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Mining Guild

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Finance Division


Expedition Team



Mining Guild Property





    • Ironskin Settlement
    • Mount Venture Settlement
    • Astral Settlement
    • Tundra plains Settlement
    • Freezy Land Settlement

Space Station

Mobile Settlements



The Mining Guild has its own Shipyard

Defense Platforms



Special Ships


AI and Technology


Systems Owned

Shared Control


Mining Guild Headquarters

The Mining Guild headquarters, located in the commercial district of Obsidian City, was established in YE 41 as the central hub for the guild's mining operations and administrative activities.


Here is the History of the Headquarters of the Mining Guild.

YE 41.1 - Formation of the Idea

In the early months of Ye 41, the leadership of the Mining Guild, guided by Astrid Kurosaki, began discussing the need for a centralized headquarters to streamline their operations and strengthen their presence in the mining industry. Astrid's twin sister, Aeta Kurosaki, and Lady Nyx Pine, the royal representative agreed with her idea.

YE 41.2 - The Pine Connection

Nyx's insights into commerce and politics proved invaluable in navigating the bureaucratic complexities involved in establishing the headquarters. Her expertise opened doors to essential resources and connections. Then after extensive research and negotiations, a location was chosen in the bustling commercial district of Obsidian City. This site offered proximity to essential suppliers, transportation hubs, and a skilled labor force, all vital to the guild's operations. It was also strategically situated to facilitate interaction with other key players in the mining industry.

YE 41.3 - Groundbreaking Ceremony

In the late months of Ye 41, the Mining Guild held a grand groundbreaking ceremony for the headquarters. Dignitaries, miners, and local residents gathered to witness the historic event, marking the beginning of the construction phase. Over the next few weeks, construction progressed swiftly. State-of-the-art facilities, administrative offices, and technological infrastructure were developed to support the guild's diverse operations. The diligent efforts of the guild's leadership, supported by Nyx Pine's influence, ensured the project stayed on track.

YE 41.9 - Inauguration and Ongoing Operations

As Ye 41 drew to a close, the Mining Guild headquarters was officially inaugurated. This marked a significant milestone in the guild's history, reflecting their commitment to excellence in mining and their dedication to responsible resource management. Under the capable leadership of Astrid Kurosaki, and with the ongoing guidance of Aeta Kurosaki and Nyx Pine, the headquarters stood as a beacon of innovation and progress in the mining industry.

YE 45.8 Expansion of Headquarters

Hoping to expand on the headquarters building, Astrid purchases abandoned buildings and land set directly on the city block that were abandoned, by other entreprenuers which aids in her plan of physical expansion.

About the Page

The Mining Guild headquarters is situated in the heart of Obsidian City, in the Capital of the NDC, and there are branches within the bustling DracoTown of Draco Eridanus system, and one in Arcadia's commercial district in Nephis. and NovaTown, which is located in Station Decacron. This prime location not only grants easy access to essential suppliers and transportation hubs but also places the headquarters within proximity to various businesses, financial institutions, and cultural attractions within the same city block.


The Mining Guild headquarters boasts a comprehensive layout designed to support its diverse operations:

Mining Guild Headquarters Layout Description
Executive Offices The executive offices include the office of Astrid Kurosaki, the CEO, as well as her twin sister, Aeta's office, who serves as the COO. Additionally, Nyx Pine's office, as the Royal Representative, plays a significant role in the headquarters' leadership.
Administrative Offices Basic administrative offices are strategically positioned to facilitate efficient coordination and communication.
Central Command Center This is the nerve center of the headquarters, where crucial decisions are made, and mining operations are coordinated.
Training Facilities Dedicated areas for training and skill development, allowing guild members to stay at the forefront of mining techniques and safety protocols.
Warehouses Spacious warehouses are essential for storing mining equipment, resources, and materials.
Common Areas These areas provide relaxation and socialization spaces for guild members during breaks.
Lobby The welcoming lobby serves as the headquarters' public face and a point of contact for visitors and stakeholders.


100,000 Square KM


The Mining Guild Headquarters boasts a distinctive appearance, blending the practicality of repurposed starship materials with the timeless elegance of marble stone. This unique fusion results in a headquarters that stands as a testament to the guild's commitment to both function and aesthetics.

color scheme

  • Starship Metal Accents: Much of the headquarters' structure is constructed from repurposed starship materials, showcasing an industrial and metallic color palette. Expect to see shades of steel gray, brushed aluminum, and dark silver, adding an element of durability and a connection to the guild's mining roots.
  • Marble Elegance: To infuse a touch of grandeur and sophistication, sections of the headquarters feature marble stone accents. These areas exhibit classic shades of white, gray, and beige, offering a striking contrast to the utilitarian starship components.
  • Mining Guild Insignia: Throughout the building, the Mining Guild's emblem is prominently displayed in various locations, often featuring bold colors such as deep blue, gold, or crimson to symbolize the organization's prestige and authority.


  • Starship Components: The initial construction of the headquarters incorporated salvaged starship materials, repurposed from decommissioned vessels. These materials provide the building with a sturdy and technologically advanced framework, emphasizing the guild's ties to the mining industry and space exploration.
  • Marble Additions: As part of a recent renovation or expansion, marble was introduced to enhance the aesthetics of select areas. Marble facades and columns were carefully integrated into the design, creating visually stunning sections that juxtapose the metallic elements.
  • Architectural Harmony: Architects and designers carefully married these contrasting materials, ensuring that the transition from starship metals to marble is both visually appealing and structurally sound. This harmonious integration showcases the organization's ability to combine innovation with tradition.

This blend of materials, colors, and architectural elements not only underscores the practicality and adaptability of the Mining Guild but also showcases its commitment to creating an inspiring and visually captivating corporate headquarters.

Lighting Scheme

The Mining Guild Headquarters, and indeed the Branch Headquarters, has light based technology, added to its Interier and Exterior, and those are listed below. The lights however are energy efficient, similar to LED lighting to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs while still providing excellent illumination.

Exterior Lighting

The Exterior of the Mining Guild headquarters, is lit up in several places with lights, and below is a list of what those are.

  • Architectural Lighting: This Illuminate the architectural elements of the building, such as the facades, columns, and entrances. This is done through up lighting, around the sides of the building, while the entrances are wall-mounted fixtures. This is made to highlight the structure's design and adds depth and dimension to the building's exterior.
  • Feature Lighting: This is specialized lighting which makes the Mining Guild Emblem stand out, as a form of accent lighting.
  • Pathway Lighting: path lights along walkways and pedestrian areas leading to and from the headquarters. This is done primarily to enhance safety and guide visitors but also create an inviting atmosphere in the evening.
  • Landscape Lighting: within the outdoor areas of the Mining Guild headquarters, were special lighting, to showcase the surrounding greenery, gardens, and outdoor art installations. This was done to accentuate the natural beauty of the headquarters' outdoor areas.
  • Color-Changing Lights: most of the lights incorporated, are color changing, to create dynamic lighting effects, especially for special events or holidays. In the hopes of adding versatility and excitement to the headquarters' appearance.
  • Dusk-to-Dawn Fixtures: For safety and security, install dusk-to-dawn fixtures that automatically turn on when natural light levels decrease. These fixtures can ensure the headquarters is well-lit during nighttime hours.
  • Floodlights: Consider floodlights to provide broad, even illumination in areas like parking lots or loading docks. Floodlights are ideal for ensuring safety and security in large, open spaces.
  • Safety Lighting: Ensure that all emergency exits and evacuation routes are well-lit with safety lighting. This is crucial for the safety of employees and visitors in case of emergencies.

Interior Lighting

The interior lighting of the Mining Guild Headquarters, is arefully designed to create a comfortable and productive environment for employees and visitors. Here are some types of interior lights for the building:

  • General Ambient Lighting: This type of lighting provides overall illumination in common areas, hallways, and open office spaces. recessed ceiling fixtures are used for the executive offices,while flush-mounted fixtures are in the common areas, and halls, are used to evenly distribute light.
  • Cove Lighting: Cove lighting is a hidden source of light that directs illumination upwards, creating a soft, indirect glow on the ceiling. It's often used in corridors and reception areas to add a touch of elegance. Task Lighting: Task lighting is used to provide focused illumination for specific work areas, such as desks, workstations, and conference tables. Adjustable Desk lamps, are used for task lighting.
  • Accent Lighting: Accent lighting are used to highlight architectural features, artwork, or decorative elements within the building. For this purpose, the mining Guild use Track Lighting, and wall-mounted fixtures, for accent lighting.

Crystalin Chandeliers are used in larger areas such as atriums or grand lobbies to make a dramatic statement. and they were made into a fusion of classic and contemporary.

  • Linear and Panel Lighting: Linear fixtures, like the rest of the lights use LED lighting systems, which are used in modern office spaces to create clean lines of light. Primarily, for the conference room
  • Emergency Lighting: in the event of power outages emergency lighting, including exit signs and battery-powered backup lighting, ensures that the building has appropriate to guide occupants safely


The Mining Guild Headquarters is a sprawling complex designed to accommodate the various departments and functions of the organization. It consists of multiple interconnected buildings arranged around a central courtyard. The layout incorporates both functional spaces and areas for collaboration and relaxation. The main building serves as the central hub of activity. It houses the executive offices, boardrooms, and administrative departments. The top floors feature glass-walled offices that offer panoramic views of the surrounding area. The ground floor includes a grand lobby with a reception area, a conference center, and a spacious auditorium for large meetings and presentations.

Corporate Offices

The mining Guild Headquarters houses multiple corporate offices, belonging to the Mining Guild.

Astrid’s (CEO) Office

Astrid Kurosaki's office is situated on the top floor of the Mining Guild Headquarters, offering her a commanding view of Obsidian City's commercial district and a sense of authority. The office is strategically placed in the executive wing, providing easy access to the heart of the guild's operations while maintaining a degree of privacy and prestige.

The office itself is a spacious corner suite with large, floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides, allowing natural light to flood the room during the day. The walls are adorned with framed maps and geological diagrams that reflect the Mining Guild's rich history and ongoing operations. A rich color palette of earthy tones, deep blues, and metallic accents gives the space a sense of gravitas and professionalism.

Additional Info

Astrid's office is not just a place of work but a reflection of her dedication to the Mining Guild's mission and the pride she takes in her role as CEO. It is a space where she can meet with her leadership team, strategize, make important decisions, and connect with the history and future of the guild.

Office Contents Astrid's office is meticulously organized and designed for both functionality and inspiration. Here's what you might find within:

  • Executive Desk: A large, high-quality desk made of polished wood and metal, positioned to overlook the city. The desk is typically clutter-free, except for a few essential items like a computer, phone, and an array of neatly stacked paperwork.
  • Comfortable Seating: A set of plush leather chairs and a small seating area, ideal for informal meetings and discussions with guild members, associates, or dignitaries.
  • Bookshelves: Tall bookshelves lined with volumes on mining history, geology, leadership, and strategy, underscoring Astrid's commitment to knowledge and expertise.
  • Display Case: A glass display case showcasing valuable minerals, crystals, and geological artifacts, highlighting the guild's core mission
  • Artwork: The walls are adorned with artistic interpretations of mining scenes, geological landscapes, and paintings that reflect the guild's heritage.
  • Personal Touches: Personal mementos and awards, such as framed photographs, commendations, and gifts from colleagues and guild members, add warmth and character to the space.
  • Technology: Astrid has a computer workstation, large monitor, and communication devices to stay connected with the guild's global operations and leadership team.
  • View of the City: The corner location provides sweeping views of Obsidian City, offering Astrid a constant reminder of the guild's impact on the local community and the world of mining.
  • Plants and Greenery: Potted plants and succulents placed near the windows add a touch of nature and tranquility to the office.
  • Mood Lighting: Adjustable lighting fixtures allow Astrid to set the right ambiance for various meetings and tasks.

Aeta’s (COO) Office

Aeta Kurosaki's office is strategically positioned on the same executive wing as her sister Astrid's CEO office within the Mining Guild Headquarters. The layout and design reflect her role as the COO, emphasizing efficiency, collaboration, and leadership.

Aeta's office is adjacent to Astrid's, ensuring close proximity for collaborative discussions and quick decision-making. The office is spacious, well-lit, and designed to create a productive yet comfortable atmosphere.

Additional Info

Aeta's office is a dynamic hub where the operational aspects of the Mining Guild are managed efficiently. It serves as a command center for overseeing and coordinating the guild's activities, fostering collaboration among her team members, and ensuring the guild's mission is executed effectively.

Office Contents Aeta's office is carefully curated to facilitate her responsibilities as COO while also allowing for a personal touch. Here's what you might find within:

  • Functional Workspace: Aeta's desk is designed for productivity, featuring a modern, ergonomic design with ample workspace for her computer, documents, and other essential tools. The desk is often organized with a minimalistic approach, focused on efficiency.
  • Collaboration Area: A small meeting area with comfortable seating and a coffee table is set up for informal discussions with department heads and other team members. This space encourages open communication and quick decision-making.
  • Whiteboard: A wall-mounted whiteboard is used for brainstorming sessions and visualizing strategic plans, keeping a focus on operations and efficiency.
  • Organizational Tools: Shelves and cabinets are filled with operational manuals, process documents, and project plans to help Aeta manage the daily workings of the guild effectively.
  • Technology Hub: Aeta has access to a state-of-the-art computer workstation, with multiple screens and fast processing capabilities, facilitating data analysis, communication, and real-time oversight of the guild's activities.
  • Strategic Library: A bookshelf or digital resource center contains materials on leadership, management, and operational excellence, reflecting Aeta's commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Motivational Art: Artwork, posters, or quotes related to leadership, teamwork, and mining industry success adorn the walls, creating a motivational atmosphere.
  • Personal Touches: Aeta's office is personalized with a few family photos and mementos, creating a welcoming and inspiring workspace.
  • View of Operations: Windows offer a view of the headquarters' bustling operational areas, allowing Aeta to maintain a direct connection to the guild's day-to-day activities.
  • Efficient Lighting: Adjustable lighting fixtures are available to ensure the appropriate ambiance for different tasks, whether it's focused work, meetings, or relaxation.

Royal Representative Office

Nyx Pine's office is strategically located within the executive wing of the Mining Guild Headquarters, adjacent to the offices of Astrid Kurosaki (CEO) and Aeta Kurosaki (COO). This location signifies her role as a key liaison between the Mining Guild and external stakeholders, including royalty and government officials.

Nyx's office exudes professionalism and diplomacy, with an ambiance that is both inviting and regal. The space is designed to host dignitaries and facilitate diplomatic discussions.

Additional Info

Nyx's office serves as a diplomatic center where she can host discussions, negotiations, and collaborations with representatives of royal families, government officials, and international partners. The office represents a bridge between the Mining Guild's leadership and its external stakeholders, fostering goodwill and diplomatic relationships.

Office Contents

Nyx's office reflects her dual roles as a representative of the Mining Guild and a member of a prestigious royal family. Here's what you might find within:

  • Reception Area: Nyx's office may feature a small reception area where visitors can wait comfortably before meetings. This space is adorned with plush seating, a coffee table, and artwork showcasing the history of the Mining Guild.
  • Executive Desk: A well-appointed desk, often made from high-quality wood and metal, serves as the focal point of the room. The desk is typically organized with a computer, phone, and a few essential documents.
  • Meeting Table: A conference table with seating for multiple guests is available for formal meetings, discussions, and negotiations. The table is often made from polished wood or marble to convey a sense of importance.
  • Diplomatic Artifacts: Nyx's office may contain diplomatic artifacts, such as ceremonial gifts from royalty, cultural artifacts, or artworks representing the cultural heritage of the guild's partners and associates.
  • Bookshelves: A collection of diplomatic, historical, and cultural books and documents are available for reference and research, reflecting Nyx's role in fostering international relationships.
  • Technology Hub: A computer workstation with advanced communication capabilities ensures Nyx can maintain contact with the guild's global partners and royalty. Video conferencing equipment is often available.
  • Art and Decor: The office is decorated with artwork, portraits, and symbols of the Mining Guild and the associated royal families. These elements reinforce the alliance and history between the guild and the royal families.
  • Personal Touches: Personal family photos and mementos, which provide a connection to Nyx's heritage, are subtly placed throughout the office.
  • View of the City: Large windows offer views of Obsidian City, connecting the office with the external world and emphasizing the guild's presence in the community.
  • Elegant Lighting: Lighting fixtures, including chandeliers and elegant table lamps, create a refined ambiance for meetings and discussions.

Administrative offices

The administrative offices of the Mining Guild are located on a dedicated floor within the headquarters, designed for the efficient operation of the guild's administrative functions. This area is easily accessible from various parts of the building, making it a central hub for the administrative staff and other employees. Office Contents: The administrative offices serve as the backbone of the Mining Guild's operations, facilitating essential administrative, financial, legal, and communication functions. This area ensures the smooth operation of the organization and supports the guild's strategic goals and initiatives.

  • Cubicles and Workstations: The administrative area features rows of cubicles and workstations for administrative staff, including personnel responsible for human resources, finance, communications, and other support functions.
  • Guild Royal Representative Corps Department: A designated area, responsible for personnel management, recruitment, employee relations, and training. This space may include meeting rooms for interviews and orientation.
  • Finance and Accounting: Offices and workstations for the finance and accounting teams, equipped with financial software, accounting tools, and secure storage for financial records.
  • Communications Department: The communications department area includes offices for public relations, marketing, and internal communications staff, as well as a media center for producing promotional materials.
  • Legal Department: Offices for the legal department, including in-house legal counsel and compliance officers responsible for ensuring the guild adheres to all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Meeting Rooms: A variety of meeting rooms, ranging from small huddle spaces for quick discussions to larger conference rooms for formal meetings, are dispersed throughout the administrative area.
  • Executive Support Offices: Offices for executive assistants and support staff who provide assistance to the guild's leadership, including Astrid Kurosaki (CEO) and Aeta Kurosaki (COO).
  • Library and Resource Center: A resource center or library with reference materials, industry reports, and documents necessary for administrative and research purposes.
  • Mailroom and Office Supplies: A mailroom for processing incoming and outgoing mail, as well as a storage area for office supplies and equipment.
  • Breakroom and Lounge: A designated breakroom or lounge area for employees to relax, enjoy meals, and take short breaks.
  • Copy and Printing Center: A copy and printing center with high-speed printers, scanners, and other equipment for producing documents and reports.
  • IT and Tech Support: A section for IT and technical support staff who maintain the technology infrastructure, troubleshoot issues, and assist employees with technology-related concerns.


The boardrooms and meeting spaces within the Mining Guild Headquarters are strategically located to accommodate various types of meetings, ranging from high-level executive discussions to collaborative exchange of ideas among guild members and external partners.discussions, and decision-making processes, team sessions and training. These spaces are designed to facilitate collaboration and communication among guild members, leadership, and external stakeholders.

Boardrooms and Meeting Spaces

  • Executive Boardroom: The Executive Boardroom is a prestigious and well-appointed meeting space reserved for high-level discussions, including board meetings and strategic planning sessions. It features a large conference table, executive seating, advanced audio-visual equipment, and a dedicated area for presentations.
  • Conference Rooms: Multiple conference rooms of varying sizes are dispersed throughout the headquarters, each equipped with a conference table, seating, and presentation tools. These rooms are ideal for department meetings, project discussions, and cross-functional collaboration.
  • Committee Meeting Rooms: Smaller meeting rooms, often located near executive offices, are dedicated to specific committees and working groups within the Mining Guild. These rooms support focused discussions on specialized topics.
  • Teleconference and Video Conferencing Rooms: These rooms are equipped with advanced technology for remote meetings, allowing guild members to connect with colleagues and partners from around the world.
  • Training Rooms: Training rooms are designed for skill development and educational sessions, featuring multimedia capabilities, whiteboards, and flexible seating arrangements.
  • Innovation and Ideation Spaces: These creative meeting spaces are designed for brainstorming, idea generation, and innovation sessions. They may feature interactive whiteboards, movable furniture, and inspirational decor.
  • Informal Huddle Spaces: Small, casual meeting spaces provide flexibility for quick discussions and impromptu gatherings. These spaces are often furnished with comfortable seating and are strategically located throughout the building.
  • Video Presentation Rooms: These rooms are equipped with large screens or video walls for impactful presentations and are used for showcasing mining operations, projects, and achievements to stakeholders.
  • Multi-Purpose Conference Offices: In addition to traditional meeting rooms, multi-purpose conference offices are available for one-on-one discussions or private consultations. These offices offer a degree of confidentiality and are used for sensitive matters.
  • Meeting Support Facilities: Each meeting space is equipped with audio-visual technology, including large displays, video conferencing equipment, and audio systems. A central control center is available to assist with technical support during meetings.
  • Adjoining Lounge Areas: Adjoining lounge areas provide comfortable spaces for participants to relax before or after meetings, fostering informal conversations and relationship-building.

Central Command Center

The Central Command Center is strategically positioned within the Mining Guild Headquarters to serve as the nerve center of the organization, and as a crucial hub for coordinating all aspects of mining operations1), safety, resource management, and communication. This location is highly secure, and is equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by experienced professionals to ensure the smooth and safe functioning of the guild's mining activities.

Central Command Center Contents:

  • Control Room: The heart of the Central Command Center is the control room, which features a wall of monitors and display screens. This room is staffed by experienced operators who monitor real-time data related to mining activities, equipment status, and safety measures.
  • Data Analysis Hub: An adjacent data analysis hub houses a team of data analysts who interpret the information collected from mining sites, ensuring efficient resource allocation and supporting informed decision-making.
  • Communication Hub: The Central Command Center is equipped with advanced communication technology, including a network of radios, satellite connections, and dedicated lines of communication with mining teams and emergency response units.
  • Emergency Response Desk: A dedicated desk and team are responsible for coordinating emergency responses and ensuring the safety of mining personnel in the event of accidents, natural disasters, or other unexpected incidents.
  • Security Monitoring: Surveillance cameras and security personnel monitor the premises around the clock, safeguarding the headquarters and its sensitive operations.
  • Geological Monitoring: Advanced geological monitoring equipment is integrated to provide real-time information on rock formations, shifts, and other geological factors that could impact mining operations.
  • Resource Management: Resource management specialists in this area oversee the allocation of mining equipment, materials, and personnel to optimize efficiency and productivity.
  • Emergency Protocols: The Central Command Center has a system for instantaneously notifying mining teams of emergency situations or the need to evacuate a mine.
  • Safety Training Area: A designated area within the center is used for conducting safety training sessions, ensuring that all mining personnel are well-prepared to handle potential risks.
  • Interactive Maps: Large interactive maps and displays provide a visual representation of mining sites, resource locations, and operational progress.
  • Energy Management: Engineers and technicians are on hand to monitor and regulate the energy infrastructure, including power distribution and backup generators.

Situation Room: A dedicated room provides a secure environment for high-level decision-makers to convene during crises or major operational decisions. It is equipped with communication technology and data analysis tools.


The Mining Guild Headquarters as a massive building is split off into multiple wings, as Department2)

Department Wings

The Mining Guild Headquarters is designed with dedicated wings for various departments, each tailored to the specific functions and needs of the department. These wings surround the main building, creating a comprehensive and efficient environment for the guild's operations.

Board of Directors Wing

Location: Prominently located on an upper floor, offering a commanding view of the city.

Contents: The Board of Directors Wing houses the offices of the board members and provides space for board meetings and discussions. It features a large boardroom with advanced communication and presentation equipment.

Finance Wing

Location: Adjacent to the central command center and close to the executive offices.

Contents: The Finance Wing includes offices for financial analysts, accountants, and treasury management staff. It also features secure storage for financial records and vaults for safeguarding important documents.

Marketing Wing

Location: On a floor with access to a dedicated marketing communications center.

Contents: The Marketing Wing houses marketing professionals, branding experts, and public relations staff. It features a creative workspace, design studios, Mining Guild Sector Media and areas for strategizing marketing campaigns.

Exploration Team Wing

Location: Close to the geological monitoring and data analysis centers.

Contents: The Exploration Team Wing is equipped with geologists' offices, laboratories for analyzing mineral samples, and a collaboration area for sharing geological data.

Corporate Security Wing

Location: Positioned strategically to provide surveillance over the entire headquarters.

Contents: The Corporate Security Wing houses the security command center, where security personnel monitor surveillance cameras, access control, and emergency response systems. It also includes offices for security administrators.

Resource Extraction Team Wing:

Location: Directly adjacent to the central command center.

Contents: The Resource Extraction Team Wing provides a central hub for miners. It features locker rooms, equipment storage, safety training facilities, and shift coordination offices.

Creative and Development Wing

Location: Close to the central command center and geological analysis labs. Contents: This wing is dedicated to research and development activities. It includes cutting-edge research labs, design studios, and collaborative spaces for innovation.

Logistics Wing

Location: Positioned for efficient access to loading docks and transportation areas.

Contents: The Logistics Wing houses offices for logistics managers, supply chain experts, and inventory control staff. It also includes storage facilities for equipment and resources.

Guild Royal Representative Corps Wing

Location: Near the main entrance for easy accessibility.

Contents: The Guild Royal Representative Corps Wing is responsible for personnel management. It features resources offices, training rooms, and areas for orientation and recruitment activities.

Branches Wing

Location: Positioned for accessibility and visibility to accommodate visiting branch representatives.

Contents: The Branches Wing serves as a hub for representatives from regional branches of the Mining Guild. It provides meeting spaces, workstations, and communication facilities for branch personnel.

Research and Development labs

The Research and Development (R&D) Labs of the Mining Guild are located within a dedicated wing of the headquarters, close to the central command center and geological analysis labs. This strategic location allows for close collaboration between the Thinkers Group, C&D team and the geological experts.

Lab Contents The R&D Labs of the Mining Guild serve as a dynamic hub for research, innovation, and development in the mining industry. Researchers and scientists work diligently to improve mining practices, enhance safety measures, and create sustainable solutions that contribute to the guild's ongoing success.

  • Research Laboratories: The R&D wing features a series of state-of-the-art research laboratories equipped with cutting-edge scientific equipment. These labs are used for conducting experiments, analyzing mineral samples, and developing new mining technologies.
  • Geological Analysis Center: A specialized section of the R&D labs is dedicated to geological analysis. Geologists work here to study rock formations, mineral composition, and geological data, helping to identify potential mining sites and optimize extraction methods.
  • Mineral Sample Storage: The labs include secure storage areas for mineral samples collected from mining sites. These samples serve as a valuable resource for research, analysis, and reference.
  • Innovative Materials Development: A specific area within the labs is focused on the development of innovative materials and mining technologies. Researchers work on creating new, more efficient tools and equipment for mining operations.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Researchers conduct environmental impact assessments to ensure that mining activities align with sustainability and environmental regulations. This area may include tools for monitoring ecological effects.
  • Experimentation Zones: The labs feature controlled experimentation zones for testing mining equipment and techniques under various conditions. Researchers can simulate real-world scenarios to evaluate performance and safety.
  • Data Analysis Stations: Data analysts work at stations equipped with advanced computers and software for analyzing data collected from experiments, mining operations, and geological surveys.
  • Collaboration Areas: Open spaces with whiteboards, project boards, and comfortable seating are provided to encourage collaboration among researchers and geologists. These areas serve as hubs for brainstorming and knowledge exchange.
  • Innovation Showcase: A section of the R&D Labs is designated as an innovation showcase, where groundbreaking research findings and prototypes are displayed. This space highlights the guild's commitment to advancing the mining industry.
  • Safety Protocols Hub: Researchers and safety specialists in the R&D Labs focus on developing and optimizing safety protocols and equipment. This includes the testing of safety gear and emergency response systems.
  • Secure Data Storage: The labs have secure data storage for research findings, experiments, and geological data. This information is critical for decision-making and future research.
  • Environmental Testing Chambers: Controlled environmental chambers are available for testing the effects of extreme temperatures, pressures, and conditions on mining equipment and materials.


The Night Guard Security areas of the Mining Guild are strategically positioned within the headquarters to provide 24/7 surveillance and security oversight. These areas are designed to ensure the protection of the guild's premises, assets, and personnel during both day and night.

Security Areas Contents The Night Guard Security areas are the safeguarding backbone of the Mining Guild, ensuring that the headquarters, its personnel, and valuable assets remain secure around the clock. Security personnel work diligently to uphold the guild's commitment to safety and security.

  • Security Command Center: The heart of the Night Guard Security areas is the command center, a high-tech room equipped with rows of surveillance monitors and advanced security software. Trained security personnel staff the center around the clock to monitor camera feeds, access control, alarms, and communication channels.
  • Access Control and Monitoring: Advanced access control systems are in place to regulate entry and exit from secure areas. Security personnel monitor and manage access permissions, ensuring only authorized individuals can enter sensitive areas.
  • Surveillance Cameras: High-definition surveillance cameras are strategically positioned throughout the headquarters, covering all entrances, exits, corridors, and outdoor areas. Infrared and night-vision cameras ensure visibility in low-light conditions.
  • Perimeter Security: The Night Guard Security areas are responsible for securing the perimeter of the headquarters. This includes monitoring fencing, gates, and any external security measures.
  • Emergency Response: Security personnel are trained to respond quickly to security incidents, emergencies, and alarms. They coordinate with emergency services and response teams as needed.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems: Advanced intrusion detection systems, including motion sensors and alarms, are installed to alert security personnel of any unauthorized access or suspicious activities.
  • Patrol Teams: Security personnel conduct regular patrols both inside and outside the building to deter potential threats and ensure the safety of employees and assets.
  • Visitor Management: The Night Guard Security areas are responsible for managing visitor access and issuing visitor badges. They follow strict protocols to verify the identity and purpose of all visitors.
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedures: The security areas house a database of emergency evacuation procedures, and security personnel are responsible for executing evacuation plans in the event of fire, natural disasters, or other emergencies.
  • Secure Storage: The security hub includes secure storage areas for sensitive documents, surveillance footage records, and confiscated items.
  • Crisis Management: A crisis management room is available for high-level decision-makers during security crises or major incidents. This room is equipped with communication technology and information displays.
  • K-9 Unit: In some instances, a K-9 unit may be part of the Night Guard Security team, with trained dogs assisting in security tasks such as detecting explosives or conducting searches.
  • Security Briefing Area: Security personnel use a dedicated space for briefing and debriefing before and after shifts. This area includes lockers, communication equipment, and resources for updating security staff on the latest security threats and protocols.

Training Areas

The Training areas of the Mining Guild are strategically located within the headquarters to provide a dedicated space for training and skill development. Separate training areas are designed to meet the specific needs of both security personnel and mining operations staff.

Training Areas Contents:The Training areas of the Mining Guild serve as essential hubs for skill development, safety training, and continuous improvement. They ensure that both security personnel and mining operations staff are well-prepared to excel in their respective roles, while maintaining the highest standards of safety and security.

For Security Personnel:

  • Security Training Facility: This facility is equipped with state-of-the-art security training equipment, including simulated security threats, access control systems, and alarm response scenarios. It's designed to train security personnel in responding to various security incidents.
  • Firearms Training Range: A specialized area with shooting ranges for training in the safe and responsible use of firearms. Security personnel receive regular training in marksmanship and firearm safety.
  • Defensive Tactics Area: An indoor or outdoor area designed for hands-on training in defensive tactics, self-defense, and restraining techniques. This space is equipped with padded mats and safety gear.
  • Security Scenario Rooms: Mock rooms designed to simulate various security scenarios, such as intrusion attempts, emergency evacuations, and crowd control situations. These rooms provide a controlled environment for realistic training.
  • Virtual Reality Training: State-of-the-art virtual reality training systems allow security personnel to engage in immersive training scenarios, improving their decision-making skills and response to security threats.
  • Emergency Response Drills: Outdoor areas for conducting emergency response drills, including fire drills, evacuation exercises, and coordinated response to security breaches.
  • Classrooms: Dedicated classrooms with multimedia equipment for delivering security training lectures and discussions on topics such as emergency procedures and security protocols.

For Mining Operations Staff:

  • Safety Training Center: A training center designed to educate mining operations staff on safety procedures and best practices. This includes training on equipment operation, handling hazardous materials, and emergency response.
  • Mining Equipment Simulators: High-tech simulators allow mining personnel to practice operating heavy machinery in a safe and controlled environment. This training helps improve proficiency and safety.
  • Underground Mine Simulator: For miners working in underground environments, an underground mine simulator provides a realistic setting for practicing navigation, rescue operations, and working in confined spaces.
  • Geological Training Lab: A specialized lab where miners and geologists can practice identifying mineral samples and rock formations. This lab is equipped with geological samples and equipment.
  • First Aid Training Room: Training rooms equipped with first aid dummies and medical supplies for instructing mining staff on basic first aid and emergency response.
  • Mandatory Safety Drills: Outdoor areas for conducting mandatory safety drills, including mine evacuations, handling hazardous materials, and responding to mine accidents.
  • Heavy Machinery Training Yard: An outdoor area where miners can practice operating and maintaining heavy machinery and vehicles used in mining operations.
  • Classrooms: Dedicated classrooms equipped with multimedia facilities for delivering training lectures on geology, mining techniques, and safety protocols.


The Technospace area of the Mining Guild is strategically situated within the headquarters to ensure optimal access, connectivity, and security for the guild's digital infrastructure. This space is designed to house cutting-edge technology, data centers, and advanced IT departments.

Technospace Contents: The Technospace is the digital backbone of the Mining Guild, playing a vital role in data storage, processing, analysis, and network management. It ensures that the guild's technological capabilities remain at the forefront of the mining industry, contributing to efficiency and innovation in operations.

  • Data Centers: The heart of the Technospace is the data center, equipped with rows of server racks, cooling systems, and backup power sources. These data centers store and process vast amounts of digital information, including geological data, mining operation records, security surveillance footage, and more.
  • Network Operation Center (NOC): The NOC is a centralized hub for monitoring the guild's network, ensuring uptime, and troubleshooting connectivity issues. Technicians and IT experts work in this room to maintain the network's reliability.
  • Server Rooms: Multiple server rooms house the critical computing infrastructure, including application servers, database servers, and communication servers. These rooms are equipped with redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted operations.
  • Cluster Computing: High-performance computing clusters are available for data-intensive tasks, such as geological analysis and machine learning for predictive mining. These clusters can handle complex calculations and simulations.
  • Cybersecurity Operations: IT security experts in the Technospace are responsible for protecting the guild's digital assets. They monitor network traffic, manage firewalls, and implement cybersecurity protocols to safeguard against cyber threats.
  • Cloud Computing Resources: The Mining Guild uses cloud resources for scalability and data redundancy. The Technospace includes access to cloud-based services, supporting remote data storage and computing.
  • IT Helpdesk and Support: The IT department provides helpdesk support to guild members, assisting with technical issues and software troubleshooting. The helpdesk team works from a dedicated area within the Technospace.
  • AI Clusters for Infomorphs: The guild employs advanced AI systems known as Infomorphs for data analysis, predictive modeling, and automation. These AI clusters operate within the Technospace, contributing to operational efficiency.
  • Secure Data Storage: The Technospace is equipped with secure data storage facilities to safeguard sensitive and confidential information. Access to these areas is restricted and closely monitored.
  • Energy Management: Engineers and technicians oversee the energy infrastructure, including power distribution, backup generators, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to ensure continuous operations.
  • Redundancy Measures: To mitigate the risk of data loss or system failures, the Technospace implements redundancy measures, including backup data centers and off-site data replication.
  • Clean Room: A clean room is available for handling and maintenance of delicate IT equipment, such as high-performance servers and specialized hardware.


The Warehouses of the Mining Guild are strategically located within the headquarters, typically near the logistics area for easy access to loading docks and transportation hubs. These spaces are designed to store and manage a variety of materials and equipment needed for mining operations.

Warehouses Contents

The Warehouses of the Mining Guild play a crucial role in ensuring that the necessary materials, equipment, and supplies are readily available for mining operations. Efficient organization and management of these resources are essential to the success and safety of the guild's activities.

  • Raw Materials Warehouse: This area stores the raw materials needed for mining operations, including explosives, drilling equipment, and safety gear. The materials are organized for efficient retrieval and distribution to different teams.
  • Equipment Storage: A dedicated warehouse houses heavy machinery, vehicles, and mining equipment. This area is equipped with forklifts and loading bays for the movement of equipment.
  • Spare Parts and Maintenance Supplies: A separate space stores spare parts and maintenance supplies for mining equipment. This includes replacement parts, lubricants, and tools needed for equipment upkeep.
  • Safety Gear and Uniforms: A warehouse specifically dedicated to safety gear and uniforms ensures that all mining personnel have access to the necessary protective equipment, including helmets, vests, and respirators.
  • Chemical Storage: Certain chemicals used in mining operations are stored in a secure area with proper ventilation and safety measures in place. Hazardous materials are stored according to safety regulations.
  • Mining Resources Inventory: This warehouse maintains an inventory of mining resources, such as minerals, ores, and geological samples. It includes space for organizing and cataloging the materials for analysis and transportation.
  • Packaging and Shipping: An area for packaging and shipping materials and samples to various locations, including research institutions and external partners.
  • Logistics Hub: Connected to the logistics department, the warehouse serves as a hub for receiving and dispatching materials and equipment for mining operations.
  • Climate-Controlled Storage: Some warehouses may include climate-controlled storage areas for sensitive materials, such as geological samples that require specific temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Records and Document Storage: A designated area within the warehouse stores records, documents, and historical data related to mining operations. These documents may include geological surveys, safety reports, and operational records.
  • Emergency Response Equipment: In the event of accidents or emergency situations, this warehouse stores specialized equipment, including first aid kits, emergency shelters, and communication devices.
  • Waste Management: A separate section of the warehouse is used for waste management, storing and managing materials for responsible disposal or recycling.

Common Areas

The common areas of the Mining Guild's headquarters are strategically scattered throughout the building to serve as communal spaces for relaxation, socialization, and informal meetings. These areas are designed to foster a sense of community and collaboration among guild members.

Common Areas Contents

The common areas of the Mining Guild's headquarters are essential for enhancing the well-being of guild members, promoting a sense of community, and providing spaces for relaxation and recreation amid the demands of mining operations and security.

  • Lobby and Reception: The lobby is the first point of contact for visitors and guild members. It features a welcoming reception desk, comfortable seating, and displays showcasing the guild's achievements and history.
  • Cafeteria and Dining Areas: Spacious dining areas and a cafeteria provide a place for guild members to enjoy meals, snacks, and Coffee breaks. The cafeteria may offer a variety of cuisine options to cater to different tastes.
  • Outdoor Terrace: Some common areas include an outdoor terrace or patio, providing a breath of fresh air and scenic views of Obsidian City. Outdoor seating and greenery make this a refreshing retreat.
  • Breakrooms: Multiple breakrooms are dispersed throughout the building, each equipped with comfortable seating, microwaves, and vending machines. These spaces allow for short breaks and informal conversations.
  • Game and Recreation Room: A game and recreation room provides a place for relaxation and camaraderie. It may feature billiards, foosball, board games, and other recreational activities.
  • Fitness Center: A fitness center with exercise equipment allows guild members to maintain their physical well-being. It may include cardio machines, weights, and fitness classes.
  • Quiet Rooms: Quiet rooms provide a peaceful space for meditation, reflection, or private phone calls. These rooms are soundproofed and equipped with comfortable seating.
  • Library and Reading Nooks: A dedicated library area and reading nooks house a collection of books, periodicals, and digital resources. Comfortable seating and study spaces are available for reading and research.
  • Art Gallery: Some common areas may include an art gallery showcasing the works of guild members and local artists. The gallery adds a touch of culture and creativity to the headquarters.
  • Informal Meeting Zones: Informal meeting zones with comfortable seating and coffee tables allow guild members to hold impromptu discussions, brainstorm ideas, or collaborate on projects.
  • Communication Centers: These centers house computer workstations and communication equipment for members to check emails, work remotely, or engage in virtual meetings.
  • Childcare and Parenting Room: A dedicated area for parents provides childcare facilities, nursing rooms, and a comfortable space for parents with young children.
  • Bulletin Boards: Common areas often have bulletin boards for posting important announcements, upcoming events, and community notices.
  • Mining Guild Emporium A store within the common areas offers branded guild merchandise, mining equipment, and other supplies for guild members to purchase.

Rest Rooms

The restroom area of the Mining Guild's headquarters is strategically distributed throughout the building to ensure easy accessibility for guild members and visitors. These facilities are designed with convenience, cleanliness, and functionality in mind.

Restroom Area Contents

The restroom area is an integral part of the Mining Guild's headquarters, serving the comfort and hygiene needs of guild members and visitors. It is maintained to high standards to create a positive and welcoming environment for all.

  • Gender-Neutral Restrooms: To promote inclusivity and accommodate all individuals, gender-neutral restrooms are available. These are equipped with private stalls and sinks.
  • Traditional Restrooms: In addition to gender-neutral restrooms, the area includes traditional men's and women's restrooms, each with multiple private stalls and sinks.
  • Handwashing Stations: Ample handwashing stations with soap dispensers and hand dryers or paper towel dispensers are provided to encourage proper hand hygiene.
  • Baby Changing Stations: Family-friendly facilities include baby changing stations in both the gender-neutral and traditional restrooms for the convenience of parents.
  • Amenities: Restrooms are well-equipped with amenities such as mirrors, trash receptacles, and sanitary disposal units for feminine hygiene products.
  • Cleanliness and Maintenance: Restrooms are regularly cleaned and maintained to ensure they remain hygienic and pleasant for users.
  • Emergency Notifications: Emergency notification systems and instructions for evacuation or sheltering in place may be posted in the restrooms.
  • Privacy and Comfort: Adequate partitions and individual stalls provide privacy and comfort to users. Restrooms are well-ventilated to maintain a pleasant environment.
  • Environmentally Friendly Features: To promote sustainability, restrooms may incorporate water-saving fixtures, LED lighting, and recycled materials in their design.
  • Sustainability Messaging: Signage and information may be displayed in the restrooms to encourage users to conserve resources and maintain cleanliness.
  • Plumbing Systems: Modern and efficient plumbing systems ensure a reliable water supply, waste disposal, and minimal water wastage.


The Lobby of the Mining Guild's headquarters is the first point of contact for visitors and guild members as they enter the building. It serves as a welcoming and informative area that provides an initial impression of the guild's identity and achievements.

Lobby Contents

The Lobby of the Mining Guild's headquarters serves as the face of the organization, welcoming visitors, and providing information about the guild's history, mission, and accomplishments. It reflects the guild's commitment to transparency, professionalism, and the promotion of its achievements in the mining industry.

  • Reception Desk: The lobby features a prominent reception desk staffed by friendly and knowledgeable receptionists. They greet visitors, answer inquiries, and provide information about the guild's activities and events.
  • Visitor Waiting Area: Comfortable seating is available for visitors who are waiting to meet with guild members, executives, or for scheduled appointments.
  • Information Kiosks: Information kiosks are placed strategically to provide self-service access to brochures, maps, and digital displays with details about the guild's history, mining operations, and ongoing projects.
  • Digital Display Boards: Large digital display screens highlight key achievements, recent mining projects, and safety statistics. These boards may also feature live feeds of mining operations or geological data.
  • Art and Decor: The lobby is adorned with artwork, sculptures, and displays that reflect the guild's history, values, and achievements. These elements add to the aesthetic appeal of the space.
  • Seating Areas: Seating areas with comfortable chairs and tables are available for informal discussions and impromptu meetings. These areas encourage collaboration and networking among guild members.
  • Guild Emblem and Signage: Prominently displayed in the lobby is the guild's emblem or logo, often accompanied by directional signage to guide visitors to different areas of the headquarters.
  • Planters and Greenery: Potted plants and greenery are strategically placed to create a welcoming and visually appealing environment.
  • Display Cases: Display cases showcase geological samples, mining tools, and artifacts of historical significance, allowing visitors to gain a better understanding of the guild's work.
  • Security Measures: Access control and security personnel are discreetly present in the lobby to ensure the safety of visitors and to manage access to secure areas.
  • Guest Registration: For security and record-keeping purposes, a guest registration area is provided for visitors to sign in and receive visitor badges.
  • Accessibility Features: The lobby is designed to be accessible to all, with ramps, elevators, and clear signage to accommodate individuals with mobility challenges.
  • Events and Announcements: Bulletin boards or digital displays may feature announcements about upcoming events, lectures, and guild-related activities.


This area below talks about the infrastructure of the Mining Guild Headquarters.

Security Measures

The Mining Guild, as a prominent organization, employs a range of security measures to protect its infrastructure, assets, personnel, and sensitive data. Here are some security measures that the guild could employ:

Additional Info

These security measures are crucial to maintaining the safety, integrity, and confidentiality of the Mining Guild's operations and infrastructure. They are designed to mitigate risks and ensure the smooth functioning of the organization.

  • Access Control Systems: Access control systems restrict entry to authorized personnel only. This includes card readers, biometric scanners, and PIN-based access systems. Access is granted based on roles and permissions.
  • Surveillance Cameras: Surveillance cameras are strategically positioned throughout the headquarters, including common areas, corridors, entrances, and sensitive locations. These cameras record activities and deter unauthorized access.
  • Security Personnel: Trained security personnel, including guards and surveillance operators, monitor the premises 24/7. They perform access checks, patrols, and respond to security incidents.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems: These systems alert security personnel to unauthorized entry or suspicious activities. Intrusion alarms are set up at entry points, secure areas, and sensitive storage locations.
  • Cybersecurity Measures: Robust cybersecurity measures protect the guild's digital assets. These include firewalls, antivirus software, regular security audits, and employee training to recognize and report cyber threats.
  • Biometric Authentication: High-security areas may implement biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint or retina scans to ensure that only authorized individuals gain access.
  • Visitor Management: A visitor management system registers and tracks visitors, issues badges, and ensures they are accompanied by authorized personnel while on the premises.
  • Emergency Response Plans: Well-defined emergency response plans and evacuation procedures are established to address potential threats or disasters, ensuring the safety of guild members and visitors.
  • Security Audits: Regular security audits and risk assessments are conducted to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in the security infrastructure.
  • Secure Storage Facilities: Sensitive documents, equipment, and hazardous materials are stored in secure areas with limited access. Secure storage rooms include safes, vaults, and climate-controlled storage.
  • Personnel Background Checks: Comprehensive background checks and vetting processes are performed on all employees and contractors to ensure trustworthiness.
  • Physical Barriers: Physical barriers such as gates, bollards, and security fences help control vehicular access to the headquarters.
  • Emergency Notification Systems: Emergency notification systems are in place to alert all personnel in the event of security incidents or natural disasters.
  • Environmental Sensors: Sensors monitor environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality to safeguard personnel and equipment.
  • Security Lighting: Adequate lighting in and around the headquarters is essential to deter intruders and ensure the safety of personnel during nighttime.
  • Security Perimeter Monitoring: Ground sensors, motion detectors, and advanced technology are employed to monitor the security perimeter and alert personnel to potential breaches.
  • Crisis Management Center: A dedicated center is equipped to manage and coordinate security during crises and high-level security incidents.
  • Collaboration with Law Enforcement: The guild maintains a working relationship with local law enforcement agencies for assistance in emergency situations.

Technology Infrastructure

The entire headquarters is supported by a robust technology infrastructure. High-speed internet, secure networks, and advanced communication systems are seamlessly integrated. This allows for efficient collaboration, data sharing, and communication across the organization.

Sustainability Features

The Mining Guild prioritizes sustainability in its headquarters. The buildings incorporate energy-efficient systems, including solar panels and smart lighting, to minimize environmental impact. Recycling and waste management facilities are easily accessible, promoting a culture of environmental responsibility.

Waste Disposal

Much like in most settlements, waste is transferred to a large tank where a huge magnet slides over the ceiling; metal items are picked up by this and are transported to a new tank. It is then where an advanced sorting system sorts the pieces into proper holes. The metal is smelted, and merges into what would normally be a giant ingot, had it all not been separated again before it entered the molds. The metal is sent to the various factories of the New Dusk Conclave to be made into new items.

As for Manure, it follows the standard for all Mining Guild property, that are transferred to farms or factories that can turn it into fertilizer. Broken electronics are taken apart, the metal joins the other metal, and the other materials follow suit in their respective compartments.


Accessibility and compliance codes are crucial considerations when designing and constructing any corporate headquarters, including the Mining Guild headquarters. Ensuring that the building adheres to these codes is essential for the safety and inclusivity of all employees and visitors. Here's more information on these codes and how they might apply to the Mining Guild Headquarters:

Compliance Codes:

  • Building Codes: The Mining Guild Headquarters must adhere to local building codes, which cover aspects such as structural integrity, fire safety, electrical systems, and plumbing. Compliance ensures the safety of the building's occupants.
  • Environmental Regulations: Depending on the location, there may be environmental regulations in place, especially if mining operations are involved. These regulations could cover issues like waste disposal, pollution control, and land use.
  • Occupational Health and Safety: The headquarters should comply with occupational health and safety regulations to protect the health and well-being of employees working on-site.
  • Zoning and Land Use Regulations: The location of the headquarters must comply with zoning and land use regulations to ensure that it's in an appropriate area and doesn't disrupt the surrounding community.

For the Mining Guild Mines, specific considerations related to mining operations may include:

  • Safety measures in and around mining areas.
  • Proper storage and handling of mining materials and equipment.
  • Compliance with mining and environmental regulations that pertain to resource extraction.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/10/22 15:35.

  • art by Charaa using copilot

approved by Wes on 2023/10/22

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Product NameMining Guild Headquarters
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corp/mining_guild/location/hq.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/14 18:20 by charaa