

Other Miscellaneous Crops.

Tsu Hop Varieties

See Tokyo Brewing Company Ingredients for varieties of hops that are cultivated on the planet.

Common Products

Very Common or standard crops.

Unique Specialty Products

See the Iga Fancy Fruit Emporium for their custom fruit varieties.

Weed Flora

Unwanted and invasive species found on Jiyuu III.

Mishhuvurthyar Slime Tentacle Vine

An invasive species from the HX-13 System that was accidentally introduced by the Mishhuvurthyar during their invasion in YE 33. These fast-growing pink colored vine plants thrive in the tropical environment and choke out local vegetation as they quickly expand across the planet. The Yugumo Corporation began controlled burns of this plant in YE 41 and are determined to remove its foothold on the planet.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2021/02/18.

  • Everyone is encouraged to add to this article over time and as things appear in roleplay.
  • This was approved by Wes on 02/23/2021. 5)
  • Andrew began an update of this article on 2022/10/29. It was approved by Wes on 2023/09/01.6)

planet/jiyuu_iii/flora.1702508179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:00 (external edit)