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Yukisato Mizuho

“An empty threat, Taisho. Cast me out if so you wish, it wont be any different. Kill me if it will improve your mood, maybe it will improve mine.” Yukisato Mizuho, while aboard YSS Nozomi.

A player character played by Sekiko.

Mizuho was an older Star Army of Yamatai Shosa NH-17R Nekovalkyrja who lost several ship commands and grew to be tormented and cynical due to her apparent failures. Before she lost her commands and confidence, she was considered a proficient as a strategist and her expertise at large-scale fleet tactics. She made brief visits to many ships including the YSS Nozomi, the YSS Destiny, the YSS Mikomi, the SRSS Yggdrasill and the YSS Miharu.

She was the captain of the YSS Kyûseki Teien which was renamed 'Seion' and was destroyed by Mishhuvurthyar in the vicinity of Xyainbor.

Mizuho was hired as a civilian Tactician in YE 30 on the YSS Miharu until Kotori, the Miharu's CO, dismissed her from service.

Until proof of the contrary it is assumed that seeing Kotori used a samurai sword to decapitate Mizuho over one of the beaches on Hanako's World (as per a prior agreement both had). Mizuho is thus presumed dead (and missing a head).

Yukisato Mizuho
Species & Gender: NH-17S Gynoid
Date of Birth: YE 11
Creator: Created by PNUgen Corporation
Organization: Dishonorably discharged from Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Consultant
Rank: Formerly Chusa
Current Placement: Deceased?
Orders: orders

Physical Description

Hair color and Style

Brightly colored hair tumbles well past her shoulders. For the most part, her tresses are of fuchsia hue, though darker purple locks mingle throughout, and the ends of her hair are darker than the roots.

Build and Skin Color

Standing 1.4 meters doesn’t make Mizuho a very imposing figure. A soft and pale, almost silvery, complexion adds to the effect, giving an impression of delicacy, almost of frailty. It is a false impression, to be sure. But I'm sure you already knew that.

Face and Eye Color

Her facial features are well defined, though softly fluid, and quite pleasing visually. Her eyes are of a pale violet, her complexion lightly speckled across her nose and cheeks.

Distinguishing Features

A deep scar across her back distinguishes Mizuho from other Nekos: feeling her regenerative abilities were a sign of weakness, she long since voluntarily disabled them. This left her with the most noticeable blemish on her back, and two others: one on her left thigh, the other across her left wrist.



Mizuho is a very misunderstood figure. She places on a mask of indifference and uncaring, and this cold shell is what most see. She tries to ignore her emotions in any official case, fearing that she is too soft, and unfit for her responsibilities. Beneath it all, she is a warm person with perhaps too much sympathy. Very few know her true self, and few ever will. She is simply too protective of her own self-doubts.


Food, alcohol, war games, spacecraft, absolute silence such as the dead still of deep space.


Hangovers, migraines, Nepleslia, sub-adequate cooking.


Mizuho wishes above all else to be placed in command of a full fleet. First, though, she just wants another ship.


Initially created as an NH-2 model in YE 11, Mizuho was transferred to the somewhat more versatile NH-17S in recent years. The transfer disturbed her: it left her with a feeling of feebleness, and inadequacy, and led to her voluntary rejection of regenerative capabilities.

Star Army Of Yamatai Service

YE 25 - Assigned to YSS Nozomi, Shosa. YE 26 - Assigned to YSS Destiny, promoted to Chusa. YE 28 - Assigned to YSS Confidence briefly before she requested to be reassigned to YSS Mikomi. Then after a month requested a Nozomi Class ship to take into Mishhu space but was instead assigned a Yushi-class YSS Kyûseki Teien (YD-176). Then immediately dishonorably discharged from the Star Army of Yamatai for:

  • mental health deemed unsatisfactory
  • -failure to seek aid for a dangerous medical condition
  • -service member loyalty in question
  • -faiure to render respect to superiors
  • -failure as an effective leader
  • -conduct unbecoming of an officer

Post Star Army

YE 29 - SRSS Yggdrasill.

YE 30 - YSS Miharu.

For eighteen years, Mizuho has struggled to prove her usefulness, usually out shined by Ketsurui Yui and others who either outranked her or had an edge in their years - or, on occasion, both. Her efforts were not completely ignored, and she has made a significant rise in rank in her life. She has commanded two star ships, one during the second Second Elysian War, one in peacetime. Neither currently exists.

Throughout wartime, her skill for tactics was obvious but very rarely used. She has won countless battles on paper (her appetite for wargames is rather disquieting), but has rarely been more than a grunt on the field. Part of this is a somewhat unorthodox method of tactical analysis: one that does not have second thoughts about sacrifice, and relies little on firepower. She believes the Battle of Yamatai, with better tactics, could have been won with much less loss of life.

Over the past few years, she has been called on less than before. And, she has constantly tried to get command of a third ship. What will happen from there remains to be seen.

Skills Learned


Mizuho is fluent both in Japanese and English, and has a good grasp of conversational (and argumentative) Mandarin Chinese. She understands the use of radios and most other communication systems (very modern ones being an exception), but prefers plain written letters. Additionally, she does possess basic telepathic abilities, but rarely uses them. She considers it to be an affront to her more chivalrous visions of communication…

Fighting and Physical

Mizuho possesses all the basic training of Star Army combat techniques - she is able in hand to hand combat (and an excellent aikikai, a style she favors as she dislikes killing), capable with blades - particularly the tau-kien, which she has an exceptional talent for -, and able to fire pistols and rifles. “Able to fire” means she just barely passes in this regard, her accuracy is abysmal in comparison with the majority of Star Army forces. She is capable with basic tumbling - mostly due to her expertise in aikido - and she is a rather effective long-term soldier due to her stamina.

Starship Operations

Capable of piloting, navigating, and operating weapons for most Star Army vessels, Mizuho is not too different from most other officers in this regard. She is somewhat less proficient with the newest of technology because of her hiatus from active duty, though she maintains the ability to operate them. A little bit more haltingly - but operation it is, nonetheless.


A major niche for Mizuho. Despite her occasional belligerence to commands and her unwillingness to issue commands except in dire circumstances, she is an effective leader with a knack for wordplay when she chooses to speak, and those who still live from her second starship are quite aware of her capabilities. More impressive than her charisma, though, are her tactical capabilities, where she is perhaps unmatched. Strategy comes as easily to her as breathing. She has yet to find anyone of similar tactical ability, though it would certainly be going out on a limb to say she is unmatched. The universe is too vast to make such statements!

Information Technology

Mizuho possesses only basic proficiency - the minimum requirements. She has an immense distrust for computers, preferring to keep everything written - and to keep essential notes on her person.


Though not a brilliant mathematician, Mizuho is reasonably adept with basic calculations, and has a passing proficiency with more advanced operations as well - though she finds it, largely, to be useless when weighed against the value of logic and common sense.


Mizuho is well-versed in the laws and history of the Star Army. In fact, this is part of the reason she finds herself resenting so many figureheads in it… the knowledge that what she was initially taught is, in fact, more myth than fact. She also has an immaculate memory - though it is, of course, clouded by her own perceptions. Her excellent memory is why she needs no specific organization for her papers - a sort of sixth sense tells her where they are. Or, that’s what it would appear as to an observer.

OOC Notes

This character was re-approved for participation on the YSS Miharu on Dec 25, 2004, here.

Character Data
Character NameYukisato Mizuho
Character OwnerSekiko
Character StatusInactive Player Character

characters/independent/yukisato_mizuho.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/25 05:57 by wes