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Seventh Fleet Assets and Organization

Command and Control (SAoY7COM) of the Seventh Fleet, designated as Sakigake no Heion (Harbinger of Tranquility) is divided into the Office of the Taisho and three major fleet divisions.

Office of the Taisho

The Office of the Taisho is responsible for the overall operation of all Offices, Divisions, etc of the Fleet. The current Taisho is William Fletcher I. It is primarily located onboard the YSS Densetsu, and the two Iori-Class Star Fortress.

There are Eleven Chujo who help command the Fleet.The Fleet is primarily divided into three divisions, Nami no Seijou, Nami no Chikara, and White Hammer. They are centered around Hotaru Star Fortress, Himitsu Star Fortress, and the YSS Densetsu respectively.

White Hammer Division

White Hammer division is the primary mobile element of the 7th Fleet. Centered around the YSS Densetsu and two Izanagi-Class Dreadnought, YSS Battle of the Binary Stars-II and YSS Battle of Essia. It contains the bulk of the fleet's capital ships and provides the Rapid Reaction force to reinforce other fleets. It is commanded by Chujo Tsuda Hitomo.

Nami no Seijou Division

Centered around Hotaru Star Fortress. Seijou is centered around providing reconnaissance and intelligence about what lies beyond Yamatai's borders. It is commanded by Chujo Signy Williams.

Nami no Chikara Division

Centered around Himitsu Star Fortress, in Essia System. Chikara is centered around providing security to the northern frontier of Yamatai and serving as Seventh's base of operations in the Kikyo Sector. It is positioned at the Tollgate Complex in Essia. It is commanded by Chujo Yamato Kioko.

Rapid Response Division

The Rapid Response Division is not centered around any specific location. The commander, Chujo Harada Kenzan is usually found on the YSS Densetsu or going between the stations of the Division. The Division maintain a Ikoi-Class Light Starbase with a squadron of fast gunships in each major operational region. Their primary responsibility is to provide detailed information about the emergency the fleet is responding to.

Military Police

Due to its role responding to emergencies, the Military Police component of the 7th fleet is larger than standard. This means they often lend Military Police units to other fleets for internal affairs issues. It is commanded by Chujo Alexandria Davis.

Special Operations

Due to the response role of the 7th fleet, the Special Operations contingent is much larger than standard. They have additional units of SOFT, CSAR, KATANA, NAV-STRIKE, UMBER, and other special forces units. Its commander is Chujo Mikhail Ersus.


Commanded by Chujo Nakano Shizu, 7th's fleet operations focuses on mobility and responses to emergency scenarios.


7th Fleet's logistics is known for their efficiency, flexibility, and delivery speed. Chujo Tsutomu Chikuma holds her command to the high standards set by Taisho Fletcher. They also have a wide variety of specialized ships for responding to disasters.


7th Fleet's SAINT division is headed by Tsumura Hatsue. One of their focuses is on developing issues.


Alin Banebridge is the Chujo in charge of Personnel for the 7th fleet.


Due to its role as Rapid Response, 7th fleet has a larger than normal communications department and officers that interface directly across the whole Star Army.

4th Area Army

While not under the command of Taisho Fletcher, due to overlapping areas of operations they have a very close relationship with the Star Army Rikugun in their area. The 4th Area Army is headquartered in Essia System. It is commanded by Chujo Kijima Heiji. Armies are deployed to Essia System, Xylar, Ushobrakflug System, Gashmere. As of YE 44, Due to the continuing civil war on Gashmere, two Armies and additional legions are deployed to Gashmere.

OOC Information

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stararmy/fleets/seventh_fleet/assets_and_organization.1707663355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/11 06:55 by wes