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Events Schema

The events schema is a Struct data schema used to provide meta data about events for the Star Army's in-character timeline.


The name of the schema is events.


  • event_name (text)
  • event_year (lookup to the Years Schema)
  • event_year_old (deactivated, used wiki pages for years prior to implementing the years schema)
  • event_month (dropdown, old style Yamataian Calendar dates)
  • event_month_decimal (dropdown, Added August 2022)
  • event_place (lookup to the Places Schema)
  • event_description
  • parent_event (wiki page)

Events List

PageEvent NameYear (YE)Event MonthMonth event startedEvent locationParent EventShort Description
First Elysian WarFirst Elysian War beginsYE 01Yamatai (Planet)
Great Plague of YE 08Great PlagueYE 08Yamatai (Planet)
Second Elysian WarSecond Elysian War beginsYE 14
Third Elysian WarThird Elysian War beginsYE 16
Chaos Hive WarChaos Hive WarYE 21
Operation Bloody ShieldOperation Bloody ShieldYE 22
Fourth Elysian WarFourth Elysian War beginsYE 23
Second Draconian WarSecond Draconian WarYE 24
First Mishhuvurthyar WarFirst Mishhuvurthyar War beginsYE 26
Battle of NeplesliaBattle of NeplesliaYE 26.11月Planet NeplesliaFirst Mishhuvurthyar WarOpening battle of the First Mishhuvurthyar War
Battle of Hoshi no IoriBattle of Hoshi no IoriYE 28
Battle of MurfBattle of MurfYE 29Second Mishhuvurthyar War
Battle Of TaiieBattle of TaiieYE 29TaiieFirst Mishhuvurthyar WarA battle between the SMX and the Star Army of Yamatai resulted in the destruction of the Taiie System.
Species Restriction Order of YE 29Species Restriction OrderYE 29Second Mishhuvurthyar War
Abwehran Occupation of KhorsovarolorAbwehran Occupation of KhorsovarolorYE 30Khorsovarolor
Freespacer Massacre and Related BattlesFreespacer Genocide and Related BattlesYE 30Second Mishhuvurthyar War
International Relations Conference of YE 30International Relations Conference of YE 30YE 30Pisces Station
Uesureyan WarUesureyan WarYE 30Kagami GalaxyThe war between Uesu Fleet and the Mishhu
First Battle Of NatariaFirst Battle Of NatariaYE 31.33月
Second Mishhuvurthyar WarSecond Mishhuvurthyar WarYE 31.33月
First Battle Of MitsuyaFirst Battle of MitsuyaYE 31.66月Mitsuya SystemSecond Mishhuvurthyar WarThe first battle of the Mitsuya System between the UOCPF and the NMX.
Second Battle of NatariaSecond Battle of NatariaYE 33NatariaSecond Mishhuvurthyar War
Battle of the North GateBattle of the North GateYE 33.55月
Evacuation of the Tange SystemEvacuation of the Tange SystemYE 33.55月
Battle of YamataiBattle of YamataiYE 33.77月
Second Battle Of MitsuyaSecond Battle of MitsuyaYE 33.99月Mitsuya SystemSecond Mishhuvurthyar WarThe Second Battle of the Mitsuya System. The NMX and SMX versus the YSS Eucharis and Task Force Torch.
International Relations Conference of YE 34International Relations Conference of YE 34YE 34Pisces Station
Rok'Veru OffensiveRok'Veru OffensiveYE 34
International Relations Conference of YE 36International Relations Conference of YE 36YE 36Reikan Park
Love DayLove DayYE 37HolidaysAnnual holiday to promote love among Yamataians
International Relations Conference of YE 38International Relations Conference of YE 38YE 38Reikan Park
Kodian Civil WarKodian Civil WarYE 385月GashmereThe Kodian Civil War is a planet-wide armed conflict that broke out in YE 38 on planet Gashmere over integration in the Yamatai Star Empire.
Kuvexian WarKuvexian WarYE 38Yamatai and allies fought against an invasion by Kuvexia
Battle of Komorebi CabinBattle of Komorebi CabinYE 39
Essia OccupationEssia Occupation beginsYE 40
International Relations Conference of YE 40International Relations Conference of YE 40YE 40Reikan Park
Battle of Hanako's StarBattle of Hanako's StarYE 41
Kuvexian Invasion of YE 41Kuvexian Invasion of YE 41YE 41
International Relations Conference of YE 42International Relations Conference of YE 42YE 42.33月Reikan Park
Kuvexian Advance of YE 42Kuvexian AdvanceYE 42.33月Kikyo Sector
Third Battle Of NatariaThird Battle Of NatariaYE 42.44月NatariaKuvexian War
Battle Of GlimmergoldBattle Of GlimmergoldYE 43.11月Kuvexian WarThe final battle of the Kuvexian War
Galactic Swap Meet of YE 43Galactic Swap Meet of YE 43YE 43.11月Port Xenn
Rebuilding TangeRebuilding The Tange SystemYE 43.11月Tange System
Ryu Keiretsu And Yugumo Corporation Agreement of YE 43Ryu Keiretsu And Yugumo Corporation Agreement of YE 43YE 43.11月TokyoKai Kenshin, and his assistant Mino Takara traveled to [[location:tokyo|]] on [[planet:jiyuu_iii|]] for the meeting. They arrived at [[location:tokyo:motoyoshi_cho|]]'s [[location:tokyo:motoyoshi_cho#tokyo_starport|Tokyo Starport]] and were greeted by [[character:motoyoshi_igarashi_yuka|]] and her [[species:nepleslian|]] assistant, Jessica Adlich. The early parts of the discussions between the two corporations took place during a ride through [[location:tokyo:motoyoshi_cho#imperial_park|Imperial Park]] before they took the tunnel to [[location:tokyo|Atarashi Tokyo]].

