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Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor

The Ke-M6-1A “Daisy” is the sixth LAMIA (Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor) unit designed by Ketsurui Zaibatsu, designed for planetary combat, whether it is ground or aerial.

About the Daisy M6

Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M6-1A Deployable Aero/spacy Infantry Suit, Yamatai (Daisy)

The Harpy atmospheric recon/sniper armor gave Yamatai an armor on the ground to supplement its planet-bound forces. It was also the only Yamatai-designed ground armor, with tanks and other mechanized craft making up the rest of the Empire's land forces. The NDI had a worthy model for a main infantry power armor, as its Golem series of armors were known as powerful and mobile units with a wide range of capabilities. Adding elements from its other armor series, Ketsurui Zaibatsu created an armor designed to take punishment and dish it out too.

Design was rushed but given heavy oversight. Commanders wanted an armor to fill most of the mission profiles the Harpy could not. They also liked the idea of energy shields, but some asked KZ to manufacture solid shields similar to those on the aging M1 Lamia but smaller. KZ designers liked the idea and created a compact shield for the armor. Also, to facilitate all soldiers in the Star Army, the SPINE was combined with the M3 Kylie's brain-reading control system.

Daisy M6-1B "Spacy"

The now-obsolete 1B Spacy model was designed specifically for space combat. The fusion pack was standard, but could be discarded, and made liberal use of the alternate gravimetric engines (.1c max) provided in the legs. It also featured a space kit version of the M6-2901 Plasma Rifle which had a higher rate of fire and better damage, and carried subspace communication equipment. It was discontinued in YE 34 due to the DAISY being designated as a planetary armor whereas the Ke-M2 "Mindy" Series of Power Armor filled the space power armor niche.

Daisy M6-1C "Stealth and Sensor"

The 1C SAS model is designed for stealth combat and recon work. It is an attempt to phase the Harpy M5 Scout Armor to a less prominent role. The model comes with Xiulurium stealth armor as standard. It also features the Tachyon sensor unit from the Harpy, and a Compact Sensor Suite Pack that replaces the Heavy Fusion Thruster Pack. That pack comes with a more powerful radar, and includes a Hyperspace-wave Doppler radar that can light up targets more effectively in space. Like the M6-1B, this version was discontinued in YE 34.

General data


Pilot Information: Requires one NH-29, Nekovalkyrja, Type 33, Yamataian or Nepleslian pilot. Individual must be between 153 cm (~5') to 200 cm (~6' 6“) tall. An average NH-29 is 160cm (5' 3”) tall. The armor compensates for smaller pilots through the hemosynthetic core “growing” around the pilot a bit more.

  • Height (Suit): 167 (5'6“) to 213 cm (7')
  • Height (Pilot): 153 cm (5') to 200 cm (6'6“)
  • Width: 100 cm, 33 in
  • Mass: 130 kg, 286 lbs; 180 kg (~396.8 lbs) w/thruster pack.


  • Heavy Fusion Thruster Pack, atmospheric: Mach 1.8 (~2,205 km/h) at Earth sea level (8,575 km/h in dead of space)
  • Glider, atmospheric: 100 km/h (~63 mph)
  • Anti-gravity drive, land/underwater: 70 km/h (~43 mph)

Note: The thruster pack is often discarded after a drop is made, in an attempt to lighten the armor and narrow its profile. Packs are attuned to each armor before deployment, allowing a pilot to leave its pack behind without fear of another using it.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: 8 SP (Mecha scale)
  • Energy Cloak: 8 SP (Mecha scale)
  • Handheld Shield: 4 SP (Mecha scale)

Systems Listings

  • Ke-M6-E2901 Armor Integrated Electronics System
  • Ke-M6-E2903 Conformal Psionic Signal Control Device
  • Ke-M6-F2901 Titanium Alloy Endoskeletal Frame
  • Ke-M6-F2902 Hemosynthetic insert
  • Ke-M6-F2903 Outer Armor with Thermoptic Camouflage (Yamataium/Andrium alloy plates)
  • Ke-M6-G2902 Capacitor system
  • Ke-M6-R2901 Inertia Redirection System
  • Ke-M6-P2901 Heavy Fusion Thruster Pack (attachable)
  • Ke-M6-R2902 Auxiliary Gravimetric Engine (located in bottom, feeds through legs)


Hand-to-Hand Combat: The M6 Daisy is as agile as a Nekovalkyrja, far more agile than any human. Sharing the abilities of the Nekovalkyrja in order to maximize the ease of use, the Daisy has extremely flexible joints and nearly as much physical strength as the M2 Mindy (which is still quite a bit). With the armor's inertia redirection system, the force, speed, and particularly the mobility of the armor is substantial, and the movement can be made as erratic and unpredictable as the pilot can think.

