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YSS Yukika II NPCs

A list of the significant YSS Yukika II non-player characters.

The YSS Yukika II
YSS Yukika II Patch
YSS Yukika II Patch
Ship's Motto “”
Imperial Registry Number (IRN) NS-X5-1212

NPC Crew


Species EM-J2-3a Douryo Android (Deluxe)
Gender Female
Height 163cm
Skin Fair
Hair Red
Eyes Green
Features Yamataian
Occupation Medic
Rank Nitô Heisho

Carmine's Douryo Android Specifications

Background and Personality

  • Background: A former Takeda House discreet security drone who became sentient in YE 42. Joined the Star Army of Yamatai right away, was in First Expeditionary Fleet before transfer to YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: Professional, cheerful, polite, and focused. She has a subtle playful side. She is also somewhat unnerved by Emmas as they are a lower-tier, sub-sapient variant of her model.

Ejiri Shinobu

Ejiri Shinobu
Species Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender Female
Height 150cm
Weight 45kg
Skin Violet
Hair Violet
Eyes Violet
Female Measurements B34-W23-H33
Bra Size B
Occupation Security Officer
Rank Nitô Heisho

Background and Personality

  • Background: Joined the Star Army of Yamatai as Star Army Infantry in YE 39. She loved her occupation, but felt more drawn to the duties of Star Army Military Police. Upon earning the rank of Nitô Heisho in YE 42 she changed her rating from Infantry to Military Police. After serving in her new rating for four years she was assigned to the YSS Yukika II
  • Personality: Tough, loud, blunt, and succinct. She has a very protective side to her that accompanies her rather feisty personality. She likes her Empress, her chain of command, and her crew in that order. She does not like lazy slobs, traitors or liars. If someone does not belong in her area of responsibility, its best they avoid it.

Hirata Konosuke

Hirata Konosuke
Species Minkan
Gender Male
Height 182cm
Weight 69kg
Skin Fair
Hair Red
Eyes Blue
Occupation Cook
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: Only son in a family with six siblings, learned quickly the way to peace in his household was good food. He joined the Star Army of Yamatai on his twenty-first birthday. His first assignment YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: Professional, laid-back, and welcoming demeanor. He has a not so subtle feisty side, but only when he is off duty. Outside of his passion for cooking he also enjoys most forms of martial arts.

Inaru Hitomi

Inaru Hitomi
Species Minkan
Gender Female
Height 157cm
Weight 61kg
Skin Tan
Hair Aqua
Eyes Blue
Female Measurements B34-W23-H32
Bra Size B
Occupation Admin Clerk
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: Younger sister of Satake Hitomi, whom she saw as a role model. She followed her sister's footsteps and joined the Star Army of Yamatai on her twenty first birthday in YE 45.8. After initial training she was stationed on the YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: Light-hearted and bubbly demeanor, takes care of crewmates as if they were family. When she is off duty she enjoys karaoke and baking. Her favorite food is anything involving Lovefruit.

Koko Kama

Koko Kama
Species Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender Female
Height 150cm
Weight 45kg
Skin Blue
Hair White
Eyes Yellow
Female Measurements B34-W20-H33
Bra Size B
Occupation IT Technician
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: Youngest daughter in a large family of technology professionals. She enlisted in the Star Army of Yamatai to carve her own path in life, while pursuing her passion for technology. After initial training she was assigned to the YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: Introverted and gentle demeanor, unless you mess with equipment she's responsible for. Then its almost as if someone flicked a switch and her temper reacts in kind. The fastest way to her heart or to calm her is sushi and new technological toys to tinker with.

Maita Satoko

Maita Satoko
Species Minkan
Gender Female
Height 157cm
Weight 61kg
Skin Pale
Hair Blonde
Eyes Brown
Female Measurements B32-W22-H32
Bra Size B
Occupation Supply Clerk
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: Younger sister of Kira Satoko, many consider her to be the introverted copy of her older sister. She joined the Star Army of Yamatai on her twenty-first birthday in YE 45.8. After initial training she was stationed on the YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: Quiet and soft-hearted demeanor, she has intensive, almost borderline obsessive attention to detail. She would rather spend time working on the next supply order than attending a social gathering. In her off time she can be found reading or baking.

Obara Keizo

Obara Keizo
Species Minkan
Gender Male
Height 182cm
Weight 69kg
Skin Fair
Hair Black
Eyes Green
Occupation Armorer
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: As a child he would always be found tinkering with various broken tech to make it functional. This hobby turned into a career when he joined the Star Army of Yamatai on his twenty-first birthday. After mandatory training he was assigned to YSS Yukika II.
  • Personality: He has a very sassy and dark humored way of going about things. He is somewhat social, but only really opens up to a small group of close friends.

Rae Tanaka

Rae Tanaka
Species Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender Female
Height 145cm
Weight 45kg
Skin Gray
Hair Bluish-Gray
Eyes Yellow
Female Measurements B34-W20-H32
Bra Size B
Occupation Engineering Technician
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: She was made by the Star Army of Yamatai on Kyoto as a full grown adult in YE 45.8. After the required period of training she received orders to YSS Yukika II as a Star Army Technician.
  • Personality: She is a very extroverted and curious individual. Whenever she is not on duty she can be found tinkering or exploring. She is always on the go and strongly dislikes when people misplace tools or equipment.

Uehara Isako

Uehara Isako
Species Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender Female
Height 150cm
Weight 45kg
Skin Gray
Hair White
Eyes Yellow
Female Measurements B32-W23-H34
Bra Size B
Occupation Communications Technician
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: She was made by the Star Army of Yamatai on Kyoto as a full grown adult in YE 45.8. After the required period of training she received orders to YSS Yukika II as a Star Army Communications Specialist.
  • Personality: She is a very openly social individual who wears her heart on her sleeve. She makes friends easily and is quite protective of those who she considers family. She takes her occupation very seriously and throws just about anyone who messes with things a death glare.

Yumia Mitsuko

Yumia Mitsuko
Species Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender Female
Height 155cm
Weight 45kg
Skin Fair
Hair and Fur Blue
Eyes Blue
Female Measurements B34-W22-H34
Bra Size D
Occupation Caretaker
Rank Santô Hei

Background and Personality

  • Background: She was made by the Star Army of Yamatai on Kyoto as a full grown adult in YE 45.8. After the required period of training she received orders to YSS Yukika II as a Star Army Caretaker.
  • Personality: She is a very extroverted individual with a warm and welcoming demeanor. When she is not on duty she still strives to help others in some way. One thing she does not like is those who are unkind.

Crew Assignments

Crew Bunk Assignments

Enlisted crew are housed in the crew bunks in the bow of the main deck.

Room Bunk Name Rank Occupation Position
Port 1 TBD
Port 2 TBD
Port 3 TBD
Port 4 TBD
Port 5 TBD
Port 6 EMPTY
Starboard 1 TBD
Starboard 2 TBD
Starboard 3 TBD
Starboard 4 TBD
Starboard 5 TBD
Starboard 6 EMPTY


The ship's shuttle pilots bunk together in a room with easy access to the hangar bay.

Room Bunk Name Rank Occupation Position
Pilot 1 TBD Shoi Star Army Pilot Shuttle Pilot
Pilot 2 TBD Nitô Heisho Star Army Pilot Shuttle Pilot
Pilot 3 TBD Nitô Heisho Star Army Pilot Shuttle Pilot
Pilot 4 EMPTY

Power Armor Squads

There are four power armor squads on the YSS Yukika II, housed in the two infantry barracks on the upper deck.

Squad Position Rank Name Callsign Primary Armor Secondary Armor Room Bunk
1 Leader Nitô Heisho TBD TBD Mindy Daisy Port 1
1 Point Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Daisy Port 3
1 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Daisy Port 5
1 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Daisy Port 7
2 Leader Nitô Heisho TBD TBD Mindy Molly Port 2
2 Point Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Molly Port 4
2 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Molly Port 6
2 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Mindy Molly Port 8
3 Leader Nitô Heisho TBD TBD Molly Mindy Starboard 1
3 Point Santô Hei TBD TBD Molly Mindy Starboard 3
3 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Molly Mindy Starboard 5
3 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Molly Mindy Starboard 7
4 Leader Nitô Heisho TBD TBD Daisy Mindy Starboard 2
4 Point Santô Hei TBD TBD Daisy Mindy Starboard 4
4 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Daisy Mindy Starboard 6
4 Wing Santô Hei TBD TBD Daisy Mindy Starboard 8

OOC Notes

  • YSS Yukika II patch art by Yuuki.
  • NPC art by a deleted user with Midjourney Bot.

groups/yss_yukika_ii_npc.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/01 21:08 by yuuki