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Wisteria Starbase

The Wisteria, is a Kisaki-class Starbase built at Chiharu no Iori by ketsurui_fleet_yards in YE 36 for the star_army_of_yamatai. It operates out of Fujiko.

Wisteria Starbase


Wisteria is the ninth Kisaki-class Starbase constructed. In ye_37, the nss_sledge_mama arrived to drop off Nekovalkyrja POWs from the NMX and was invited to participate in virtual reality based wargames. During this time, the station was attacked by former members of the Independent Worlds League or a splinter group of it, catching the station off guard.


Wisteria is painted star_army_of_yamatai blue, with the Star Army Hinomaru emblazoned on the top of each habitat module. The command module is white for visibility. Module four is a Ke-H4-M3101e - Military and is the only module with weaponry visible.

stararmy/bases/wisteria.1512325790.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:10 (external edit)