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Star Army Escape Pod, Type 30

The Type 30 Escape Pod went into service in YE 30. It is used to evacuate personnel from starships.


The Type 30 was the replacement for the Star Army Escape Pod, Type 29. Designed by Kage Yaichiro.

History and Development

As the first_mishhuvurthyar_war turned even more and more dire, Star Army Officer and Starship Improvement Project Director Kage Yaichiro realized that an escape pod with a longer life was necessary. Other systems could only support life for a set amount of time, and then stasis was necessary. Stasis systems only had enough power for a certain number of years before failure. This resulted in an interesting design.

The Pod itself is not based on the Star Army Escape Pod, Type 29, as one would expect, but is actually meant to be a more robust and simple construct than the much more complex Type 29. The Type 29 also has the disadvantages of using a CDD and Aether systems, increasing cost of production to levels unrealistic, in Yaichiro's mind, for the standard 5th XF ship in this recovery state. It was fine for capital ships or vessels with critical personnel…but it was not realistic for the run-of-the-mill ship given the strained resources of the 5th XF.

In addition to a basic capacitor system, the Type 30 Escape Pod contains a matter collection system and a VERY stable compact nuclear fusion reactor. Utilizing the abundance of hydrogen in space, the device uses the hydrogen to power its stasis, deflectors, beacon, computer, and course correction thrusters almost indefinitely. The system is built to be as simple as possible, so as to maximize its life cycle without need of repair or servicing. If all else fails, or if something goes wrong, the system is capable of something called “ESS”; or Emergency Soul Savior.


Organizations Using This Vessel: Ketsurui Fleet Yards motoyoshi_fleet_yards Star Army of Yamatai Type: Long Life Escape Pod Class: Ke-X3000, MY-X3000 (same design used for both) Designer: SIP Director Kage Yaichiro Manufacturer: Hotaru Star Fortress, Himitsu Star Fortress, Motoyoshi Fleet Yards (may be amended if accepted outside of 5th XF). Production: Refit or upgrade on YSA vessels.

Performance Statistics

Crew: 5 Adult Humanoids. Maximum Capacity: 8 can be stored if absolutely necessary, but this is not recommended.


Length: 3m Width: 3m Height: 3m


The Type 30 has Class 9 Star Army of Yamatai Starship Speeds


The device is a rough and somewhat rounded pyramid shape, designed to survive collisions should the worst happen and the deflectors fail. Each side is a different color. One is the same grey as the standard ship, one is blood red, one is bright blue, and the last side yellow. This is for easy identification once within visual range. It also has a Type 29 Airlock hatches. Each corner of the pyramid has a retractable propulsion nozzle for course corrections.

Systems and Components


The Escape pod is a standard Yamataium hull with a Yamataium frame, constructed to be as durable as possible for the shape utilized. As such, the design is elegant, yet simple, with stress distribution capabilities.


The stasis systems are a simple-yet-efficient construct designed to use low power. They are able to be run for ten years without external energy, or indefinitely using the matter collection/fusion combination. The unit can be set to disengage the stasis once a ship is detected in the area, when planet fall is made, or to leave the occupants under. The stasis bio scanners can also act to scan the user's brain information and act as an ESS Scanner.

Type-29 Airlock Hatch

The Type 29 Escape pod has an outward opening hatch with an atmospheric-containing screen that allows passage of passengers in an out without compromising the life support of the craft and the other passengers in it (much like rapid launch bays). The pod's airlock is also compatible with Type 28 and 29 mounting ports and umbilical airlocks as well as sporting a ramp for passengers to descend when the craft is set down.

FTL Communication

This vessel is capable of standard Subspace communication, which doubles as a homing beacon which sends out two signals per hour, with five minutes between them. Encryption is possible.


Conventional radio is possible in various bands, different bands relaying different types of information. In addition to standard encryption, the radio systems are capable of transmitting in encrypted Octal code with checksums. The format, generally long obsolete to any star-faring society, could be as hard to crack as a dead language.


Laser communication is also possible, each corner of the pyramid having a transceiver. This permits multiple escape pods to communicate with each other in a point to point fashion. While this is only good for line of site, other pods can relay messages, making a makeshift network to relay information to the chain without risking enemy detection of broadcasts.


Like the Type 29, Backup Integrated Electronics System is used on this escape pod…however, the low power computer's capabilities are limited compared to the other model, which is acceptable given the differences between the escape pod and the miniature evacuation ship.


Sensors are fairly limited, but are adjustable. Resolution can be attained at the cost of range and vice-versa, but the system can auto-focus and track up to 4096 targets on its low power computer, and identify each by mass and power readings…identification will fail if the vessel is not in the system's existing library.


The Computer system used is capable of PANTHEON access to communicate status and ask for assistance. It also connects to the ESS Database.

ESS System

The ESS system is a system in the escape pod which allows the creation of ST files from the bioscanners which monitor the status of those in stasis. It lacks the complex hardware needed to create a new body from a genetic sample or to write to a blank brain. What it does is make an ST backup of the user as soon as they enter stasis. Throughout the operational life of the Escape Pod, it tries to initiate contact with PANTHEON, and if it manages to do so, it not only gives location data and a distress call, but also transmits the ST data to an ESS Database along with status data. This database is highly protected and can only be read from by those of high rank and specifically set PANTHEON access levels. Should the pod be in an area too dangerous to be recovered or be discovered by enemies, it can be remotely destroyed, and the personnel resurrected with all memories to the time they went under stasis. Due to the sensitive data being transmitted, the Escape pod will briefly increase power and send the data in a maximum level of encryption.


With a DR of no more than 2, these shields are good for no more than protecting from debris. Given their low power needs, this is about as good as it gets for this line of escape pod.

Matter Collectors

These collectors across the surface of the escape pod siphon hydrogen from even the vacuum of space. In the rare event more hydrogen is needed than normal space can acquire, the escape pod can situate itself in relation to a star or a nebula, and pick up some of the shed particles. This common element is then either stored in the thrusters as propellant if needed, or used to power the fusion reactor. If Oxygen is found, it will be added to the air tanks after filtering. This system is also used to determine whether or not the escape pod has landed in an area with a breathable atmosphere.

Nuclear Fusion Reactor

A technology long obsolete within the YSA because of Aether, this is actually a viable option due to the abundance of Hydrogen atoms in the universe. Less complex than an Aether reactor, and harder to locate, this lower millennium-old power solution lends itself to emergency power.

Capacitor Array

This array has enough power to run for a month without assistance, including attempted daily restarts of the Fusion Generator


These simple thrusters do little more than slow descents onto planets, change direction, stabilize orbits, dip into nebulae or atmosphere for hydrogen or move around objects to get an improved signal. However, they are refuel-able by hydrogen gathered from the matter collectors.


Rations and Water

The Type 30 Escape Pod has the same emergency supplies as the Type 29, albeit in different proportions. Due to the advent of the Star Army Emergency Ration Pill, less space can be reserved for rations and more for water. This combined with bigger oxygen tanks increases the amount of time the user can stay out of stasis.

stararmy/small_craft/type_30_escape_pod.1561428090.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:26 (external edit)