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In the vast, glimmering expanse of space, the universe of Star Army pulses with life, wonder, and unparalleled beauty, where light and darkness are forever intertwined. Within the inky depths and behind the shimmer of stars, countless threats beyond imagination emerge from the cosmic shadows to lurk and loom. As the heroes of Star Army of Yamatai valiantly defend the boundaries and existence of their civilizations, this guide will provide you with an overview of the key enemy factions and threats that lurk in the depths of the Star Army universe.

Hostile Alien Civilizations

Throughout the Star Army universe, there are numerous extraterrestrial species with whom humanity has had various levels of interaction. Some are benign, while others are decidedly not. This list shows hostile aliens with organized civilizations, distinct from alien species who have no central, organized political bodies.

  • Kuvexians: A capitalistic race known for their prowess in combat and their tendency to enslave other species. Their empire was vast, and they have had numerous clashes with Star Army factions. A series of recent defeats at the hands of a multi-stellar alliance led to the veritable collapse of their Kingdom.
  • Mishhuvurthyar: Mysterious and often hostile, these creatures are known to appear from deep space and target unsuspecting vessels or colonies. They have an organized military and civilization, and take over star systems and planets for their own dark purposes.
  • Rixxikor: Insectoid traders who, though not inherently hostile, are known to dabble in shady dealings and illegal activities. For many years, they were used as a tool of biological warfare by the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia, and so have been spread throughout the universe in pockets and collectives of varying size.

Roaming Monstrous Creatures

These hostile aliens may not have a formal, organized civilization, but they remain a threat which can be found alone, or in great numbers, according to their ways.

  • Vordachibeans: Horrible, hopping, slashing and barely-sentient monsters who travel in teeming hordes.
  • Graxlat: Nomadic, typically solitary collectors with kleptomaniacal tendencies and a willingness to steal. They're not above using force or low trickery to get something they want.
  • Silanbar: These cunning and savage reptilians were one minions of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia. As a result of the fragmentation of that empire, Silanbar can be found far and wide acting as pirates and raiders.

Rogue AI

Synthetic Intelligences can be designed with malicious purposes, or they can begin to act in ways that are anti-life due to bugs in their programming or out of a twisted perversion of their original programming. Some AI's in the Star Army universe have been so advanced that they were considered god-like.

  • ST Data Fragmentation: This rare condition degrades a person's 'soul', and can result in neurotic, dangerous behavior.

Space Anomalies

The vastness of space is unpredictable. Some threats come not from beings, but from the very fabric of space itself.

  • Black Holes: Gravitational monsters that can swallow whole fleets if navigated poorly.
  • Nebula Storms: Vast clouds of charged gas that can disable or damage starships.
  • Wormhole: Unpredictable shortcuts through space, which can lead to unknown dangers or throw ships off course.

Out-of-Control Technologies

A non-sentient device can, if the reins are dropped, wreak havoc on an unsuspecting ship's crew, or even an entire planet.

  • Grey Goo: An all-consuming mass of tiny nanobots covering everything in sight like a grey wave.

Interstellar Politics

In the Star Army universe, not all threats come in the form of physical confrontations. Politics between rival factions can be just as dangerous.

Frightening Diseases

The depths of space can hide terrifying variations of disease and plague. Organisms capable of making the leap from species to species are particularly frightening, and infectious material that can hibernate for centuries or survive the vacuum of space can be a threat to any unsuspecting space traveler.

Unknown Mysteries

The universe is vast and not fully explored. There are many mysteries out there, waiting to challenge the curious.

  • Lost Civilizations: Ruins on uncharted worlds may hold treasures or dangers for those who discover them.
  • Cosmic Phenomena: Unexplained signals, strange visions, and other uncharted phenomena can be both a boon and a threat.

Ancient Plagues

While not current threats, these plagues left their mark on the civilizations they affected. Extant remnants of these terrible diseases could rise once more, if assisted by some malevolent force…

Enemies Specific to Yamatai

OOC Notes

Additional resources:

Wes created this article on 2023/08/16 18:49. Hollander gave it an update on 2024/03/02.

threats.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/07/07 19:48 by