Jacky Pine is a player character played by SirSkully.
Jacky Pine | |
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Species & Gender: | Androgynous Human/ID-SOL hybrid, Female Pronouns |
Batch Code: | F-22 |
Date of Birth: | 35日 9月 YE 24 |
Organization: | Section 6 |
Occupation: | Recon Specialist |
Rank: | C3R Sargent |
Current Placement: | NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion" |
While initially only 2 inches taller than the standard Fenrir-series Jane clone and boasting a bit more extreme figure Jacky Pine has since grown a rather noticeable bit to now stand at the Amazonian height of 6’6”. Her skin is still a pale ashen hue though has gotten a shade or two darker, regardless she’d still be regarded as unhealthily pale despite her insanely athletic build – what was once some noticeable tone and some nice abs has since been pushed to the extreme while still remaining leaner than her sister Spark. While Spark is unable to scratch between her shoulder blades Jacky’s decently slimmer bulk remains no less impressive, deep lines of muscle tone punctuated by faded scars and while she is able to bench-press an impressively deceptive amount non-standard genetics have blessed Jacky with the retention of her womanly curves.
J boasts broad shoulders framing large breasts that sit on the upper limit of what could be considered an E-cup before the clone’s body tapers inwards at her ripped abdomen, similarly the muscles of her back being insanely defined from supporting her back all day before flaring out to her dump-truck-wide hips and melon-like ass cheeks that could crush a helmet. With thick, shapely legs and similarly impressive arms she really is the whole package, wearing specially designed underwear and clothing that is loose in the crotch to help hide her own masculine package that helped with her bodily gains.
Jacky’s hair is naturally the same dark raven tone of her mother and used to be bleached completely white during her more insecure years though now J wears that fact with pride, shaving the sides like her sister Jacklynn to reveal the dark roots and keeping the remaining shoulder-length middle section bleached as white as snow – similarly her eyebrows are dark and sculpted, helping frame her mismatching eyes, a mirrored blue/red version of her brother Talos’. Jacky has a handsome and beautiful face, with a strong yet triangular jaw and high cheekbones framing her porcelain features though despite the woman’s intimidating build and visible adam’s apple she has a rather cute and dainty little nose, yet a deep and commanding tone she never makes use of that contrasts with her adorable smile.
Jacky has a rather distinct way of dressing compared to her sisters, fond of suits, ties and other formal clothing that only enhances her natural good looks and insane build, though more often than not the crotch is loose enough to accommodate her endowment without raising too many questions. When feeling a little more casual she opts for hardy clothing, cargo pants, tank tops and sturdy jackets being among her favourites, though occasionally Jacky will swap her rather athletic undergarments for something a bit prettier if her girlfriend asks nicely.
Jacky used to be quite the wallflower and still sometimes comes off as this shy, dainty, girly thing despite her new look. Recent hardships, self-exploration and therapy have made her come out of her shell a decent bit and she’s picked up swearing a little more too. Though when caught off guard by her love Jacky will still blush, squeal and bury her head in her hands just as she used to, a big difference now is that she’s much more comfortable in her own skin and sometimes wears tighter clothing despite a few confused looks she might get for doing so.
Fuck with her family though and you’ll find out just how hard this hybrid can throw her fist, she has aspirations to start up a small security firm as a side gig between missions for some extra cash and as something she can extend to her siblings if they need something a bit lighter to spice up their life of military servitude. Currently Jacky is happy with where her relationship with Orias sits, not wanting kids of her own yet as Jacky feels she is both not ready and has too much more to see before then, she’ll happily make Orias look pregnant though.
In YE24, cloning began for the Fenrir project, a initiative that sought to create mass produce-able soldiers. In this they were successful with the creation of their prototype who later became known as Jack Pine. A batch of 100 were created from him, 50 male, and 50 female. The males became known as Jacks, while the females were known as Janes. Jane bares this name just like her batch sisters, and was a slave to be used as a expendable soldier. But event were put in motion that saw the products shelved in cryogenic sleep, the data being used else where. for 16 years, Jane and her siblings slept, fated to be forgotten, but the prototype rose against the wishes of his masters. In YE39, Jack Pine founded Section 6, which he would later use to free the batch of siblings, having been unaware of their existence. He took them in, gave them a military to fight with that actually cared about them, and through it, hoped to help them break their changes. It was proven it could be done, as two before her had grown into unique individuals, later known as Sparks, and Talos. However, even with her new freedom, even after a year, Jane is only just now starting to come into her own – having dropped the batch number in favour of the name Jacky as an attempt to further fit in with her sisters who had begun being individuals, though she is still trying to figure out just what kind of person she wants to be.
After Operation Crimson Jungle and the various other traumas that followed she began discovering herself, initially coming out to her demonic crush Orias as gay before the two started dating a few weeks later, continued hardship further tempered the meek Fenrir into the Lion she would no doubt one day become. Jacky's mental health began deteriorating after her family was attacked by assassins, and so she took a break to spend time in a Yamataian health clinic high up on a mountain, getting a few microscopic bits of remaining shrapnel removed from her body while attending therapy sessions with someone who didn't want to jump her bones.
Nepleslian comms techniques. Familiar with most other species languages. Standard knowledge of basic military communications.
Basic understanding in the operation of small space craft and light vessels. Helm operation, and Astrometrics Navigation.
Basic understanding in the operation, modification, and maintenance of most vehicles: Mecha Tanks Cars Trucks
Proficient in the application of first aid and basic medical procedures.
Expert at hand-to-hand combat. Black belt in martial arts. Standard power armor operation and maintenance. Proficiency in weapon handling, maintenance, modification, and marksmanship. Jacky’s preferred weapons of choice are pistols, longer-range rifles and in particular lever actions, her skill in a hand-to-hand fight is intimidating to say the least - with Jacky making use of a very mobile fighting style involving many grapples and kicks alongside powerful strikes with her fists.
Basic understanding in: Camouflage, Hunting, Shelter construction, Signaling, and Finding water. Intermediate in land navigation – she’s shown an exceptional skill for hunting and tracking, be it man or beast.
Jacky has the following:
Jacky currently has 3000 KS.
This article was created on 2018/11/23 08:23 using the namespace template.
In the case sirskully becomes inactive: