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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45


Delsauria is a both a system and a desert planet that is part of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. It is the homeworld of the Delsaurians species.

Planet Delsauria

Basic Information

The Delsauria system is named after the only inhabitable planet within the small cluster of planetary bodies, Delsauria. All of the other planets in the Delsauria system travel too close to the systems sun, Edasaur, for safe colonization.


Planet: Delsauria Type: Desert Circumference: ~50,000 Surface Gravity: 1.1 G Length of Day: 35 hours Length of Year: 345 days

Planetary and Cultural Information

The barren expanses of Delsauria may not be as appealing to most as the other planets within the Nepleslian Empire. Nearly the whole of Delsaruiaโ€™s surface is nothing but vast oceans of sand and rock formations, what little natural vegetation and water formations present before colonization used up during the colonizing process. Never the less, Delsauria plays its part in the weave of the Nepleslian tapestry, despite the harsh climates of the planet.

In terms of culture, Delsauria is a fairly normal Nepleslian world. However, there are key differences born from using the vast deserts of the planet originally as shipyards to produce both terrestrial and space-bound craft. A divide of the Old Merchants, a collection of businessmen that helped turn Delsauria into the massive boon of production and founded this craft, and the new generation of Wanderers, who true to their name wish to take their trade off-world, has created a new dynamic on the planet's economic and cultural scale. Businesses bloom on the planet, with those aboveground being dedicated to the aeronautical and space-venturing technology whilst those below-ground sell local goods and have become underground havens from the scorching heat and a boon to tourism.

In YE 39 and YE 40 the Delsaurians, the native race of lizard-like humanoids, began pushing for a change in the planet's lulls. An epic effort over the last few years culminated in a successful boom and the first true taming of the desert world. Many still reside on the planet mixed in with the rest of the Nepleslian citizenry, but have begun utilizing specialized suits to begin pushing toward the stars in a renewed attempt to both invigorate the economy of Delsauria and become a bigger part of the Nepleslian apple.

Planetary Information

As a planet that's mostly expansive desert, Delsauria has only a few major locales of note. The climates for the entire planet range are, not surprisingly, very hot all year around. In the recent years, the divide of culture has helped lend to the planet's full-taming via a split-focus. Above ground, based in the more tame areas or those with rocky foundations, the Delsaurians have built large and expansive facilities and landing areas to promote a flight travel culture and open the accessibility of the entire planet to all. Below ground, however, this change has grown more prominent with the creation of more traditional Delsaurian caves. These humid caves are the beginning of the first signs of returning life to the world, with massive water chambers having collected moisture from the wind being tapped open. Subterranean fauna long-considered extinct were discovered thriving, with many of these creatures now returning to bring further life to the extreme wastes. One of these is the Delsaurian Sandtrouncer, a large beast that has been extremely useful to both the Delsaurian species and people for its commodity production.

Major City: Juhana

Originally the capital city of the original Delsaurian race, this expanse of desert-huts and clay buildings was razed when the original Nepleslian took the planet. Very few of the original Delsaurian landmarks were left standing during the reconstruction and colonization that took place in the new Nepleslian-dominated capital city, being quickly replaced with new Nepleslian architecture and technology.

As a result, Juhana became the capital city of the Nepleslian Star Empireโ€™s Delsaurian colonization effort, both for itโ€™s size and strategic land position, the entire city residing on a massive elevated plateau. Out of a measure of respect for the Delsaurians who were integrated into the Nepleslian Star Empire, the lizard-people were allowed to retain small amounts of their own culture while living on the planet, including their own rights to architecture and artistic style. In matters of technology, however, the original Delsaurians were more than happy to receive the benefits of higher-tier Nepleslian technology. Even in the wake of the population boom and the success of underground facilities, Juhana still expands and rises to this day.

In YE 36, a Bravemart opened in the city.