Studded gloves, shoulder pads and knee pads: Added to give just a bit more punching power and to lend the armor a bit of a robust feel. It also allows the armor to dig themselves more easily into the ground for a stable kneeling position.

Additional Weaponry: The Daisy's weapon load out is pretty heavy, and it has racks on the sides of its built-in thruster pack for an extra weapon or two. It fits a CFWEP Package on top of its back. It theoretically can use any hand-held weapon it can pick up.

Systems Layout

Defensive/External Systems

Outer Armor: To give the Daisy more protection, the normal Andrium plating used in ground armors was replaced with Yamataium-Durandium alloy. The alloy is heavier than standard Andrium, but the Daisy's systems more than make up for the added weight. Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor) and is necessary to operate the armor.

Stealth Armor (M6-1C SAS only): For stealth concealment, the armor plating is coated with Xiulurium. Xiulurium is a “stealth” armor that has no protective value and is used to generate a stealth field around the armor. This stealth field also masks the armor's presence to scalar wave and quintessence differentialometer type sensors. Xiulurium is similar to Zanarium in composition, but this alloy is more flexible and requires relatively little energy to activate. Xiulurium bonds to both the Yamataium-Durandium and the titanium sections of the Daisy. NOTE: To use the Xiulurium, the Energy Cloak must be turned off, as it interferes with the stealth field.

Energy Cloak Shield Projector: Built into the right shoulder pad of the armor, with a projector facing back and front, these produce a tight-fitting energy “cloak” over the armor's surfaces to protect it from energy-based weapons. The shield is not as powerful as the Barrier Shield on the Golem series by Phoenix Arms Corporation, but still soaks up to about 300 megawatts of energy damage. The shield recharges after about 15 seconds, but unlike the Barrier Shield, it does so progressively.

Ke-M6-D2901 Handheld Elliptoid Shield: This 3-foot tall shield is built into a mechanism in the armor's left forearm. The shield is essentially the same as the Lamia's 6-foot tall shield, being composed of hollow Zesuaium, but with the ends cut off to make it easier to use in an atmosphere.

Active Camouflage: Can place the image of what is on one side of the craft onto the other, creating the effect of invisibility. The Daisy power armor can also use this system to project holograms.

Conformal PSC Device: The Ke-M6-E2902 PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older “ADN” devices. The field generated by the PSC engulfs and protects the Daisy entirely, extending out two inches outward of the power armor to prevent the appearance of obvious psionic “dead zones”.

Magazine holders (thighs): A section of the exterior on each thigh pops out to reveal magazines for the LASR (four, right thigh) and the SLAG (two, left).

Internal Systems


The Daisy's warm insides are composed of muscular flesh that is soft, slimy, stretchy, and wrinkly. The organic components provide shock absorption as well as augmented strength to the pilot. The flesh includes a sophisticated Hemosynthetics (blood-based femtomachine) system that can repair damage to the Daisy's interior. The interior is shielded from heat and radiation, to protect the pilot from the rigors of atmospheric reentry. Piloting the Daisy can be done through SPINE (for NH-29 models) or the headset system in the helmet.

Life Support

The core of the Daisy houses the life support systems, which include a rebreather system, an oxygen supply, and a nutrient-enriched (sterile) water supply. The Daisy can support a pilot for up to 7 days before replenishment is needed, or up to 4 years in stasis. If needed, the Daisy can filter outside air to replenish its supply (not usually done until absolutely necessary, though). The Daisy's interior includes a catheter organ that wriggles its way into the pilot's urethra and bladder, keeping the pilots from having to exit the suit to urinate. The interior synthetics also will massage the pilot's body from time to time to encourage blood flow and provide increased comfort.

Capacitor system

Similar to the M4 Sylph's G2901 power system, but with about 25 percent more capacity. The Daisy has enough power to actively operate (combat) for four days.

Control Systems

Actual operation of the armor is simple – signals sent to muscles are monitored by the armor, which responds in kind. Brain waves and eye movements are monitored to aid in other, usually more complex tasks. The SPINE system can also be used by NH-29.


The M6 Daisy lacks a dedicated self-destruct system, but can be triggered to self-terminate so that its technology will not fall in enemy hands. This process can be initiated by the pilot (or AIES, if the pilot is dead). The electrical system on the armor overloads its circuits, causing the capacitor to explode and destroy the armor, but not before all electronics within the armor are slagged.

Armor Integrated Electronics System

The Daisy uses a Ke-M6-E2901 Armor Integrated Electronics System (AIES).

