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Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 46
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameKe-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)1โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000.00 KS

Table of Contents

UX-22 (Industrial Star System)

Once the NMX war began in YE 31, the Yamatai Star Empire added a large quantity of mining stations in this system to support the shipyards.

On the second planet there is a Frontier Starport built in YE 32 with a bravemart built in YE 36. In YE 36, tthe starport became part of the PAINT public transportation system and has a Tenba that regularly visits and provides passenger flights to Shinjuku Starport on Hanako's World. In YE 38, Trinary Star Shipping established a shipping store in the mining colony, which allows delivery of civilian parcels from other star systems.

Flag of the Yamatai Star Empire

The Yamatai Star Empire placed orbital communications networks of Emrys Satellites around all of the terrestrial planets in YE 36.

:!: There are currently 8 Urufu-class Light Cruisers assigned to this system to defend it.

Star Data

  • Type G9 V Yellow Main Sequence
  • Radius 8.07 x 10^5 km (1.16 x sol)
  • Mass 2.56 x 10^30 kg (1.29 x sol)
  • Temperature 5000 K
  • Luminosity 4.13 x 10^26 W (1.08 x sol)

Close Companion

Red Dwarf Star

  • Type M6 V Red Dwarf
  • Distance 6.91 x 10^7 km (0.46 AU)
  • Radius 2.48 x 10^5 km (0.36 x sol)
  • Mass 4.19 x 10^29 kg (0.21 x sol)
  • Temperature 2400 K
  • Luminosity 1.05 x 10^25 W (0.03 x sol)


  • Asteroid Belt
  • Orbital Radius 3.20 x 10^8 km (2.14 AU)
  • Period 2.23 x 104 hours (2.55 earth years)


  • Rock Planet
  • Orbital Radius 5.15 x 10^8 km (3.44 AU)
  • Period 4.56 x 10^4 hours (5.22 earth years)
  • Gravity 11.70 m/s2 (1.20 x earth)
  • Mining Colony Here


  • Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius 1.05 x 10^9 km (7.05 AU)
  • Period 1.34 x 10^5 hours (15.28 earth years)
  • Gravity 2.08 m/s2 (0.21 x earth)
  • Methane seas


  • Type Asteroid Belt
  • Orbital Radius 2.00 x 10^9 km (13.40 AU)
  • Period 3.50 x 10^5 hours (40.04 earth years)


  • Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius 3.77 x 10^9 km (25.21 AU)
  • Period 9.04 x 10^5 hours (103.38 earth years)
  • Gravity 4.83 m/s2 (0.49 x earth)
  • Trace atmosphere


  • Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius 8.05 x 10^9 km (53.84 AU)
  • Period 2.82 x 10^6 hours (322.51 earth years)
  • Gravity 8.75 m/s2 (0.89 x earth)
  • Trace atmosphere

system/ux-22.1568456559.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:08 (external edit)