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Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akatski

Shimizu-motoyoshi Akatski is a player character played by Charaa.

Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akatski
Species & Gender: NH-33 (Eihei)
Date of Birth: 9日 6月 YE 44
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai,Motoyoshi Clan
Occupation: Science officer
Rank: Shoi Kohosei
Current Placement: YSS Mazu

Physical Description

Akatski’s a special creation of two Nekovalkyrja using an ancient Eihei technique that allowed them to reproduce without any other items. This leaves the newest member of the tri-clan Neko with a unique appearance using the traits of both parents. She inherited her mother Katsuko’s hair color, though, while her hair was as long as her other mother, Akina’s hair, it was tied and allowed to flow behind her, like a rope. Though as time passed as she grew, she has taken to adding little stars in her hair, like Akina has though not by much.

She has inherited Katsuko’s peaches-and-cream (pale with light pink accents) complexion. While from Akina, she has inherited her nose which has a pert, sweet little shape. Like all Yamataians, she has a face that’s a mix of Scandinavian features with that of Japanese.

Her eyebrows, were a little like Akina’s in that they were neat and expressive, with thick natural lashes. Her body resembled both her parents, but she has her mother Akina’s bust size. However, no jewelry of any kind adorns her body, and neither did piercings or tattoos. She didn’t think she could pull it off.


Akatski is an anomaly in a way as she’s still finding her niche in life. Being the youngest in a rather huge family has made it difficult for her as pretty much anything to do has been or is being done. Even so, as a proper member of the clan, she still does her part to serve as only her mothers desired of her. She chose a life away from leadership, since it's already been filled, but she does look up to her mothers as well as Taro. This seeker of niches seemed to be quiet like certain members of the clan, and it was only when such people as her mothers or sisters can get her talking but they’d have to keep at it.

She has somewhat inherited her mother Katsuko’s confident nature, and has over time since she grew up, also gained a strong will. Though unlike Katsuko she isn’t very patient, but she is working on it. As a Motoyoshi, she follows the clan’s doctrine, and as a result, she has a belief in the empire, like her mother Akina.

She’s very self-conscious, as she doesn’t believe she has what it takes to live up to her mother’s image, but this self-consciousness forces her to work very hard. Around family, she can be energetic, though thus far, only Ayano has seen this side of her. This is because Ayano has been the one Akatski has hung out more around. Akatski isn’t very religious and she doesn’t believe in the people of the past. To her, it's why worship someone when Yui or her parents1) are more worthy. As a youngling, Akatski was playful, with some mischief and She was also dotted on by a lot of her family.


  • being out in space
  • swimming
  • learning from her parents


  • Incompetence
  • Disloyalty
  • Not being useful
  • Angering parents


Around the time, that Port Jiyuu still in the Jiyu system. Akatski came into existence, though fulfilling the mandate set forth by her mother, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko Akatski grew up in Asagumo-jo a castle, Co-designed by her mother, Katsuko, and her niece/cousin Yue and her uncle. She was immersed in Motoyoshi Clan traditions and customs, as well as that of Yamatai, the nation the clan, was the most loyal to. She lived here, being looked after by her parents, and various clan members who were off duty, and those not in the military, to make sure she didn’t get hurt. Though she was pretty mischievous such as when he would “successfully” capture her mom Akina, or her big sister, and tries to rope them into some mischief like tickling the opposite person. Though this slowly came to an end as she grew up.

As she entered the Nekovalkyrja equivalent of school age. She got to use Asagumo-Jo’s extensive educational programs, where she learned only what an elite member of society could learn. Things that the Motoyoshi Clan’s heir was able to learn, though she wasn’t an heir.Big sis Ayano was one of those she hung around with quite a bit, and as a result, she influenced her as much as her parents had.

To get her used to socializing with others2) she was taken3) to where the other kids congregated and she got to play with other kids some not related to the Motoyoshi clan. Unfortunately, due to the station being in transit, she was not able to experience a planet, like those within the system they used to inhabit.

During her childhood, she attended some of the best schools,. Also during her childhood, she recieved a pet fish to raise, as a way of teaching her caregiving skills. Then later as she began learning science and discovered some new science techniques, she learned how to turn her fish into a imuniescent fish. Though the fish later on died due to age, and she was given a Kaimon companion to look after, which resembled her fish. Then later on, and once she became fully matured, she and her cousin, attended college, remotely. This would allow her to raise in rank dramatically.

Skills Learned

Shimizu-motoyoshi Akatski has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Akatski is connected to:

Group Connections

Akatski's Immediate family



Extended Family


Inventory & Finance


OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/04/23 20:34 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameShimizu-Motoyoshi Akatski
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationPort Jiyuu
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShoi Kohosei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Technician
SAOY AssignmentYSS Mazu
Assigned QuartersCabin 3
BattlestationScience Bay
Battle Buddya
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
SAOY Entry Month3
and her sisters
out of concern for her quiet nature
under strict guard

characters/yamatai/shimizu-motoyoshi_akatski.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 11:55 by yuuki