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Fujikawa Okimi

Fujikawa Okimi is an Active Player Character played by iaincarter.

Fujikawa Okimi
Species & Gender: Female Nekovalkyrja NH-33
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: SAoY Caretaker
Rank: Nitô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence
Orders: Orders

Physical Description

  • Okimi mostly looks like a human female in her late teens or early twenties, with an hourglass-shaped body that is both slender and athletic. She stands at 158cm (5ft 2in) tall and weighs 43kg (95 lbs). Her BWH measurements are 35-24-36 with a C cup size.
  • Like the rest of her batchmates, Okimi has flawless skin that is royal purple in colouring. She has no body hair, tattoos or facial markings. The only marking on her body is found on the base of the right foot and reads 'NSN 33-44-333256-820407-169'.
  • Her eyes are almond shaped, with the outside corner sitting slightly higher than the inner. The iris' are coloured such a pale blue that they are almost a light grey. Okimi's hair is off-white with a pale pinkish hue, slightly wavy and falls to her mid-back when she hasn't got it gathered up in a simple ponytail. Okimi has the typical neko cat-like ears on the side of her head, the fur of which is noticeably a purer white than the rest of her hair.
  • Okimi favours a light, floral scent of lilac with notes of honey and pink pepper. Her voice is a lyric contralto, sounding warm and pleasant.


  • Unlike many of her batch-mates Okimi took easily to the standard socialisation training, finding interpersonal skills coming naturally to her. As a result, she naturally fell into a position of helping her less fortunate sisters work through the training. This early experience of supporting those around her would prove highly formative to Okimi's developing caregiver personality.
  • Okimi is generally selfless, optimistic, protective of others, tends to be slow to anger and is usually quick to forgive. That said, she is still a proud Nekovalkyrja soldier of the Yamatai Empire and is more than capable of suppressing her caring heart when such is called for. She genuinely feels joy and satisfaction in supporting others, even if such takes the form of doing drudgework so others can focus on more important duties.
  • There is a downside to her caring nature and Okimi can become over-protective of those in her care as well as also sometimes neglecting her own needs when prioritising those of others. Her desire to help can allow others ample opportunity to take advantage of her helpful nature. Okimi tends to put a lot of herself into her work, often finding it hard to remain objective. She will also help where she thinks she should, which isn't necessarily where its wanted.
  • Following the mental trauma developed during exposure to the aftereffects of the Resurgence's battles in YE 45.1, Okimi has developed some self-doubts as to her self-worth and ability to effectively contribute to her ship and crew. This largely manifests in a belief that she cannot learn enough and that there is always some new skill she should be learning.


Although too young and inexperienced to have truly chosen any goals that are fully and uniquely hers, Okimi does have a direction to move in.

  • Okimi's current over-arcing focus is 'to serve the needs of those around her to the best of her ability'.
  • While perhaps not a fully serious goal, Okimi does want to: a) discover the perfect muffin; and b) learn how to bake said muffin.
  • Okimi feels that there is something more that could be done to help those that need it, she just isn't sure what that is yet.

Likes & Dislikes

Okimi has developed several, mostly shallow, likes and dislikes over the first 200 days of her life. It is expected that as she continues to grow and experience life, that these will change and mature in nature.


  • Cats - because they are adorbs adorbs, fluffy and cute! And those beans! So cute!
  • Romance - because, squee!
  • Hugs - because hugs are life!
  • Muffins - because muffins!
  • Knitting - because people love receiving hand-crafted goods, right?!
  • Calligraphy - not only is it fun, but you focus on it and time just flies by like magic, leaving you all glowy and happy!
  • Dancing - just the best way to get those endorphins bubbling away, y'know?!
  • Crowds - all those people and all those stories! Plus crowds have an energy you can just sync up with!
  • Energetic Music - anything that you can just give yourself over to the beat of and let your worries be carried away!
  • Smell of Coffee - ooh, its such a gorgeous earthy smell!
  • Cherries - because not only are they sweet and tasty, you can totally tie knots in the stalk with your tongue, so it's training too!


  • Deliberate Cruelty - although it's okay to pretend, there's never a need to be a total meanie!
  • Bullying - not cool! Why waste energy on causing grief to others when you could be improving yourself instead?
  • Injustice - everyone has the right to be treated fairly and equally, even if they have proven to be untrustworthy of that right.
  • Cold-Heartedness - you don't have to wear your emotions on your sleeves, but come on, its not a crime to have or express them!
  • Remaining Still - there's always something better to do than doing nothing!
  • Orange (the colour) - I don't get it - red is cool and yellow is fine, but their baby is just totes nasty!
  • Taste of Coffee - yuck! Why does it smell so good but taste so bad? Bleugh!
  • Apples - Nasty crunchy balls of ewww! Juice isn't bad though…
  • Solitude - I mean, who really wants to be alone and isn't wrong in the head?


Fujikawa Okimi was born 31日 3月 44 in Mass Cloning Facility #7 at the SAoY Fleet Depot on Nataria. She was the 169th Nekovalkyrja NH-33 to be birthed from her batch of 250.

Following her creation, Okimi spent 98 days in the SAoY Basic Training programme. This was comprised of:

  • 30 days Socialisation training, where her personality was formed and she learned the basics of how to interact with others;
  • 1 day of introduction to the SPINE system;
  • 30 days of Phase 1 training, mainly focused on studying the Star Army, its code of conduct, regulations and basic skills for military life;
  • 30 days of Phase 2 training, focusing on combat skills, equipment training and all knowledge considered necessary for all;
  • 7 days of Phase 3 training, consisting of field exercises and a Final Exam.

Okimi then went on to spend 105 days in the SAoY Caretaker Occupational Training programme.

Upon completion of her occupational training, Okimi received orders for her first posting aboard the YSS Resurgence, First Fleet.

YE 45

At the start of YE 45, Okimi was given orders to report aboard the YSS Resurgence and take up duties as a Caretaker. She later partook of the Hanami Festival in Kyoto.

ichigatsu (45.1)

  • Day 5 - Okimi quietly transfers aboard the YSS Resurgence when it docks above Nataria at the Nataria Fleet Depot. In the following hours, she is given orientation training and advice by Julia Meadows.
  • Day 6, Lunchtime - Post mission analysis of recovered data is underway in the Resurgence's wardroom when Okimi enters to post a flier offering a variety of services. She is introduced to several members of the crew and helps Yoshiro out of his funk. Okimi talks with Mineko and Luna.
  • Day 8 - The Resurgence arrives in UX-17 to discover that the target has prepared for their arrival and is heavily defended. At a subsequent crew meeting, the correct target ship is identified and a plan is put forward to use the Resurgence as a decoy while her sister-ship Renaissance traps the target in deep space. Okimi realises that those rescued will have needs and starts work on Operation Seelie Accommodation.
  • Day 8, continued - Before she can get very far with the planning, the battle begins. Initially assigned to the damage control station in the Power Armour Bay on Deck 5, Okimi is initially dispatched to deal with a sensor unit that has become unmounted. On the way, the Resurgence suffers heavy damage to deck 2 and she is redirected there. On the way she meets Luna and puts herself under the technicians command. It doesn't take long for deck 3 to be fully sealed off and Team 'Fix It with Love!' prepare to move to the badly damaged deck 2.
  • Day 9 - The Resurgence arrives in deep space where its sister ship the YSS Renaissance has stopped the enemy ship with the Seelie onboard. The Resurgence's away team rescues the Seelie while the Renaissance chases after an escaping yacht. In the following days, the Resurgence would return to the Central Fleet Depot where it would be completely torn down and rebuilt, not ready to return to action until YE 45.4.
  • Day 14 - After the crew left the ruined Resurgence behind, Okimi was practically dragged along behind her friend Luna to stay at her place. Unsure what she was supposed to do when not on duty, Okimi was intensely grateful to Luna for looking out for her. However, realising she had time on her hand, Okimi immediately began looking into short courses she could either undertake through the Star Army Training Administration or that were offered elsewhere and would be acceptable to said organisation. Her plan was to hopefully improve the massage services she could offer to include physiotherapeutical techniques. Okimi also hoped to gain additional certifications and training in damage control, to better be able to serve the Resurgence's needs the next time it entered combat. If she was lucky, maybe there would be a few cooking classes that would gain her enough skill that she could persuade the Resurgence's cook to allow Okimi to dabble in the preparation of snacks and treats for the crew.

nigatsu (45.2)

  • Okimi spent most of the month cramming various supplemental courses into her schedule and planning the direction of future learning once she returned to the Resurgence. Towards the end of the month, with the Hanami Festival fast approaching, Luna was finally able to convince Okimi that she had done enough work and needed to use the rest of her free time to enjoy life.

sangatsu (45.3)

  • Okimi was fortunate to attend the Hanami Festival taking place in Kaiko Park in Kyoto on the planet Yamatai. Determined to appear as a dutiful member of the Star Army, Okimi was almost immediately distracted by the many performers and stalls on display. She later got to meet and converse with Pidole and Bidole. Mineko then arrived and introduced Okimi to Emiko and the three went searching for food. After a while of watching Emiko devastate the local cuisine, Luna joined the trio with Yuri. Luna, Yuri and Okimi would continue exploring the Hanami Festival together, with Luna eventually gifting the other two with Cheery Blossom Necklaces.

shigatsu (45.4)

  • Now fully repaired, the Resurgence was released back to duty. The crew assembled for their next mission. The mission - to seek out the missing YSS Wakaba. After boarding the Resurgence and running quick checks, the crew met in the wardroom to bring everyone up to speed. Following new information, the Resurgence travelled to the Ake System at the northern edge of Yamatai territory, preparing to head out into the unknown. Okimi got to meet the Resurgence's resident medic, Poppy Pink and began connecting with her over laundry.
  • The Resurgence arrived at an unknown system. While the bridge and intelligence officers began surveying the system, much of the crew were taking a moment to relax in the restroom. Okimi worked on some knitting and chatted with Julia Meadows.
  • As the Resurgence moved to investigate the possible mishhuvurthyar presence in the unknown system, the crew moved to battle stations. Shortly thereafter, the Misshu attacked. As the armour team went to deploy, four misshu entered the power armour bay and began an assault. Okimi, having reported to her damage control station, was ordered by the Captain to proceed to the armour bay and help repel the intruders. Okimi helped kill one misshu, but one had somehow snuck its way to the bridge, where it assaulted the crew, severely injuring or killing them before eating the captain.
  • Following the defensive action, when the soldiers responded to the call to the bridge, Okimi entered the power armour bay looking for any crew in distress so she could help them tothe medical centre. After helping in the medical center, Okimi returned to the power armour bay and began decontaminating it of Mishhuvurthyar remains. After Yuri came to check on her, Okimi talked with the medic before the two decided to go hug the Captain, which they proceeded to do in the wardroom.
  • Several days later, once the Resurgence had retreated, recovered and received reinforcements, the ship returned to the Mishhuvurthyar infected system. During the battle, Okimi unwittingly assisted a single Mishhu enemy in boarding the Resurgence, where it promptly attempted to destroy the ship from within using one of its own shuttles. After taking several minutes of exposure to hard vacuum, Okimi completed the emergency repairs in the armor bay and reported to the medical center for evaluation and potential treatment. While healing in the medical center, Yuri identified Okimi's lack of sleep and she confessed to the source of her nightmares. She was surprised at the kind words from those around her and Okimi vowed to become better.
  • Okimi continued healing while several members of the crew undertook an away mission to assess the condition of the YSS Wakaba. While the away team boarded the enemy ship, in order to secure a replacement aether generator for the YSS Wakaba, Okimi tried to get out of bed and report to her battlestation. Her body chose not to comply and she was forced to return to her bed. When the Star Army vessels attempted to escape the Mishhu forces, Okimi grabbed a NSP and prepared to defend the medical center.
  • The day after the Resurgence escaped from the Mishhuvurthyar fleet, Okimi was released from the medical center with a clean bill of health. After a shower and getting dressed, she visited the wardroom. There she would meet some of the new arrivals aboard the Resurgence, namely Fujiraki Yoko and Erika Elster. Deciding to hopefully help them feel more at home, Okimi decided to give them an unofficial induction and to introduce them to the rest of the crew. The induction was cut short when Aoba-taicho entered the Wardroom and informed the crew that they were soon to be off to Yamatai to take part in the Kikyo no Sekku parade and to meet the Empress. Yeah, THE Empress.

