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Ke-M19-W4300 Aether Beam Cannon

The Aether Beam Cannon (ABC for shorthand in the field) is a large mecha-grade weapon designed to be held by the M19 Ryoko Mecha that entered service in YE 43. Its primary roles are orbital artillery and anti-starship. These modes require lengthy cooldown and recharge times. The faster beam mode gives the weapon the flexibility to fight smaller targets, such as power armor and fighters.

Nomenclature Information

The following section contains general information about the Ke-M19-W4300 Coherent Aether Rifle, such as its designer, its nomenclature, its intended role, and its dimensions.

About the Aether Beam Cannon

The Ke-M19-W4300 Aether Beam Cannon is a result of research by Star Army Research Administration to miniaturize anti-starship weaponry. The Aether Beam Cannon is intended to fulfill a support role such as long-range anti-ship operations and orbital bombardment. But the weapon can be used in a more direct assault profile as well with its lower power setting.

As it is aether based and the power output it gives off, the Aether Beam Cannon is a poor choice for missions requiring stealth.


The Ke-M19-W4300 is a grey long single-barreled weapon made of Durandium Alloy. The weapon's 2nd design (Mk II) is designed to fold into itself (barrels and handle extend/retract) into a fairly rectangle shape to be attached to its holster. But designs based on the prototype also exist.

Discharge Information

Discharge information varies based on firing mode. The discharge of the aether beam cannon generally includes what can be associated with aether, such as the sound of the fabric of space ripping at the point of highly dense matter exiting the portal to the aether universe or the white-hot flash of aether from the muzzle.

  • Muzzle Flash:
    • Beam: A spherical white ball of teal light quickly builds up from the muzzle before quickly narrowing into a beam
    • Heavy Beam: A spherical white ball of teal light that slowly builds up from the muzzle before quickly narrowing into a beam.
    • Spread: A spherical ball of teal light builds up from the muzzle before spreading into a conical shape with a 30 degree spread from the muzzle.
  • Retort: Sound of fabric ripping
  • Projectile/Beam Appearance: A very bright teal beam of light (beam and spread) or dashes of teal light (pulse).
  • Effective Range: Up to 1 million km
  • Rate of Fire (ROF):
    • With Aether Beam Cannon Generator or onboard aether reactor: As listed in chart before.
    • Without Generator: Rate of Fire is reduced to a third of the normal ROF. (1 min becomes 3 mins).
  • Recoil: The Ke-M19-W4300 has a moderate and vertical Recoil pattern
  • Round Capacity: Connected directly to the M19 (with an additional generator dedicated to it), the Aether Beam Cannon has an unlimited capacity. Should the Cannon be disconnected, the weapon can fire one additional shot from the onboard capacitors.
Firing Mode Damage Rating (Version 3) Rate of Fire Area of Effect Range
Beam Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor Three three-second blasts every 15 seconds Single Target 473,177 km
Heavy Beam Tier 10 Light Anti-Starship 1 three-second blast every 60 seconds Single Target 1 million km
Spread Tier 10 Light Anti-Starship Once every 5 minutes 30° Cone Area Effect 75,000 km

Atmospheric Performance

While designed with Zero-G environments in mind, the Aether Beam Cannon is capable of working in terrestrial environments as well. While it requires much telemetry from outside sources, the Aether Beam Cannon can be used as an anti-orbit weapon as well, with a range of 100,000 km. The range is limited to 5 km when used directly and increases depending on the altitude of the M19.

Weapon Mechanisms

The following section contains information about the Ke-M19-W4300 Aether Beam Cannon's aiming systems, attachments, and internal/external mechanisms.

  • Firing Mechanism: Capacitors discharge their energy into a focusing chamber in the front of the weapon. Once the desired level of energy is reached (depending on the mode), it is then released out of the weapon. Cooling systems then cool down the capacitors and focusing chamber before recharging commences.
  • Loading: The weapon's capacitor is recharged by the Ke-M19-G4315 Aether Beam Cannon Generator.
  • Mode Selector: Selected by Ke-M12-E3301 Weapon Subcomputer
  • Firing Modes: Toggled by Ke-M12-E3301 Weapon Subcomputer
  • Safety Mechanism: Toggled by Ke-M12-E3301 Weapon Subcomputer
  • Weapon Sight: KIES linked weapon sight.
  • Attachment Hard Points: Near the grip is a hardpoint to attach via tubing to the M19's hands for energy supply. Additional cabling to a hip-mounted aether reactor is also available from the stock of the weapon.

OOC Notes

ametheliana created this article on 2021/01/11 01:18.

FIXME - Needs price

Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 43
Products & Items Database
DR v3 maxTier 10
Mass (kg)750 kg

stararmy/weapons/ke-m19-w4300_aether_beam_cannon.1679256917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:49 (external edit)