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Ke-M2-W2904 Flamethrower

Designed for used with the Ke-M2 "Mindy" Series of Power Armor, the W2904 is a high-powered portable flamethrower. It fires either a jet of intense flaming gel or a powerful spray of ionized plasma. Its range is about 20 meters, and it is primarily used against unarmored or lightly armored personnel in close quarters combat such as boarding actions. It is for atmospheric use only. In space, it'd be largely ineffective (maybe melt some poor girl's spacesuit but that's about it).

The flamethrower consists of a central barrel and an ignition chamber/accelerator, with a barrel shroud covering most of the barrel. The grip (and overall coloration) is based on that of the standard Ke-M2 "Mindy" Series of Power Armor. Fuel is stored in a cylindrical container on the weapon's underside, or is aquired via tube from a larger, armored container backpack that attaches to the Mindy's back weapon hardpoint. Fuel lasts approximately one minute for the cylinder and 5 minutes for the backpack. The rifle cylinder is neither armored and only lightly insulated. The material used to make the fuel does not freeze (but it could overheat and ignite, if you kept it too close to a sun or something).

NOTE: The Mindy armor itself is largely fire-immune, anyway (not like there's really any flammable material on it either).

OOC Notes

Written by Wes. Approved by doshii_jun on March 1, 20071).

stararmy/weapons/ke-m2-w2904_flamethrower.1679256844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:49 (external edit)