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Kurusu, Ruri

Ruri is an NH-29 Series Nekovalkyrja played by Soresu.

Kurusu, Ruri
Pronunciation: Kuh-Ruh-Su, Ruh-Re
Species: Nekovalkyrja Born: YE 31
Gender: Female Height: 4'7“ / 147.23 cm.
Age: 3 YE Weight: 79 lb. / 35.83 kg.
Ranks/Grade: Nito Hei Organization: Black Spiral
Lineage: NH-29 Occupation Star Army Infantry, Black Spiral Operative
Current Placement
Black Spiral 44th Fireteam

Ruri's Voice and Theme

Physical Characteristics

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 3 YE
  • Height: 4'7” / 147.23 cm.
  • Mass: 79 lb. / 35.83 kg.
  • Measurements: 29A-24-33 in / 73-60-83cm

General View

  • Handedness: Right
  • Build: Petite, she's short and her proportions match someone of her size. (See Height, Weight and Measurements)
  • Skin Color: Creamy White
  • Facial Features: She has a small chin and nose, her cheekbones are high but her actual cheeks are not narrow but give a subtle fullness and cupid bow lips. Her eyes are large yet not overtly so and are almond shaped, with high eyebrows to compliment. Her ears are furred and match her hair color.
  • Eye color: Green.
  • Hair color and Style: Long, straight blond hair that goes to the middle of her back in length. Usually keeps as is, but sometimes wears it in a loose ponytail. Her bangs usually frame her face, curling slightly as they do so.

Mental Characteristics


Somewhat of an introvert, Ruri usually does not care about much of the goings on around her, nor the people. She constantly seeks things that interest her and stave off a deep ingrained sense of boredom she's had for all her life. By far Ruri isn't easy to befriend as she has as of yet to even make one. Instead she prefers to spend her time alone, quietly reading, or playing video games that provide some sort of challenge to her reasoning skills. When thrust into social situations she is unable to escape from, Ruri usually becomes quite shy, unable to cope with the 'stresses' that come with talking to people. That or she becomes cranky and snappy as a means of both coping and to create a way for her to escape the situation. Usually one of the only ways to get her to open up, or rather even speak to someone with some modicum of kindness is to tempt her with sweets, which works even better if they could pair it with citrus flavors.

Preferences and Goals

  • General Likes: Sweets, Video Games, Books, Stuffed Toys, Music (Trance, House, Electronica, Techno, Dubstep) Quiet Time, Sleep, Citrus Drinks or Foods that include it in some way. Smoked Salmon, Mapo Tofu.
  • General Dislikes: Usually being bothered, Pretty much anything she finds uninteresting, Alcohol 1)
  • Religion: None
  • Sexuality: Lesbian
  • Goals: Currently? She doesn't have any.



Name Relation Age Occupation
Kurusu Meme Mother 14 YE Doctor
Sena Kurusu Twin Sister 2) 2 YE Jôtô Heisho, Science Officer


Ruri was born to Meme Kurusu in the year, YE 31. Meme, a retired Star Army veteran had long since given up life on the frontlines and had become a respected doctor in her hometown of Ralt. As time went on, Meme soon wished to raise a family, and eventually gave birth to little Ruri and Sena. Ruri had never really cared for Ralt and once she was old enough elected to leave much to her mother's dismay as Sena had left the year before to go through training. While mother and daughter share a close bond, Ruri merely wished to go out and see the “world”. She was however unimpressed with it and eventually enlisted with the Star Army to travel and see the universe wondering if it would offer something to her liking.


Ruri's military career isn't a stellar rise in rank. Being a mere Nito Hei, Ruri has at least seen some action at the start of the NMX war before reassignment after her detachment had been nearly wiped out. Her remaining comrades however were not sad to see her go as the small Neko hadn't interacted with them much at all. Instead she would sequester herself in her quarters. Or if she was bothered by those she had a low opinion or rather no opinion of she was cold, uncaring and usually quite snappy. As such her superiors have often tossed her from regiment to regiment, platoon to platoon, squad to squad after a short time due to the petite neko's attitude.



Ruri is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Ruri is fluent in Nepleslian and (optionally)Yamataian. She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.


Capable of identifying and disarming a range of bombs and other explosive devices, Ruri is able to manufacture small bombs from a range of items and is able to utilize plastic explosives.


Ruri received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor. Due to her rigorous (And Dangerous) training under the orders of Nagase Nagako, Ruri's standard infantry training has been honed to a razor's edge. She has been taught to fire most forms of standard solid munition weapons in addition to follow ups in hand-to-hand combat training beyond what standard Star Army Personnel are taught.

Technology Operation

Ruri is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information. Ruri was further trained in information technology and including hacking, able to defeat common firewalls and safeguards and can render the same exceedingly difficult for others. Her knowledge of software and digital virii is all the way up to a high level understanding of advanced polymorphic viruses, ciphers and encryption softwares.


Ruri received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.


Ruri is well versed in the Laws and History of the Yamataian Empire, as well as being able to reference many different categories due to long hours spent reading.


With her background as an infantry woman, Ruri knows how to drive most land-based vehicles utilized by the Star Army to some degree and operate their weapon systems. She is also capable of flying smallcraft such as shuttles and fighters if necessary.


Due to her fascination with sweets, Ruri studied a few different forms of cooking, mostly pertaining to baking. However she is knowledgeable in a few other fields when it comes to culinary delights.


Her training would not be complete without the ability to lie through her teeth and deceive others. Ruri has been taught the art of seduction by some of the best Black Spiral has to offer (Even if she detests it.) followed up by a rigorous course in the seedier practices of picking locks, picking pockets and infiltration.


Ruri was taught the fundamentals of survival skills should the flashy survival kits fail her or run out before rescue arrives. Therefore she is capable of creating fire, hunting, finding water (And methods of purifying it) as well as shelter construction. She has however taken it upon herself to study the intricacies of land navigation including its possible hazards.





Weapon Zen Armaments .357 Pistol
Manufacturer Zen Armaments
Suppressor Yes
Flashlight Yes
Laser Sight Not in use.
Magazines 1 in pistol, 2 on person
Currently Used Yes
Ammo Zen Armaments .357 SMG
Shots Per Mag 15+1 In Chamber
Weapon Type 33 NSP (Dark)
Manufacturer Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Suppressor No
Flashlight Yes
Laser Sight Not in use.
Magazines 1 in pistol, 2 on person
Currently Used Yes
Battery YB-28A Triple-Power Magazine
Shots Per Mag 50

Primary Weapon

Weapon Zen Armaments Assault Rifle vz. 1
Manufacturer Zen Armaments
Suppressor Yes
Flashlight Yes
4x Infrared Optical Sight Yes
Magazines 1 in rifle, 3 on person
40mm Grenade Launcher In use.
Master Key System (Shotgun) Not in Use. 2 Mags
Currently Used Yes
Ammo M1
Shots Per Mag 40



Personal Items



Personal Clothing

  • One Expensive Designer Two-Piece Bikini - Blue
  • One Expensive Designer One-Piece Swimsuit - Red
  • Two Sets of scarves



Total Savings Credit Debit
1850 KS 0 0 Prior Balance
9818 KS 24 Weeks Pay 0 Total Balance

OOC Notes

Soresu is on hiatus and has stated that this character may not be adopted.

It doesn't take much to get her drunk

characters/yamatai/kurusu_ruri.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 08:08 by wes