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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
651Juuitsu Farm Complexbusiness, farmIndependentTeisenjousafe
652Kachimi (Victory) Parkgovernment facility, parkYamatai Star EmpireTeisenjousafe
653Toyotomi Training Institutebusiness, schoolYamatai Star EmpireTernifacsafe
654BastiaplanetIndependentThe Nassau Systemmoderate
655MorantplanetIndependentThe Nassau Systemsafe
657Jiyuu JobuildingYamatai Star EmpireTokyosafe
658Pagoda BeachparkYamatai Star EmpireTokyosafe
659Fort Tokyomilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireTokyo
660Fort Garanchoumilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireTouketsusafe
661Tsuyosa (Planet)planetYamatai Star EmpireTsuyosasafe
662Taurus Star Fortressmilitary facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireTsuyosa
663Desperados RestaurantrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireUesureyan Fieldssafe
664UsuikukimoonYamatai Star EmpireUshobrakflug Systemsafe
665Scrapyard Systemstar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaUX Series Star Systemshigh
666UX-28star systemUX Series Star Systemslow
667UX-1 IplanetIndependentUX-1low
668UX-10 IplanetInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaUX-10high
669UX-11 IXplanetInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaUX-11high
671UX-13 Training Center (Fort Ready II)military facilityYamatai Star EmpireUX-13 Training Center (Fort Ready II)
672UX-2 I 36planetYamatai Star EmpireUX-2low
673Sakura No MeplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-21safe
675aisu.jpegAisuplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-27 Systemsafe
676Fo-jiplanetUX-27 Systemmoderate
677HyougaplanetUX-27 Systemhigh
678KamaplanetUX-27 Systemhigh
679RogueplanetUX-27 Systemlow
680takara.jpegTakara IplanetUX-27 Systemsafe
681YomiplanetUX-27 Systemlow
682UX-28 IplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-28low
683NebelplanetIndependentUX-29 AKA UX-HB-0 'Vagabond'low
684UX-29 IIIplanetUX-29 AKA UX-HB-0 'Vagabond'low
685UX-3 IIplanetIndependentUX-3low
686UX-3 IIIplanetIndependentUX-3low
687Sood ZadracityIndependentUX-3 IIImoderate
688UX-4 IplanetUX-4low
689UX-5 IVplanetIndependentUX-5moderate
690UX-7 IplanetIndependentUX-7safe
691UX-8 IplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-8safe
692UX-9 IIplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-9safe
693UX-HB-1 I 'Owan to Tama'planetUX-HB-1 'Juggler'safe
694Inferno WindbarIndependentValaad (An Rhy)low
695Akarui Star Fortressmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireValentinesafe
696Fort Shizukamilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireValentine
697Ronica (Planet)planetYamatai Star EmpireVeronicasafe
698Chiharu no Ioricity, military facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireVeronicasafe
699Fort Hikarimilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireVirginiasafe
700Virginia Fleet Depotmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireVirginia

places.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes