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Tenure/Notable Career Award

The Tenure Award, also called the Notable Career award, is a military award of the Star Army of Yamatai.



The tenure award was one of the original awards from YE 24/2004.


The original requirements to get this award were to be an active member of the Star Army RP for three OOC months. The award could be attained again for each additional three months of active service.

At some point the requirements changed to “This soldier has served more than one in-character year (starting at the date the biography post was approved), and her player has been part of the Star Army community for over six out-of-character months.”

Issuing Authority

The award is issued by:


The tenure award is gunmetal gray with sand red thick stripes on both ends.


Notable Recipients

Recipients by Star Army Personnel Database

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2017/08/06 16:05 by Wes.

stararmy/awards/tenure.1700618212.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:06 (external edit)