Major City: Maharombi Spaceport

The second-largest area on Delsauria is the spaceport city of Maharombi. Built and integrated into a massive cliff side as well the area around the base of the cliff, Maharombi acts as a major spaceport and commercial area. The aeronautics facilities in Maharombi dwarf even the capital city, Juhana, in number and size. Most of the residential areas in Maharombi are quiet expensive and usually closed to the lower class citizens of the nation, as the relatively popular nature of Maharombi and its surrounding areas greatly adds to the price of land.

In YE 36, a bounty hunter group from the ISS Iron Ferret focused its efforts in the city, targeting one, if not the, biggest criminal gangs in the planet, succesfully bringing it low after a brutal battle to raid their headquarters, then subsequently selling the intel acquired within to the NPF and IPG.

Major Attraction: Maharombi Duneway

Perhaps the largest commercial attraction of Delsauria is the infamous Maharombi Duneway, one of the most popular and most dangerous airbike racing circuit courses in the sport. airbike enthusiasts from around the universe flock to the Maharombi Duneway to witness the races that take place there.

The race itself follows a massive expanse of open desert that spans around the planet itself. These areas of the planet were left alone during terraforming events due to the high concentration of volcanic activity beneath the surface, as well as the general uselessness of the area itself. The duneway is riddled wide, open sand oceans, cavern systems and rocky valleys. More natural sets of hazards include the volcanoes around the raceway itself, as well as the constant possibility of flesh-rending sandstorms and the local Delsaurian fauna.

Weather Advisory: Glass Hail

Every 345 days (or a Delsaurian year cycle) on the cusp of the 6th season, the planet comes in close contact with one of its moons (Morasett) which, for the better part of the year, stays very close to the Delsaurian star, Kapaset. Kapaset, a volcanic moon, is ringed with a black blasted-glass debris field which is thrown into the atmosphere through heavy volcanic activity. Upon this yearly cycle part of the debris field is pulled into Delsauria's gravity well and is rained down onto the planets surface for roughly two days.

This weather event is broadcasted well in advance to the population of Delsauria due to it extreme danger. While the debris from Morasett is never larger than an egg, the shards are usually sharp and plentiful, as they rarely burn up in the atmospheric fall due to their harded, fire-blasted nature. While most buildings are built to withstand this 'glass hail', travel outside during the downpour is strictly prohibited. After the initial downpour, the black glass is gathered up and shot into the star Kapaset, as it is still very hazardous to walk or drive over and a general nuisance to gardeners.

Ancient Delsaurians, before the Nepleslian contact, believed that this yearly event was the work of the fire god. According to folklore and legend, Pushnagatt, the Blackened Crawler, has a notorious hatred for Delsaurian-kind for their wrongful enslavement of the element of fire. Every year around the 6th season (known as the Pushnagatt Sequencial), Pushnagatt builds enough fury to rain his divine vengeance (known as Glassagow upon the worlds' surface.

Cultural Information

Whilst the culture of Delsauria is a fairly traditional one born from modern Nepleslian nationalism and pride, the Delsaurians species has a unique sub-culture that has only escalated with the re-discovery of the Delsaurian Sandtrouncer and the divide of merchant beliefs. Many Delsaurians, in either name or species, believe in the value of coin and merchandise. This has formed them into a significantly hardy and economically-driven culture that prioritizes the betterment of one's business and wealth.

The other end of it, however, is far more traditional and even spiritual in an odd twist. These are often comprised of those who have begun to live underground and in close-proximity with the Sandtrouncers and within the Delsaurian Dusk industry. Many of these individuals have taken a profound cultural pride in growing fungal farms, harvesting the seeds used in Dusk, and caring for these beasts to promote a strong ecology on the world. In terms of the use of this culture, this has shown with the initial return of fertile soil below-ground and even low-fertility soil near the cave entrances. Initial successes have allowed parks to be made that boast this nurturing culture's success, with hardy, dry-land grasses being imported and grown.

OOC Notes

Legix updated this article on 2018/03/11 9:14. The update was approved here by Wes.

Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameDelsauria
Map Coordinates1379,1415
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesstar system

system/delsauria.1708281650.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/18 10:40 by hollander