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The Gremlin-Class Cyber-Warfare Suite

The Gremlin-class Cyber-Warfare Suite is an electronic warfare suite, used by the New Dusk Conclave since YE 42. It is still in operation in the current year of YE 43.

About the Gremlin

The Gremlin is an integrated set of programs within the subsystems in a Starship which allows an AI to aid a ship in battle via hacking, detecting, and capturing. It has an expansive set of capabilities that are both unique and similar but meant to be a real competitor to the other electronic cyber-warfare suites in the Kikyo sector. It achieves this via hacking the systems of the targeted ship, and in the process disrupting the enemy ships. This was to distract the enemy, to allow the hacking ship to either escape, or make it easier to destroy the enemy ship.

While distracting the enemy ship, it can cause problems to the ship systems such as:

  • Power Outages
  • External damages causing sparks
  • Slowing reaction time for enemy AI
  • Power surges to cause damage


Nyx Pine created the Gremlin-class Cyber-warfare Suite after endless research and study of the technology given to them by Origin Industries’s technology such as the starships and the specific tech used by New Dusk Conclave. Having learned to program from certain members of the Department of Engineering. She then succeeded in creating the Cyber-warfare Suite, now housed in her Heavy Corvette, the Night Star.

She designed it as a set of integrated starship systems, intended to protect the Ships of the New Dusk Conclave and Nyx’s Starship. Later on, however, she discovered that the New Dusk Conclave only had the use of those systems they were able to create or buy, so she sold the program, and the hardware to the NDC's national corps and the Department of Engineering so that they could be manufactured for the use of the fleet.

The Cyber-Warfare suite was given the name of Gremlin after the myth that electronic items don't work because there were Gremlins inside causing havoc.


The Gremlin Cyber-Warfare Suite is set up with the state-of-the art in for Cyber Warfare technology. It can achieve some of the same features found in the Kikyo sector’s nation’s Cyber Warfare and it is cable of operating a distance of 2 AU. To set itself apart from the others, there were additional features as part of the complete Gremlin-Class builds for the Star ship defense.

To set itself apart from the others, there were additional features as part of the complete Gremlin-Class builds for the Star ship defense.

Cyber Hacking

The Gremlin-class can use Cyber Hacking using either a Probe1), which can attach itself to a target ship. Or a direct electronic signal which allows the Gremlin program to infiltrate the systems of the enemy combatant. If the probe is secured, it can extend the duration or range of hacking via remote access. With the probes, the Gremlin can also generate a Pulse which further disrupts sensors.

Also, the Gremlin can deactivate alarms which would stop any additional forces being encountered by the invaders. It can also stop countdowns for explosions, or ship self-destruction, and can stop the doors from closing, preventing escape. The Gremlin can also open doors to allow escape, or open doors to distract enemies, perhaps even creating an explosion.

The Gremlin can via hacking can send the enemy ships decillion bits of junk data. This was to slow processing power of the enemy ship.

The Kraken Drone

Another drone that the Gremlin can control and use is one that some have called the Kraken. This drone is a kamikaze bomber in how it just shoots at the enemy Starship, to connect with the Ship. Once connected, it emits this electromagnetic field as opaque red tentacles which wrap around a starship, like the fabled Kraken.

At various points, along the tentacles there are suction cups with a smaller drone that allows the drone to absorb the energy of the targets shields, and should the shields be drained, it continues on the ship. The drone is programmed to steal the energy from all ship systems, except for life-support, which means the ship is stuck since it can’t go anywhere.


Every ship in the New Dusk Conclave has use of NDC Standard Communications to communicate with each other, and the other ships in the Kikyo Sector. Using the Gremlin, the NDC can filter their communications to detect whether a traitor or a spy has sent hidden communications within the signals. They can also detect if the systems have a malicious code that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Communication Disruptions

The Gremlin can also cause a distraction for enemy vessels by generating sensor noises and transmitting malicious code.

Stealth Compatible

The Gremlin is compatible with stealth hardware such as the Electronic Camouflage System and the Ancile shield system as add-ons to its capabilities, however, these systems are not required for the Gremlin to operate.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2020/05/07 22:16.

approved by Wes originally on Dec 4, 2021

which is about 36 inches or 3 feet

faction/ndc/systems/warsuite.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/07 05:57 (external edit)