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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

KT-Y2-1A Enforcer

The Enforcer is the go-to patrol vehicle and dependable staple of the National Police Force of Nepleslia as a reliable, all-terrain patrol vehicle dedicated to the NPF's enforcement and protection of the Imperium's citizens in any location or climate.

About the Enforcer

The Enforcer is part of a multi-purpose re-fitting of the NPF in YE 40 across a wide array of sponsor companies. Manufactured by Ken-TEC, the Enforcer is the newest top of the line patrol car manufactured and comes with a variety of special features specifically for use in the NPF.

Key Features

The Enforcer's specialties don't lie in any inherent speed or massive armaments that might be found in other vehicles dragging their way down the streets of Planet Nepleslia's hive cities - rather, they lie in its ability to operate in any environment found within Nepleslia's borders. The Enforcer can operate in peak efficiency in the crippling cold of Hope and its ice-packs, the choking pollution of hive cities such as Funky City, the unbearable heat and sand of Delsauria, and even over vast bodies of water no land-based vehicle can conquer.

The Enforcer is built with simplicity and reliability in mind. They are easy to build and even easier to maintain, ensuring that even the most distant NPF precinct can maintain a functional number of Enforcers without the worry of them falling into disrepair.

The Enforcer is also powered by a Ken-TEC staple in the form of the "Mana Orb" Gravity Manipulator that lets it hover effortlessly off the ground as a hover car. The Enforcer by default hovers at over 32 inches off the ground, flies level to the ground when in motion, and can reach a height of almost 15 feet off the ground before the vehicle hits a self-designed limit to keep officers from flying off the handle and losing control. Even without this, the vehicle is not meant to become airborne at any height above 15 feet, as it loses control and can start to spiral and crash. It is not recommended to drive the Enforcer off a bridge or tall building like a parking lot.

Sitting or laying under the Enforcer gives one a sensation of being pushed down. It is not a hard or violent action but can be dangerous if one is too close to the bottom of the vehicle, as they may be held in place by the force of the mana orbs force.


The Enforcer was commissioned in the middle of YE 39 after the formation of the Ken-TEC corporation, when a bid was put out in private to hundreds of different companies both small and large requesting new equipment, weapons, armor, vehicle, and technology for a re-fitting and modernization of the NPF.

The design for the Enforcer was submitted by Ken-TEC designers for an all-terrain vehicle that could glide over obstacles, water sources, and even other vehicles to get officers to the scene of a crime in record time - all while being outfitted with advanced systems and technologies to give an edge over any competition on the streets.

The design was one of the dozens submitted and one of the few to pass stress testing before blowing its competition away in trials. In the final rounds of testing, it beat vehicles such as what could only be described as a tank with twenty wheels, an armored car that spent more time on fire than it did not on fire, and a standard sedan painted black and white put forward by a family-oriented motor-works company.

The Enforcer lived up to its promises and was the last of only two standing vehicles, the other being the aforementioned tank. NPF officers acting as testers originally urged for the adoption of the Enforcer, praising its reliability in face of the many obstacles it was put against.

The Enforcer was officially commissioned and manufactured by Ken-TEC in early YE 40 and has been slowly outfitting precincts across the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia since.


Devoid of any aesthetic or stylized detailing, the Enforcer is made sleek and minimalist in design. Brush cards and barred armor is attached to lights encased in protective bulletproof glass. Everything visible on the enforcer is encased or protected, as its designers knew full well that it would be a target wherever it went.

Statistical Information

  • Crew: One driver, One passenger.
  • Passenger Capacity: One driver, One passenger, Three suspects.
  • Length: 200โ€œ
  • Width: 95โ€
  • Height: 75โ€œ


  • Ground speed: 150 kph
  • Range: 497 km
  • Lifespan: 5-year service life.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: Tier 7, Light Mecha


The interior of the Enforcer is less spartan, housing a full suite for a driver and passenger with an array of computers and implements in the front. The front of the Enforcer is separated from the back by a thick sheet of armored glass. The back has room for three and is rough and hard, with three humanoid-shaped indents in the seating' the seats are made of polymer and plastic so to be easily cleaned with a hose.

Onboard Systems Description

The Enforcer itself is made and protected from harm by a Durandium frame upon which layers and layers of thin thermoplastic polymer are stacked on top of in order to grant several millimeters of protection against kinetic, blunting, stabbing, and even heat-based damage.

Between this armor and the Durandium frame is a layer of extremely hard and durable rubber that helps absorb damage during a crash or attack and provides the additional benefit of soaking up the last amounts of kinetic force from anything powerful enough to punch through the vehicle's outer armor, catching and holding onto a bullet then reforming around the hole the way most rubber reacts to puncturing - thus ensuring that no additional projectiles find entry through the same hole twice; this, when combined with the Enforcer's polymer shell, tends to leave the vehicle looking sleek and clean with minimal amounts of effort little effort.

The Enforcer is also powered by an internally-housed rechargeable battery bank under the driver and passenger seats. The batteries are rechargeable while the vehicle is powered and in motion via a small electrical generator - powered by the vibrations of the vehicle's Mana Orb - that slowly recharges the batteries through an alternator. Although the electrical generator never fully recharges the batteries, it ensures that the Enforcer never truly runs out of power while in use - and secondary subsystems can be remotely turned off by a precinct house's JANE if the Enforcer is running low on power, thus giving it a longer life and more time to return to the precinct. This is done remotely to stop officers from turning off dashboard cameras or important systems they don't understand.

The Enforcer also has a built-in video system monitored by its precinct house's JANE, giving the AI a full view - from several protected cameras - all around the vehicle. These cameras relay information back in real-time and transmit data on faces, body posture, behavior, and weapon identities; if the vehicle becomes surrounded or if one or more individuals attempt to move in through the vehicle's blind spot, the Enforcer will lock its officers in for their own protection, roll up its windows, force its doors closed, and send out an SOS if the AI confirms a threat. This ensures officers are not ambushed or taken by surprise. When activated, this system makes an audible alarm and turns on all of the vehicle's klaxon lights.

A similar feature is a form of limited self-driving. The Enforcer can stop before colliding with an object, fly over an object unseen by its drivers, coast without a driver, and move forward or backward without a driver if one or more officers are in need of mobile cover.

The Enforcer also has a computer built into the dash that relays information in real-time from the precinct house, such as the location of other patrol cars and officers when applicable, GPS locations of crime scenes, and displays of searchable information such as criminal records and the like.

Cargo Capacity

The Enforcer does not have any trunk space to speak of, but an armored panel on each flank of the vehicle holds equipment for use by officers during daily routines and crisis events.

Standard Equipment

The Enforcer comes with easily-located Fire Extinguisher ๐Ÿงฏs, fast-action medical kits for stabilizing, and simple maintenance tools.

Each side panel holds one (1) Styrling Shot 12 with ammunition, a single Sonic Suppression Rifle, and miscellaneous equipment such as plastic cuffs, flares, etc.

OOC Notes

charmaylarg created this article on 2018/06/29 08:02; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/08/20 11:06.

corp/kentec/kt-y2-1a-enforcer.1675816467.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:49 (external edit)