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Type 35 Light Gunship "Jinsoku Taka"

Born out of collected field experiences, the Type 35 Light Gunship “Jinsoku Taka” (迅速鷹 - Swift Hawk) was introduced into the star_army_of_yamatai in the middle of ye_35.

About and History

The Jinsoku Taka was designed to be a general purpose transport and combat craft. By default, it is configured as a light gunship in terms of armament, but can also take on different modules. As a result, it may be used as a troop carrier, light gunship, or heavy lift vehicle. As a light gunship, it is not only fast, but more nimble than it looks; it is well capable of high maneuverability due to it's propulsion systems and can quickly turn to face threats or retreat. With the proper attachment, the vehicle easily serves as a troop transport which can carry an entire platoon of power armored infantry into combat, while with the heavy lift module may carry heavy vehicles and shipping containers. Perhaps most importantly, is that the vehicle is capable of leaving a planet's gravity well by 'gliding' out under its own power. Though this requires maximum power diverted to propulsion and produces turbulence, the ability itself is valuable, as it means that a pickup ship descending into orbit is not necessary.

Unlike others of the “Jinsoku” series, the Jinsoku Taka was not developed from a predecessor vehicle - instead, it was a collaboration between organizations for a role which was not being adequately filled by preexisting vehicles, using expertise from both Origin and Ketsurui Zaibatsu.


Statistical Information

Type: Light Ground Support Gunship/Transport
Class: Ke-V10-1A
Designers: origin, ketsurui_zaibatsu
Manufacturer: ketsurui_zaibatsu
Length: 20 Meters
Width: 8 Meters
Height: 4.8 Meters
Speed (Atmospheric): 1,500 MPH (2,400 KPH)
Speed (Vacuum): 3,000 MPH (4,800 KPH)

Crew: Pilot, Co-Pilot

Damage Capacity

Hull: 25 Structural Points (ADR)
Shields: 25 (Threshold 3)

(See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system)

Interior Description

Despite the abilities of Nekovalyrja, the cockpit itself houses a relatively 'conventional' layout. A pilot seat is to the front, with a slightly raised copilot seat behind it. Both the seats are made to be comfortable over long hours of flight, with built in massage systems to promote circulation; a feature that is civilian sector by design. Both seats feature spine compatible interfaces, but despite this, full fly-by-wire as well as analog controls for the ship's systems are present. The view presented to the cockpit itself is a full 360-degree volumetric projection presented to the pilot, hiding the fact that there is little space for movement, as the 'canopy' is solid durandium, up to a foot thick.

To the sides of the crew stations however, are small passageways that lead back and into the default troop compartment, with an armored, sealed doorway. If this is not present however, it merely acts as an exit.

Light Gunship Configuration (Default)

As is, the ship is configured to be a light gunship and troop carrier, capable of holding roughly 30-40 power armored troops and providing light supporting fire for a platoon.

Primary Weapons

25mm Automatic Gauss Cannon (4)

The bread and butter of the ship's teeth, the 25mm autogauss cannons provide both reliable firepower as well as good range, but are paired off in two sets of two. These are both mounted in an over-under configuration with one another, with one located on the nose of the craft, and the other at the tail. The turret at the nose allows for a full 360 degrees of rotation, but is primarily configured to fire at ground targets. As a result, it is primarily controlled by the Co-Pilot. In comparison, the tail facing gun is hard mounted into a ball turret within the troop carrier itself. This is manned by a dedicated tail-gunner.

OI-M3-W3302 25mm Automatic Gauss Cannon

Location: Chin Turret Mount, Tail Ball Turret
Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel
Damage: ADR 3, Munition Dependent
Range: 10 KM/6.2 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: 6 Rounds Per Second (Individual Cannon)

PMML Platform (2)

Mounted alongside the chin guns, the mini-missile launchers provide a more explosive option over the autocannons. Besides having a blast effect, the rounds are self-guided and seek out targets that are locked on by the Co-Pilot. For logistical purposes, the mini-missiles used by the launcher are the very same that are used by Power Armors in inventory.


Location: Chin Turret Mount
Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel
Damage: Munition Dependent
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual, Salvo
Ammunition: 80 Mini-Missiles (Each)

Secondary Weapons

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods (4)

Mounted on strategic points on the hull for even dispersal and angle coverage, the modified countermeasure pods allow the gunship to evade weapon locks as it proceeds with its objectives. As with the PMML, the system uses the standardized ammunition also available to power armors such as the Mindy and Daisy series. These countermeasure mini-missiles perform their role of protecting the ship by either intercepting incoming fire, or leading it away.