The business lunch was held at a Test-Kitchen location of [[corp:yugumo_corporation:takeda_house|]], where the details of the business agreement were discussed.
Victory Day YE 43Victory Day of YE 43YE 43.11月Yamatai Star System
Special Election Of YE 43Special Election Of YE 43YE 43.77月Election for the Imperial Premier and senate of Yamatai
International Relations Conference Of YE 44International Relations Conference Of YE 44YE 44.33月Pisces Station
Arrival of the NoriansArrival of the NoriansYE 44.77月Kikyo Sector
Establishment Of The Bellflower PartyEstablishment Of The Bellflower PartyYE 44.77月KyotoThe establishment of a new pro-imperialist political party in the Yamatai Star Empire.
Re-Establishment Of The Fifth Expeditionary FleetRe-Establishment Of The Fifth Expeditionary FleetYE 44.77月TokyoThe return of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai.
Candy Festival Of YE 44Candy Festival of YE 44YE 44.88月Yamatai (Planet)The annual Candy Festival in the Yamatai Star Empire, in YE 44.
Departure Of The Combined Colony FleetDeparture Of The Combined Colony FleetYE 45.11月Jiyuu SystemThe combined fleet departs for the Kosuke Sector.
HinamatsuriHinamatsuriYE 45.33月Girls' Festival
Liberation Of Hanako's WorldLiberation of Hanako's WorldYE 45.44月Hanako's StarKuvexian War
Keiro No HiKeiro no HiYE 45.77月Respect for the Aged Day or Grandparents Day
Third Mishhuvurthyar WarThird Mishhuvurthyar WarYE 45.77月Kagami Galaxy
Tsukimi YE 45Tsukimi Ye 45YE 45.88月Becurn Star Fortress (Formerly YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City)A celebration of Taiie's Harvest Moon celebrated in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, by members of the Motoyoshi Clan and their associates.
International Relations Conference Of YE 46International Relations Conference of YE 46YE 46.33月Reikan ParkA biennial gathering of diplomats from across the galaxy to discuss matters in pursuit of forging peaceful partnerships and understanding among nations.
Battle Of BecurnBattle of BecurnYE 46.44月Becurn SystemAn intense battle between the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet and the SMX in the Becurn System, in the Kosuke Sector. The battle took place in YE 46.
Fujiko Development Corporation/Mining Strategic Framework of YE 46Fujiko Development Corporation/Mining Strategic Framework of YE 46YE 46.55月Port DongfengEstablishment of business alliance between the Fujiko Development Corporation (Nepleslian Reds) and the Mining Guild.
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wiki/struct/schemas/events.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:26 by