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Jihi-Class Medical Ship

In YE 29 the war with the mishhuvurthyar was growing intense. With combat on the rise, the need for facilities to treat the wounded, receive soul_savior_pods, and conduct other medical procedures was also becoming a priority. The Jihi (慈悲) or ‘Mercy’ class of medical ship was designed by Ketsurui Fleet Yards as an answer to the fleet’s medical and humanitarian aid demands. Secondarily, the Imperial Senate Proposal #75: Amendments to the Treaty with Ohara called for increased humanitarian aid to Ohara became a consideration, calling for a more capable class of vessel to handle that genre of missions for the Star Army.

The primary design considerations for the Jihi Class Hospital Ship were:

  • A mobile medical center to place in the logistical attachments of fleets on the front lines.
  • A vessel capable of receiving soul survivor pods inbound from battlefields.
  • A vessel capable of providing planetary settlements within the Empire with humanitarian aid and assistance.
  • A hospital ship to accompany colonization fleets.


Jihi 慈悲 translates to ‘Mercy’, a classical name representing this class of ship’s mission niche. Ships of the line are often named after the more abstract concepts such as: Eien (Eternity), Chuujitsu (Loyalty), and Kiseki (Miracle).

The Jihi Class Hospital ship entered the KFY construction queue in YE 29, and it was expected that there will be a large number of the vessels produced before the end of the year to accommodate for the high demand for their service.

The Jihi was eventually replaced with the Minori-Class Hospital Ship in YE 32 during the second_mishhuvurthyar_war.

New Standard Speeds

Cat Starship Type Sublight Engines Distortion Field Hyperspace Drive
5 Cargo and Service Ships .25c (~74,948 kilometers per second) 12,500c (~1.43 ly/h) 394,470c (0.75 ly/m)

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 30 (Cruiser)
  • Shields: 30 (Threshold 3)

Old Stats

  • Organizations Using This Vessel
    • Star Army of Yamatai (Yamatai no Hoshiguntai)
  • Type: Hospital Ship / Humanitarian Aide Vessel
  • Class: Ke-C9-1a Jihi Class Hospital Ship
  • Designers:
    • Ketsurui Fleet Yards (KFY)
    • Star Army Research Administration (SARA)
  • Manufacturers:
    • Ketsurui Fleet Yards, Yamatai
    • Ketsurui Fleet Yards, Luna Bianca Lunar Shipyards
    • Ketsurui Fleet Yards, Taiie


  • Discontinued

Total Personnel: 553

Command Staff:

  • 001 Commander
  • 001 First Officer
  • 010 Intelligence Officers
  • 002 Starship Navigators
  • 005 Communications Officers
  • 005 Operations Officers
  • 002 Capital Ship Pilots

Crew Support Personnel:

  • 022 Supply Officers
  • 002 Armorers
  • 020 Cooking Staff
  • 060 Science Officers
  • 320 Medical Staff

Ship Support Personnel:

  • 000 Tactical Specialists
  • 006 Defensive Systems Specialists
  • 100 Technical Sentries
  • 003 Power Systems Specialists

Standard Armor Pilot Compliment:

  • 200 NH-29 Armor Pilots
  • 400 NH-12 sprites (Stasis)
  • Maximum Capacity (Crew): 2000
  • Maximum Capacity (Patients): 8,000
  • Maximum Capacity (Patients, With Lateral Multipurpose Bays Converted): 10,000
  • Length: 1700m
  • Width: 500m
  • Height: 500m
  • Decks: 70 (5m average deck height, several decks are higher)
  • Mass: Unknown

Appearance: The Jihi has a very unique design. The forward section of the vessel is very fat arrowhead shape which narrows inwards to a more slender section with three adjoined spherical sections which get gradually smaller towards the aft section of the ship which tapers off to a point. Its basic shape is almost squid-like, yet holds an elegance of smooth edges. Ventrally aft, two stabilizer-like fins house the CDD nacelles. The larger multi-purpose bays are located along the lateral of the forward section, indented into the ship.

Performance Statistics

Speed (CDD): 0.20c to 90,000c Speed (Hyperspace Fold): ~8,256,900c (7LY/min) Speed (Auxiliary): 0.70c Speed (Aerial): Not designed for atmospheric use. Speed (Water): Not designed for water use.