gogatsu (45.5)

  • With the Resurgence docked at the Central Depot for repairs, the crew were invited to meet with the Empress. Okimi went along but quickly felt out of place, like an intruder stepping on grounds reserved for heroes. This feeling only worsened when the Empress rewarded the crew and inducted them into the Order of the Blazing Sun, an honour that Okimi strongly feels unworthy of. By the end of the meeting, Okimi's self revulsion had reached an all time high.
  • Immediately after leaving the Imperial Palace, Okimi wandered for a time as her emotional state deteriorated. She eventually ended up atop a skyscraper, considering suicide but ultimately deciding instead to confront and overcome her problems instead of running away from them. Okimi would be comforted by Fujiraki Yoko and the two would end up spending an intimate night together in the Kyoto Tower Hotel.
  • Following her decision to make positive changes with her life to improve her happiness and wellbeing, Okimi visited the Star Army Training Administration. There, after explaining her thoughts and feelings, she was reminded of all she learned during basic training, that she was a fully qualified soldier before she even began learning to be a caretaker. To help remind her, Okimi arranged to undergo a refresher course in Power Armor operation during the following week. She was also introduced to the training materials for several Star Army Occupations, eventually finding the most interest in the Close Protection Specialisation within the Military Police MOS. Okimi was happy to take note of all the relevant training courses she would need to complete, as well as a few others that had taken her interest during the consultation.

rokugatsu (45.6)

  • A month after meeting the Empress, the Resurgence was ready for deployment and the crew were recalled from leave. Okimi was assigned the task of co-ordinating the room assignments for any of the crew needing one or desiring a change. The Resurgence was assigned to follow up on the network of wormholes discovered during the rescue of the Wakaba. Crossing through one such wormhole, a gargantuan and seemingly abandoned space station was found. Okimi, deciding to embrace her desire for personal growth, requested assignment to a power armor team for away missions.
  • Almost immediately after submitting her request, Okimi was ordered to suit up and join the team being sent to investigate the station. With the aid of Armorer Norita, she suited up in a Mindy 4 PA.
  • The Away Team rode a shuttle into a massive docking bay. While exploring their environs, they found a decaying Mishhu corpse shortly before an alien ship arrived and unloaded Rixxikor. The crew would eventually barter food from the Resurgence to cause the scavengers to leave, but not before being warned of a 'great evil' contained within the station. After proceeding further inside the incredibly spooky station, the Away Team found a chamber. Pidole found a way to restore power, causing an alien robot to activate. Interpreting this as an attack, the Away Team's Leader, Tanaka Yoshiro, ordered a violent response but was swiftly countermanded by Aoba-taicho.
  • Proceeding further into the station, the away team discovered many bizarre marvels of design and construction. Eventually, Pidole was possessed by an alien intelligence, desiring the team to reactive the station's power and awaken the sleepers. Okimi would later have a vision of an advanced alien army sleeping in pods. The team, with orders from Aoba-taicho, proceeded further into the station. They eventually found a cavernous room filled with sleeper pods. The alien intelligence possessed Hoshi Sanda in an attempt to persuade her to activate the pods. Meanwhile, Okimi prepared herself to activate the controls if no-one else would, determined that they wouldn't survive the choice to deny the alien intelligence.
  • Okimi would attend the Ocean Day celebration being held at Yumiuki on Yamatai. There she would be reunited with Soban Luna who would make good on an earlier promise to introduce Okimi to all the fun activities and sights to be found at the beach and the ocean.

