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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45


The Drei Computer Network is both a combination organic and digital control program that governs the actions of a computer network and the various control systems that house and operate the program.


The original Drei system was developed by Qelā€™noran Shipyards beginning in YE 24 and had limited control over the 4th Fleet and some of the infrastructure of the planet itself. A new Drei system was designed based on the older system in YE 29. The systemā€™s scaling was changed and the numerous small upgrades were added to help facilitate the role of the computer system in an environment that was not Ralfaris. The system would be produced by NAM and come into service in YE 30 as part of NAMā€™s YE 30 ship development program.

In ye 34, following suspicions by various members of the armed forces about the loyalty of the Drei systems in use, the SMDIoN began installing Savtech AIs as a failsafe contingency. This ensured that if the Drei system were to be invaded by a foreign or internal hack, the Savtech would kick in and either counter the threat or shut down the Drei.

Nevertheless, the shadow of doubt in the Drei systems was never removed from this move. Existing Savtech Precipice systems such as the Precipice and JANE were considered too outdated and limited in capabilities such as networking for large fleet actions and coordinating the actions of multiple warships and starfighters. As a result, the SMDIoN began looking for a replacement from other companies due to NAM's commitments to other existing defense projects.


Autonomous Repair and Forced Inclusion

Nanomachines and other mechanical, biological and computerized systems are used to maintain and repair the Drei system. The smaller pieces such as the nanomachines ensure the system is operating according to specifications while larger pieces will repair any physical damaged caused on a larger scale such as impacts. Software bots maintain the loyalty system copied from NDI computers, ensuring that the primary loyalty rests with its ā€˜peopleā€™.

The Nanomachines also help with forced inclusion of other computer systems that may be outdated or incompatible by rebuilding their internal components or supplementing very old systems with more modern microchips. Because some systems on Nepleslia are extremely old the Drei is designed to be able to handle almost anything.


All starship based Drei systems will have the following communication systems integrated into its processing system: Laser, Radio, Microwave, Subspace Radio, Hyper wave, Wormhole based transmission,

Drei will automatically attempt to include any communication systems available to it. The wormhole system installed in the larger Drei computer systems is only capable of generating a wormhole of up to 1cm in diameter, not enough to actually travel through but enough to send information.

Processing Power

Dreiā€™s primary computer cores have processing capabilities that are accelerated by various types of FTL systems to increase processing power, though smaller computer cores may or may not have these systems. The addition of a cybernetic brain in the system allows for easier processing of analogue data and allows for a basic and real feeling personality. When in communication with each other Drei systems, processing power is pooled and memory, personality, and software updates are automatically synchronized.

Networked Fleet

The networked fleet is the primary intent of the Drei computer. Ships equipped with the Drei system will actively share data amongst themselves usually using an inbuilt wormhole system in the Drei computer core. Using this power can also be transmitted between ships. Drei will automatically micromanage a fleets functions, opening wormholes to allow one ship to project its shields over another or calculating the various travel time to target by weapon systems, allowing a fleet to synchronize the impact time of its weapons. Larger ships with appropriate FTL systems can allow the Drei system to micromanage between production systems and the fleet itself, allowing fresh ammunition, armor plates, or even weapons fire to be point to point FTLed into the combat area.

Infrastructure Control

As part of the domestic side of the Drei system the computer is designed to handle domestic functions such as controlling power grids, creating one homogenized information network out of scattered systems, carrying out customs and security duties as well as monitoring broadcast systems that the computer is linked into. Primarily this is to better enable emergency broadcasts and to prevent random people from hijacking the communications systems but it has other benefits such as optimizing traffic patterns.

Once in place, Drei will begin tagging hand weapons with nanomechanical identification codes and collecting a 0.0001% tax on such weapon systems being built or traded in the Nepleslian Empire in an effort to curtail crime with the help of DART.

Drei will also act as an interface between the police departments and the military to help prevent incidents from getting out of control by generating appropriate responses to situations and keeping both groups in the same loop.

Medical Emergencies detected by the system will automatically be reported to civilian hospitals and the Nepleslian Medical Corps.


Drei is a highly adaptable system and can conform to almost any output system from text based screens to projection systems. She has a single physical form, a female humanoid with extremely light green eyes, black hair that comes down 12 inches, a lean figure and b cup breasts. She stands 5 feet 3 inches and will almost always be wearing the proper uniform for a normal human of her status. In most circumstances her rank is Captain, as she is intended to primarily be a tool for higher ranking officers to co-ordinate ships. Drei can also come in the form of larger computer servers, smaller computer cores in the form of cylindrical object .3 meters in diameter and 1 meter long. This core is usually enough to run all functions onboard a ship and comes with its own internal power and repair systems. The Drei system is also printed on small adhesive patches that can be applied to older computer systems. These patches carry nanomechanical devices that will update and adjust the hardware they are applied to as needed.

She is always quick to get to the point of her statements and will be as polite as need be in order to facilitate this. She will interrupt conversations if the information she is carrying is important but will otherwise use her best judgment, is extremely dedicated to carrying out her job and will often be somewhat mono-tone while carrying out work related tasks.

Drei will also manifest itself in ways not resembling a humanoid.

Asking for Directions

Drei will create a volumetric arrow or attempt to create a colored guide path using her available means to direct a person towards the requested destination.

Asking for Equipment

Drei will respond by transferring the information about the equipmentā€™s availability and location to the appropriate datapad or HUD. If neither is available she will attempt to create and interface through volumetric projection. If that is not available she will attempt to verbally communicate the information.