Range: Limited by lifespan of the vessel. The crew and patients can only be supported for up to fifty years without resupply. Lifespan: Two hundred years of continual use, with major overhaul every forty years. Refit: Frequent minor modifications while in service through the PANTHEON automatic upgrade system

Inside the Jihi Class Hospital Ship

Bridge: The Jihi Class Hospital Ship has a small bridge for its size, to maximize space for the hospital facilities. The bridge is laid out with the Captain’s chair and consul positioned centrally, with the Communications, Navigation, and Operations, laid out in a semi-circular formation towards the forward screen. The two capital ship pilot pits are located immediately right and left of the Captain’s chair. Tactical and Mission Ops are located directly behind the Captain, with the main lift located in the aft. All stations are equipped with SPINE interfaces, and are designed to fit most standard Nekovalkyrja and other SA personnel.

Hospital Command Center: The action center of the Jihi Class Hospital ship. A circular command room, dedicated to handling the high volume of patient traffic and coordination of personnel. It is a circular open deck that has three sub-decks, leading down to a fourth area. The central part of the command center is actually an office space, three sliding walls capable of enclosing the office, or opening it up to the rest of the command center; it houses the Chief Medical Officer. When closed the office area is completely soundproof and adjustable tint in the clear walls allows for privacy.

The first subdeck, a few steps up from the central office, is the medical logistics bank, specialized logistics crew along with the AI handle the flow of personnel, patients and supplies through the hospital. A section of which is devoted specially to the monitor and control of aide packages such as food, medicine, and water off the ship in coordination with the flight deck of the ship’s access bays.

The second sub-deck is divided into three control banks. The first devoted as access station for doctors to access medical records, review test results, and update patient listings. The second control bank is allocated to hospital security, for the coordination of guards, holding areas, and to monitor access to restricted areas within the hospital. The third bank is surgical monitoring, and communications.

The third subdeck, and uppermost level of the deck is devoted entirely to computer access to nurses, and medics.

Medical Library & Ranking Doctors Offices: The deck below the command center is a large media library reserved for the use of surgeons and higher ranking medical personnel. Doctors can utilize the ships computer banks to review medical journals, read up on surgical techniques or create volumetric projections to aid with visualizations. Generally a quiet place, it is equipped with a small café, private media rooms and spacious work stations. Furniture is sleek and comfortable, built to help bring relief to the medical professionals.

The rest of the deck is devoted to office space for doctors and surgeons, offices generally are occupied by one or two personnel and include desks, comfortable furniture and computer access.

Main Treatment & Surgical Room: The largest of the treatment and surgical rooms in the hospital, generally only special cases are sent here. The Chief Medical Officer personally is responsible for running this section. Treatment tables and consuls line the rectangular main room, and a large surgical bay is closed off at the other. Cabinets and closets hold important supplies. This, like all areas of the hospital can be sealed off from the rest of the ship in the event of biological or containment hazards.

Treatment Rooms (8 decks): Eight decks of treatment areas. Each area has a treatment bed, cabinets for medical equipment and storage, chairs and a doctor’s consul. In standard operation conditions the treatment areas are organized by the severity of the condition. Ships are equipped with medical supplies, information and specialists for most races in the empire.

Surgical Bays (10 decks): Surgical bays are sterile and are kept in perfect organization. Each bay is equipped with operating tables, equipment storage and other tools for surgery. Ceiling mounted scanners provide doctor with the most accurate readings from their patients.

Medical Laboratories (2 decks): In field analysis of medical samples, development of drugs and vaccines are all done within the Jihi Hospital Ship’s labs. Laboratories vary in specialization by purpose, species and mission type.

Hemosynthetic Reconstruction & Mental Backup Complex: Hemosynthetic Reconstruction tubes, a total of a two thousand run in back to back in rows in this open deck area. Tubes from the extensive Hemosynthetic system of the ship run down from the ceilings to the tubes. These tubes are filled with fluid based on Nekovalkyrja blood, which analyzes and repairs injuries and defects to the occupant's body. They're used when a crewmember has taken major damage. The tubes can also generate new bodies for mental backups to be written to. The outer area of the deck has small alcoves that contains beds sitting underneath a special device used to make complete backup's of a person's mind (including memories) for storage on the ship's computer. This device can also write from the ship's memory a mental backup into a body.