Skills Learned

Basic Training

Occupational Skills (SAoY Caretaker)

  • Custodial Duties - Okimi is trained in the usage of equipment and the relating procedures involved in the upkeep and maintenance of all standardised Star Army facilities. This includes cleaning, laundry and grounds maintenance.
  • Hostess Training - As a caretaker, Okimi is trained in a variety of supplementary skills that can be used to support her crewmates and keep ship morale strong. These include how to listen and offer counsel, how to plan events, basic psychology, how to entertain, cooking, hairstyling and massage techniques.

Supplementary Education

  • Massage Techniques - Okimi has taken additional courses in her free time to qualify her to administer a variety of different massage techniques. These range from purely physiotherapeutical in nature, to those designed purely for pleasure and relaxation.
  • Aromatherapy - Okimi has studied this to be able to make custom-scented gifts for people in the form of items such as: incense, candles, soaps, perfumes and deoderants.
  • Cooking - Wanting to be able to make tasty treats and snacks for her crewmates, Okimi has undertaken kitchen-assistant and basic cooking classes.
  • Damage Control - In order to increase her utility within her damage control role during battle, Okimi has received certifications and training in additional equipment and techniques.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Baking (especially muffins)
  • Calligraphy
  • Dancing
  • Knitting


Order Previous Rank Current Rank Date
Orders Yontô Hei Santô Hei YE 45.1.1
Orders Santô Hei Nitô Hei YE 45.6.1


Item Description Reason Date
Yui's Blood Medallion Awarded for Acts of Extraordinary Service Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Rescue Ribbon x2 Awarded for Rescuing Members of SAoY in Distress Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Capture Award Awarded for Capturing Critical Enemy Equipment Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Combat Award x2 Awarded for Serving in Combat Conditions Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Exploration Award Awarded for Completing an Exploration Mission Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Service Award x2 Awarded for Successful Mission Completion Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6

Multiple Awards Note: Rescue Ribbon, Combat Award and Service Award ribbons have a '2' metal pin worn over the top of each

Social Connections

Okimi has relationships with:

  • Soban Luna, aka Bestie with Benefits, was Okimi's first friend, who she met on the YSS Resurgence in YE 45.1. A few days later, Luna led a repair party that Okimi was a part of, following a battle against Kuvexians that saw the Resurgence badly damaged. In fact, the damage was so bad that the ship was ultimately scrapped and rebuilt, a process that would take three months to complete. During this time, the crew were given leave. Having nowhere else to go, Luna dragged Okimi home with her. Over the three months, the two grew much closer to each other although it wasn't until after the Hanami Festival that Luna really managed to help Okimi learn to enjoy civilian life.
  • Fujiraki Yoko, aka Thunder-Thighs, was a crewmate of Okimi who she met aboard the YSS Resurgence in YE 45.4. Although friendly from their first meeting, the two would not become close until after meeting the Empress on Yamatai when Yoko helped comfort Okimi when she was emotionally at her lowest. The pair would spend an intimate night together in the Kyoto Tower Hotel. While remaining friendly, the two developed an understanding that each would be open to future bouts of intimate stress relief.

Okimi is connected to:

  • Julia Meadows - helped Okimi settle and adapt to duties on the YSS Resurgence in YE 45.1
  • Yoshiro Tanaka - helped him out of his depression on the YSS Resurgence in YE 45.1. He returned the favour while Okimi was stuck healing in the Resurgence Medical Center in YE 45.4.
  • Mineko - met on the YSS Resurgence in YE 45.1, has socialised with off the ship
  • Kiyo - met when Luna dragged her home in YE 45.1
  • Pidole Henitot - connected during the Hanami Festival in YE 45.3, vowing to bring the Festival to the ship when necessary! Both were influenced, alongside Hoshi Sanda, by the alien intelligence aboard the ancient space station in YE 45.6.
  • Bidole Henitot - connected during the Hanami Festival in YE 45.3
  • Emiko Freyjasdóttir - met and connected during the Hanami Festival in YE 45.3
  • Yuri Asakura - met during the Hanami Festival in YE 45.3, hugged Captain Aoba in YE 45.4, cabin-mate
  • Asakura Yayoi - met during the Hanami Festival in YE 45.3. Promised her to watch out for her daughter, Yuri.
  • Dr. Poppy Pink - met aboard the Resurgence in YE 45.4
  • Miriam Norita - worked with aboard the Resurgence in YE 45.4 to extinguish dangerous fire, was aided by when suiting up in Mindy armor before the Away Mission in YE 45.6
  • Erika Elster - met aboard the Resurgence in YE 45.4, admonished for voicing worries on way to meet the Empress in YE 45.5, gifted a bag of tea before launch of Resurgence in YE 45.6

Okimi is potentially connected to:

  • Batch-siblings (Okimi's NSN is 33-44-333256-820407-169)
  • Members of her Basic Training class (approx. 44.6 - 44.8)
  • Members of her SAoY Caretaker Occupational Training class (approx 44.8 - 45.1)
  • Crew of the YSS Resurgence (YE 45.1 → 45.6)

Inventory & Finance

Fujikawa Okimi has the following Star Army equipment:

Fujikawa Okimi has the following personal property:

  • Cherry Blossom Necklace - Gift from Soban Luna at Hanami Festival in YE 45
  • Tea, in cotton bag, tied off with red satin ribbon - Gift from Elster Erika before Resurgence departed Yamatai in YE 45.6 (mission 9)

The Financial Assets of Fujikawa Okimi:

  • Current bank balance of: 11350 KS
  • Current income of: 2350 KS/month - Star Army of Yamatai, Nitô Hei rank pay

The Bank Account of Fujikawa Okimi:

Opening Balance Transaction Closing Balance Notes
Account Created 0 KS + 3000 KS 3000 KSStandard Account opened on SAoY instruction & initial wages deposited
YE 45.1 3000 KS - 250 KS 2750 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.1 2750 KS - 500 KS 2250 KS Housekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.1 2250 KS + 2000 KS 4250 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.2 4250 KS - 750 KS 3500 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.2 3500 KS - 500 KS 3000 KS Housekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.2 3000 KS + 2000 KS 5000 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.3 5000 KS - 200 KS 4800 KS Expenditures @ Hanami Festival
YE 45.3 4800 KS - 750 KS 4150 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.3 4150 KS - 500 KS 3650 KSHousekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.3 3650 KS + 2000 KS 5650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.4 5650 KS + 2000 KS 7650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.5 7650 KS + 2000 KS 9650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.5 9650 KS - 650 KS 9000 KS Hotel Fees, Expenditure @ Kikyo no Sekku etc.
YE 45.6 9000 KS + 2350 KS 11350 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Nitô Hei

From Halloween Salvage Giveaway 2023: 1. Rank Pin, Nito Hei, old 7th Fleet design 2. Coolers for drinks etc. 3. Unique Yamataian sword

OOC Information

This page was created by iaincarter on the 5th of April, 2023 at 21:10 using the Character Template Form.

Am likely to write several scenes from Okimi's backstory and will link them to this page when available.

Anyone wishing to form a connection to Okimi, feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to work with you!

In the case iaincarter becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Yes

Okimi's Forum Text Colour is FF99FF.

Artwork for Okimi created on by iaincarter

Notes on Potential Medals/Awards

None at this time

Character Data
Character NameFujikawa Okimi
Character Owneriaincarter
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
Character's HomeCentral Uesureya
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Caretaker
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 7 (Deck 4)
BattlestationDamage Control
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
SAOY Entry Month1
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month6

characters/yamatai/fujikawa_okimi.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 08:20 by wes