Communication systems

The AIES comes equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them. Communications Systems of the AIES include:

Radio: Full spectrum, dual-modulation; range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. Frequency-hop and multi-channel capable. In order to use the secure modes of communication, correct variables must be loaded prior to battle. Such codes are changed on a frequent basis. The Daisy has an extensible antenna from its helmet.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed. Text only. Range: 321.9 km in atmosphere (200 mi); 32,186.9 km in space (20,000 mi).

External Audio: The Daisy power armor includes an external microphone and a speaker to allow the pilot to communicate more easily with nearby persons.

Homing Device: Normally inactive, this beacon has an independent backup power supply that can keep it transmitting for up to five years, even if the main power system is nonfunctional. If main power is available, the beacon will transmit constantly. If not, the beacon will put out a short distress message twice every two hours (five minutes between).

Subspace (M6-1B Spacy): Allows faster-than-light transmission. A standard means of communication; it comes as a small module for the helmet. As there is no CFS generated, it requires its own antenna, which gives the unit about 2 light years of transmission range.

Tachyon Ear Unit (M6-1C SAS only): A rip-off of the M5-1A Harpy Scout Armor's tachyon communication system, shaped in a similarly thin “ear” on a modified Daisy helmet. Carries three times the range (300,000 miles) in order to operate in space better. The unit takes up more power, however; AIES normally drains the energy of one of the forearm weapons to power it when needed.

Sensor Systems (AIES)

Wide-Band Variable Optical Imaging Array (head): The majority of the sensor systems are located in the head, including a high-resolution variable optical system capable of monitoring a very wide spectrum. By default, the system displays visual and infrared data. There is also a night-vision and ultra-violet mode. The power armor has a gyroscopically-stabilized view of up to 300x magnification. There's a spotlight on the armor's head which helps at night.

Optical Tracking System (skin): Much like the NH-29S neko, the M6 Daisy can see through its Active Camouflage sensors, giving it a view of its entire surroundings at all times.

Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar: Signals transmitted by UWB radars are pulses generated pseudo-randomly in time. They are only 2 nanoseconds in duration. The energy content in any conventional frequency band is below the noise, making TM-UWB transmission highly covert. TM-UWB has no carrier frequency or conversion, and because of the low frequency content of TM-UWB signals, they are capable of seeing through foliage and nonmetallic objects better than regular radar can. Ideal for atmospheric operations and nebulae. Range of about 50 km.

M6-1C SAS Compact Sensor Suite Pack:

Long Range Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar: Range of about 1,200 km.

Hyperwave spherical pulse-Doppler radar: Borrowing from the Phalanx series of armors, the radar allows the Daisy SAS to detect targets beyond the atmosphere of a planet up to about 1 million kilometers. This radar can detect targets the size of shuttles up to half of its max range; from there, it can detect freighter-sized vessels and larger. It cannot detect individual power armor outside of 100,000 km.

Miscellaneous systems

Heavy Fusion Thruster Pack: An attachable backpack on the Daisy's back. It houses the heavy fusion thrusters, which look like two nozzles on each side of the back. The nozzles can be moved via AIES just enough to allow the armor to hover if absolutely necessary, and throttle control is between 5 and 105 percent. The pack comes with its own power generator, but the unit is heavy, so it is generally discarded if an armor is being used on the ground. The unit comes with its own weapon racks and covers the Daisy's built-in ones; if the pack is discarded, weapons on its racks must be put back on the Daisy. The power generator provides about one Yamatai day's worth of fuel at full speed. A sliding scale gives a pilot a rough idea of the fuel usage – 5.6 percent per hour at full speed, 4.2 percent per hour at 75 percent thrust, 2.8 percent at 50 percent thrust, and so on.

Compact Sensor Suite Pack (M6-1C SAS only): Another attachable backpack on the Daisy's back, replacing the Fusion Pack. This pack is slim, a couple inches more narrow than the width of the Daisy's back armor. It features a series of top-mounted antenna that extend when its more powerful radars are in use. The armor it carries is also thinner than that of the normal Yamataium-Durandium armor – it carries a rating of 4 compared to the normal rating of 6 - 7. It is coated in Xiulurium.

Inertia Redirection System: Similar to the Phalanx/Naraku's Gravity Dampener. All Yamataian armors carry some version of it; for the Daisy, the purpose is to aid in movement and provide scalar protection.

Tactical Drones: Deployed from the left shoulder. Two small elliptical drones, each about five inches long, self-powered, provide both extra visual sensor capabilities (around corners, for instance) and point-defense capabilities with a small pulse laser with a range of about 50 meters. The drones carry enough power for about four days of continuous use before needing to redock in their launching box to charge. Takes three hours to charge.

OOC Notes

Approved by Wes on August 10, 20061).

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriespower armor
Product NameDaisy M6 Infantry Power Armor
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 29

stararmy/equipment/daisy_m6_infantry_power_armor.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/13 13:52 by wes