Production Bay: Located forward of the Cargo Bay and Storage Section is a spacious production facility inspired by the fabrication rooms on the newer class of light cruiser but with the Jihi’s mission in mind. The production bay allows for the ship’s nodal system to manufacture medical equipment, synthesize drugs, vaccines as well as assemble humanitarian aide packages for delivery or storage.

Containment Cells Facility (1000 cells): These cells are used for specimen storage and also double as a brigs. They contain a removable bed, food dispensing system, and a small toilet. These rooms can clean themselves and sterilize their equipment automatically using a combination of mechanical and nodal processes.

Specialized Storage & Cargo Facility: A fully automated receiving and storage center designed for the receiving of equipment and supplies. It is equipped to handle hazardous materials, boasting isolation through forcefeilds, containment canisters and other methods. Large food and water holds are capable of holding large volumes for delivery to planets or ships in need. The cargo facility is specifically designed to dock with the new Odori class of medium freighters.

Multipurpose Bays (3- (2) Large on lateral axis, (1) Smaller Aft): Designed after the bays of the Takumi Class ECC however, with the distinct niche of the Jihi Hospital Ship in mind. The larger lateral bays are designed for the receiving of shuttles as well as Soul Survivor pods, and can be but are rarely used for the receiving of power armors. The lateral bays can also be easily converted into temporary treatment areas for situations requiring extremely large numbers of patients. The smaller aft bay is devoted mostly to the ship’s small compliment of power armors.

Lifts: The lifts provide quick access from deck to the deck. Lift can also be used to travel to other ships when vessels link together (most Star Army ships have standard gauges of lift systems, allowing lift cars to move from ship to ship).


Jihi Class Hospital Ship Space frame & Integrated Hull Systems

Primary Space frame: The Jihi Class Hospital ship’s primary space frame is constructed primarily of Yamataium truss frames interlocked together. These major trusses are arranged in higher concentration around the sections of the vessel that are most likely to become stressed like around the CDD nacelles, auxiliary engines and to provide additional strength to areas such as bays, the main bridge and around weapon mounts. Smaller Yamataium trusses that form the interior frame of the vessel provide internal support for decks and interior sections.

Force field generators are arranged at major truss junctions to provide additional strength, and protect these junctions from anti-matter hits in the event the major space frame becomes exposed or compromised in a battle. Of course the force field generators are small and can only absorb a limited amount of energy before becoming useless but this serves effort to provide strength to the space frame.

Secondary Space frame: Secondary framework is nested within the primary space frame to provide additional support and provide support for ships systems. The secondary frame is composed primarily of small Yamataium trusses and rods lined with Yarvex meshing to provide shielding to interior structures.

Armored Hull Plating: The primary substrate of the hull plating is 0.50m thick Yamataium plates. Interior sections of the vessel are provided shielding by layering of Yarvex meshing across the secondary framework structure.

  Yamataium-S: The ship's plating is primarily composed of Yamataium-S, a SARA-created artificial metalloid with self-healing molecular bonds. Under the guidance of the HSCS-3, the Yamataium can patch holes as needed in a matter of days. Yamataium-S is also made to interact efficiently with the repair systems and bond with Zesuaium-S.
  Yarvex: A highly advanced, virtually impenetrable gluon mesh, first used by KFY in the Kylie power armor. Particles that make up protons (quarks and gluons) the gluons and quarks are strung together in a long chain using an alteration of Yang-Mills Theory. This permanently binds the quarks together so they may never be pulled apart. The resulting cloth like substance is impervious to penetration, although it does nothing to stop kinetic energy. All interior passageways and rooms are surrounded by Yarvex sheeting.

MEGAMI [Mentafexal Electro-Gravitationally Accelerated Memory and Intelligence]- Integrated Electronics Suite (IES)-‘Medical Core’ VARIANT: The famed advanced femtotronic quantum computer, capable of performing capable of performing nearly endless amounts of data-churning and possessing untold memory. This system is known as the Mentafexal Electro-Gravitationally Accelerated Memory and Intelligence (MEGAMI). Data processing is further assisted by an electro-gravitational temporal distortion field that can increase the processor and memory signal speeds to many times that of light, for use during continuum distortion travel. The Jihi Class Hospital Ship has been equipped with a specific variant of the traditional MEGAMI system, rather than the computer’s system being devoted to the massive weapons systems on most Star Army vessel’s the MEGAMI 'Medical Core' variant allocates that power to the ship’s onboard medical systems in priority to what little weapons the ship has. MEGAMI is involved in nearly all functions of the ship, it is vitally important. The computer itself is located in an armored room below the bridge that is normally inaccessible. One of the most valuable tasks that MEGAMI performs on a Jihi Class Ship is the retrieval of data from Soul Survivor Pods inbound from the battlefield and running the ship’s Hemosynthetic Tube Complex to restore the individuals lost.

MEGAMI is both a subordinate and a master system; it operates as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers, but commands all elements below it. Above MEGAMI is KAMI. Under MEGAMI is WIES, EIES, and CIES. All of these systems are compatible with PANTHEON.

MEGAMI systems can defend themselves through the creation of their own NH-12 or NH-29 weapons.

The MEGAMI can be divided into several subsystems, which are distributed throughout the ship: The System Core, which consists of the power management system, processor, and central memory system; the inner layer, which includes the environmental control subsystems, force stabilizer (inertial dampener) control, unidirectional sensors, and bridge interfaces; and the outer layer, which holds the majority of the ship non-vital electronic systems: mapping and navigation system, weapons control system, ship defensive systems, omnidirectional Sensors, telepathic communications, translator system, and common control interfaces.

Unidirectional sensors: included in the M-IES include variable wide-band imaging clusters, long-range gravimetric and magnetic resonance, distortion, and interferometry sensors and spectrometers, electromagnetic trans-space flux sensors and imaging scanners, quark and gluon density scanners, and spin polarometers. These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to fifty light-years.

Omnidirectional sensors: of the M-IES include aetheric/quintessential field/differential/particle/wave sensors, scalar field sensors, subspace mass sensors, soliton sensors, moh sensors, unified field mass/energy sensors, neutrino/tachyon sensors, and the all-seeing eye of the TQP-RDD. These sensors (excluding the RDD) have a range of twenty light-years. The Integrated Electronics Package is so fast, that the ship can attack faster than many ships can comprehend, doing a faster-than-light drive-by-shooting.

Remote Detection Device (1): The Transmetaphasic Quantum Particle/wave Remote Detection Device can detect, track, observe mass and/energy by making observations using linked quantum particles. The RDD can track small items if it knows what to look for, but will not see objects with relatively little mass when searching large areas. The maximum range is 250 LY, but at that range the RDD can only detect huge objects such as stars. The standard range is 50 LY. This decreases if resolution increases. When used in a 1 LY range, anything over 10,000kg is detected.

There are three levels of scanning: (1) A wide range passive scan, which monitors for unidentified energy objects and mass fluxes among a wide range of dimensions and phases; (2) an active scan. Active scans are used rarely because they can give away the presence (but not location) of a vessel to other ships. The active scan is a high-powered sweep of a particular phase and dimension. (3) a remote scan of a clearly defined area such as an enemy ship. Using the scan, the complete nature of the target can be recorded.

Communications: Any MEGAMI ship is equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them.

Hyperspace and Subspace: An alternative method of faster-than-light transmission. The Jihi Class Hospital Ship hyperspace systems can emulate those of many other space militaries; the Jihi Class Hospital Ship is not only proficient at detecting and decrypting hyperspace messages, but can produce “authentic” communications of it own. The Jihi Class Hospital Ship can also provide absolute jamming of hyperspace signals within ten light-years of its position.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed.

Radio: Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. The Jihi Class Hospital Ship can also jam the spectrum with white noise and intelligent false radio traffic (such as fake missile guidance commands and IFF traffic).

Tachyon: Quantum tunneling used for faster-than light transmissions. A tachyon is a photon without any mass. Tachyon transmissions, because they travel faster than light in normal space, appear to travel towards the transmitter from an observer's view.

Quantum Relay: Delivers a message anywhere, instantly, but precise coordinates of the receiver must be available. Mainly used by WEIS and relayed through starships. Certain shields may interfere with QR transmissions. Based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen phenomenon (quantum pair effect).

Fire Control: The MEGAMI does not use an independent Fire Control System per se, but operates a sub-system of itself dedicated to fire control operations. MEGAMI compensates for all movement of the ship and of target ships, and can track upwards of a trillion targets ranging from pebble-sized shrapnel to planets. MEGAMI-FCS is a mainly offensive system, and ignores all but the largest incoming missiles, leaving the powerful shields (below) to dispose of the threat. Weapons under MEGAMI's control automatically: target sensitive areas of enemy ships; identify friendly assets; optimize beam power and range; guide missiles and torpedoes, assign (and reassign, if necessary) targets in real-time; and control ECM, and ECCM functions. MEGAMI-FCS usually controls all point weapons systems but the GWB (which the tactical specialist controls). Control of torpedoes is shared between the pilot and MEGAMI. The pilot fires, and MEGAMI takes over tracking the target, creating a “fire and forget” system.

Combined Field System: The Takumi has an excellent combined field system. In effect, the CFS sustains a small “pocket universe” around the vessel by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. Gravity and time outside the shield bubble do not affect the objects inside, and objects inside the bubble are protected from both solid and beam weaponry, because the projectiles or beams pass through the curved space and around the ship. The combined field serves a number of purposes, including propulsion, defense, weaponry, and stealth; for this reason, it is almost always on. The CFS can also be used to generate waves and pulses, which can be used to detect hidden ships and objects when used in combination with the sensors.

Interdiction Field: The ship is capable of projecting a powerful artificial gravitic field that disrupts the operations of FTL drives of all types in a specific area of effect (minimal effective AOE is a 1,000 meter cubic area; maximum AOE is 1 AU cubic area). This is useful in preventing enemy vessels from escaping from battle. The interdiction field also has a secondary mode that can defeat the interdiction efforts of enemy forces in a localized area roughly half the size of its normal operation.

Propulsion: The ship propels itself at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions in the CFS and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. The normal CDD speeds are augmented by working with the forward deflector (located on the underside of the ship). This allows the ship to travel thousands of times the speed of light. This gives Star Army ships the advantage of attacking at FTL speeds. The Takumi uses a combined distortion drive capable of generating small wormholes, navigating the quantum slipstream, creating hyperspace fold points, and acting as sublight propulsion. Distortion-based systems allow the ship to stop or move nearly instantly because the ship has not “moved.”

Primary Defense: The shields are automatically modulated and phased by the ships computer system. While all frequencies, planes, and dimensions are theoretically covered by the shield, the modulation enables extra power to be routed to the bands, planes, and frequencies in which enemy weapons operate, decreasing the possibility of a shield overload and rendering enemy weapons largely useless. The CFS also protects the ship from collisions during high-speed space flight and can be used to facilitate ramming other vessels. As the ship's defense against weapons and high-speed impacts such as meteors in space and debris from destroyed starships, the shield is extremely powerful. The CFS can protect against up to 45 YottaWatts (Higher Shield Rate due to higher energy allocation to shields, since the ship has relatively little weaponry) worth of damage per 1 square meter area in either kinetic or energy form, making the ship VERY difficult to damage, even with most main guns.

Outer Defense: The shield system is bordered (at a several kilometers out from the ship) with an intense scalar field which serves to dud electronics of incoming missiles and mecha, as well as detonating explosives, ablative armor, and overloading the nervous systems of pilots. This feature is disabled during normal operations, and (usually) enabled in combat.

Stealth: The ship can also be rendered invisible to scalar radar, aetheric-energy sensors, other forms of detection by using the shield bubble to keep the ship in its own alternate plane of existence. It can also use its scalar fields to simulate that photons and other sensory forms pass through the “empty space” and thus its presence is hidden. When the ship is fully it its bubble plane, it may only use its RDD sensor to monitor normal space.

Auxiliary Engines: The ship has three ion impulse engines for use if the CFS system is damaged or destroyed.