Asking for the Location of a Person

Drei will create a volumetric arrow or attempt to create a colored guide path using her available means to direct a person towards the requested destination.

Sending a message

If no channel (such as datapad, or sound recording) is requested Drei will attempt to send the message via datapad. Messages are sent once requested and Drei will acknowledge this by saying or displaying, ā€œMessage Sent.ā€

Character Template

Name: Drei
Species: Cybernetic Humanoid
Creators: Heram J. Wazu
Age: 5
Employer: Nepleslian Empire
Occupation: Command and Control Intelligence
Rank: Captain

Height: 5ā€3ā€™
Weight: 110 lbs
Bra Size: b
Build and Skin Color: Drei is a thin, almost child-like, female with somewhat pale skin.
Facial Features and Eye Color: Drei has a considerably softer look than Nepleslian females but has a lean face lacking typical ā€˜babyfatā€™ features.
Hair Color and Style: Drei has dark black hair. The upper portion is almost always tied back into a braid while the lower portion is left to hang down naturally.
Distinguishing Features: Drei does not wear a hat. She does wear a dull, almost grey/black, green nepleslian uniform with rank pins. The dull green of her uniform stands out as darker than the uniforms of recruited crew members. Drei will also manifest as a variety of simple geometric shapes to facilitate basic crew interactions.

In more formal or dress settings Drei will typically choose to wear a flat black dress unless otherwise instructed.

Personality: Secretary. Unlike Ally and the DEIMOS systems that was used on the DD4 Drei is considerably different from the ā€˜kendergarden teacherā€™ mentality. Her personality is geared towards getting work done instead of babysitting new crew members meaning her responses tend to be short and to the point. When dealing with higher ranked crew members or people that she interacts with often she takes up a considerably more formal personality in order to build a relationship with that person.

Though she may be short with people she will never be rude or intentionally hurtful. She will exhibit incredible patience when dealing with someone and will never prompt them to hurry up. When not performing functions related to administrating she will tend to act more curious about her surroundings and will use her physical body to explore.

Likes: Large properly formatted data files
Dislikes: inefficiency
Goals: Maximize performance of ships and facilities under her watch.

Drei Update 1

Asking for Assistance in Repairs

At certain times Drei may not have the capacity to automatically repair up update systems without the assistance of the shipā€™s crew. In this situation Drei will request the assistance of a crew member verbally when they have free time or update a crewmemberā€™s datapad with the maintenance request.

Drei can provide verbal instructions on what needs to be aquired to facilitate the repairs and if possible she will generate a volumetric overlay on the components that need alterations. Parts that need to be removed are highlighted in red with white arrows providing a step by step walkthrough on what parts need to be unscrewed and pulled and when. While the computer system is functioning power and any other flowing resource will be stopped or re-routed while the modifications are in progress.

Day/Night cycle

For starships Drei will automatically vary the output of the artificial lighting to simulate the Nepleslian day and night cycle. Light will never be set as overly bright or to dark to see but a noticeably rise and drop in output is intended to be noticeable.

Power Armor - Override

Although most power armors contain an override feature designed to shut them down in the case of an overzealous pilot the Drei system contains a second software override designed to allow commanders to lock down infantry regardless of what power armor is in use.

When Dreiā€™s override is activated the control systems of the armor are disabled and transferred over to Dreiā€™s operation. This allows her to move the armor like an autopilot system to keep the pilot out of danger and allowing them to keep up with their squad. Soothing music is played over the pilotā€™s speaker system and ā€œOVERRIDE ACTIVATEDā€ is displayed in red lettering across the pilotā€™s HUD.

The system will only activated for a soldiers commanding officer and gives them the option of disabling the soldierā€™s microphone and altering the soldierā€™s environment. Generally Drei will offer to lower the oxygen content of the armor to put the pilot to sleep but keep them alive and healthy.

Power Armor ā€“ Autopilot

Although most power armors contain an autopilot feature, Drei contains a second software based autopilot designed to aid pilots and standardized some of the features in power armors.

When the autopilot is activated the control systems of the power armor are assumed by Drei and the power armor is remotely piloted to a set location or a location relative to an object allowing the armor to follow another object for long periods of time. Drei will offer the pilot an option to be put to sleep for the trip, at which point either drugs will be administered for the trip or oxygen content will be adjusted to put the pilot to sleep but keep them healthy. Drei will automatically wake the pilot with either drugs, atmosphere control, or motion, when it is perceived that the pilot is needed or in danger.

Power Armor ā€“ Announcement Override

The announcement Override option is designed to be used in the event that an announcement needs to be made to a large crowd or during a riot of some sort. Drei allows a commanding officer to commander his subordinatesā€™ speaker systems to broadcast a message over a larger area than he might be able to by himself.

Power Armor ā€“ Automated Fire Control

Designed as an experimental software feature designed to aid engineers in the field, Drei is capable of assuming control of a soldierā€™s weapon systems and drones. This allows the computer system to return fire and organize drone control while the pilot focuses on other tasks. The system is still experimental and does not perform as well as a physical pilot however it allows engineers to focus on their work while still participating to some extent in combat.

Power Armor ā€“ Medic Softbot

The Medic Softbot is a small program designed to generalize injuries based on severity and display them on the right side of the HUD of the nearest medic. The program will automatically attach medical histories and drug allergies to the name in the form of a voice or text file when requested, dependent on medicā€™s settings prior to usage.

technology/nepleslia/drei.1530806317.txt.gz Ā· Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:55 (external edit)