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Operation La Prossima

Operation La Prossima is a Plots run by GM Rizzo with a focus on stealth combat, unraveling the mystery of ST Data Fragmentation, and the occasional foray into places unknown.

Plot Details

Operation La Prossima
Current RP Pending
Faction Star Army Intelligence
Game Master Rizzo
Pacing Single Posts Once A Week Minimum
Number of Players 0
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Must be comfortable potential injury and death
RP Rating 2-2-3

Plot Overview

The party will follow leads that will shed light on the cause of the elusive disorder known as ST Data Fragmentation, an affliction of the Neko Operating System that corrupts a person's ST data and backups and leads to insanity and the ability to even corrupt another digital mind maliciously. In addition to tracking these leads the party will periodically need confront exceptionally dangerous enemies. This plot will contain its happy moments along with sad ones, successes along with failures, and will challenge common views of morality as the party encounters difficult situations. This plot is extremely high risk as we will be using the Optional Combat Ruleset that is still in development and might need adjustment as we go. Adding to the danger is a narrative element, some of the enemies we are facing can even cause permanent death to player characters. By participating in this plot members must be willing to be partially surrender right 31) of the Player's Rights. Right 3 will be upheld between players, but given the nature of the plot ST copying, total ST corruption, and serious combat related injuries are an ever-present reality. Players will know when these dangerous elements are present and will not be forced to begin these encounters, however once begun your character will not always be able to drop out. Player drop outs will be handled in good faith as an NPC until the nearest stepping off point in which any number of bad things can happen during the encounter. If you are a war-gamer or a serious board-gamer, this is the plot for you. We are looking for mature players who enjoy chaos and carnage, and don't shy away from the dangers of futuristic warfare.


After the death of Candon Suites revealed the danger of leaving the ST Data Fragmentation unchecked Deputy Director of Star Army Intelligence, Jinja Emi, ordered the ST backups of Candon Suites be studied and an investigation of this disorder of the digital mind be initiated in YE 43 following the Battle Of Glimmergold. During the formation of this project Dr. Shinobu Kenja was brought onboard to lead the project to rebuild a usable copy of the killed Star Army Intelligence Operative Candon Suites' who'd been unable to be brought back to life due to the unknown corruption of his ST backup over years. This effort would fail to bring back Candon but would result in the recreation of the SAINT initiate who'd taken on that alias. The brilliant, yet slightly unethical, Dr. Shinobu followed with the spirit in which the project had been issued by brutally forcing the corrupted memories of Candon Suites into the restored initiate by means of chemical injections and manual re-coding of the man's Neko OS in real-time simulations. His efforts would find success in YE 44 and the reconstructed man's new alias would later be assigned, Initzio Barone. This project armed SAINT with copious amounts of data that would prove useful in the year to come.

During YE 45 analysts would use this data to begin compiling leads on potential causes, cures, and threats connected to this condition. Wanting the mission to end ST Fragmentation once and for all to be handled by someone who could understand the problem intimately, SAINT Director Nakaide Shida authorized Barone's request to receive accelerated training in starship operation and command as well as to be the one to lead the mission. In YE 46 the project was promoted to Operation La Prossima and a small team was assembled.

GM Availability

Rizzo is in the US Eastern timezone and is available most of the day at this time.

Team Members

Characters involved in Operation La Prossima Are:

ST Fragmentation Task Force
Player Discord Character Role Picture
Rizzo Rizzo Initzio Barone Star Army Intelligence Operative, Team Lead
Reynolds Reynolds Oodori Tsumenaga Star Army Intelligence Operative
Sosina Sosina Orianna Paddenmour Star Army Intelligence Operative, Star Army Armorer
Charaa Charra Ryuko Takashashi Star Army Intelligence Operative
Charmaylarg Charmaylarg Dufrain Itatski Suzume Star Army Intelligence Operative
Spaceeye Mikodimus Mikodimus Liber Belmont Rikugun Cook, Infantry
Bloodyscarlet BloodyScarlet Taharial Chasan Star Army Medical
Madi Harper HarperMadi Lisa Alice "Thorn" Ironhart Special Personnel Projects irregular, Data Broker
Support Staff
Player Discord Character Role Picture
Hollander Hollander Dr. Shinobu Kenja Lead Scientist, ST Data expert
Nakshatra Gingerglitch Dokusei Kaori Special Personnel Projects, ST Data Fragmentation Scientist, Medic
Off-Base Assignment
Gles Gles Silas Volker Star Army Intelligence Operative
Sunny D Sunny D Katerina Valla Star Army Intelligence Operative

OOC Notes

Rizzo created this article on 2024/02/08 20:55.

Last Checked2024/02/22
Characters WantedSAINT Operatives and persons of interest.
Players must be comfortable with death and injury and think tactically as this plot will have real dangers present.
3. I have the sole right to back up my character's mind with in-character mental backup systems if they available in my faction. Other players in the game cannot force me to roleplay by creating another version of my character by using ST technology.

plots/operation_la_prossima.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/13 17:22 by wes