Hyperspace Fold Drive: A FTL propulsion drive which pushes a vessel into a dimension adjacent to our own dimension but where distances are far smaller.

Emergency Systems

Ke-XS-2900es Escape Pods (2500): Twenty-five hundred escape pods are located on the Jihi class for use in the event of major catastrophe resulting in the primary vessel being uninhabitable or in eminent danger of being destroyed. This model of escape pod was originally designed for the Sakura, but KFY was so impressed by its preformance that it was included in some other models as well.

Total Internal Compartmentalization: The ship is sectioned off so that ruptures and fires in one section will not affect other sections. Airtight internal doors and emergency blast shutters further enable the ship to maintain air pressure in the event of small through large-scale decompression. These systems also make excellent anti-boarding defense

Damage Control Stations: The Jihi Class is equipped with several of these stations located in several places around the ship. Like those designed for the Sakura these station contain storage for hull patches, emergency generators, and tool kits but also include emergency medical kits, survival rations (in the event someone is trapped within proximity of one of these stations), emergency lighting and an emergency subspace communications transmitter.

Firefighting: In every room on the ship, and throughout the passageways, there are fire-fighting stations. These stations are designed to enable Star Army soldiers to extinguish fires aboard the starship. Each contains three environmental suits, a hose and pumping system, and two portable fire extinguishers for smaller fires. The hoses mix a concentrated solution mixed with the ship's emergency water stores to produce an water-borne foam that forms a fire-protective film that suffocates fires and prevents spreading onto coated surfaces. High-powered air treatment and venting systems also assist in clearing smoke from areas. Soul Savior Pod (2): A different type of escape pod, the SSP, regularly saves an encrypted copy of the entire crew's memories and providing the chance that crew members will survive destruction of the ship even if they cannot make it to an escape pod. Only an upper-Pantheon (such as MEGAMI or KAMI) system can retrieve the data. The pod is heavily armored with Zesuaium, and will self-destruct if tampered with.

Sound-Powered Telephone System: Sound-powered telephone systems are installed throughout the ship. These phones will work without power because sound waves acts as the source of current in the phone circuit. Because of the nature of these phones, each receiver is also transmitter; this means you can talk into the earpiece if your mouthpiece is broken and vice versa. Note that these will not work in a vacuum.

Hemosynthetic Conduit Systems: This network, consisting of blood-filled tubes, runs throughout the ship carrying femtomechanical purpose-oriented molecules (constructed at the level of elementary particles) that are tied to the ship's life support and computer system. At access points, the bloodstream can hemosynthesize objects, including food and water packages, as well as dissolve objects. A secondary internal network (HSCS-2) recycles and dissolves waste, and a third, independent system (HSCS-3) carries femtomachines through various parts of the ship where repairs are needed, to control damage automatically, even during combat.

The HSCS system fluid can be differentiated by color. The HSCS-1 system is bright red, HSCS-2 is brown, and HSCS-3 is gray. While the HSCS-1 and HSCS-3 fluids are harmless to Nekos, the HSCS-3 waste liquid is extremely dangerous to organics (it dissolves them). Food from the HSCS is probably not what one has in mind when “food” is mentioned. The food packets generated by the HSCS, while edible, come only in the form of slimy blocks of nutrient-rich “flesh.”

The ship has a very thorough recycling system, tied into HSCS-2, which breaks down anything classified into “waste” into its atomic components. The air recycling system (which is segmented and highly monitored for security reasons) can support up to 10,000 Yamataian or NH-29 personnel up to fifty years. Water can be recycled for fifty years as well.

Conformal PSC Device: The PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older “ADN” devices. The field generated by the PSC protects the entire Mindy, and extends only one meter out past the hull of the ship (thus, it will not create an obvious psionic “dead zone”).

Matter Collection System: The MCS allows the ship to collect hydrogen molecules as it travels through space, which can be used to provide fuel or converted into higher elements for use in the HSCS. The MCS units can be shielded in combat with cover plates.

Nodal System: Trillions of tiny femtomachines are distributed in the air aboard the ship, allowing anywhere to become a control panel with a simple swirl of a person's finger. The ship can use the system to sense what is happening throughout the interior, thus giving it more information to use for environmental control, security, and communication. Using the nodal system, the ship's computer may manifest herself anywhere on the ship in physical or holographic form.


