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Sakura Blueberry

Sakura Blueberry is a NPC controlled by GM Wes in the YSS Eucharis plot. She is currently commander of the YSS Firebird.

Sakura Blueberry
Species: NH-29
Gender: Female
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Starship Captain
Rank: Taisa
Current Placement: YSS Firebird

Character Description

Blueberry is a NH-29 sprite created by the YSS Sakura and serving on the YSS Eucharis as a nurse and technician (specializing in sensors). Blueberry has blue hair, violet eyes, and whitish skin that turns pink when she's embarrassed or emotional. Her personality is somewhat gloomy, but she likes β€œto make things beautiful,” including herself. Despite having natural attractiveness as a Nekovalkyrja, Blueberry loves cosmetics and almost always wears eyeshadow and makeup, and tends to do her hair fancily. She is a big fan of art and architecture.

Sakura Blueberry

History and Relationship Notes

Blueberry is part of the Sakura Clan. She was created in YE 28.

In YE 32, Blueberry became an officer after being promoted to Chui by Empress Himiko I. She is close friends with Hanako, who sees her as very reliable.

Blueberry was close friends with another former YSS Sakura sprite, Sakura Sunflower.

In YE 33, Blueberry fought in the Battle of Yamatai.

YE 35 saw Blueberry get her first ship command as the captain of the YSS Firebird, a Nozomi-class Scout.

In YE 38, she was promoted to Taii.

In 5月 YE 40, she earned a promotion to Shosa.

In YE 42, she was promoted to Chusa. She attended the Hanami festival in Kyoto in YE 421).

In YE 44, she earned a promotion to Taisa.

Skill Areas

  • Communications: Fluent in Yamataian and Trade
  • Fighting: Martial arts, Power Armor, all Star Army weapons
  • Knowledge: An expert on the NMX
  • Technology Operation: Expert sensor operator
  • Mathematics: Advanced warp theory, subspace geometry
  • Science and Medical: Expert and experienced medic
  • Maintenance and Repair: Expert for starships and electronics
  • Biology: Nekovalkyrja, Humans, Xenobiology


Sakura Blueberry has the following items:

  • Leather jacket with starship patches on it
  • Box of 20 Type 30 Tear Gas Grenade (Yellow stripe)
  • Heavy-Class QNC Engine
  • 12 x Small Iron Box (20 lb)
  • Refined metal
  • 2 General Service Pistol, Type 28 (received in YE 41 and YE 42 giveaways)
  • SSCC-XL containing Platinum (Pirating YE 34, TC: 1-62, IC: 118-21137-63)
  • 632 x Pavilion Tent (100 gp, 300 lb)
  • Roll of toilet tissue (NMX War, TC: 41-48, IC: 2025-24105-85)
  • 8838 x Vial of Ink (8 KS)
  • 9 x Bag of Wheat (1 cp, 1 lb)
  • 1,000 Star Army Emergency Ration Pills
  • 10 1-liter carton of UHT Pasteurized Milk
  • 10 Barrel of Oil, 150 lbs
  • 10 books
  • 10 Stylish Formalwear Outfit
  • 10 Fancy Outfits
  • 10 Large Cages
  • 10 Large Chests
  • 10 Large Iron Box (100 lb)
  • 10 Life Jackets
  • 10 Miner's Pick
  • 10 Noble's Outfits
  • 10 pairs of shears
  • 10 Rope Ladder, 50 foot
  • 10 Rotisserie Chickens
  • 10 sets of Manacles (2 lb)
  • 10 Spades
  • 10 Vials of Ink
  • 120 Eggs
  • 2 Cold Weather Outfits
  • 2 Telescopic rifle sight
  • 5 bottles of good wine
  • 5 Large Wooden Chest (50 lb)
  • 8 Tables, wooden
  • Amphora of Common Wine (80 lb)
  • Amphora of Vinegar (80 lb)
  • Andirons and Spit
  • Bag of Rare Spice
  • Barrel of Ale
  • Bath Towel, Cotton
  • Bed
  • Bottle of Olive Oil (4 lb)
  • Bow Saw
  • Cabinet
  • Can of Coffee beans
  • Cart, Wooden
  • Cauldron
  • Chandelier
  • Chariot
  • Common Wig
  • Computer, Laptop style
  • Computer/video game
  • Explorer's Outfit
  • Fishing net
  • Large Bag of Plant Fertilizer
  • Large burlap bag full of peanuts
  • Large wheel of delicious cheese (20lb)
  • Loom
  • Marble Altar
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Pair of Snowshoes
  • Pairs of Oars
  • Pavilion Tent (300 lbs)
  • Pitchfork (5 lb)
  • Rake
  • Riding Saddle
  • Rope Net (10' x 10') (40 lb)
  • Round Table
  • Rug
  • Signet Ring
  • Sled
  • Small Cage
  • Small Carpet
  • Massive can of baked beans
  • Small Hunting Trap
  • Spinning Wheel
  • T-Shirt, 100% Cotton
  • Tent (20 lbs)
  • Throne
  • Vial of Exotic Ink
  • Coupon for 2 free large pizzas from Kikyo Pie Company
  • Weapon racks
  • Whiskey Flask
  • Wood Axe
  • Wooden Drum
  • Workbench
  • Yamataian-type Shrine
  • Medium Jewelry Box (Empty)
  • Single Book (Biography On Famous Individual - Learn Information About A Key Figure!)
  • 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian vodka
Character Data
Character NameSakura Blueberry
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankTaisa
SAOY OccupationStar Army Starship Captain
SAOY AssignmentYSS Firebird
SAOY Entry YearYE 28
DOR YearYE 44

characters/yamatai/sakura_blueberry.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/05/28 15:59 by wes