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods

Location: Main Hull
Purpose: Defensive Countermeasure Systems
Damage: None
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual, Salvo
Ammunition: 25 Mini-Missiles (Each)

Type 30 35mm Machine Guns (Optional, 2-4)

Unlike the other weapons present on the light gunship, the 35mm Machine Guns, or more accurately autocannons, are a very common add-on made by crews. These consist of single or dual autocannon mounts located at each side door of the troop bay, if present. Additionally, besides being either single or dual mounted guns, they are typically put atop simple hydraulic armatures, allowing them to be swiveled around as well as move in and out of the craft to make way for the doors. These may come with or without gunshields, depending on the crews, and how hastily they were constructed.

Ammunition used is typically an even, alternating mix between Armor Piercing shells and High Explosive shells, with General Purpose Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds being preferred whenever they are available.

Machine Gun, 35mm, Type 30

Location: Left and Right Troop Bay Doors
Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel
Damage: ADR 3, Each
Range: 4 Kilometers
Rate of Fire: 9 Rounds Per Second, Each

Troop Carrier Belly Module

The Troop Carrier Module itself is composed of a cheap and lightweight composite of Durandium Alloy and ADNR layers. In addition, its armored body is very thick, measuring a full foot at its base to defend against ground fire. Due to the spacious design, the passenger area can accommodate an entire platoon of typical Yamataian power armors - up to forty in total. At the very rear, a station is present which controls the rear facing ball turret and autocannons integrated into the troop carrier section of the craft. The interior has no seats, but has an integrated stabilization system which allows personnel to stand undisturbed during turbulence. A pair of microfusion generators provide redundant energy production to power the system.

In the case that the stabilization system malfunctions, overhead handgrips can be found among the equipment racks, with foot clamps neatly integrated into the floor to secure personnel in place. These are easily entered and exited, using a direct contact command system and a local power source in the form of batteries or capacitors.

Entering and exiting the troop carrier section is done through the doors to the port or starboard sides. These are designed so that they may not only open downwards to serve as loading and unloading ramps, but may slide the side sections to serve as firing ports for infantry inside. A panel over the thicker main section rises, allowing the thinner side panels to slide together, creating openings.

Passengers: 40 Power Armors
Additional Crew: 1 Tail Gunner

Alternate Configurations/Modules

Heavy Lift Module

The HLM has the gunship dispense with the common belly slung bay and instead attaches to it a heavy lift module capable of carrying even tanks. As a result, it carries no troop complement, but still retains its basic armament. One of the key differences however, is that the tail gun is either set to automatically defend the vehicle, or be controlled by the co-pilot. Though the added weight of carrying vehicles affects its handling, the speed and acceleration is only marginally affected.

System Descriptions

Despite using high-end technology, the vehicle and its components were made to be robust and easy to repair - many parts come from preexisting vehicles to simplify logistics.

Hull and Armor

The hull of the light gunship is primarily composed of ADNR lattice encased in a coating of Durandium Alloy to provide ample structural integrity - the more malleable material provides some degree of give, preventing shattering. Meanwhile, the harder material makes up for the softer material's lack of hardness and in turn prevents deformation.

For the canopy of the cockpit, the material used is Transparent Durandium, which can have its opacity adjusted by the crew. To compensate for the weaker, lighter material used, it is far thicker, measuring a little over a foot thick. The armor for the craft itself is technically 'composite' due to the use of more than one material; the majority of the armor plates' composition is Yamataium, a hard, tough, heat resistant metal capable of some degree of self-repair. This is backed by layers of insulation to prevent energy weapons and radiation harming the interior. Due to its properties, the tank's Yamataium armor is also coated with a 5mm thick layer of Durandium Alloy to simply maintain its aesthetics and prevent deformation.

Shields and Defensive Systems

Gravimetric and electromagnetic shields are the mainstay method of protection for the gunship. The two shields provide protection from both energy and projectile weapons by using their aforementioned electromagnetic or gravitational forces to repel or disperse incoming fire.

NBC Protection Systems

The life support systems of the craft double as nuclear, biological and chemical protection systems which allow the vehicle to completely seal up and either filter air from the outside, or recycle internal atmosphere for up to 7 days. In the case of contaminated air getting inside the cockpit through a breech in the canopy, the system systems also have an emergency 'flush' mode where it goes into overdrive, rapidly blowing out contaminated air and replacing it with uncontaminated atmosphere to decontaminate the interior. In addition, the system can seal itself against the vacuum of space, and re-pressurize the cockpit up to 4 times off its own air supply should atmosphere be forcefully vented and not recycled into the tanks before exposure to space.

Variable Voltage Defense System

An electrical current may be safely run through the outer hull of the vehicle, as the interior is fully insulated - this helps to prevent boarders and other hostiles from leaping aboard the gunship. This extends to the troop carrier module, and its ramp, but not the interior of the carrier for obvious reasons. Depending on the setting, personnel may be incapacitated or outright carbonized. For safety, the system must be manually activated by the crew members inside.

CPS Control Device

A Conformal Psionic Signal Control Device had been added to protect the crew and passengers, generating a conformal area around the vehicle from being affected by psionic anomalies or attacks. The device prevents direct mental assault on the crew members inside, as well as subversion, intrusion and direct control. In addition, psyionic based attacks are often disrupted or dissipated altogether upon entering the conformal field emitted by the system.


The Taka relies on a triple set of graviton propulsion devices for both movement, and enhanced maneuverability. It's primary graviton system is located within the main hull of the craft behind armor, allowing it to remain operational to some capacity even if the craft is attacked and takes damage. The other two graviton units however, are located on special verniers at the tail of the craft. By moving these, the graviton field projected by them has controlled warps and distortions introduced, allowing the gunship to be more maneuverable, but without the usage of more higher end field projectors. As the graviton system used does not require a planetary field to interact with, the vehicle is also able to operate in space.


To promote parts commonality, the Hawk uses a quartet of the same reactors used in the M9 TASHA by default. These four are clover leafed together and have their operating systems harmonized to one another in order to optimize the production of power. This is to better produce the amount of power necessary for the gunship to function, and as a result, cannot accept reactors from power armors like other vehicles of the “Jinsoku” series may. Such substitutions would be completely anemic in output, rendering the craft unacceptably slow, sluggish, and reduce weight capacity by significant amounts.


Like others of the “Jinsoku” series of vehicles, the Jinsoku Taka uses a modified Armor Integrated Electronics System (AIES) as well as components from the M9 Tasha. Unlike the vehicle from which its parts come from however, its systems are made to be more capable due to its role in the battlefield.


  • Visual Spectrum
  • Thermal/Ultraviolet
  • Radar
  • Tachyon


  • Radio
  • Laser
  • Subspace (High Bandwidth FTL)

OOC Section

This area is for anything that is Out of Character!

OOC Notes

  • This page was originally created on 2013/01/31 01:09 by cadetnewb
  • Humorously, this article somehow ended up approved even though there was speed and interior description missing - it looked that good! I still added more pictures in though

In Character Usage Guide

This guide is far more slapped together than previous ones I've done, but it's the most I can do for now. Hopefully, I can come back later and improve on it.

To put it short, this vehicle is a combat vehicle in comparison to the Yusou APC - it is slower and less maneuverable than the Yusou, but has more firepower available on hand. Not only that, but it has a higher troop capacity and has better armor and shields. This means that the two complement each other, with one deploying troops and possibly loitering to provide fire support, while the other is best suited to ferrying in safe zones behind friendly lines, as well as moving goods and supplies. The downside of the Jinsoku Taka - swift hawk - is that it is fairly larger and won't fit in the same places as the latter Yusou.

In RP, it is meant to bring troops into places that may have light AA and deploy its troops or vehicles before backing off, only coming in to provide fire support when the anti-aircraft fire is not too heavy to lend ground forces valuable support. In a sense, a good reference material would be the Combine Gunship from Half Life 2 for an example. These make use of their autocannons, which are loaded with armor piercing, high explosive, incendiary shells which have a reasonable splash damage. Mini-missiles also supplement its armament, and any additional crew members inside the troop carrier module are quite likely to attach additional manned door cannons with gunshields. The Type 30 35mm Machine Gun is well suited to this, since it doesn't draw additional power, and has a good selection of Armor Piercing and High Explosive rounds which can be mixed together on the belt.

stararmy/vehicles/type_35_light_gunship_jinsoku_taka.1510121383.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:48 (external edit)