  Projected Energy Beams: The projected beam was first developed in Yuumi battleship program and has become a staple of Star Army weaponry. The spatial distortion around the ship (the Combined Field System) is used to release condensed potential energy from the aether, the ubiquitous sea of energy. By distorting the shield-space, the origin of the beam can be maneuvered around the field bubble, allowing it to be fired from any point on the field system. The subspace effects of the beam make it naturally piercing to distortion-based shields. Please note that when firing, it substantially weakens the Combined Field System.
  • Location: Combined Field System
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
  • Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault
  • Damage: Total Annihilation in a beam of 1 to 25 meters in diameter.
  • Range: Up to 94,605,300,000 kilometers (58,800,000,000-miles, 0.01 LY, 632au)
  • Rate of Fire: Up to ten five-second blasts every 15 seconds.
  KFY Ke-C9-W2903 Mobile Variable Pods (600): The ship's has numerous launchers in its hull that can form custom discoid variable pods. These pods may form into mobile weapons whom take about two minutes to form and typically fire some sort of transphased energy beams, scalar electromagnetic interferometric pulses or Transplanar Phased Pulse due to the abilities of such weapons to hit and destroy shielded targets. Alternatively, the pods can be configured to a yamataium hull armor regenerative platform or as a cluster of six small plasma cannons whom orbit the ship's power armors for added anti-mecha firepower. When the pods are deployed, they move fully out of and around the ship (they float) and adjust their position to obtain the maximum volume of fire. Each pod has a maximum output of 150,000 PetaWatts (two times as great as the PDV-5). Should a Star Army ship be disabled or destroyed, the pods will actually jump to another suitable Star Army ship (or power armor, in the case of the armor assisting drones) that passes close by.
      Location: Hull
          Transphasic Beam
          Scalar Electrogravitic Pulse
          Transplanar Phased Pulse
          Armor Assisting Attack Drones
          Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones
      Primary Purpose:
          Transphasic Beam: Anti-Starship/Anti-Mecha
          Scalar Electrogravitic Pulse: Anti-Mecha/Anti-Projectile
          Transplanar Phased Pulse: Anti-Starship
      Secondary Purpose:
          Armor Assisting Attack Drones: Anti-Mecha/Point-Defense
          Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones: Maintenance/Emergency repairs
          Transphasic Beam: Precise attacks which deal heavy damage on smaller ships, moderate on capital vessels.
          Scalar Electrogravitic Pulse: Destroys electrical systems, kills life, detonates explosives.
          Transplanar Phased Pulse: Very Heavy; may destroy poorly-armored smaller hulls in a single hit; especially shields penetrating.
          Armor Assisting Attack Drones: Detaches into six attack bits of comparable power and performance as the Accelerated Plasma Rifle. Weapon power source is the assisted armor CFS - the drones otherwise are limited to 50 shots from launch.
          Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones: Encourages regeneration of yamataium hull at a rate of 1 cubic centimeter restored per second.
      Area of Effect:
          Primary Purpose: Point of Impact.
          Armor Assisting Attack Drones: Separates in six attack bits which orbits a power armor.
          Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones: Pod hovers at maximum 50 centimeters away from the ship's hull to effect repairs.
          Transphasic Beam: 1,200,000 miles
          Scalar Electrogravitic Pulse: 500,000 miles
          Transplanar Phased Pulse: 20,000 miles
          Armor Assisting Attack Drones: Remains in CFS bubble or in close proximity of adopted power armor, performs as this weapon.
          Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones: Remains in CFS bubble.
      Rate of Fire:
          Transphasic Beam: 3 times per second
          Scalar Electrogravitic Pulse: 2 times per second
          Transplanar Phased Pulse: Once every 5 seconds.

Standard Vehicle Compliment

  • 400 Lamia M1-1 Power Armors
  • 200 Mindy 2-1F Power Armors
  • 100 Sylph Ke-M4-1A Light Power Armors
  • 300 Fox T4 Shuttles

OOC Notes


stararmy/starship_classes/jihi-class_medical_ship.1555465253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:36 (external edit)